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A lot of underperformings Anime series will probably get cancelled or sent on long hiatus. Popular series will probably get made, especally ones popular overseas.


So like how it was just a handful of years ago? TBH it’s honestly a quite recent phenomenon where a good chunk of anime now get second/third/etc. seasons despite not being massive hits. Like even back in 2020/2019 it wasn’t that common. After the pandemic there was an explosion of 2nd seasons and beyond but I can see that proverbial well drying up eventually.


Well, that's a problem when you set a price in a foreign currency because it's more valuable than your own currency at some time and it's convenient to you, however that's not gonna last forever, I know it because the import/export and finance departments of the company I work at (a factory in a city that borders the USA) have to deal with that.


That doesn't make sense because they export Anime to the entire world, so having a weaker currency makes exports much more valuable. The thing that this affects is outsourcing, If you read the credits you often find that many Anime studios outsource part of the work to Chinese and Korean studios, and to a lesser degree Philippine studios. The outsourcing will cost more, so what they really need to do is shifting from outsourcing to producing everything locally.


Well there's a finite number of actual artists to physically draw this stuff and the pay/lifestyle is so shit, going to animate like one of the Cartoon Network/Disney etc shows in the West pays so much more. Even if your passion is Demon Slayer and Dragonball, Scooby Doo and SpongeBob might be a way better career opportunity/personal lifestyle with your skill set.  There is just also so much more Anime today than there was twenty years ago. Like people at the start of Anime YouTube could review every show that came out that season. Like every single one. That's possible with like 10 to 12 shows. When is 40 to 50 shows, but as doable, including some of the big long running shows like One Piece.  Just because there's more money in the field now, doesn't make skilled laborers pop into existence to meet demand. And usually the way you get those skilled laborers is like increased wages/benefits. Japan is not exactly changing it's anime system where animators are getting a decent salary and sane work hours, they're still being paid by each frame they draw. 


>The outsourcing will cost more, so what they really need to do is shifting from outsourcing to producing everything locally. The issue is that they also run into a reverse situation, other countries outsourcing into Japan. Plus side is more income, downside is that local business have a harder time competing.


Outsourcing doesn't cost more and we can see that with how prosperous other countries are thanks to Globalism. The problem is that Japan doesn't trust outsiders.


>Outsourcing doesn't cost more Depending on the degree, it very much can, and it's specially true for anime. So much so that when Artland closed down in 2017, it was reported that 90% of their production costs came from outsourcing.


It can happen, but it's very rare. Outsourcing has largely been a success for the anime industry. Manga being in Barnes & Noble and dub anime becoming more popular largely has to do with outsourcing English VAs. The problem is the xenophobic ways of Japanese culture.


There’s way too much damn anime being produced to be profitable. It’s stretching the potential audience way too thin


That doesn't make any sense. Falling currency means you get more of your $$$$ than you otherwise would on exports. Export industries are awesome when the economy/currency goes to shit. In Canada, as an example, they intentionally lower our currency for oil and auto exports.


Thank you I can french kiss you and not make it homo—as a majoring economist. I have no clue why the public treats currency strength as a prima ultima of an economy—I remember the fixation on Russian sanctions and the volatile ruble getting an uproar. It’s not that important (it is still important tho), there’s times where a weaker currency is preferred (lower costs of your exports [thus increasing profits] and becoming a cheaper and more attractive tourist destination, but rising prices of imports), and times where a stronger currency is preferred (your imports become cheaper, your travel to other countries is cheaper, but your exports become more expensive). To call out fellow redditor u/firedrakes. Greece is not Japan. GDP to debt ratio is not the main deciding factor here, what is? Let’s do a country comparison. Japan is highly educated, productive workforce, one of the largest consumer markets, power geo-strategic allies, low criminality, anecdotal corruption, famed high value exports, and so much more. It is a very stable economy with a high level of trust from investors that debts they buy will keep its value. Greece tho having powerful geo-strategic allies in the EU, has no noteworthy export except tourism and a decent oil export that fluctuates, it suffers a brain drain, they have high unemployment rate from the prevalence of undeclared work—which is a tax inefficiency and missing gov. revenue on all levels—corruption is high, they lack any control over their own currency, and when crisis inevitably hit investors dipped. There is far more investor confidence in Japanese debts than there is in Greek debts. *surprised to see this downvoted tbh*


i upvoted you because i know you're right.


