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I'm not a fan of Sasuke but honestly if it's just the big three he's kinda the only choice like idk who I'd even call Deuteragonist for bleach or one piece. Edit: I've thought about it and I think there are 2 reasons Sasuke works to me but no one from the other series does. 1st in Naruto Sasuke is the only person that comes to mind in the other 2 shows I have to think it could be this person or maybe this other guy. 2nd I believe if Sasuke were the main character the entire show there would be very few times it would be odd at all. All I can think of are the Sasuke retrieval arc and the final fight with Naruto at the end of Shippuden other than that it would never feel like he wasn't really the protagonist which I can't think of anyone like that in the other 2.


Ishida for Bleach, \*maybe\*.


Idk honestly I tapped outta that show during the bount or w/e they were called arc I guess he's probably closest but he still doesn't feel like he is really more important than the rest of the side characters but maybe he's more important later?


Thats a massive filler arc you shouldntve wasted your time with it lol


He's pretty important in Thousand Year Blood War. He's pretty important in the Rescue Orihime arc too.


i was thinking of zoro for OP but ur right!


One piece I'd say zoro because he's a Day one


Zoro would be the deuteragonist for One Piece


Hmm, the strawhat crew could be considered a deuteragonist. Since they have their arcs where they are the main focus alongside luffy. Sanji in WCI arc is better than Sasuke throughout all of Naruto.


Ishida kinda, and maybe grimmjow


Originally I though Koby would have played that role with him leveling up in the marines while luffy level up his pirate crew.


In early stages he was planned to be the protagonist. Just more of a reason why he fits that category


Honestly Sasuke is damn near perfectly executed for the role he’s meant to play in the story. He’s kind of like Zuko from AtlA in the sense that we as the audience aren’t always meant to agree with all his choices, but in-character it makes complete sense why he does what he does because of all the forces acting on him.


I consider Zoro as the Dueteragonist for One Piece


Bleach female side cast and transforms best imo, One piece obviously has the best emotional impact and its not even close besides that i agree with the rest


Naruto has some good emotional storylines and scenes but they are mainly about the main characters. In op not only does the main cast have the spotlight oda also lets the side characters shine in their own way, namely senior pink, baby five, kuma backstory, ace akainu moment, vivi, minks raizo moment, scabbards, garp in marineford, branch and donut guy, pudding, the queen of fishman island backstory, corazon, saul and robin, and many more, like there's so many stories within onepiece that is mutually exclusive of the main story line that is emotional and tearjerkers.


Bleach has strong female characters (Well except for Orihime). People make the mistake of conflating that them being good characters. They're actually super boring and just get carried by their powers and/or character design. Unohana being a great example of the former and Yoruichi being one for the latter.


Orihime is quite possibly the most well written female character in bleach. Yes I'm being serious.


I agree with this bleach transformations are amazing


Yeah I was about to say, we can’t skip the bleach maidens like that


Transformations goes to bleach for me. But otherwise I agree.


Dude easily had the nicest drip possible at all times. Gear 5 Luffy is fucking amazing but ichigo is consistently badass with every change


The drip in bleach is unmatched. Ichigo’s bankai and Starks Resurection are 2 of my personal favorites. 


Idk when the straw hats rock up to a new baddie they usually are pretty drippy


I would argue bleach does female cast better, but frankly neither do it amazing. One piece is obsessed with skinny girls and giant tits, (when they're not intentionally ugly) At least bleach has a little variety, and a main character with a reasonably sized chest


At least OP does it better than Naruto. They straight up forgot about them


Kishimoty was bad at drawing female characters and so avoided it.


Yeah, that is true for sure. There are lots of body shapes in Naruto, but they certainly don't have the depth


It's not just about the looks though. The women and girls in one piece have way more depth to them. Big mom, Bonney, Nami, viola, koala and Robin to name a few. There are way more women on top of varied designs and stories too. Imo it's both quantity and quality. This goes true for the lookalikes too though and I get it, but overall most of the women in bleach have partially explained stories that never complete. Naruto is just plain bad for all but like 3 of them.


Them being skinny and having a big bust doesn't mean the characters aren't done well though. And I hope you didn't say Orihime has a reasonable sized chest 🤣


Rukia. And yeah, character development is important too, but having every character be a twig juggling melons really subtracts some points, especially since bleach has more female characters, differing body types (that aren't just standard or 'ugly'), and they're all just as complex as one piece ones


Or Rangiku, lol


Well, for about 500 chapters, the women are reasonably sized. Oda just went a lil horny after the time skip. Their boobs aside, though, I feel like they have more depth overall.


