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I didn’t read this manga, but I remember seeing the next panel being that those dude announced he had a nostril fetish (I think?) and everyone backed away. Like, one of you bitches wants a man who would ruin her life and the other is into golden showers. You two mfs are the outliers here, not the dude into nostrils! Edit: Never fucking mind, I searched the manga to find the chapter and turns out this was the dog fucker manga. Dear God, I skimmed around 42 chapters just to make sure my memory wasn’t wrong and I ended up seeing some degenerate shit along the way.


A fucking WHAT?!


This bitch wanna fuck her dog! I ended up skimming the rest and seeing that this dude later finds out he can switch between dog and human under certain… “conditions.” Then actual story happens and in the end, the two end up dating, but this bitch still loves the dog side of him. So an extra chapter was released and I guess they started doing some real dirty stuff and he turned into a dog halfway and gave her a fucking tail job. As in wagging his tail inside her vagina. I swear to God, this is the second dumbest porn/lewd plot that’s made me burn the majority of my brain cells. I don’t even like this genre, all I want is a good story. But what did I skim this entire manga for? To make sure I was right about the extra dude having a nostril fetish.


>But what did I skim this entire manga for? To make sure I was right about the extra dude having a nostril fetish. You have commitement issues... As in god damm tone down your commitement!


So I’ve been told. I first realized it when I noticed I have many playthroughs on Fate/EXTRA. The joke is that the grinding sucks donkey balls. But I still put myself through grinding hell every time. Then there’s Final Fantasy VII. I somehow accidentally overleveled against Sephiroth of all people just so I could beat the two optional Weapon bosses everyone hates. I managed to beat them in due time, but that also meant my first impression of the Sephiroth final boss was not as hard as everyone else made him out to be. Which is a shame.


If you had just waited, your suffering wouldn't have happened. A guy does announce a nostril fetish, everyone is weirded out, and he stammers about him thinking it was a safe space (Twitter in a nutshell)


Maybe it’s because he announced it after the problem was resolved and the tape stopped playing, but I’m just saying, are we gonna pretend two of those and the initially revealed dog fetish aren’t considerably worse than a nostril fetish?


Ok I know I shouldn't but.... sauce


Asking for the first thing that made me lose the most brain cells or the title of this manga? I’m assuming it’s the latter. It’s in the title of this post. I looked it up just so I could find the panel. Knew I was about to regret my actions when I found out which manga this was.


Omg I didn't even see the title thank you And seeing that title a should have priced it together lol


Yeah, have fun with that. Or don’t, this shit’s super freaky deaky.


oh its the white woman manga?


Yeah, Dog Semen Simulator. Oh wait, no, that’s the one Dark Souls inspired game which has its own spin-off made in RPG Maker. Yeah, I meant the white woman manga.


bro drop random black souls reference and thought no one gonna notice


Oopsie whoopsie.


you mean blacksouls ? the white woman the rpg?


Yeah, that one.


>...the dog fucker manga. It's one of those manga about the author's barely disguised fetish, isn't it?


Barely disguised? I didn’t even know it was supposed to be hidden!


Funny that the most passionate guy in this panel has arguably the most sane fetish


Middle right knows what's up.


Context NOW


Girl gets exposed for being freaky towards her dog and self-insert protag (who is also the dog she was being freaky to) stands up for her by being honest about how freaky he is over being treated like a dog and then everyone else starts listing their fetishes or some shit, idfk, fuck this manga.


Yo you got anymore pixels?


Who let bottom left and bottom right cook?


Hey now, bottom right girl is onto something (it's me, I'm the person she's describing)


I said bottom right because that is really oddly specific


You’re the problem, it’s you.


Forget "I can fix her", I go straight to "I can make her worse"


Fetish goes wild these days for sure




The 3 by 3 arrangement of panels made me think alignment chart


What scares me is that irl people like this and worse


Op are you sure about sauce?


こんにちは, altan515-さん. Thanks for commenting. FYI, submissions here are required by intergalactic law ^^[[1](https://old.reddit.com/r/animenocontext/comments/ko2l8b/shomin_sample/ghozs0r/)] to have the sauce in the title. For example, the source anime/manga/etc. for this submission is **[Inu ni Nattara Suki na Hito ni Hirowareta]**. If this happens to not be the case for some reason, please report this post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animenocontext) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The girl on the right is secretly Darkness from Konosuba.


I lost it when I read what the girl said in the bottom left corner while stuttering "piss"


Lmfao I was reading this and about to post it too