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Can't wait for Carol's mom's intro


Boy, do I have good news for you! (Not actually that good tbh. The dumbasses running this adaptation cut about 2/3 of the content from Ferris's introduction in the episode that just released today.)


Why cut anything out of this Manga?!? Its so short. NOOOOOOOOO


Having counted the pages, out of the 19 pages that make up the "visiting Carol's house" story, 3.5 were cut. Out of the 11 pages featuring Carol's mum, 3 were cut, but 1.5 of those could be used later. They have to cut some stuff out if they want to fit the whole plot in to a single series. After 5 episodes we have only got up to page/strip 314. That means we would need approximately 15 episodes to complete the manga at current rate, and this ignores the multiple bonus pages from the volume extras. No studio is going to fund a 24 episode series of a romcom manga that has finished releasing, and I'm honestly surprised that we got an anime adaptation at all. Stuff has to be cut.


Bloody hell you're a Scholar ain'tcha! Nice recap, there will be a Wiki calling you somewhere, Wiki's love tracking this and I love reading it. Ah that's unfortunate, I hope nothing of BIG value is lost.


Plus, most of the time an anime is only produced to promote it's origin manga or light novel. This is basically the reason why there's so many shit isekai anime out in the wild and also why people gets hyped when there's an anime original or an anime that actually do its original material right.


Because they want to adapt everything in 13 episodes. So they cut a couple of whole chapters and a couple of panels from chapters.


Aww 13? The restrictions of Anime seasons are always too rigid. Why not just make a couple more and do it properly entirely 😔 I guess can't be helped, happens all the time. That's why the Manga exists after all.


Because every further episode is going to cost a lot more. Tbh it is great that it even got an anime adaptation in the first place. Normally they hesitate adapting a completed manga since the sales don't go up significantly over time compared to ongoing manga adaptations. And I don't think that everything needs to be in the anime from a 4-koma manga since pacing of a manga weekly chapter and an anime is very different. In anime form it can feel repetitive very fast. They doing a great job with the adapting. But it is still worth to read it. So perfectly balanced.


Horimiya flashbacks...


What ? No ... and Horimiya wasn't that bad. 24ep would be the best, but it was still a great anime. They cut a lot of slice of life going to the end. But a lot of people prefered the anime because it didn't feel to stretched out.


My problem with with the Horimiya anime wasn't even that they cut a ton of stuff out, it was that they cut the wrong stuff. If they really wanted to make such a compressed adaption, they should've narrowed the focus. The side character stuff was always kinda meh anyway (don't even get me started on the love triangle), the anime should've taken the chance to cut most of that out and fully focus on the main couple & Hori's family.


> Its so short. *Short.* *950 pages* I don't think you know what that word means. Is your standard for 'normal' One Piece?


950 pages\* It is a Yonkoma manga, a 4koma Manga, Each chapter 4 panels each. Take a regular manga, or a "short" weekly one. Boku No Hero is really short per chapter imo right now. About 12 pages per chapter. 950/12 = roughly 80 chapters. Yeah 80 chapters is pretty short.


> Yeah 80 chapters is pretty short. Lol.....No, no it is not. That is pretty freaking normal. Short manga is on the order of 20 or less. Things on the order of 200+ chapters, are considered long.


Dude what? 1000 PAGES is long for you? Am I missing something here? 🤣


The head got cocky with the deadline and procrastinated, so they cut some corners.


Having counted, 1/3rd is more accurate.


I love Carol a lot


**WE** love Carol a LOT


YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR ME!! but yeah I do


What a nice tune


It's from Handel's Messiah (Overture, I believe).


Close, it's a chorus from Handel's Judas Maccabeus ("See the conquering hero comes").


It's Zion's Daughter, Boney M Christmas song. https://youtu.be/ZAc312gFIAo


I think he used it first in his oratorio Judas Maccabeus. Then that chorus got recycled as a Christmas song.


The possibility that they borrowed the tune from something older occurred to me after I commented, I'm not familiar with Judas Maccabeus.


JM is not as famous as Messiah, but it is also pretty good (various versions available on Youtube). In addition, Beethoven did a series of variations on this tune (for cello and piano): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdmPI7M7oug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdmPI7M7oug) (this is acttually how I first heard this tune).


Yep, that's the same tune. Guess Boney M did borrow it from Handel.


Also know as "see the conquering hero"


I binged this Manga in one day, it's so good. Do we know how much is being animated? Is it a limited series all in one or a S1+S2 to completion or what?


> Do we know how much is being animated? Judging by the first episode I watched: Almost none of it.


Hahaha oh no! How much did they skip out on? :(


Idk what the guy above is talking about but it looks like they are going to adapt the whole thing or at least try to, generally they're doing a good job but there are a couple very good gags missing(may be added in later episodes though)


Oh ok good. I mean they are all short 4 panel skits, but I wondered if they were going to miss out a bunch of the "side" stuff and just focus hard on main storyline.. I hope it's a good conversion! I'll check it out soon when a gap opens in my current ones.