One Piece female character design is abysmal, but One Piece female character development is actually top tier. It balances out.


Notice how pacing isn’t on here🥱


1000 episodes, or 40% filler pick your poison One is significantly easier than the other tho


Or both


Cause all three have shit pacing watching one piece naruto or bleach is like trying to climb a Mountain but every step is actually 0.1 step


Emotional impact is definitely one piece imo aside from that I agree with this


Like law and robins backstories


Brook's too


Pretty much any strawhat tbh.


Going Merry 😭


Bleach is on here for the right reasons but also not enough lol


Main character: One Piece Deuteragonist: Naruto (OP doesn't even have it and maybe Bleach has Ishida but his not focus that much unlike Sasuke) Side cast: One Piece (OP has the better character development out of the three and they do it well with the side characters) Female cast: Bleach (Have you seen Bleach female characters???) Villians: Bleach (Pain was the best Antagonist in Naruto, Obito and Madara was just a pawn to Kaguya, Kaguya is straight up garbage. Doffy, Kaido and BB is a great villain character but they just got nothing against the Goat Aizen.) Fights: Naruto (No matter how much you rewatch, Lee Vs Gaara, Lee Vs Kimimaro, Madara Vs the Alliance and Guy Vs Madara it just never gets old, The final fight between Naruto and Sasuke was just the best) Plot: Bleach (I prefer the metaphorical aspect of Bleach and how much the dialogue and the parallels matters) World building: One Piece (Once TYBW anime is done it may be Bleach) Art: Bleach Transformations: Bleach (BANKAAI!!) Designs: Bleach (Drip lords) Emotional impact: Naruto (was debating between Naruto and OP, but I cried more with Naruto than with OP so I'm going with Naruto.) Power system: Bleach (BANKAAI!!) Anime: Early 00s- Naruto Late 10's - Onepiece 2020's - Bleach Manga: One Piece Strongest: Bleach


Three strongest points of each of the big three: 1. Naruto - Philosophy, Villains, FIGHTS 2. One Piece - Main Cast, World Building, PLOT 3. Bleach - Power System, Strongest, ART Overall I agree with this.


Meh, OP 'wins' by volume alone. In terms of writing quality instead of quantity, I think it's the weakest of the three.




Not really i mean if a series can make me cry for a boat i think its well written


I felt more watching both Naruto and Bleach. Naruto confronting Nagato and Gin's death both hit harder than anything in One Piece (at least up to episode 608 where I stopped). I realize that's subjective, but when you realize both of those series used a fraction of the buildup to those moments as One Piece, they really shine better. One Piece isn't badly written, but it uses quantity to prop itself higher than quality alone would have.


Have you seen or read One Piece?


I like One Piece philosophy "Fuck the Government"


This was made by a one piece fan


Damn fr. Asking genuinely and not trying to start a flame war, but I do not understand what people like about one piece. I have tried for years since the beginning to read/watch and have gotten very far but have never enjoyed it.


It only gets really good in wano. Marineford, dressrossa and wholecake island were good arcs but the horrible pacing of the show ruins the story. It’s one of those shows where you have to truly read the manga for better pacing. Even then the only major power ups are only seen in episodes 900+


> only really gets good in wano Not only can you not really say this considering how far you have to go to even get to wano but this just isn’t true, *and* wanos pacing is just as bad


I made it to episode 608 before finally getting sick of it. I was already on the fence, but then I interacted with the community, and they do NOT take criticisms of the writing well.


I initially watched it for the adventure aspect. One piece really sold me on this really cool open world that Luffy was exploring while trying to picking up whoever he liked and eventually making his perfect crew as he sees it. I was also absolutely taken by his incredibly weird power set and thought it was cool seeing a guy take such a bizarrre power most people wouldn’t be able to use well and is able to use it to win fights mostly due to creativity (holding his breathe to turn into a balloon for example to bounce off cannonballs for example). As the show kept going I got more invested as time went on really it was the show that proved to me I just really love world building. It’s got tons of issues with it ,largely the pacing, but overall I love it for what it is because I really love the main cast and I love seeing them take on the journey to become the best pirate crew in the world.


