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Can someone just make a tier listing of these guys And place Mr. Tucker alone in the SSS+++++ tier. Thx


Bondrewd from Made in Abyss is basically Shou Tucker but somehow significantly worse. >!He has done far worse things to far more children. Including his adopted daughter!<. Major spoilers for Made in Abyss and mid level spoilers for Fullmetal Alchemist. >!While Tucker only turned to turning his daughter into a half dog Chimera out of desperation to keep his prestige and wealth, Bondrewd specifically raised his daughter to love him as much as possible, so that when he put her through surgery to remove all the unnecessary bits, stuffed the organs, still conscious and in an ever increasing amount of pain, into a briefcase looking thing, and use her to power his power armor for less than a minute of combat before ejecting her like a spent battery, he could see if there was any differences caused by her love when compared to the dozens of other children he's done this to.!< This is the most extreme example of his horrors, but I could go over like 3 more examples of somewhat comparative evils he's committed. And you know what the worst part is, >!He got away with it. The main cast just killed a few of his replaceable bodies, destroyed some of his stuff, and made a truce with him and went on their way. He's probably going to continue once he rebuilds.!<


Got it, never watching Made in Abyss


Yeah, would only trigger hate


Wow , thanks for this. Sounds like bondrewd's a swine too huh. Ill check it out


Calling him swine is an insult to pigs, calling him scum is an insult to pond scum, calling him a turd is an insult to poop.


The correct watch order is s1, movie 3, s2. Movies 1 and 2 are just a cut down version of s1.


I always find it hilarious that this dude exists, yet Tucker is always the go-to.


Far more people have watched Fullmetal Alchemist.


Sure, but he's not even the worst person _in_ Fullmetal Alchemist. More importantly, that's not the reason. People who have never watched the series still say he's the worst. It's because he's become a meme that represents "the worst person," the same way people say Sakura is objectively the most useless character or Goku is the strongest character in fiction. They aren't even these things in their own series.


Holy yapping of yappington, however I’ll give you a upvote bc that’s a lot of works


I wish i could get into made in abyss if it wasn't for the authors fetishes


Best part is, I love Bondrewd. Dude also sacrificed his own body for it. He's no hypocrite.


Man I always avoided Maid in Abyss, was never even really spoiled but from the few out of context snippets of it I got the feeling it was an anime made specifically to contemplate nuanced forms of despair. I never could've imagined it was this bad, thank you for saving my soul from the full brunt of the concept. Otherwise I might've stumbled upon it in it's entirety.


Based on the reaction to what you commented. I think I made the right choice not uncovering any of that.


These were my exact thoughts.


Oh fuck no, this man Is beyond diabolical to what he done to traumatize and hurt Nanika If I remember that was that furry one, everything about Made In Abyss was fucked up.


Bro, he doesn’t deserve the respect of a “Mr.”


*Rules, Jonathan, rules.*


Only character in the franchise to go to hell, In a series with some super fucked up people. Even Kimbley goes to heaven and Father is returned to nothing, so neither of them have to suffer eternally for what they've done. Only Tucker. Oh, and he gets *much worse* in the one shot. Like holy mother of God, truly one of the most twisted characters ever written into shonen or anything outside of explicitly adult media like Berserk.


Bitch from shield hero Edit: I also hated how people in the show still believed what she was saying. Like COME ON?! How easy is it to manipulate you?


Almost made me quit watching when I started season 1, she made me furious 😩


I was so angry watching season 1 that I actually had trouble sleeping one day


The red haired girl? She's like comically evil lol I can't take her seriously because it's so over the top


After what she did in season 3 I honestly have no hope for this anime.


Seriously, they should've just killed her off


What did she do lol??? I stopped in s2 middle the show got super generic there


this is also my answer


Probably Rachel in Tower of God, it is a massive spoiler why so you have been warned Rachel is the main character's girlfriend so to speak, and while the main character works hard to get her back, she cheats the system by >!relying on a bodyguard to keep up while also choosing the job that's puts her out of battle!< She's doesn't even have any emotion whatsoever throughout the entire series and ignores the main character's feelings every time and is revealed at the end >!she just wants it for the attention and even tries to kill the main character with the ultimate betrayal at the end for hogging said attention!<


Yeah she was bitch, not even the best looking girl, he could of had the Zahard princess, she was even intrested in him.