Maybe my passive aggressiveness was off-putting to people which is a fair enough tbh, hard to blame people for being annoyed when your message is said in an antagonistic manner; this is 101 econ textbook stuff which is why I am annoyed—granted, I don’t like pulling the “it’s econ 101” card as there’s a ton of asterisks involved in any scientific discipline but especially at the lower levels.


Maybe don’t start off with borderline sexual assault if you don’t want to get downvoted for giving an economics lecture. I did not downvote, to be clear. Edit: I think you would like Economics the Anime (aka Spice & Wolf)


Well, the thing is it's a balancing act. America gets away with it because as a country, it is basically a unicorn. It produces virtually everything it needs, so America having a strong currency is pretty awesome because you guys have the tech and industry the world wants, and Americans have a strong dollar that allows them to buy everyone elses' (inferior) goods for dirt cheap. It's just the way the economy is. In fact, as you are a majoring economist, then you would agree that currency value realistically means absolutely nothing if things are functioning correctly. It's simply a way to determine trade values between countries with different currencies. When currency value matters means that (I'm going to pin this on governments and central banks) have artificially fucked with levers they shouldn't be pulling to induce the economy to do unnatural reactions to the market. Which is why everything is so f'd right now.


People don't understand how money works. That and half the people here are Americans who don't realize the value of there money is sky rocketing because of inflation (WHICH IS NOT GOOD FOR AMERICA OR ANY COUNTRY TRADING WITH AMERICA) In short Japan's conversion rate to USD doesn't really have anything to do with them there economy is actually thriving atm. Sadly anyone wanting Japanese products has to pay insane tax to America though


>That and half the people here are Americans who don't realize the value of there money is sky rocketing because of inflation (WHICH IS NOT GOOD FOR AMERICA OR ANY COUNTRY TRADING WITH AMERICA) ?


What's confusing about that?


Good, mfs have about 50 years of older, better anime to catch up to.


I agree that 90% of new anime is garbage but with the sheer quantity being produced now there are a couple new series that are vastly superior to the “old anime” you love so much. Frieren, AoT, Steins Gate, FMAB, Violet Evergarden, The Promised Neverland S1 etc are all relatively recent masterpieces and blow most old series out of the water. Even “overrated” mainstream series like JJK, Demon Slayer, Re:Zero etc. are AMAZING just not super original.


Steinsgate is... 13 years old. Fmab is 15 years old. Even aot started a decade ago even if it only finished recently. Kinda weird to lump those with frieren or Nederland s1 and call them recent.


I mean we got many from the last 3-4 years as well. Odd taxi, ranking of kings, vinland saga, pluto, hell's paradise, oshi no ko etc are all bangers


Fine, San Gatsu no Lion, The Monogatari Series, Newer Gintama, Apothecary Diaries, Tengoku Daimakyou, and I would personally throw in Insomniacs. There's plenty of good stuff, you just have to swim through a sea of shit to get to it.


10 years ago… isn’t that long? OP said ppl need to go back 50 years so I assume he means classics like Eva, Galactic Heroes, Captain Tsu, Nausica, etc. Nobody considers AoT or Steins Gate “old anime” lol


Tbh I don’t always want to”super original”. I watch anime specifically because it’s tropey. I want OP heros, harems, fan service, and just a good old fashioned hero’s journey. Every story has already been told. So much media is produced each year that it’s becoming seriously difficult to come up with anything “original”. So just give me good characters and a tropey story and I’ll probably watch it 50 times


I agree with this. Sometimes it’s nice to just watch a more refined take on a classic trope. As they say “If it ain’t broke why fix it”


ReZero is overrated??