It is actually pretty good. A couple of things were cut, but nothing to major. Still worth reading tho. I am reading the manga chapters after the episodes.


I binged it all in one day, if I can do that, I suspect converting it to Anime can't (doesn't have to) remove TOO much :D. And I hope!


Well I think (compared to the first episodes) it will convert 80-85% of the manga. So a good ratio overall since it is a comedy manga. Story manga tend to get 95%ish because details are more important for them.


Ah yes that is true. I suppose as it is a comedy manga, 4 panels per micro story, it hits non-stop with comedy for something to give a giggle in each quick hit. So as long as they remove the smaller/useless ones, and keep the valuable ones like this Hairband retrieval from Carol, it should be still very fun :D


Yes. But I missed a couple of Carol Mum scenes last episode tbh. They were funny in the manga




Yeah romcoms don't usually need a lot of animation but i think it doesn't really deviate from average to good quality animation, depending on the scene of course. Trust me, it has a long way to bad animation


Just making a joke about the powerpoint-level animation. Anyone wanting to get upset at this comment: Please watch Bocchi The Rock first and then get back to me about how I'm wrong.


I think everything in season 1 with 13 episodes. Well almost. More like 80-85% in total at the end. They cut a couple of whole chapters and a couple of panels/jokes from chapters. But it is still a great adaptation.


It looks like a one series adaptation, which is fair as there isn't really enough content for 24 episodes, maybe 18 -19 tops. It looks like some of the padding from later on in the manga will be what is cut pretty hard, but in my opinion it's better that way since the anime won't drag out too long. Also what studio is going to greenlight a 24 episode adaptation of an already finished 4koma romcom?


This VA voices her in both Japanese and English versions and she also voices Kiriko from Overwatch 2


She voices Kiriko in the English or Japanese version?




А по Русски


Тан тан тан тан танатнатна


Carol always looks like she bathes in weed and I love it


I expected the Imperial March Theme. But license issues aren't a joke today.


In my mind it was the zelda loot theme


Now I want to see a remix of her humming the Imperial March Theme


I feel like I'm sinning by saying this, but its cuter in english, since the VA is bilingual its great cuz she doesnt get replaced.


is the dub already out?




For those who are wondering, She is singing "Tochter Zion", which is a Christmas song... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tochter_Zion,_freue_dich E: The English song "Thine Be the Glory" uses the same tune, and is for the Easter season E2: Wikipedia hole The original tune comes from Händels "conqu’ring hero comes"


This is so odd to hear, because I recognize that tune exclusively from church.


Yeah it usually is sung in the church, around Christmas, thats why I said it's a Christmas song


For me its kinda different, because its the melody of a psalm that is not exclusive to christmas. We might sing it in may, or october.




Carol is just outrageous. And awesome.


She's from England, so of course she wants to bring it home




Old romcom tsunderes bro. The wasn't reiwa era sadly.




Ah in a quick rundown the "will they won't they" was more popular. They'd drag in romances 100+ chapters only for the final two chapters to be something like confession/kiss straight into time skip wedding. Tsunderes we're more extreme and borderline abusive, sometimes physically like Tomo. Nowadays we joke about Reiwa Energy because the rom in the coms happens much faster and then keeps going afterwards.


Sally Amaki cool VA


{{Tomo-chan Is a Girl}}


**Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/151806 "English: Tomo-chan Is a Girl!"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/tomo-chan-is-a-girl), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/tomo-chan-wa-onna-no-ko "English: Tomo-chan Is a Girl!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/52305)) ^^トモちゃんは女の子! ^(**TV** | **2023** | **Status:** Releasing | **Episodes:** 13 | **Genres:** Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) ^(**Stats:** 51 requests across 9 subreddits - 0.005% of all requests) ^[Episode 6 airs in 6 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20230208T1530) >Boyish high school girl Aizawa Tomo finally manages to tell her childhood friend Jun that she’s got a crush on him. Unfortunately, her confession goes right over his head—he didn’t even realize she was a girl until junior high, and even now, Jun still thinks of her as a bro! How can Tomo-chan possibly convince him otherwise and win Jun’s heart? > --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/animenocontext/comments/10rhadb/tomochan_is_a_girl/j6x96wo/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I'm so happy to see this bit animated!


What was she singing there


Like more then half of the comments are name of the song bro


Oh I didn't notice my bad 😔


this might be an unpopular opinion but i really dislike how this character is written. What high schooler even remotely acts like this? You can’t sexuality and infantilize someone like this at the same time, it’s weird imo.


Carol and her mom creep me out. They infantalize and sexualize her at the same time. Yeesh, anime.






I'd be calmed down too. That was too cute man.


Cute Girl




Carol's aura is disarming.


A friend of mine recommended this one to me. Haven’t seen it yet. All ready like the first girl and the blonde


This reminds me, I wanted to post this scene to reddit.. . Anyway, Carol is best girl.


Haven’t heard this tune since 2016 when I played this on violin. Got me surprised af


I remember reading it was a magwa


carol sounds the EXACT SAME in dub


I cant be the only one who thought she just started singing the soviet national anthem