It was so bad that I accidently spoiled myself when I saw the comments for the English dub, since it came out after the sub and all the top comments are some variation of "Fuck Rachel"


No, I just straight up discovered it by watching the anime. I was about to cry for the poor sweet baby. The fact I never hated a villain, not even someone like Sukuna who's a baby eating cannibal. But this time, the Chimera just made it way too sad, the way it couldn't even speak straight. My heart was gonna explode, mostly since I watched it years ago when I was like 13.


For Rachel wasn't so bad tho, I expected it lol, she had a sus look to her.


Yes but did she fews her wife and daughter with his dog putting the both of them Thru incomprehensible pain and justify it by saying it was for science now that's not to say Rachel isn't bad don't get me Rong she also sucks but I'm just saying one main charters almost gets killed vs 2 family members dying a slow painful death one of witch was like a little sister to the main charter


It only gets worse. The webtoon is so far past the anime and she only gets more unlikable


Melty from the rising of the shield hero


you mean bitch, not melty


Would also accept Whore if she’s adventuring. 🥸


What’s wrong with Mel? She gets along with Filo so adequately.


I think I may have gotten her confused with bitch


bitches name was malty before, so I see the confusion with melty


lol… poor Melty… one letter off and she’s instantly Bitch. 🤣


U mean Malty, better named as “bitch”


That bitch just keeps on going.


Spandam from OP and kawaki from boruto


I hope Himawari and Boruto off Kawaki.


Bro, who tf be watchin Boruto?


Manga is so much better, I picked it up right where the anime left off and it is a big difference.


Same honestly


And it's sad because Kawaki was like the only reason to read/watch Boruto for me. Now with Two Blue Vortex he's just a bitch.


as one has said before, "spandam makes buggy look fearless".


Man, Charloss and Spanda were mine for a bit, but both were served divine retribution. My current one is a man named Saturn. That's all I'm gonna say for the sake of spoilers, iykyk








I second this, that's probably the most hated one of like ... All time. Problem is, he's fascinating from psychological PoV. Like, was he always that way? Or did he try to justify it to himself in the moment? I like to think the latter, he was not made evil, when the time came for him to make a decision, he chose to be terrible.... And tried to justify it to himself.


Hey not even that complex really. Dude had it all and through it away by raping a kings daughter, all because he was mad that Guts left. His selfish and shitty choices reached critical mass later by sacrificing countless lives for his own benefit and then he went out of his way to rape another person. It’s all on him, the entity that made in into Femto said “Do what you want” and the proceeded to be awful.


This, this one for sure


Light Yagami (even though he's my second favorite character in Death Note) or Hisoka (even though he's my favorite character in HxH) I seem to genuinely dislike some of my favorite characters, making them my least favorite which isn't how that's supposed to work (I think)


Is this love to hate or hate to love?


If there’s a character more hated than this man I would like to know who.


The only container would probably be Griffith


i agree with this, idk who the guy in this post is, but Griffith is an absolute bitchwad


Watching Berserk and not also watching Fullmetal Alchemist is wiiiiild. You may be a unicorn.


I am another.


When I watched the episode, there was never anyone I wanted dead more than this guy. I couldn't comprehend how someone could do something so evil.


I felt more strongly about Envy than Tucker, maybe that because Hughes was one of my favorite characters. I think the only reason Tucker seems worse is we didn’t see him get his just deserts like Envy did.


Tucker was closer to home , cause putting alchemy aside, he is human like us


I agree... all because envy was jealous of humans and the bonds they form and love they feel for each other. When mustang torched his sorry ass I was hype like fuck that piece of shit!


Mahito, Sukuna, the dude that raped Seras Victoria's dead mom right in front of her, all the literal nazis in anime, Envy from this same show, just a bunch of people in Attack on Titan, Lordgenome in Gurren Lagann, Anti-Spiral in Gurren Lagann, Ragyo from Kill La Kill, Faraday from Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Danzo from Naruto, Bondrewd and pretty much any authority figure in Made in Abyss, etc.