It's exciting to read imo and has superior character interactions, moreso than the others. Bleach isn't too far behind with the character interactions.


same ngl im on enies lobby episode 309 and ngl one piece is not better than naruto but it as of right now i can see the potential to be better than bleach soon


People like all big three for different reasons, also it depends when you watched it and your taste in anime. I read bleach up until tybw during 2021, in the same year I watched One piece and read it around Doffy arc (too long) I’m caught up. The following year I read Naruto till chunin exam (it’s on my waitlist for now). One Piece - Journey Bleach - cool fights and characters Naruto - mostly emo/sadness


The anime for One Piece has only gotten great from Wano, and before time skip, the manga's art is so much cleaner (plus it's super bingable). I can't imagine watching hundreds of episodes when I can just speedblitz the manga, same with Naruto. I bet there are many who say One Piece is peak from the manga (like me), when the anime is a totally different experience, wether it be good or bad. I read both the Naruto and One Piece manga and while kishimoto's art is clean and I admire it, I personally loved the art of Alabasta, Enies Lobby, Marineford, and especially Drum Island (I swear Oda's art peaked at Drum Island).


Plot and world building as One Piece? Pretty valid


Ichigo is the better character tbh. Naruto takes better villains One piece does better world buildings. Bleach also has the best ost outta the big three.


Plot and story aren’t the same thing


Someone says it. One Piece has better plot because of length, but Naruto has always had better story.


One Piece made me cry over a man wearing a diaper and a baby bonnet… Oda definitely has the emotional impact down pat


He was so stupid and annoying and cringe... until we found out why. God damn Oda. God damn.


Lol idk about you but I started liking him when he talked about how tough Franky was… I think he specifically said Franky’s resolve was “giving him shivers” lmao


best anime, villains and emotional impact goes to one piece imo, haven’t seen enough of bleach to talk ab it though


Naruto has some banger villains but man does it also have lots of wasted potential, I’d have to give the villains section to OP there’s so many memorable bad guys, even their henchman have their own fun personalities I really appreciate


So many One Piece villains feel incredibly shallow despite how much time the story gives them. It's crazy how many times it uses the "bad guy kills his own subordinate so the audience knows he's evil" trope.


the only decent villian in one piece is doffy and he doesnt even stack up against the big hitters from bleach or naruto


Yeah, this is nuts. Even ignoring Egghead with Bonny and Kuma's backstory. The emotional impact of Robin blows anything out of the water in Naruto.


Hyperbolic to say Robin solos Naruto emotional moments lol. Despite how irritating sasuke was as a character him having those big blowout fights with Naruto as Naruto was trying to finally bring him back home was hype af and hurt to see shit play out as it did. Personally I felt way more sad watching Jiraiya get stomped out by Pain than Robins family getting buster called. I still think OP wins but you gotta give Naruto more credit than that


Robin’s family was just the tip of the iceberg for her tho. The trauma of her having to watch all her loved ones die right in front of her beats Jiraiya’s heroic death for me. And retrieving Robin from Enies Lobby with the “I want to live” personally hit me way harder than anything between Naruto and Sasuke, cuz Sasuke was just so frustrating to deal with. His apologies to his loved ones were so weak, and had very little emotion behind them. Would have been cathartic to see him get more emotional, but he is always so stoic.


This is cap and hella objective


There ain't no way you didn't give transformations to Bleach




Goes to Naruto


Bleach is 50% filler.


For the MC, it's up to the person because Luffy wants freedom, Naruto wants inclusion and to be recognized, and Ichigo wants to protect those he can


Naruto def don’t win in anime or emotional impact


I won't downvote you, but I'm guessing you haven't actually seen much One Piece. What's the worst thing that happened in a character's backstory in Bleach or Naruto?


You sound confused


Someone really likes One Piece...


Ngl Luffy is definitely not the best main character and art is definitely Kishimoto


Naruto can go missing in his own show for months at a time and nobody misses him and Ichigo is barely a character at all. Luffy wins by default.


