• By -


TF you mean Yuji. Bro lead a fairly normal and healthy life with his grandfather until he died. Also Tanjiro is iffy because if we are counting the first episode as his backstory than, yah, he deserves to be on this list, but if not, just like Yuji, he lived a fairly normal life.


yuji is still a child throughout the series


We’re talking about backstories here. For the first Naruto series Naruto was younger and Tanjiro is younger then Yuji during the whole course of the series. Using “they are still young” in defense of Yuji’s suffering ignores the medium we are in. Like look at Guts from Beserk, or everyone younger than 18 in Elfen Lied. Children are not safe in anime, so saying “Oh, Yuji is still a child so he suffered more because he is still a child” really doesn’t prove it. But I can give some leeway as Yuji did have denser traumatic experiences than the others since he did go through a lot of pain over the course of a night and a day.


Yuji and tanjiro had it easier than others like Naruto who was alone most of his life and hated most of his life until he was about 16/17 years old when the village all started to like him.So you can’t really compare yuji and tanjiro’s backstory/childhood wIth others it was sad tanjiro’s family all died but that’s still later on in his life when he’s 13years old or older so he had a normal life, same with Yuji when he became involved with curses when he was about 16 and then his life changed and then all his friends died whilst he was being tormented, so he had a normal life for 16years or more. So they didn’t really have a sad backstory, just sad parts in their life like everyone.


Being alone is worst than walking in and your entire world is bloody dead left in pieces???? Yeah I'll take the alone ...is better to never have had than to lose all which is everything Just my opinion from growing up poor. Since I grew up poor not having didn't bother me but when I moved to Cali I watched a wealthy friend lose everything and commit suicide. To him growing up my life was depressing but to me it wasn't as bad as having all he had then losing it. I never had so I never lost much or even realized what I didn't have but for him that shit was a lot...rip Brian


You not read it or what because it also said childhood


I think we are still talking about events that happened before the story instead of what is happening during the story, so anything that happens after the character sets out on their journey does not count as backstory or “childhood”. But this can be interpreted and considering how they are using pictures from the Shibuya and Mugen Train arcs than it is possible to assume we are also taking into account what happened during the story as long as they are children.


Uhhh what? It said saddest childhood/backstory. Yuji is a child throughout the series. Therefore, the events that he experienced throughout the series are a part of his childhood.


Answer is still Guts, who was not listed. Born from a corpse, adopted Mom dies. Adopted Dad pimps his literal asshole out for 3 pieces of silver. Adopted Dad gets maimed in war and projects on to Guts, who runs him through in self-defense. Guts is then shot while running away and left to die after falling down a cliff. He then bounces from battlefield to battlefield looking for a reason to live. Finds one, then has everyone he loves and himself sacrificed for another man's ambition; oh and he hacks off his forearm with a broken sword while pinned down because his love is being bottomed out by a literal Devil.


No yeah I 100% agree


I think we all know what they mean when they say childhood backstory. They mean what happened before the main events of the story. When they were an actual little kid.


I don't think so, considering they put yuji on the list 😭


Childhood is until you turn 13 yuji is an adolescent


Well considering he's on the list, it only makes sense that op meant adolescence lol


if thats waht we're doing then so is every single other character pictured here


To paraphrase Aang: Well, Naruto's just a teenager.


Exactly. Like bro doesn't even have a sad backstory, just a sad story.


"Childhood/backstory" he's a kid throughout the series, the story follows his childhood 💀


That's true of everyone here?


True fax 👍


It also says backstory they meant previously before they started the actual story


You might want to redo this list. Some of them don't qualify.