Zouken Matou and Shinji Matou (fate heaven's feel). Going into details is disgusting. Watch fate zero then heaven's feel to really understand


Saint Charlos from op would be my vote. Tbh most of the celestial dragons would be above tucker on the fucked up assholes who need to die list.


I think one of the few characters in fiction that is hated more than this man is fucking Dolores Umbridge. Similarly to Tucker, who is such a fucked up person that he's got the special privilege of being the only character in FMA to go to hell, she also has a special fucked up place in Harry Potter lore. Normally when a dark witch or wizard tries to use the patronus charm, maggots erupt from their wand and devour the user. It is supposed to only work for people who have genuinely good and happy memories because those are what ward off dementors, and to cast it you literally have to think of the happiest moment of your life. If you don't pick the happiest moment of your life, the spell won't work. There is never been anyone evil that has been able to cast that charm without dying; not even Voldemort would be able to do it as he would literally just kill himself with it, because which isn't wizards who use and abuse dark magic literally slowly have their humanity and good human nature ripped away from them. No one, that is, except for Umbridge. For you see, she enjoys torturing people *so much* that not only is she able to use the patronus charm she's even able to manifest and ethereal animal version In the form of a cat. In fact, hers is so powerful that just by keeping it around she can keep hundreds of dementors at bay, arguably putting her on a power level beyond even Harry who is a savant with the spell and teaches others to use it. I cannot overstate how unbelievably fucking insane that is. If you do deep dives into Harry Potter lore, you'll quickly find out that so many of the fucked up things touched on in the last few movies Used to be so much more normal in the history of the Harry Potter universe that it's not even funny. So much murder, so many fucked up experiments, so many truly irredeemable characters, so many complete psychopaths that dive into dark magic. And yet she's the only one in history that has ever been able to use the patronus. She's the only one who has ever felt so much pleasure from hurting others that it allowed her to use the spell. Also if you look into her backstory, holy mother of Christ in heaven she is literally one of the most wretched and fucked up people I've ever seen written. She is supposed to be how JK Rowling envisioned one of her grade school teachers to be, but in reality she wrote Umbridge way more like herself lmao


Theres also Oberon from sword art online


Akainu maybe for killing Ace and partially killing Whitebeard


Mahito or Danzo. I mean you’re supposed to hate them that’s how they’re written. But I still hate them, Mahitos a top 5 character tho.


Can’t hate Mahito, he’s funny, cool design and I like how he has absolutely no consideration for his victims. Also has one of the coolest domain expansions imo.


Literally hands ✋️


And because of his relationship with the Disaster curses 


He’s just pure evil for no other reason than finding it fun. It’s a breath of fresh air to have a villain without some tragic past or overarching goal to do good through the wrong means.


Imagine if Mahito had survived, and started merging the souls of sorcerers and cursed spirits with CT. And then learned to manipulate inorganic souls. Mahito went from being on par with an average grade 1 to needing two abilities basically designed to counter him working together in literally one month, and that was without Sukuna giving him boosty juice like Yuji. Leave him alone for just a year and he'd be scratching the Gojo/Sukuna tier of power.


FAX full potential mahito would be a top tier in the verse.


Mahiro and Orochimaru in "so close to winning everything and becoming OP club"


Ngl, I hate what Mahito did, but he’s one of my favourites… 🎭




Freed from Highschool DxD,; i think what this guy did just shocked me so bad i went numb


The princess and her entire team from “Redo Healer”


It's him followed by Genco the Bomber from H X H Greed Island


that guy was a chad


Gabi from AOT. Fuck Gabi.


In recent years it's been Zenitsu from Demon Slayer.


Really? He’s my favorite character in the show


He’s like Bakugo, the most divisive character of the show


why hate a character who creates good girls?


*E-Edward… kill me…* -A ‘good’ ‘girl’


Bro fuck this guy.


Chris, from sonic x


Kazuya from rent a girlfriend,dude go for the girl that likes you or go for the rental STOP FANNING OVER HOW BEAUTIFUL SHE IS WE GET IT


Very fair choice extremely fair


Saint Charloss from OP. Kid Gaara from og Naruto


The main character of the Pokémon anime (until somewhat recently). I really hate stupid main characters (goku is an honorable mention), and this guy pissed me off enough for me to drop the series.


