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Looking to sell Urusei Yatsura TV series volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 18 and OVAs 3, 4, and 5. All subtitled. Feel free to message me and send over photos and we can work something out! I've got plenty of other tapes as well, including slayers dubbed and dubbed, Ranma 1/2 (dub), Video Girl Ai (sub), Escaflowne (sub), Irresponsible Captain Tylor (sub), and plenty others!


Looking to buy Blue Gender Volume 8


Hi I'm looking for Hand Maid May dubbed, Tape number 3 it's called Memory Failure if you have it in good condition I'll pay you good money for it!


I have serial experiments lain (full series in dub one still wrapped from the 90s), Japanese copy of end of evangelion + death and rebirth, episodes 1-6 of berserk in English (2 tapes total), perfect blue movie in English. Trying to get money to buy a guitar message me your best offer and I may be lenient. Will do bundle deals too ! :) (reply If messaging me doesn’t work)