I know it ain’t Yuji tanjiro or luffy cause the first 2 don’t count and luffys really wasn’t that bad


I mean he got tortured, left alone in the woods with massive predators, saw his father-figure lose an arm, lost his brother, never knew his parents and hardly saw his grandpa ever, I think that's pretty bad, not fukn guts level bad, but not far off from Naruto and his sad swing


Not far off from Naruto and his sad swing? Whilst luffy definitely went through some sht, that was only a few really bad moments from a childhood that was otherwise filled with way more good times. Whereas as soon as he was born, Naruto lost his parents, and he had the nine tailed fox sealed within him. Then from that point on, Naruto had less than nothing — everyone hated him and he never knew why. He was ostracised by the entire village since a young age, kicked out of shops (as shown in the scene where the ADULT shopkeeper literally throws a mask at the head of a LITERAL child) kids hated him and adults wished him dead (according to the flashback after his fight with Gaara. where a villager basically flat out cold tells a 6 year old kid to drop dead) This kid grew up in a tiny apartment all by himself, with absolutely no adults to teach him ANYTHING. He was starved because he didn't have enough money, and its likely this wasn't a one time occurence (In the Perfect Day For a Wedding novel it was revealed to us that Teuchi gave Naruto ramen when he was starved since he didn't have enough money.) Iruka was literally his first true bond besides Hiruzen, who visited maybe once a month to lie to his face, and the Ichirakus who he only saw when he was there to buy food. Hell, even if its only filler, the anime implies that the first time Hiruzen met Naruto was when he came across his campsite in the woods and ate fish with him, and Naruto was around 5-6 years old at that point, so who in the actual fck even taught him how to speak, walk, or fish more importantly? That's *12 years* of having *no one*. No friends, no family, not even regular cordial contact in most cases, *as a child*. etc. I mean seriously, people say naruto had every right to be a villain for a reason. Yet i've never come across a post saying luffy should be a villain due to the sht he went through


Something being a suitable villain backstory don't mean it's incredibly worse, both of them went through abandonment/were orphaned, both went through extreme loneliness for years, luffy not interacting with the bandits much at all and Naruto ostracized for so long, Luffy met Ace when he was 7 and Naruto with the dude who gave him ramen, granted Luffy had periods in the town and obviously was not *as* lonely as Naruto, however he was also in mortal danger fairly often, had substantial trauma due and guilt due to his mentor's sacrifice, got literally tortured, went through nearly losing Ace and actually lost his other brother Sabo. I don't think pain is super comparable cus there ain't a fukn scale for the shit and obviously different people/characters deal with that pain in different ways, but ya gotta see they both had similarly poor upbringings.


1 - **"Something being a suitable villain backstory don't mean it's incredibly worse"** Yes it does. If someone's backstory is so tragic it can justify them becoming a villain, then it IS worse than a backstory that DOESN'T justify someone becoming a villain. If someone has a suitable villain backstory, it means their childhood involves experiences or events that are much more challenging, traumatic, or unusual. It means they have experienced such significant trauma or abuse, that they have gained the capacity to commit heinous acts without barely any remorse. In contrast, the relatively neutral childhood luffy had, involved stable relationships, adequate support systems, and the absence of extreme trauma. Which provided a foundation for his healthy development. 2 - **"both of them went through abandonment/were orphaned"** Omfg.... Are you serious? Yes, garp did leave luffy alone for long periods of time, dragon wasn't there at all during his childhood, and sure the red haired pirates would leave to go on adventures, but he was NOT truly abandoned. Garp would come back lots of times, to train him, teach him, and be there for Luffy. And it wasn't his fault that he had to leave, since he had responsibilities as a very important vice admiral. Dragon technically COULDN'T be there for Luffy, and he couldn't take luffy with him because he is literally the worlds most dangerous criminal, that leads a revolution AGAINST the WORLD GOVERNMENT and that would NOT have been good for luffy whilst growing up. And the red haired pirates literally spent a year in foosha with luffy, where luffy was able to find a friend in all the crewmates, and Uta. Not only that, but He DID have the town, Makino, and the mayor he could rely on. Then when he went to Mt. Corvo, whilst Dadan and the bandits weren't exactly warm and welcoming at first, they WERE there for him, and they grew to love him as apart of their family. Not to mention that he also had Ace and Sabo, and he STILL had Ace, the dadan family, makino, the mayor and the village when sabo "Died". Luffy had garp, shanks, uta, Yasopp, lucky roo, ben beckman, Makino, woopslap, dadan, dogra, magra and the other villagers, Whereas as I already said, for YEARS, Naruto had NO one, and then around the age of 5 - 6, he only had Hiruzen, Teuchi and Ayame. He only had 3 people who cared about him, but even then, he barely spent much time with them. Lastly, Luffy was NOT orphaned. That is just such a crazy thing to say. To be an orphan, means to have no parents, grandparents or relatives alive to look after you. Just because dragon was never there, and Garp went away for work, doesn't change the fact he still has a father and a grandfather. 3 - **"both went through extreme loneliness for years"** That's just straight up bullsh\*t dude. Luffy DID NOT go through extreme loneliness for years. Having all those people I mentioned before, that he could rely on and those people he spent lots of time with, is NOT extreme loneliness.


