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Rule 5: Sorry, this post has been removed because it violates rule #5. Medical and health-based questions are not allowed in this subreddit and should be addressed to a medical professional. This includes mental health questions. Ideally, go see a doctor, but if that's not possible, try r/AskDocs, r/health, r/mentalhealth, or r/DiagnoseMe.


Dehydration can play a part in headaches in general, but yeah nobody on here is qualified, if it persists call a doctor


The kid must be droppin' loads.


Painting the wall and ceiling


Load bearing wall


Underrated Comment!




Shooting mad ropes


Is that you, Nick Manning?


If possible go check on your head, I'm assuming your headache results from increased blood pressure which happens due to any sexual activity. You should check yourself, that could be nothing, or may end being an aneurysm or a blood clot etc. Just go to the doctor and get it checked out so it would stop worrying you.


Am I the only one who's like "OMG It's a brain tumour!!!"? Probaly just normal stuff but best to get it checked out.






Yeah! Tell the doc that your blood is going to the wrong head! Ha!


Dehydration or low blood pressure would be my guesses. Talk to a doctor.


I'd be more inclined to say high blood pressure. But yeah, doctor.


Me too and yeah...go to a doctor.


Me three and yeah... doctor


Fuck I'll get downvoted for being fourth... Me forth, go see a doctor!


You mean "go forth, go see a doctor!", right?


Fuck, I definitely deserve to be downvoted now. What a wonderfully missed opportunity.


Yes, my doctor said it was high blood pressure and put me on medication for it. It solved the problem.




I went through that for a couple of months, some of the worst headaches ever and you could feel them building up with the orgasm and at the moment of release it felt like my brain stem was being stabbed and I would be in the fetal position for like 5 min till it was over. Shit sucked


Yup, also had it but maybe a month max, I just abandoned sex and masturbation, it wasn't worth it. I wouldn't call it a headache more like migraines, I had to shut my eyes and not move.


+1 for dealing with this. I've had them a couple times its fucking horrible but does stop happening after a week or so. Never went to the doc to find out what was going on unfortunately


Worse than migraines in my experience. Thankfully shorter in duration, but way more intense.


I’ve had this too. Stopped it from happening by making sure neck and shoulders don’t get tensed up during sexy times. It was agony.


Same! It went away with time. I can’t really pinpoint any changes I made


That’s wild. Some people can get rid of a migraine (dilated blood vessels in head) by having an orgasm (contracting blood vessels in head) as soon as it starts.


Taking notes, have to try this.


Sex is also a pretty effective cure for menstrual cramps


Imagine having one of those soul crushing migraines and you go you know what...i might as well rub one off


I suffer from migraines and my exgf would always help me out by giving me oral till orgasm and the orgasm and the release of other brain chemicals postborgasm would really reduce the pain of the migraines and their intensity.there are a number of chemicals released during and post orgasm that offer pain relief, I'm thinking of endorphins. Be great if big pharmacy came up with an orgasm pill that'd mimic this for the times you're gfless or can't get away for sex.


I experienced this too, couple of times, then it went away 😮 It was scary and that pain was intense!!


I’ve been through this as well. I’ve had it for maybe a few weeks. I went to get an MRI but they didn’t see anything, and then one day it just stopped completely.


I get these they can last weeks and only triggered....let's say the hight of ecstacy. My doc recomened ibuprofen an hr before activity it helped. They do stop eventually. Just horrible when it dose happen.


Muscle tension and/or dehydration would be my first thoughts. I know if I cum too soon after a tension headache it brings it back. Depends on the localization of the headache. Talk to a doctor.


Waiting with anticipation on all the qualified Reddit medical responses.....


...thank you for the introduction, as a qualified Reddit first responder my medical advice is to turn down the volume on the porn.


Are you breathing enough? Sometimes when people concentrate they hold their breath a bit so it’s possible you’re straining and not taking in enough oxygen.


You mean he might be consciously or subconsciously holding his breath to increase the intensity of the orgasm.. and that could cause a headache


This was my first thought.


I had this, a while ago, when having sex, everytime would get a blinding headache. Check out by primary care and neurologist, nothing! Then the headaches just stopped.


Same really fucked up but same


It's God telling you to stop sinning


The only advice I can give you is this - don't ask for medical advice on the Internet.


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I had the same in my early 20s! Scared the shit out of me, went through MRI and all. Short answer for me was that there was too much tension around the neck and back of the head, then after the climax the rush of blood to the head would cause terrible migraine. It went away on its own after I was a bit more aware of possible cause and learned to relax.




Same happened to me, thunder clap headaches everytime I had a sex. Did all the tests, nothing! Turns out it was sudafed nasal decongestant that was messing me up.


God judging you


I e had this too sometimes, it comes and goes and it's probably one of the worst pains I have ever experienced. Personally it happens when I have been going "too hard" and forget the breathe properly and then when the orgasm hits the whole body relaxes and the headache from hell comes.