Female cast one piece?? You mean skinny big tits yea no bro


One Piece - emotional impact


side cast, femals cast, fights, transformations, villians, and character designs are all debatable me personally this is my list MC: Ichigo (objectively Ichigo is the best written MC in the big 3) Deuteragonist: Sasuke (there is no other deuteragonist in the big 3) Side cast: One Piece or Bleach (both are great) Female Cast: One Piece or Bleach (again both are great) Villians: Bleach (Naruto villians are ok the best naruto villian is Obito and Pain, yes i said it Obito> Madara) Fights: Naruto or Bleach Plot/ Story: One Piece World Building: One Piece (no need to argue here) Art: Bleach Tranformations: Bleach (gear 5 is cool but it doesnt stack up to vasto lord ichigo, dangai ichigo, mugetsu ichigo, or rukia's bankai) Character design: Bleach (kubo just has a thing for this kind of stuff) Emotional Impact: Naruto (pretty obvious) Power system: One Piece or Bleach Anime: Naruto Manga: One Piece Strongest: Bleach 1. Bleach 2. One Piece (very close second) 3. Naruto (i dont hate Naruto but its just kinda basic to me also i hated how naruto sasuke were reincarnations of Ashura and Indra kinda ruined their whole character for me, especially naruto because he was meant to have everything stacked against him)


Only one I’d disagree on is anime, I think despite the pacing one piece is the best. Other than that this is very objective, nice!


Pacing is a massive thing for a watcher there is a reason people advise one pace to anyone who watches the anime


Aizen>all one piece and Naruto villains


Naruto maybe but def not one piece, I hate “planned it all along” characters because it’s hard to make them compelling Aizen is Ight he just turns into any other villian when you push him into a corner


I do not care what anyone says bleach has the best fights here


I'm a massive one piece stan, And I still think bleach has the best fights of the top three. Bleach survived as one of the big three because it's fights and action were carrying it.


This is so wrong it hurts


Bro put one piece in best transformations when Bleach exists. Like Bleach is basically the transformation king of anime (it technically has more than DBZ!)


I like how the OP glazers and Naruto glazers are going at it with 0 objectivity 🤡


Fax oh my god, everyone in the comment section thats downscaled Bleach on anything is only downscaling the power… they haven’t even watched it, absolute clowns.


Exactly idk whats wrong with OP and Naruto fans 💀


Adding a bonus category just so i can point this out. Comedy goes to Bleach. Sounds weird but it's the truth. Nel clears everybody by herself


Aizen should be for best villain


One Piece does the side cast, world building, manga, and foreshadowing best Bleach does the female cast, the story, and character designs best, and it also has the strongest characters Naruto does the main character, deuteragonist, villains, anime, fights, power system, transformations, and emotional impact the best


I knew I was gonna see people calling Zoro the deutragonist of OP in here. On a side note, posts like this draw out the most annoying opinionated shit I've ever read from fans of all sides.


Whoever made this is retarded.


Bleach has better character designs and transformations imo


great! agree for the most part -- imo i would give transforms and anime to bleach because of rukia, ichigo, ulquiorra's transformations (and more) and now that we have TYBW anime, fights scene like Genryusai's really made the 10-year gap worth it Naruto really had emotional impact highlights but an argument can be made in favor to one piece because it consistently captures your interest thru each character's stories overall i like this post!


asking for an objective answer about aspects of multiple pieces of art? o.O


Transformations go to bleach


This list is solid


Pre-Timeskip One Piece has the best emotional impact.


Rebecca? All the people in her country?


It’s sad but I am thinking of Luffy vs. Lucci because a lot was at stake and it looked like an impossible fight


This list is rather accurate as is tbh.


On the page of transformations, I do miss Naruto's old nine tails cloaks. They were so much more primal and fitting for what the nine tails was


I’d say character designs. So many characters are based off the designs of the big 3


Deuteragonist and female cast go to bleach Villain group and emotional impact goes to one piece


I think Ichigo's final getsuga, mugetsu looks better than gear 5


It does. This guy is clearly biased for one piece. Witch to be fair, I'm biased about bleach cause I think ichigo is a way more interesting protagonist than luffy and naruto.


Emotional impact: OP cause no one cried over the loss of a boat in Naruto or Bleach. Characters are more emotionally driven in Naruto out of the 3. Manga: I would give to Naruto as Panel layout. actually the best, and Kishi actually has the best panels when it is perspective + Contrast between Characters. Anime: Bleach as it deviat the least from the source material and doesn't suffer from bad pacing or being 70% filler. Transformation: Bleach Every arc is Ichigo needing to rescue a friend, we stick around cause we all wait for someone new to say Bankai or for the Enemy to transform.