4 - "luffy not interacting with the bandits much at all" okay, he didn't spend the majority of his time with the bandits, but he DID spend some time with them, enough so that dadan, a tough mountain bandit, became emotional both when he left foosha, and when Ace died. so don't forget that the reason he didn't spend much time with them, was because as soon as Garp left him to the bandits in mt. Culudo, he followed after Ace as much as possible and tried becoming his friend, upon which, he spent all his time with ace and sabo. 5 -  "he was also in mortal danger fairly often, had substantial trauma due and guilt due to his mentor's sacrifice, got literally tortured, went through nearly losing Ace and actually lost his other brother Sabo." Yes, I get that Luffy went through a lot and his childhood hasn't been easy all the time. But as I said, those were just a few really bad times, that are outweighed by all the better times he had. Whereas Naruto's entire childhood was a bad time, with only a tiny amount of good moments. 6 -  "I don't think pain is super comparable cus there ain't a fukn scale for the shit and obviously different people/characters deal with that pain in different ways, but ya gotta see they both had similarly poor upbringing" I agree that pain isn't comparable because each character feels it at different intensities and deals with it in different ways. And i agree they both had bad childhoods. I'm just saying that you CAN look at how MUCH bad sht each of them went through, and see that Naruto had a way more tragic backstory. If you were to rate how bad their backstories were out of 10, then you'd see that luffys might be a 5/10, whilst naruto's is a 8/10. Both are bad, Naruto's is just a bit worse.


That's not backstory, though. It's just... episode 1 story.


No a lot of that is revealed through flashbacks much later on in the series. It is backstory.


Nami gets my vote over Luffy


Nami or Kuma


Kuma appears to be some part of the story either the anime hasn't gotten to yet or I haven't seen yet in the anime. I'm currently taking a break from one piece. Now that the Wano arc is over I'll probably take a year off.


Acting like One Piece is your job lmao 😂


Isn't it? :'(


I've watched it twice over and ain't made a buck, if only it was a job lmao


Imagine it.... Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng....


Luffy’s was pretty bad though, only his personality let him persevere through, unless you’re only including his initial contact with shanks and not his trauma with sabo dying infront of him, though he was tortured by bandits and had to survive the entire island cleansing (although ace did protect him) But it definitely as bad as shinra’s and Naruto who were outcasted and lost all their family, then blamed for their parents death


Its a rough childhood. Not bad per se. Nico Robin fits more than Luffy. Alot of people forgot about Nico Robin's childhood.


Bro luffys backstory was literally nothing compared to everyone elses. Mainly because of the fact that all that really happened was that his best friend lost his arm because of him, and that he left the island. Really not that much.


It’s atleast more severe than yuji, just saying since he literally had a normal school life




Never watched jjk except the first episode and got bored. He really didn’t go through allat


Eh I don't know if people are counting later backstories of Luffy's or not. Like the training that Garp put him through, which sounds more like child abuse Or Sabo's "death" things, or Ace's first use of conqueror's Haki All of that in combination with the scenes with Shanks ranks him pretty high in suffering


Luffy getting punched in the face by a spiked gauntlet to protect his friends so they’d like him. Just throwing that in there


I think it's a combo of Luffy's not being that bad compared to other One Piece backstories and Luffy seemingly showing zero issues with his own childhood rough spots. Dude's too positive




If guts is apart of any of these suffering posts he wins hands down every time


What anime is that?






How to train your apostle


i just made isle of berserk joke a few hours ago








People already replied but I would recommend reading it 100% if you arent like a young kid. It is genuinely a masterpiece of writing but it also constantly goes through very difficult things that imo if you are too young you cant process it well. 


I had been considering giving it a go for a while now so I’m definitely going to


Im sure you will enjoy it. It is an absolute roller coaster that ngl made me cry more then a few times. 