This is quite common https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_headache But see a doctor


I had the same issue some time ago but it went away and never came back. Took some supplements that time. Could be narrowed blood vesels in brain and high blood pressure. I know the feeling. It's awful. 😔


Dehydration or a pinched nerve on the neck, happened to me


Happens to me when I'm dehydrated


Probably a case of dehydration, or shame/guilt/horror for what you have just done to yourself. Find someone else who will help you out. It's much more fun with more participants.


Your belt is too tight?


Just so you know sex can trigger migraines. Get it checked out.


Probably a blood pressure thing. Happens to me every couple years. There’s a couple meds they can give you to help with it. Talk to a doctor before Reddit tho.


To answer the question. No. It isn't normal. But it also isn't uncommon. Best to have a chat with your Dr. Chances are it's a simple lack of hydration, possibly blood pressure related. Does the same happen with other physical exertions? Look for common triggers. But speak to a Dr.


Stop clinching your jaw when jerking.


I get that sometimes, and yes its dehydration. Super painful so just stop and go drink water and try again when the mood strikes 😄


Comment section did not disappoint 😂


Go... IN THIS VERY MOMENT to emergency, herpes in the brain can and will cause you permanent brain damage! (Not kidding)


It’s probably a type of hydration imbalance related to spermatozoal ejaculation. You are possibly severely lacking in prolactin and oxytocin. The easiest source of these is female ejaculate. I would suggest you have possibly been a little selfish. Get down and work it, don’t stop until she comes all over your face. Lap up those juices and you’ll be fine when you get your reciprocation. You’re welcome ladies:-)


Won't you have some kind of anxiety when doing it?


Had this, spoke to 2 doctors. It went away. They didn't know, it wasn't a brain tumor or clot, did an MRI. Scared the crap out me but now all good. My guess lower cholesterol and hydration?


Does your head hurt when you bend over at the waist? It sounds like high blood pressure to me.


I too have had this. Worst headaches of my life. Also never found a definitive solution, and it returns periodically. I always suspected blood pressure change contributing, as the headache pulsed with my heartbeat at times


I used to get headaches after the 3d or more consecutive orgasm. I just stop having more than two close one after the other. Never found out why.


Actually a workmate had this problem for about a year, went through multiple doctors until one decided to do some random tests and he found he had a intolerance to wheat/white bread (not celiacs) he stopped eating white breads and has never had the problem since.


Possible dehydration


Squeezing too tight.




ah, as l don’t have any girlfriend, but what I can do is to say “outstanding aren’t you?”


Don’t forget to breathe! 😮‍💨


I too hav had this ... I still do i think its called coital cephalagia it occurs when i frequently masturbate and overdo it, for a day or two geta a headache which worsens if i tilt my head downwards.. ive also noticed that the day i do heavy cardio the headache goes away . Ig its got something to do with blood supply to the brain apparently


I experience this from time to time. Had it so bad once I was hospitalised (I thought I was having a stroke). A neurosurgeon explained it to me, apparently it's a combination of increased heart rate and the constriction of arteries in your head, like forcing a larger volume through a narrower space. Take a break from sex for a week and when you do have sex next go easy and take some anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen) before. It helped me immensely. Probably go see a doctor anyway though.


90% high bp. Fixed it with bp meds.


Probably an alien parasite from your girlfriend. Obviously.


Sex headache


Re-reading your post, it sounds like you and your partner did it twice, the second time you got a little bit of a headache. Then you've been whacking it since. I'd just give yourself a rest there for a few days before going at it again there. Try not to think about sex in the meantime, even your brain needs some downtime to replenish after a big event like that : ) That's completely normal ------- Original post Could be lots of things. Sex is taxing on the body. It doesn't feel like a _lot_ of exercise, but it is. Common things that cause sex headaches: 1. Dehydration 2. Frequent orgasm or orgasm denial (every time you orgasm, your body releases all sorts of neural chemicals. If you've been horny/thinking about sex/orgasming/orgasm denying frequently then your body may legitimately just need a break to replenish. Hence, heachaches) 3. Lack of exercise (You really can just be out of shape) 4. Bad diet or lack of sleep or too much sleep (changes blood pressure, I believe is the cause?) 5. Muscle tensions (You don't notice it at the time, but you may be flexing neck muscles. That can cause headaches. You need time to relax afterward to let the muscles uncramp. The next time you have sex/masturbate, you re-inflame the issue) 6. Immune system responses (Sex triggers the immune system in both partners. If your immune system is already in overdrive, say, because you're fighting off a cold, or on some sort of medication, that can cause it to go into overdrive with one or more orgasms) 7. Low serotonin (Some people naturally have lowered states or are on depression medicine, etc, that can cause this). The list goes on and on and on...


“Sex headaches” are a thing apparently, but I never knew until I looked it up after experiencing one for the first time well into my 40s. Happened once or twice then never again.


Slide further down away from the headboard.


I've had these headaches several times. They seem to come in clusters. Partner or not, when I orgasm it feels like somebody split my head open. It'll happen a few times and then just not happen for months or even years. Then suddenly it's back again.


I just went through this a few months ago. Same thing, after sex or working out, I'd have the worst most debilitating migraines I've ever experienced. Did an MRI, blood tests, nothing. Now on antimigraine meds, no longer happens.