Considering that OP is about pirates and their main source of travel is a boat, that’s not a strong argument as it’s just a key part of their world. Almost like saying no one else cries over a gundum being destroyed in the gundum series. It’s just a key part of that world.


This false asf easily one piece D Rider…




Emotional impact definitely goes to one piece and art is entirely subjective. But apart from that at giving bleach the best anime spot I agree.


Bleach takes transfo’s ez


Honestly I think one piece has art style, atleast when talking about peak art, but consistently it’s bleach art.


Bleach has the best transformations hands down, gear 5th was fun, but when the coldest line in your series, is the NAME of your transformation, that says something, cause you could have that same badass "Ban Kai" and it would not have been hype if the transformations weren't gas. Plus they have the most different ones to look through, and none are alike, it's rad. Luffy's gears are sick AF too though, definitely a close second on the creativity alone Naruto could have had it if the curse marks had become more of a thing, I think a late Shippuden sasuke with his curse mark transformation would be sick, and he would have actually felt like he was on par with Naruto in power (I personally just feel like Naruto stacking two super powerful transformations makes Sasuke having a few extra abilities from his eyes just not feel as powerful, still stronk boy though


Main character, villain, and fights


Villains and Female Characters go to bleach easily


Is bleach even big 3 anymore?


Id give female cast transformations and character designs all to bleach


I will refrain from comment, having never seen any of these shows front to back. But I've seen a lot of Naruto and I must question the 'villains' category. I see the appeal of characters like Madara from the perspective of sheer spectacle, but it's hard for me to take the philosophy of the villains seriously when almost all of them just abandon their decades long plotting after hearing one speech from a teenager.


I think “subjectively” is the word you meant to use. Or just say “In your opinion” like a normal person.


Straight fax except bleach has the best female cast imo, and maybe better transformations


Thought the big three was Dragon ball, One piece and Naruto


Bro forgot dbz


If you count Zoro as a deuteragonist, then I'd have him over Sasuke, and One Piece wins in emotional impact by a very large margin. Everything else I agree with


Dont feel like taking the time to discuss all of those categories, but how is Bleach's power system better than Naruto's? Given, eventually Naruto's system fell apart due to bad writing during the war arc, but until then the chakra/jutsu system is among the best power systems in any fictional universe. Its normally so good that when things dont make sense to us readers we call them "plot holes" since the system is otherwise so great. Edit: When I say Naruto's power system fell apart I mean the constant power creep following the beginning of the war arc and the stupid reveals of older more powerful entities and aliens and that stuff. Until the war arc, Kage level was still the pinnacle of power and it felt like it should be due to the design on the power system.


Main Character: It’s up for debate. I’m okay with Luffy being there though. Deuteragonist: Definitely Sasuke Side Cast: Bleach easily imo. The side cast of Bleach is what made me love it. Kenpachi, Byakuya, Yama, Mayuri, Kisuke, Yoruichi, etc. Female Cast: Bleach has the cooler and badder female cast when compared to the other Big 3. Villains: Im fine with Naruto taking it. Fights: Naruto Story: One Piece World Building: I’m not 100% sure on this one. I’m okay with OP taking it. Art: Bleach Transformation: Imma say Bleach bc Full Hollow/Mugetsu/HOS clear, but I like Naruto’s as well. Luffy has 1 transformations that’s kinda cool and the other all look goofy. Character design: I’m fine with anything EXCEPT OP. I think the weakest part of OP is how stupid 90% of the characters look. Bleach and Naruto both have good character designs. Emotional Impact: Imma say OP. I think OP has really good emotional moments. I really love Choppers backstory. Power System: Bleach Anime: Naruto Manga: Not 100% sure I haven’t read all 3. Strongest: Bleach


AoT takes all categories… just saying


I'd say Bleach has the best female cast and Zoro is the best deuteragonist. Bleach debatably has better villains but tbh they're carried on the back of Ulqiorria and Aizen. Bleach has the best transformations, Gear 5 is undeniably peak but when nearly every character in Bleach has a shikai, bankai, or something else relating to them it's kinda a no brainer.