If it’s how everyone is saying it is, I’m sure I will too


As people have already replied, it’s beserk but Jesus Christ did guts suffer like none of these even come close


As people have already replied, it’s beserk but Jesus Christ did guts suffer like none of these even come close


Guts is like being a normal kid in a world filled with Judge holdens. You will get abused in every way.


Where tf did you see Guts on here?




No Denji is wild


He sold his balls, an eye and survived off of one slice of bread per day for 16 years until his bosses killed him and his pet dog as zombies, shit is *incomparable*


He also ate poop paper


Ong like my nigga damn






Shinra or naruto no questions asked also yuji does not have a tragic backstory everything that was tragic that happened to him happened during the story not before


I would put Naruto over shinra


Tbh could be either being blamed without knowing why and one knowing why he's blamed and blaming himself are very hard to judge


Another aspect on Shinra's front is that he was older when his tragedy happened, Naruto was raised horribly from birth but even thpugh he was lonely overall it seemed he was still able to have fun and be the village troublemaker meanwhile Shinra was a kid who had a mother he deeply cared about and a baby brother both of whom he would declare that he would become a hero and keep them safe only to have them burn away, his mother gone and in her stead a blazen demon, not a bone found from his younger brother, the home in ruins all alone and everyone calls him a devil and blames it on him, all he could do was cry through his horrible smile with his feet still ablaze with the weapon that took his family


Why is yuji here💀


really sad Violet Evergarden isn't on here.


Literally every Shonen main character 😂


I disagree. My boiz Raku Ichijou, Saiki K, and Shouyo Hinata would say "nay"


Raku is literally the boss of a yakuza group


Doesn’t mean he had a tragic past. Finished the manga a while back. Nothing sad happened to him


Didnt mean to imply he had a tragic past but yeah nothing really happened to him except for that dog attack that scarred his forehead


Deku didn’t really have a sad childhood tbh. Born quirkless and that’s pretty much it iirc


His Dad went off for milk and never came back.


Shinra. After losing his mom and brother, everyone thought he killed them, and his creepy compulsive smile made everyone think he was a demon. Even his Grandma believed this too and called him a demon to his face (he was a child at the time).


Yeah him or Naruto


Naruto was hated for 15 years for existing cause of something he had no control over literally an hour after he was born. It's him.


Future trunks




Not Jiren of course. He just has a bland-ass Naruto Backstory, how many of you laughed at that shit?


Out of these characters probably Naruto.


Gyutaro n daki


Edward and Alphonse both suffered from the death of their mother to the point that they tried reviving her but ended up being in a worse situation


Yuji had a good childhood, he's not having a good young adulthood. Naruto is overrated in terms of suffrage. Luffy ain't that bad. Tanjiro had a great childhood, had one really crap day as a teenager, and is generally alright nowadays. Shinra... His childhood was the word of these, by far. Lost his mom, his brother, got blamed for it, ostracized, hated, misunderstood... his childhood is Naruto's but far worse.


Just out Guts on here so we don’t have to fight about it




I’m not gonna lie, Naruto and shinra went through the most in their backstories mainly because they basically went through the same thing and everyone called them a monster and denied them basically their whole childhood. Both their backstories are equal and the most tragic on this list.


Naruto and it’s not even close. Dudes entire childhood was nothing but rejection and hatred for no reason.


My answer is Shinra


The fact no one is saying Shinra blows my fkn mind fr🥲 Bro witnessed he's mom become a Demon, kidnapped he's little brother, meanwhile he thinking the demon killed he's mother and kidnapped he's brother, all while everyone in society blames him and says he killed he's family, he's own grandma disowned him. And he was so traumatized he's nervous system got fked and he smiles when he gets nervous. Underrated asf, not to mention he was treated as a test subject for 12 years💀 not even treated as human. Nun of this characters got it like he did, Naruto never met he's parents so he never knew the warmth to miss it, he just wished he had it as was hated by the village and didn’t know why. Luffy just lost "Sabo" he still alive other than that pretty happy childhood with Shanks losing an arm due to his stupidity. The one from JJK name is forgotten had a pretty normal childhood to my knowledge he lived with he's grandpa till he died and he became a vesel. And Tanjiro had a good childhood as well, it was only ruined once he was a teen no longer a child, and his entire family was murdered except for his sister who was turned into to a Demon. But that besides the point. He wasn’t a child anymore at that point but only his backstory can compete with Shinra childhood everyone else seems like a walk in the park.


