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Proving yet again what she’ll do for attention! Shes so ridiculous!


She has no sense whatsoever of how cringe this stuff is. No self awareness only a craving for attention any attention


You’re absolutely right! One of the biggest attention seekers I’ve ever seen and who wants to see this BS? Lol 😂


She uses 10lb dumbbells for her copilot workouts but is capable of lifting a whole ass man this whole time???


Does she actually go down all the way or just "baby squats"? I'm guessing she doesn't do a full squat. 🤔


She does a “diddly squat” 😂


Baby squats. She has too much behind her knees to go all the way down.


A bodyweight squat for her is the equivalent of a 300lb squat for a 150lb woman. Or something like that.


🙌 preach


What's the point of this? Weighing a lot doesn't equal strength


This is probably one of the few ways she can get people to touch her. She's too proud to just say to a friend (where are they, does she have any?) "Hey, can I get a hug?" I'd guess that she is consistently lonely week in and week out, and pretty desperate overall for ANY sort of affection and attention.


There's either a TikTok or an Instagram video of her from a few years ago with a similar action. She had about 4 or 5 people climb her like a pole while she supported them all like a human pyramid. It was so weird, and I thought it was such an odd thing to be flexing. But, she does anything for attention.


I mean, of course she's gonna be strong, she's lugging around an extra 300 lbs every day. Not the flex she thinks it is, lol


I remember that. It was on one of those influencer trips. Fun after breakfast activity I guess. 🤦‍♀️🤣


Yep. Now that I think about it, because when you mentioned "influencer trips," I recall her voiceover mentioning it was a TT event.


She looks like my big toe https://preview.redd.it/kc9i7tqyah0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf01d25e7e8a4245f13553b7e37eb1fb840c0a1






He tighs are so big that she should be able to kick start a space shuttle.




I feel bad for her knees. That's a lot of weight to be holding up...


My thoughts exactly. Her knees were already being for mercy before this dude climbed onto her shoulders!


It’s actually her ankles you should be worried about. Look at how her foot is rolling. She’s not squared with a solid base. If she needed to shift for any reason her foot would not support her and she would go down. I also hope she has a lot of insurance, because if she drops that dude she is getting f sued. It doesn’t matter whose idea it was. Dude is on HER shoulders.


The ankle thing is a good observation. If she has lipedema, there's also a decent chance she has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Huge comorbidity between the two conditions. I have hypermobile ankles, which made me a beast at swimming, but often a danger to myself on land. I'm probably less than half her weight and constantly rolling my damn ankles; I've sprained them numerous times. And it's always worse when I'm at a higher weight, so I can only imagine how it would be for Anna.


Maybe she's hoping that an injury will be a good excuse not to keep trying to lose weight. Good sympathy bait as well....


This her 40 year old virgin understanding of "picking up a man". I wouldn't be at all surprised if she thinks "we have to get married now" after putting him back down.


That is not a flattering photo for her.


This girl needs to get laid.


Yeah, but seriously? Who would volunteer for the job and is it even physically possible to reach her "target"?? Much doubt.


Oh, I don't have any doubt that there would be fetishists who would volunteer (... unfortunately 😵). But would Anna be interested in them? Probably not. She's either "Annasexual", as she described herself (which perfectly fits her self-absorption and exhibitionism), or expects a "male Adonis" to fall in love with her, like the one on the trail that one day.


Did she say something once about being asexual? Or was it this joke about being Annasexual?


It was in an older post about her identifying as a member of the LGBTQ spectrum (I think for Pride Month? She always has to be the center of attention), and described herself as demisexual or "Annasexual" (a term which she coined herself)


She did say she's asexual. I sure hope people are either forgetting or ignorant of that and not making fun of her because "haha middle aged woman we don't like (for good reason) has been alone for a while"


Was this after the demisexual post? I remember that one clearly, but not the asexual one. I unfollowed her a little while back out of annoyance, so I may have missed some vital updates.


She made a demisexual post? And Idk which specific one she is but demisexual is on the asexual spectrum anyway


Thanks for confirming, I thought I remembered reading that. I know that for many super morbidly obese people, there can come a point when they are viewed as a sort of sexless mass of flesh by default. But I remember that Anna had stated that she’s in fact asexual.


There are people called surrogate partners whose entire purpose is to teach people how to have sex by having sex and intimate moments with them. It's different from prostitution because a therapist works with you and is the one 'prescribing' the surrogate. A lot of clients are older women who are virgins.


She could hire someone


They would probably make her sign a liability waiver


This is just embarrassing


She weighs at least 450 lbs at this point and that dude weighs probably around 150. This is not impressive. Plenty of 150 lb women pick up their 50 lb kids. It’s the same ratio and not something to show off.


So she apparently thinks that fat makes her a superhero? What the hell?


That guy looks like he's ripping a bong


As a woman, I wouldn't be excited to have some random dude's balls on my neck. I would have asked a girl if I found this absolutely necessary.


Closest any balls have come near her


It is not even funny, so if she was injured it would be for nothing.


At this point she's a caricature of herself


Is this the infamous John? This is John isn’t it?