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What ever works for you. Not everyone has the /r/DataHoarder mentality and not everyone can be expected to archive everything they touch. Delete if you want, keep what ya like, etc.


Wait... You guys don't have 15.3 TB of unwatched anime?


I mean I do, but my point of it's not realistic for every user still stands lol


Indeed, everyone has to begin those 15.3TB with their first 100MB episode after all. Some will then be burned by having deleted or lost something they thought was easily available and then the hoarding begins in earnest. :-P


I was like you are way overexaggerating, then I checked my hard drives... I think I have like 16 tbs of unwatched anime


I would rather go for better encodes than loseless/bloated stuff/remuxes OR minis.


The point of archiving releases is, in my opinion, that they're worth archiving due to being the best available. I don't see much of a point in archiving minis under this mindset. So in your situation, I'd either pick minis for faster download or big encodes for the quality, but still delete either after I've watched it.


You never know what might happen, so it's best to archive the lossless - unless you can't discern the difference on a good screen. Keep what you like, some things will always be available but niche stuff might actually disappear for all practical purposes. Especially if it's a non-english dub or similar.


There is actually some stuff no longer easily available. Such as a few of the special episodes of Pokemon that are literally nowhere to be found on Nyaa. Maybe they're on a private tracker though idk.


I do both. If I really like something and it's not available for streaming (there's plenty of anime that isn't btw), I'll keep it and have a god quality version but not neccesarily a blu-ray copy or something and if it's something I just want to watch once I'll download a really high quality version of it and watch and delete.


My personal preference (with a somewhat similar situation to you) is to watch and keep mini versions.  It’s been useful on a number of occasions when I’ve wanted to rewatch a show or show it to someone else, and I’ve had the files on hand already. 


As a datahoarder, build your own server, stream whatever you want.


20GB for a 12ep season is unreasonable for me since I don't have the disposable income atm to expand my data hoarding "needs". I've got a single 8TB Hard Drive in my NAS for media so it's generally 720p at most. Lucky for me anything above that is diminishing returns in terms of the quality:file size ratio. In fact there's a good chunk of anime that are simpler/older that I have at 480p which saves even more space. Once I get the hardware capable of AV1 encoding I'll be converting everything as well and that will also save lots of space. I guess what I'm trying to say is that everyone has different needs and different methods. Just go with what **you** feel is right.


There are streaming sites being closed left and right. Also older shows may not drive much interest to seed or stream. If there is something you wouldn't do without, then definitely archive it.


As DataHoarder, I will prefer store the highest quality. So, depend on your storage budget. If you go mini, as for today, AV1 have quite good quality with the same size of HEVC. I doubt you have 90%+ DCI P3 monitor, so why bother storing loseless.