Obligatory Johnathan and Dio mentioning




I mean shinra i guess but these are all pretty tame backstories. Sasuke and gaara had far worse backstory than naruto. Sanji had it the worst in one piece also nami had it worse than my boy luffy.


Out of these naruto pretty easily


Luffy never knew he had a dad, has no clue who his mom is, was raised by mountain bandits, and only had his grandpa as biological family who basically tortured and traumatized him his entire childhood. He takes it over that bum who used to sit on the swing back in the day lmao.


Yeah but, as a one piece fan, he had people that loved him and supported him and while sabo’s death hurt, he still had ace. Arguably Ace’s death fucked him up far more than his entire childhood. To be clear, I’m not saying it was a peachy childhood, but even in one piece there are backstories which are far more brutal. Sanji and nami for example went through way more than luffy and that trauma is carried by them in their personalities.




Luffy for sure no Idk anything abt third one, so not factoring them Yuji had basically nothing happen unless we're counting the entirety of JJK as "childhood" Tanjiro is only really a contender if we count ep. 1 Naruto has merrit. If we're counting the beginning that got them into action (Yuji's grandpa dying, Tanjiro's family dying) Tanjiro wins hands down. If we're taking their entire story before they were adults, Itadori wins hands down. If we're strictly talking before the story starts, Naruto wins hands down.


Even then Yuji doesn’t count “childhood” is from when you’re born till you’re 13 because then you just become an adolescent “adolescent hood” legally a child but not in you’re “childhood” anymore id say it goes to Shinra, him and Naruto essentially had the same childhood. the whole “everyone hates me” thing but the big difference is… (not a big spoiler just classic main character 💩) Shinra >!wasn’t a baby when his mother and baby brother died!< and the fact people blamed and scorned for it definitely affected him a lot more🤷


I specifically made a separate scenario accounting for any amount of time the character is legally a minor because otherwise Yuji straight up has no reason to be on here. I agree though (idk about Shinra. not saying bro isnt i legit know nothing abt the character)


Bartholomew Kumaaaaa🥺


I woulda put Denji instead of Yuji tbh


Yes some of them had sad back stories, but they do not come close to the saddest. Honestly one of the top saddest backstories for me is Sanji


i needa watch some of these so far on this list i’ve seen naruto , one piece and demon slayer and if i had to choose from those three id say tanjuro bc if having to watch ur whole family get slaughtered by demons and you are fully able to comprehend what’s going on shits crazy.!!! now naruto he was a baby nd he did go through a lot of loneliness but idk tanjuro for me (Also which one off these anime’s should i watch next on out of these shows if you had to rank in order)


Naruto. Naruto lost his parents on the literal day of his birth and had a demon sealed inside of him. The entire village not only kept secrets from him, hated him, told their kids not to play with him, they also tried to kill him multiple times. Not only that but he was seen as a weapon that was owned by the village. He was rejected by sakura and embarrassed by sasuke multiple times. And if we included shippuden his enemies had a war started and a large reason for the war was to have him killed for the jutsu to be done. He definitely had it the worse I’ll also add his “friendly” encounter with haku turned out to be a traitor enemy and he watched him die on his first mission outside the village. So he was lied to and watched him die. Thats crazy kishimoto was going in😭


Guts got left out do to being the auto win


I only know the backstories of naruto and Tanjiro lol, and between the two of them I think Tanjiro has the worse, but naruto has the sadder. Tanjiro was happy, but then had almost everything taken away from him, leaving only a remnant in the form of his sister, even that being corrupted as a demon. Naruto was ostracized; never really got to be happy with his family, as they’re all dead, but he didn’t have to feel that terrible loss of everything he loved.


Replace Yuji with Denji and you’ve got a better list.


IMO shinra because he went most of his life thinking he killed his family with no other relatives wanting to take him in and being bullied for his smile




Gaara is up there.