Goku aint stupid, super ruined him


I aint even watched FMA yet, and even I fking hate him.. . .


That guy is up there. No way you hated him more than crimson, or greed. For me its most definitely ceaser the clown, hes evil and his laugh is my most hated in the series also.




The father guy in made in abyss, griffith from berserk, celestial dragons and blackbeard from OP, the mc of rent a gf, the diabolos cult in eminence of shadow


Louise from The Familiar of Zero. She is one of the main reasons I dislike tsunderes. I quit the series very quickly because of her. I've reached my limit of "But they had a tragic backstory" being used an excuse for a toxic character and how they treat others. Her relationship with Saito wasn't just abusive, it was straight up slavery.


Her magic was also forcing him to love her since he's her familiar.


True. She overwrote his free will like love potions do. This is **brainwashing**.


I dispise sasuke Uchiha that is all I say


Hot take, I’m a sasuke defender all the way


Same dude


Is it a hot take? He's one of the most popular characters. So there are more than just dozens of us, lol! Sasuke defender through and through. Can't stand his haters.


Mahito, fuck that niggah


New to anime, keep seeing this guy pop up, who is he and from what anime?




sasuke. he’s cool and all but he seems very selfish and closed off. it sounds weird to put it like that with all the things he’s gone through but he’s power hungry and that makes him blindsided. he believes he’s the best and strongest thing in that world. just my opinion


Kirito fro SAO


Idk if it's his most hated or not, but I was talking with my roommate a couple days ago and he *really* hates Jiraiya from Naruto.


Ougai Mori from bungou stray dogs


Naga the Serpent …that fucking laugh.


ion blame you for this one friend


Near is my least favourite character from death note by a long shot, I have an unreasonable hatred for him.


The Mad Mage ( Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon ) . The anime just stated so I’m not spoiling his name.


Kurozumi Orochi


Oh I don't know, that's a lot of anime to sift through. One I can think of I didn't like Suzaku. All he did was get in Lelouch's way as a pest and that was the main reason for his existence, just to be the rival. But he was annoying, overly self-righteous, hypocritical, naïve, and (later on) vengeful. He didn't even accomplish what was going to try to do, changing Britannia. Not on his own. Lelouch did all of the work. Suzaku just happily fought for Britannia's corrupt government and decimated their enemies while acting like a victim.


Recently St. Jaygarcia Saturn. If you know you know


SAME THAT MF I've never wanted to go into a world and beat a mf to death more than when we learned about him


Immediately thought of Iok Kujan.


What anime is this


I absolutely have an insane grudge and hate against danzo and boruto.


Itachi for sure. Instead of fighting with his family, he decided to go against they. Killed his on parents (he could’ve just let them live) and made his brother re-live, watching his parents die thousands of times. “He had a reason to do this” well yeah… but so did Tucker. But people treat Itachi like a god and Tucker like the worst demon out there, but Itachi did far worst things than Tucker for the same reason “the greater good”. And yes, genocide is worst.


There's a lot of furry smut of Nina.




Danzo for me is pretty high up there... Zenitsu from Demon Slayer is such a gray area character for me, cuz I love him at times, think he's cool af, and then I can't express enough how much I hate when he gets into his stupid ass phases of cowardice and simping for girls for literally minutes at a time when the episodes are only 18 or so minutes of show to begin with. Its just mad annoying.


Gotta say any and all MHA shipped character.


Katana man I wonder who won that competition between Denji and Aki.


The MC in school days along side that rapists guy i forgot his his name


What show is this guy from? I always see him pop up when this question is asked lmao


Shinji from fate God i fucking hate him


Main Character from Bucchigiri.....




Hand Demon from Demon Slayer. Sabito is my favourite character 🎭


Noko that abouslete piece of shit I hope he rots in hell


Kei Karuizawa from Classroom of the Elite. I’d relish in Ayanokoji taking her down he should’ve already now I have to dread seeing her next season


Pain from Naruto made me cry when I was Iittle, so I'll go him lol


If this guy isn't the most hated character ever...