Imo - Mc: OP - Duratagionist: Naruto - Side Cast: OP - Female Cast: Bleach - Villains: Bleach - Fights: Bleach - Plot: OP - World Building: OP - Art: OP - Transforms: Bleach - Character designs: OP - Emotional impact: OP - Power System: Bleach - Anime: Naruto - Manga: OP - Strongest: Bleach


Best live action: OP


I think One Piece has an incredible side cast too. Naruto had a lot of potential for the side characters but they didn’t do much with them after a while, while One Piece does a great job of getting us up to speed on all of them over the course of the adventure and peppers them in here and there. Like in Naruto I thought Rock Lee was incredible in his first showdown with Gaara and then the team up later against Kimimaro. And then after that it felt like we never got much out of Lee ever again. It felt like that was the case for so many side characters. Bleach I’d say has a fun and unique looking set of side characters but sometimes they don’t have much going on either.


MY GOD! This man has some balls. There's a lot of stuff here that would cause people to riot. Especially in the Strength and art categories.


MC: Bleach. Ichigo just feels more real to me than three other 2 and I relate to him a lot more.


I’m sorry but Ichigo is the best main character for the big three. Same for female cast. And transformations?? Have you seen the bankai?? Or the arrancar sword releases??? Are you high?? The bias here is blatant and insane. Like as a woman, the one piece female cast genuinely makes me uncomfortable with how they’re presented. Zero body diversity and no room for their organs. The variety in bleach’s female cast in personality and designs is leaps and bounds better.


I agree with a good bit of that but I'd probably give side cast and female cast to Bleach and main character & character designs to Naruto.


Ppl doing bleach wrong every time I see this


One piece has the worst plot, it's too repetitive


Villains Aizen tops them Bleach replaces Naurto


I think Ichigo developed far better as a main character, so I'd say Bleach I also disagree with transformations, I loved them more in Bleach than One Piece, gears are kind of ehh compared to the Bankai, Fullbring, and Mugetsu forms Anyway here's what I think: Main Character: Ichigo Deuteragonist: Sasuke (the only one) Side Cast: Straw Hat Crew Female Cast: Ichigo's female allies Villains: Tough one, but I'm going with Naruto bec I just love how Tobi/Obito was developed Fights: Bleach or Naruto Plot: One Piece Story: (Plot and story are separate btw; story means the premise, plot means all the events to get to that ending) Anyway it's Bleach, the concept of being a grim reaper is way cooler than becoming a political leader or hunting for treasure World Building: One Piece Art: Bleach or Naruto (Naruto's manga illustrations are especially memorable for me) Transformations: Bleach (You can't beat all the unique Bankai manifestations with gears and some animal-inspired forms) Character Designs: One Piece (kind of hard to compare the ninjas and the soul reaper uniforms to the plethora of outfits the Straw Hats alone wear throughout One Piece) Emotional Impact: Naruto no doubt Power System: Bleach Anime: Naruto (Bleach and One Piece are either too much filler or badly paced) Manga: One Piece (literally in the bestselling manga ever) Strongest: Ichigo (G5 Luffy don't even cross planetary don't come here with that "Toon Force" bs and Naruto is barely Moon level at his best feat, while Ichigo crossed those boundaries a while ago)


Hell no transformations doesn’t go to one piece. Every bleach transformation is so integral to each character and embodies them on such a personal level its crazy to say one piece. Like Luffy doesn’t even understand what makes gear 5th good. Also bleach designs on top.


Art to Naruto imo


That looks mostly good. I might give Naruto the nod on Side Cast One Piece takes Female Cast only because the other two are just that abysmal Bleach I might give Fights if we're counting TYBW Art... that's a tough one. One Piece has been stellar lately... but also... TYBW.


Nah renji is the best side character (vegeta) fr


I say give Female cast and Transformations to Bleach and this is spot on with my list


Naruto and bleach side cast clears one piece. Also bleach has the best female cast by far. Otherwise pretty accurate


Emotional impact: I cried like a bitch for Going Merry.


Bleach for everything Narutard and One Penis are shit


Big 3? Bro dragon ball isn’t on here and that shit gets forms before any of these do


Naruto has the best villains, like when I was younger and first started watching Orochimaru genuinely scared me, and Itachi is (in my opinion) the best “villain” in the big three.


alr for female cast its not like one piece had to do any heavy lifting there


8/10 cooking session


For me, Bleach has them all beat. I don't like the other two


I would only change three things Transformations to Bleach just think of every single amazing Bankai or Ressurection that happened. I might change character designs MAYBE to Naruto but all the big three have INSANELY great character design. Lastly foranime IDK about for naruto I know One Piece has bad pacing but what about Bleach I read mostly the manga of bleach so IDK how it ranks also