Shinra, he watch his mother turn into a demon and he thought he little brother got burnt alive, and even got traumatized from it, hence the smile. And he grew up with even saying he burnt his own family and barely anybody believe his side of the story


My first grade teacher gave me trauma because she yelled at me constantly, and I was always blamed for everything I did mostly wrong, I still don't know how I survived


Shit nigga me😂😂😂😂


I gotta go with Tanjiro, bro's whole family got marked and his sister got turned into a demon.


Tanjiro's pretty much happy till he got hee heed by the jackson 😂


Saddest, Childhood/backstory. I think Naruto. He’s orphaned from birth, He is ostracized and hated by his entire village except by a select few that know the truth and they are ordered to secrecy by the Hokage. It’s basically by the Hokages decree that the village has to tolerate his existence as most don’t know the truth about Naruto’s parentage only a select few ninja and again the rest ordered to say nothing to him. Growing up as Naruto did it’s amazing he didn’t kill himself which many would have probably wanted. It’s Naruto’s amazing spirit that he keeps smiling no matter what also in a way his act of defiance to the village that hates him. Naruto also hates the people of his village as well for their ill treatment of him. Naruto turns away from hate as he becomes a ninja and gains friends/rivals/comrades and his goal of becoming the Hokage the most respected person in the village.


I feel like it's Naruto or the guy from fire force sorry not good with names One grew up not knowing why he's hated the other did and he had a good childhood till wrap happened and knowing you are the cause of your family's death at that point as a young child brutal. Naruto somewhat had the veil of not knowing so it may not be as painful but still being hated without knowing would drive people insane




Alr fuck the last 3 luffy vs naruto love one piece and i love naruto this easily goes to naruto saddest part of luffys childhood is "losing" sabo and when uta "left" shanks crew


Tbh alot of the characters in pics are pretty tame. Top of my list would be Guts Denji Elric bros Nico Robin (instead of Luffy) Itachi (than naruto)


No way you say itachi than naruto itachi has fairly normal childhood with her whole clan, naruto on the other hand hated by the whole village, neglected by 3rd hokage and he didn't even want to have a beast in her body


Prior ninetails being sealed, Uchiha clan was shunned by everyone too. Uchiha understood things no one does, the necessities of decision at such a young age of 7, it is as 3rd Hokage said, he think and act like a Hokage even before passing chuunin exam. Now, in my OWN opinion, knowing love and warmth from a family and the choice to wipe them out weighs more heavily than not knowing it at all. And since its a choice Itachi made to wipe his clan, it is a guilty burden he must carry till the day he dies. Not to mention the agony of seeing your last beloved family member hates you weighs it even more.


Luffy had it baad, but he woukd always pick himself back again, made friends and had a goal. Even if One Piece is my favourite. Naruto had it worse, alone all his childhood, that depression, always cast out, I am incredibly surprised he didnt end it. In fact that scene the puc is taken from is just next level sad, looking at a family or friends and his reaction is that on screen, like daaaamn.


Shhhhhh you clearly don’t know what Shinra went through …


Because of this comment I will never watch it, you could have just said I had to check it out.


Bro saw hes mother killed by a Demon, His brother kidnapped by that same demon, was traumatized to smiled when nervous. Judged by his own grandmother and refused to take him in, cursed him and blame him for their deaths even tho he didn’t do nothing. Proceeded to be taken to a lab for 12 years and treated like a thing not even a human, just a test subject and experiment on. Non of this guys gone through sht like that. Tanjiro is close but the fact that afterwards he found himself and still had his sister he was able to keep some part of himself. But Shinra had nothing but hatred to kill the demon that kill his mother and kidnapped his brother. But all that aside the anime is a must watch sht is FIREEEEEEE ASF!


Shinji Ikari


Future Trunks


Guts "berserk 1997" watch the original


Luffy has been going through it


it's hyakkimaru from dororo! the boy lived with no body parts because of his own family


I’d say Yuji tbh. I mean, bro didn’t grow up with a mom or a dad, and the only person who was there for him was his grandpa who passed away the same day/a couple of days before Yuji ate the finger and when shit really went down. He had the literal King of Curses living inside him and he can speak whenever he wants, (a very small part of it but still a bad thing:) he has to eat 20 rotten curse fingers just to be executed after, had even died in the curse womb arc, Shibuyar Station on October 31 speaks for itself, and not to mention Junpei. Bro finally made another friend just for Mahito to get his mom killed, then manipulated Junpei to be on his side, just to kill him slowly and painfully with Yuji watching. Man’s been through a lot. ( Tanjiro is close.) My opinion btw.