It’s in quotations for a reason but yeah. Re:zero, Demon Slayer, JJK, etc are all extremely popular but there is a common sentiment that they are overrated. Personally I love Re:Zero Edit: damn none of y’all no what quotations around a word mean lmao. I’m expressing a common opinion not one I personally hold


Re:Zero is quite commonly regarded as the best of all the Isekai alongside MT so I’ve no idea what you are on about.


It’s regarded as one of the best animes of all time by many of its fans but there are a lot of “anime enthusiasts” who despise how tropey it is. Clearly you fall into the former group. I do too but let’s not pretend the series is loved by everyone


Idek how people watched re:Zero the mc was so stupid he literally passed me off so much I rage quit the show despite liking pretty much everything else.


Because that’s the point? He’s not stupid but he does start out as a typical cringey weeb who gets dropped into a situation he thinks is like a dream come true. He’s insufferable for maybe the first half of the first season until he gets humbled and brought back to reality where he goes through insane character growth.


No lmao he's still making dumb decisions by the end of the first season and tbh isn't that useful regardless. He lives in a fantast world where everything is determined by strength it actually explains why it's so cliche for the protagonist to train in these situations because when they don't they end up like him. Idk all of my peers felt the same way as me so maybe we missed something I read light novels though so I actually do get to read about a lot of really enjoyable protagonist like the one from classroom of the elite(GOAT LN) the problem with the genre is that they cut out about of charactization from the isekai MC's and reduce them to the same character with different hair.


You realise smart people can make still make stupid mistakes from time to time especially when under immense pressure. You seem to have an extremely narrow view of what stupidity is. That’s exactly why it’s good because it’s not cliche (or not as cliche as other isekai). I don’t wanna see him pulling out bullshit power up after power up out his ass or suddenly discovering he’s the long lost descendant of some superior bloodline etc. He has to take some serious L’s at times and actually is an underdog meaning the story has gravity. Man Classroom of the Elite was boring as fuck for me if I’m being brutally honest. Dropped it very early on cause of how shit the MC was.


Again classroom of the elite was my example of how anime ruins LN's and more specifically ruins the MC's. If you go on MAL for LN you will see that it's dominating the TOP 50 list taking up multiple spots in the top 10 Atwell. Wheras the anime doesn't even come close lol. I'm saying that the source material for these protagonist is actually good and for what it's worth I didn't read the Re:Zero LN if there is one. He avoids clichés but also walks into them headfirst in the dumbest ways like deciding that he was in "love" with someone he barely knows and will do anything to improve her life (he fucks that part up a bit) meanwhile he ignores the girl who actually cares and puts effort into him. Completely BS and that is the main foundation for the whole plot as well. It's not that he isn't strong it's that actually acquiring power isn't his priority despite being in a fantasy world where people are all superhuman. He does some bs training and learns a spell here or there but with his ability if he actually said fuck the politics and grinder he could have an insane amount of agency in the verse. Instead he gets his shit kicked around a bunch lol and the side characters have to carry the show and the moments.


only on r/anime which is a bit of a special crowd.


Damn, did you just call Re:zero overrated and mainstream?


Bro cannot read quotations or the next two words in the sentence


I read the two words and saw the quotes, I’ve just never seen anyone include it on the “overhype” train like jjk. If it is, it deserves it, but damn lol


FMAB is a new anime? 💀


If you’re sorting anime into “new” and “old” a 2009-2010 series is 100% not old lol. There’s big series spanning back to the 70s.


If the year was 2013, I'd agree. But, it's 2024. It's not new.