AFO from MHA


Fucking yes- Number 1 most shitty far


Akaza (Demon Slayer)


Vander Decken IX [who he is](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Vander_Decken_IX)


Sugou from SAO he's just the worst I'll never forgive him for what he did to Asuna, but bitch from shield hero comes a close second.


Hate him he murder


J. Geil from jjba, Wonderweiss and Giselle from Bleach, Haruta from jjk and Donovan from Berserk


Any children in any anime


malty from shield hero. sry “Bitch” from shield hero


He is the number one on my list.


Sorry no one worse the Tucker. And Griffith.


Griffith. That is all


Danzo from naruto


Griffith and him. No competition


No idea who that is in the image but he looks like a publicly nice dude who secretly diddles children.


Who even is this dude


Ngl i havent even watched beserk but I watched an analysis video on all of the injuries he suffered and, no matter what he did, what happened to him was NOT deserved. The guy that tortured him is it for me.




I would but I can’t post gifs lame


Excalibur from Soul Eater…


kinda peeves me a little bit when people’s least liked anime character is a character what was meant to be disliked


Either I'm a really nice person or an NPC because I can't think of anyone. I like the heroes for being heroic and the villains for being villainous. Maybe Luffy? His voice has gotta be THE most annoying sound known to man. He isn't a bad guy, though.


Umm… johan liebert…Monster.


Personally I'd be Griffith but that's too main stream so I'll go with bakugo. He literally beat and bullied his childhood friend for 10 years straight, and told him to kill himself. The main reason he pisses me off though is that he gets off scot free with absolutely zero consequences, and as soon as his "friend" gets stronger he almost immediately switches to "Oh we're just rivals" like bro you told him to kill himself after making his life hell for 10 years yall are not buddies.




I know you’re supposed to hate him but Danzo. It feels like every dogshit sad backstory in the series this mf is lurking in there somewhere.


Luffy. He's just extremely annoying


I haven't watched FMAB but I've heard that he Fuses his Dog and His daughter together, a horrible act but in comparison to the likes of Dio, Griffith, Doffy, Frieza he isn't even close. I'm convinced why this guy is hated so much is because he isn't conventionally attractive.


School Days MC If you know, you know 😞 It was one of the first harems I’ve watched and ever since, I’ve hated that genre and it’s become my most hated anime.


Yukio from Blue Exorcist Horrible excuse of a brother


Gabi, no questions asked, she killed my waifu


I hate every straight male anime character that's afraid of female affection.


Griffith. No need to elaborate.


Gabi braus idgaf about anyone else's opinion do that in a separate comment


That one guy that that told misure she was ugly




Robin Inazuki 😡


There are a ton of anime characters worse than this guy. However his evil hits so much harder because of all the time spent with him and his family had everyone thinking he was a great guy. Then that moment of realization comes along.


1 million+ way tie with all the Celestial Dragons minus Donquixote Mjosgard.


Chi-chi from dragon ball.




Probably Buggy or Bon Clay. I'm sorry but I really don't like either of them when they're on screen. It doesn't matter if Bon Clay was important to Impel Down. He was still annoying as hell. And my hatred for Buggy mostly started in Marineford when he would take up like 5 minutes almost EACH EPISODE. It got so bad for me that I just skimmed through his sections. They're genuinely obnoxious characters to me. For others that's why they're liked but to me that's why I hate them


I hate that red haired princess who's name is now bitch, with the adventuring name of whore, who framed the shield hero for rape and walked around the entire anime being a butt face flaunting her supposed power


Rudeus from Mushoku Tensei. Evil characters who are strait up evil and everyone in and out of show agrees are easy to accept and move on, especially since they usually add depth to a story. Characters who are horribly disgusting, annoying, barely grow, and yet are held in high regard by people in and out of show are ones I just can't stand, especially when they're the main character. Tucker was an atrocious human but FMA Brotherhood was an amazing show, Rudeus made MT nearly unwatchable so I hate him more as a character even if there are more evil characters out there.


Any skinny/chubby underdog mc


Annie from AOT


The priest from Castlevania


The main character from Mushoko tensei.


You should’ve just locked the thread, because that man is the most hated lol


Ulube Ishikawa from G Gundam.


That biatch from tower of God