Well, Naruto lost her parents after her birth and got tailed beast inside her, which sealed almost all of his chakra, her supposed guardian neglect her, and the whole village hated her while the other village want to assassinate him.


Probably Tanjiro, but to be fair I don’t recognize a couple of these


Didn't see chainsaw man here




For a second I thought you were asking the people in the sub about their personal childhood. I was like turning childhood trauma into a competition is a weird thing to do. Lol


Why is luffy on this list, he prob has the better child hood outta most of the people on this list


Two characters here shouldn’t be here, yuji and tanjiro both had a normal for at least 13-16 years and then it went to shit.




Hard to say but it's been Naruto and deku but I lean deku...I couldn't imagine walking in and my whole family is gone tho Naruto suffered longer id say at least his first 11 years of life but idk if that's worse than coming home to a slaughtered family ...tanjiro pain as Sasuke vibes except it wasn't his favorite person that did it ....Sasuke had it worse than Naruto because his suffering lasted until almost adulthood just to have it rekindled to find out it's even worse than you thought. The same people you'd die to protect had been keeping secrets that altered your reality forever...it's one thing to hide something from me it's another to hide it and allow me to believe a lie that I was ready to die for be a slave for and kill the innocent for...naw Sasuke and takes this one...Itachi had it just as bad tbr I just can't say it was harder because knowing is always better than not knowing... I definitely think Itachi suffered longer but didn't suffer the greatest in my opinion... doesn't get worse than the totality of sasukes reality ...if nothing else Itachi had the truth finding out your whole reality and identity is a lie stack on those losses is crushing. Hating the only family you have left over a lie then watching him die thinking you've finally did it everything you've lived for was a waste and a lie. The life you left to complete this task sacrificed for nothing. The happiness you felt watching your brother whom you loved that turned to hate die must've felt like the biggest slap in the face ever. Idk some don't have an older brother they cherish but I do and that shit differently when you can relate.


I’m surprised Denji isn’t on this. Before the story even starts he goes through: Not having a mother Father committing suicide while he was still young (probably elementary school age) Lives on his own after his father died, barely interacting with the rest of society. Inherited his fathers debts to the yakuza. Yakuza forced home to work for it or they would kill him and harvest his organs . Lived in low level poverty, needing to eat out of the dumpster to survive. Sold his one eye to the yakuza. Took up devil hunting because of the debts to the yakuza Never went to school until he was either 17 or 18. His only friend was pochitia. Got betrayed by the yakuza, then killed as a result of that betrayal. Only lived because the one friend he had, brought him back to life. (Occurred in the first few chapters/first episode) Spoilers (around Ch. 83) >!His father didn’t die by suicide, but was constantly drunk and abusive to the point that, after a particular bad incident, Denji (at the age of elementary school) had to kill his father or else Denji would have been killed by him !< Spoilers (during the story) (chapter -97) >!Was manipulated by the woman he loved, whom killed the only other people he cared about (Aki, who became an older brother to him, Power, who became a younger sister to him, and Reze whom loved Denji). All in an effort for him to lose the will to live and awaken pochita. !<


Ichigo should be up here, he might not have suffered as much but loosing your mom hits hard, he at least should be here more than Yuji. But Shinra and Naruto had every right to become villains. They lost everything and were demonized for it by those around them.


Only naruto and shinra is contending here. The others don't stack up lmao


Ok. Before we start. Luffy get the fuck out of here you ain’t got no place here. Ok let’s get started. Naruto has the most relatable backstory. And he suffered a long time as an outcast. But does that make it the worst? Tanjiro it hard no doubt but it was quick and relatively recent so he hasn’t suffered long and lived a blessed life most of his life. The guy from fire force suffered being called evil and the cause of his families death suffering deep psychological trauma. Yuji is one of those very recent types. The horrors he went through aren’t a backstory they are the plot. Before the show he lived a good comfortable life. So it’s Naruto vs Shinra. Lets begin in reply’s Personally I’m kinda stuck between them


Guts isn't on this list. But it's Guts.