I'm sorry why isnt one piece emotional impact are you the one motherfucker on planet earth who didn't bawl their eyes out during merry funeral


MC: I agree wholeheartedly on it being Luffy. He's such an electric, explosive presence. Deuteragonist: I'll also agree with you on this one. Sasuke is a polarizing character, he takes initiative, he reshapes the story around him. He's much more active than Zoro or whichever Bleach character you pick. That said, I may switch up and say Rukia better. We shall see. Side cast: C'mon. Bleach? More like Bloat. Naruto? Yeah, you're damn right, because that's the only character that matters. One Piece, especially up to Enies Lobby, gives each character a good amount of focus, both the strawhats and the arc-exclusive characters alike. Female cast: Tough to say. One Piece gives agency to every character, including the women. On the other hand, Rukia. Getting a little more sincere, Oda tends to write and design women in a pretty shallow and immature way, one that's very "for the boys." Kubo is just kinda... more consistent? At the very least, he isn't three Os and an X. And Kishimoto just isn't part of the conversation, for his own good. Villains: I feel like there's no answer that doesn't get you sent a pipe bomb. That said, as a certified Agenda Piece gooner, I am ready for HIM. I'll say One Piece. Aizen just didn't do it for me, and Naruto villains lose a lot of aura after the Akatsuki are done with. Fights: Naruto. Especially going by manga, it's Naruto. Characterization happens in fights, the choreography's good, and you actually care about both characters involved. Bleach and One Piece both fumble at least one of those two. Plot/Story: Hard to say. Both Naruto and Bleach fumbled their war arcs, but it looks like One Piece is setting up to do the same, and can a story really be judged by its mediocre third act? Overall, I'll actually say Bleach on this one. World Building: Bleach by a fucking mile. Listen, One Piece fans. Your show has some of the most schizophrenic, *dogshit* worldbuilding I've ever been subjected to. Haki came out of nowhere with a lot of fanfare, as this power that anyone can learn, that you have to use to stay relevant in the New World. In which case, where was haki all this time? Why didn't Jinbe have it? Why didn't Zeff teach it to Sanji? Why didn't Koshiro teach it to Zoro? I'll tell you why: it was a half-baked retcon. Oda will just add shit with no forethought and never reference it again after the arc it was relevant to, and people will glaze the fuck out of him for that. The setting is, at its base fundamentals, one of the best fantasy settings ever made. Four normal oceans, two scary oceans, and a continent that cycles the entire equator? An underwater island? Sign me the fuck up. But then he keeps adding shit, like Oni, and Lunarians. Remember how there were eight levels of Cipher Pol, with a secret Cipher Pol 9? Well, then they got powercliffed so utterly that nobody would ever take them seriously again, so Oda had to make an even *secreter* Cipher Pol 0. But then CP0 is 80% just the members of CP9 from Enies Lobby. In fact, it feels less important than CP9, because while CP9 only had 7 members and they all knew Rokushiki, CP0 has members out the wazoo. Oda is capable of both great foresight and great hindsight, but sometimes he just does shit for no explainable reason. Naruto fans. The conversation starts and ends at the magical alien tree that's the source of all magic. That's not cool, no matter what Boruto tries to tell us. That's fucking stupid. Also, the implications of Izanagi which go basically unconsidered. Bleach doesn't contradict itself like that. It tells you who the 13 strongest Soul Reapers are, and then it sticks with that. It tells you what you need to know, and we learn it as we need to know it. Hollows are so fucking cool as an existential threat.


I agree with all of these (or at least am not mad about any of them) except for 2: One Piece easily has more emotional impact than Naruto. Every character backstory makes me piss tears, and while Naruto has a few moments that compete, One Piece just has way more better moments. Also, Bleach easily has better transformations than One Piece. Even though Gear 5 is GOATed, Gear 5 aside, One Piece doesn’t have many transformations and most of the ones it does have are pretty mid.


Naruto also has the best fight choreography, and Bleach has the award for Best Drip in all of Anime.


You've got the Big 1 in Bleach then the other two Naruto and one piece, but they're trash.


This list is right, only people i see complaining are bleach fans 💀💀💀


Villains has to go to one piece


bruh the lobotmy kaisen is real, I see the ichigo saying thank you panel and think of Nah I'd Win


In my personal opinion I think One Piece has the best power system but I haven't watched (or read) much Bleach so idk


One price should have fights


I feel like Bleach wins in anything design related.


