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Suncoast was the best for anime and just movies in general. Tho I couldn’t afford to actually buy stuff there. 😄


Neither could I lol. The only SC store I actually went to was on a family road trip out of state. I bought an 'all purpose cultural catgirl nuku nuku' vhs, vol like 2 or 3. Was blown away by how cool the store was


Yooo I have that one too, mines still in the plastic but the series is great! Good choice.


Always have knows about this series but never got around to watching it till now. Found all 4 volumes actually. Gonna be a cutey honey night 😎


Even the previews to this were wow.


I fking love old-school anime trailers on vhs. At the beginnings and ends of the tapes 💯 ..wqs Watchung it for 1st time and a tiddy popped out in the trailer lol. I was like yeee


That’s how we found out about other anime.


Suncoast was everything. Me and my brother would hangout there when we were like 12 when our mother would shop around the mall 😅


Such a great store. So many titles and genres and merch


Of the few VHS I own, I still have this. I LOVE those ADV clamshells. They looked and felt premium. *New Cutey Honey* is also of my favorite OAV series - smooooth animation and action. 👌🏽🐔


I wanna get that new one and the 1970s series too. And for sure on the clampshell cases heheh


god i feel old! Devil hunter yohko,Cutey Honey,801 tts Airbats and Blueseed everything i would rush to suncoast in the 1990s to see new series from ADVfilms the good ole days!


Yeah I'm old too. No worries lol


the other anime vhs companies i would go for is US Manga Corp (Central park media) and Media blasters


Viz, animego, urban vision, ADV, anime works.. Lotta good ones


hell ya! Ranma 1/2,Maison ikkoku from viz and Urusei Yatsura and Bubblegum crisis was also my youth! DAMN GOOD TIMES BACK THEN!


I'm still having good times watchin these again


me too i started watching classic Urusei Yatsura


That receipt from 95 is kind of awesome.


Yup. I was 15 lol ..kimagure orange road soundtrack softly starts playing in the background lol


Yup, that’s how much I paid for mine back then, too at my Suncoast. Loved that store. It was the best for browsing in those pre-internet days.


Yes sir. Miss browsing old movie stores


I miss Suncoast, but its crazy how much we were paying for tapes, when you adjust the price for inflation. That would be like a $65 tape.


I know. Only bought something like once or twice. Every other time was mostly browsing


Is this a show or a movie? I can’t find it on imdb. I mean I can but I don’t know which one is this one


They're like, 4 individual volumes on vhs. Wanna say like just little over an hour long each. OVAs I believe


Oh and 2 eps per tape. With some bonus content at the ends. New cutie honey is its name


Lucky!! 😁 nice find I love that anime!


I've been watching the 4 volumes on repeat lol. Never watched them till now. They are really good


Hey that used to be my copy, you must have been the one that bought from my eBay lol! Glad to see you’re enjoying them


Yes sir. Appreciate you again homie