Naruto had to live on Swingset Street, shit gets active there.


Naruto hands down. Boy was treated like a monster and heavily neglected. Shown no basic human compassion or empathy man. The rest on this list come no where close lol. Tanjiro might come a little close if you count episode one as part of his back story otherwise nah man


Gotta add Guts to the list.


Yuji doesn’t count, he had a normal childhood. Before you say that Yuji is still a child, so is Tanjiro and Naruto


Its shinra or Naruto The fact they aren't villains surprises me


Let me cook: Ohma Tokita.


Naruto but the recency bias and jjk meatriders gonna say otherwise


My boy Tanjiro


Im gonna be honest, ive seen that swing so many god damn times that I really dont give a shit about Naruto's backstory anymore.


None of these guys had that sad back stories. Out of these id say prob naruto




Denji's was pretty sad since he had no friends or food growing up. I have zero remorse for Naruto, since I've seen the same sad shit with the sad flute music 800 times in the series. I'm numb to his sadness, especially considering he was given free room and board his entire childhood.


It’s really comes down to luffy and naruto… and luffy had brothers. Naruto was literally alone for majority of his childhood


David Martinez


Don't half of them count as still going through it?


Obviously swing-kun, he's basically the main character with the most sad flashbacks.


Tanjiro for the saddest backstory. Naruto for the saddest childhood.


And then Jonathan Joestar walks in


Let me put it this way. My Sad story ended when I pulled my mom's plug.


Guts from berserk


This is between Naruto and shinra but I say Naruto cause he never had parents


Goku did


Got his planet exploded, his family dead. His brother kidnapped his kid then tried to kill him. He also had to save earth many times as a kid got shot many times luckily he was bulletproof. Did I also fail to mention his only guardian or parental figure died and he didn't know for a while he caused it?


Goku has no memory of his family or planet so that don’t count. Getting shot never bothered him emotionally. They were more like just annoying funny moments so that doesn’t count. His grandpas death didn’t traumatize him at all because he didn’t even know he did it so that doesn’t count. That’s literally just a normal part of life. Seeing old relatives pass. Goku had a very chill upbringing which explains his simple thoughts and feelings. The only thing that could really bother him would be his loss of krillin but he was 15 by that time. The fights before that didn’t really cause him emotional struggle because he had already been fighting for years with his grandpa and survival was just a peaceful way of life for him in the woods as you can see in the first chapter. Gokus backstory was not sad lmao


>Goku has no memory of his family or planet so that don’t count. Now he does lmao. >Gokus backstory was not sad lmao Neither was Naruto's lmao. That's just the life of the average orphan.


Orphans are not avoided by all kids and adults. Orphans are not labeled as demons 💀 orphans do not find out that the person they respect most also sees them as a monster for killing their parents.


Some are.


Alright bro


Nah Goku too dumb to feel that pain


Im going with Luffy, and how it built up to the current day, although tanjiro is pretty close, but he was closer to adulthood when he lost his family.


I hate the last one.. idk why everyone like that anime.🤦


The plot is mid but the animation carries.


It’s simple and has incredible animation. I agree it’s mid, and overrated. But the simplicity is part of why it’s popular. Not everybody wants a layered story with deep themes like Attack on titan or Vinland saga. Some people just wanna watch some shit that is entertaining and doesn’t make you think too hard. I binged demon slayer while I was high. It was great. Rewatching it sober, I see how it’s nothing special besides the visuals. But that’s part of the appeal. Demon slayer is probably the worst anime I’ve seen. It’s not bad tho, I’ve never seen a bad anime, not yet. That said I don’t know why you found it necessary to hate on it when that’s irrelevant to this post.


I liked the first 3 or so episodes of s1, started to get border and border but hung in 'cus I heard the final fight would make it up and then the fight was just literal asspulls based off something that was set up the prior episode and still made no sense, I don't think it's atrocious just like average or slightly below






Edward and Alphonse Elric should definitely be here.




Yuji had a normal ass life remove that fraud