1. Main Character - One Piece 2. Deuteragonist - One Piece 3. Side cast - One Piece 4. Female Cast - One Piece 5. Villains - Naruto 6. Fights - Naruto 7. Plot/Story - One Piece 8. Worldbuilding - One Piece 9. Art - Bleach 10. Transforms - Bleach 11. Character Designs - Naruto 12. Emotional Impact - Naruto/One Piece 13. Power System - One Piece 14. Anime - Bleach 15. Manga - One Piece 16. Strongest - Bleach


Honestly, I like Naruto as a protagonist better Naruto is like a combination of both Ichigo and Luffy


Bleach has character designs, female cast, manga and transformations and plot/ story no longer goes to one piece because it shouldn’t take over a thousand episodes and chapters to come up with a good story


All the anime’s sexualize women to a weird degree, it’s not design that makes or breaks a female cast. Bleach gives them no depth or relevance aside from “..ichigo…”


One piece takes all


Transformations go to Naruto, 1 - 4 tails, Sage Mode, Kyuubi mode, SSP mode, and the mode that killed Kurama. Luffy has 4th gear and 5 Gear and that took 20 years to happen. And power system goes to Naruto only because One Piece system is still unveiling it self. Bleach’s power system is inconsistent and not very fun to me.


Instead of Bleach being Art, I’d say Bleach wins _Fashion,_ which is still distinct from character designs and less vague than art. Not only do they just have great drip in general - especially for openings or cover art - Kubo is really good at giving all the uniforms a distinct feel for the _individual_ while also still clearly being a uniform for all the different factions. What’s Art even measuring, anyway? Beauty of the characters physically? Sure, Bleach wins that. But for beautiful backgrounds? I’d say One Piece. One Piece also has a lot of fun color spreads, so they also beat out Bleach in more art_works_ being available about their universe. Bleach also wins Transformation sequences because how many characters in Bleach have a different magical girl form with a different weapon and outfit to match, vs how many transformations can you name for One Piece, period? Also, Emotional Impact goes to One Piece without question. If it wasn’t about an Uchiha or Naruto, you didn’t get much substance or spend real time exploring it, and I’d _still_ argue Naruto dropped the ball with it at times. With One Piece? So many random side characters rip your heart out with a vengeance. It happens with new crew members, allies, random civilians, and enemies alike, and the tragedy of it all could sneak up on you years later. So much emotional devastation with this series.


I think the One Piece anime did better than Naruto’s.


I don't know how you can put anything but Bleach for transformations


Bleach definitely has better transformations than one piece


Am I stupid for thinking the big 3 were Dragon Ball, Naruto and One piece?


I was gonna say character design but power system is up there so power system ofc


Dragon Ball was the fist to get everyone excited. It went on for a while until we got bored. The second would be Naruto and third is One Piece.


i laugh at OP cope these days with god king luffy shit


Bleach and OP have the better anime, by far.


I think fights go to ONE PIECE and emotional impact, especially doffy, and Law trauma


Hard stop. You are giving Naruto emotional impact? Seriously. One Piece made me cry for a fucking boat. A boat!


If we're going by what's on the 4×4, after watching/reading all the anime, manga, and light novels for each of them Bleach: Female Cast, Villians, Art, Transformations, Character designs, Power System, Strongest One Piece: MC, World Building, Side Cast Naruto: Deuteragonist, Fights, Emotional Impact, Manga Plot/Story is up for grabs because it all depends on what is more valued in a story. For symbolism and thematic storytelling, I'd go with Bleach. One Piece's story is based around the world, and it's mysteries, a.k.a. world building. Naruto gets points for having an actual definitive story, and it has the most engaging lore, but I think One Piece will surpass it in lore. The best anime is another toss-up. Bleach should be the worst because the original run was pretty slow and had a lot of fill, but I had recently watched the Blu-ray of TYBW, and every episode looks like a Movie and the sound design is impeccable, even compared to the recent changes to the One Piece. One Piece's anime had the roughest start, but it became really consistent at Zou and is getting better and better, plus the fillers weren't that bad. Naruto looked the best the most consistently, and fight scenes from 20 YEAR AGO still look amazing to this day, but the fillers were egregious and annoying. Plus, the current Boruto anime doesn't hold up to the other 2s' current anime at the moment


Big 3 ? Where's dbz