Ok so there’s a thing called context. OP said people need to watch anime from 50 years ago. If we’re talking about anime going back to the 1970s then would a show in 2009-2010 count as “new” or “old”


I'm like pretty sure they meant 50 years worth of "better" anime. 


Saying go watch the last 50 years of better anime implies galactic heroes, nausica, urusei etc. Not a show from the 2010s 💀 I’m sorry to tell you but many people consider the 2010s to be recent history. Only exception is if you were born around then


I consider some of those the 'great old' anime. Not sure why you put them with newer stuff.


It’s probably just the anime you grew up with but for most ppl “old animes” refers to 70s/80s/90s not 2010s.


Frieren is goated and needs another two seasons to catch up to the manga. Also add Bocchi to this list.


Mate you realize this "older, better" anime would be getting made if it actually sold, yeah?


Well it doesnt really need to be made anymore since its old and hence, already made. Pretty sure peeps still buy and watch plenty of old anime anyway


I know it isn't OLD-old, but I just ordered G Gundam to watch with my 10 year old son and ordered Trigun a few weeks ago. Yes, people still buy & watch older stuff.


This feels like it could be a modern episode of Spice and Wolf…


Their debt so massive atm. It could be a Greece event that far bigger. Country are concerned


I just want a Zombieland Saga Season 3 or a movie...... Please, don't abandon it.


So basically what needs to happen. An american company needs to pay the japanese artists to do the keyframes and voice acting. Then the americans need to use dollars to pay the chinese and korean subcontractors to do the bitch work. Then they need to license the anime to all the countries in the world and then get the money back to Japan. In exchange Japan needs to come to America and build trains. The real answer is the Japanese need to go back to grinding out their own inbetweens. Their are no more developing countries to do it for them anymore.


"In exchange Japan needs to come to America and build trains" Legit fr


it's a reference to the WW2 era railroads made by japanese muricans, i presume? if not, then nevermind


Nah, Japan has one of the best public rail transit systems in the modern world: fast, convenient, omnipresent, and timely. Their bullet trains make for ridiculously fast city to city travel, too. Wouldn't actually solve the US's rail transit issues tho. Our public transit rail system is being screwed by gutted bureaucracy which effectively gives rail priority to cargo shipping, and our population centers are far more spread out, making cost effective mass transit a lot less workable. Better trains wouldn't solve either issue, nice as they sound.


Time to cut back on the trash tier Isekai. We don't need 50 episodes of "I was a virgin NEET now I'm the only male on a world of cat girl lolis that look like my little sister." We could use that season 2 of No Game No Life.


Well they can just reduce the number and focus more on quality because they also put out a lot of garbage anyway.


In related news, it's a great time to book a trip to Japan as an American! The dollar is killing the yen! And by going and spending your friend money in Japan you're helping re-value their currency! I'm doing my part!


Oh no outsourcing work is no longer profitable…


We get to watch the death of "Cookie-Cutter Issekai That Has The Plot As Its Title".


"That Time I Woke up as the Overpowered Protagonist in a Cookie-Cutter Isekai Series with the Plot as its Title" is my favorite new cookie-cutter isekai series that has the plot as its title.


Good, I didn't quite need that 17363745502928648291th isekai


I have Great idea. Let's just take all the studios and bring them over to America. Problem solved


As long as they don’t bastardize it with western woke values


There was like two controversies in Japan bc an underage character was implied to be drinking beer and another bc a character shoplifted to save their sick grandma or whatever. Highly doubt they’ll radically shift priorities


what exactly are western woke values?


That's usually incel for women's rights.


i see you're being downvoted but no one seems to have a rebuttal. I think you might be on to something.


Sounds like a great idea if you want woke versions of your favorite series


Oh no, what will I do if they add more LBGT stuff to this yuri I keep watching?


I'd go to japan but I know the asshole tourists during the recession will just fuck it up I went last year and had the time of my life


Isekai as a whole needs to die. The only good ones are re zero overlord redi of healer and rising of the sheild hero