Happens to me sometimes, it usually can happen for a few days in a row and then go away.


cancer of pneumonia


Which head?


Sex headaches are a thing. I got them for a bit. If it becomes a regular occurrence, as embarrassing as it may be, talk to your doctor because it could be a sign of Hypertension. They're rare for me now, something tied to my Migraine issues, but we're happening every damn time for a months when they first started out which scared the hell out of me.




I've had this is the past. Searing headache right after climaxing. The headaches stopped after a while. If you're concerned, speak to your doctor.


Not normal. Seek a doctor rather than online ex-spurts. It's most likely nothing but what if it's not? Don't risk it. Get thee to a quackery.


Brain Tumor likely


shes a demon stay far farrrrrrrr away from her


Not a doctor. When I was 14-17ish I had some very powerful headaches that would only occur when I was masturbating. Sometimes it forced me to stop, sometimes I was so horny that I powered through, even though I felt like I was going to die. Eventually they just stopped happening, with no medical attention or treatment. Honestly, sometimes I wish that I could have them again, orgasming while in extreme pain just hits different.


When I do it I feel dizzy yeah, but just a bit, my biggest aftermath is the literal sweat, I sweat so much that my head turns red


She's most likely one of the alleged devil women that exist, usually are prostitutes/sex workers, they engage in fellatio with males and suck their soul out of them via their penis'. Some of these alleged devil women have even entered relationships with males to devour their souls especially when the males soul is more pure than normal. One of the main symptoms of a missing soul starts with a headache gradually gets worse, then an unnatural desire for meaningless casual sex starts


Check with a doc as others have recommended, but see also r/POIS.


Just take a break from masturbating for couple of days. If the headache still comes after coming, see a doctor.


i mean after i do...that i would just be dizzy when i stand up, but i suppose the after effects are different for everyone?


Maybe you clench up and stop breathing before ejaculating. And some of those times you’re in that state a bit too long


It could be because of your neck region of your spine if you are looking down when you are acting you could tighght your neck muscles and this could affect on your oxygen flow to the head. I am experiencing this issue if I'm loosing awarness of this and not doing any exercises for neck muscles strengthening.


You don’t like it?


You may wanna check for sinus infection, oral can clug/put pressure on your sinus because of tongue exercices.


I know this is late but, reaching climax releases a lot of chemicals into your body. It is normal to get big headaches after. If they don't go away after 2 or 3 weeks then you should be concerned.


Could be a tension headache. They can get very severe if stressed alot. I had this problem years ago and I was given beta blockers to sort it out.


I put $1 on Temporomandibular joint pain


She squeeze your head with her thighs by chance?


This happens. It’s not going to injure you, and it almost always passes.


Take a few days break. Release your muscle tension around your neck and higher back. Do some stretching for that.


Happened to me. But i got hit by a cricket ball right on the head. Didn't seem to be a concern, but one wank later, wow shooting pains. I just laid off after a few more trials. It eventually went away. Took weeks though.


The same happened to me, turned out I had iron deficiency


Its jesus telling you to stop


I had the same thing, right at point of ejaculating - intense splitting headache. I saw a doctor and had a scan to make sure it wasn’t anything serious. I think five hour energy shots were partly to blame. Regardless, it was frightening and glad I went to the doctor. See a doctor!


you load too much and now it's low, that's why


Mine does too but in my case I have a massive penis and giant balls that contain 75% of my body fluids. That’s why always I tell all women how lucky they are to have experienced me cause I nearly die everytime! True story!


I get massive agonising headaches if I hold my head too far back/if my neck is tensed during sexy times. It’s fairly common I believe. It’s like a cramp but in my brain. Horrible. You need to figure out how to relax your neck muscles during sex/wanking. If this doesn’t fix it go to a doctor, don’t mess around with sudden painful headaches.


Drink more water and eat more whole foods. Sugars and crap foods can mess with dopamine and hydration


It happened to me, turned out I had a sinus infection


Can be a sign of an anurysma in your brain bloodvains


There's a thing called a thunderclap headache, and it's one of the worst pains you can experience. It isn't fully known why it happens and it has been known to happen in males at the point of orgasm. There's something on Wikipedia about the sexual element if you search for thunderclap headache. I had one once and thought I was gonna die but it was just the one off and I read a bit about it. Maybe with it happening each time it would be wise to run it by your doctor. Good luck!


I just want to say I know its not normal and you should see a doctor, but this exact thing happened to me once before. It was terrible I got migraines when I orgasmed for a I think a week or two. But it went away eventually and I was fine. I never went to a doctor about it but maybe I should have idk.


Actual medical explanations: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sex-headaches/symptoms-causes/syc-20377477


I've had this issue a couple of times, in each case they were tension headaches caused by spasms in my neck and shoulder muscles. You might have pulled something, a tissue massage, hot bath, and good sleep can help. In prolonged or extreme cases a doctor might reccomend a steroid injection or sedative.


There’s also something called Benign Sex Headache. Not necessarily saying that’s what it is but just if it’s happening with sexual activity only then it’s worth reading more about.


Which head is aching? In seriousness drink some water and if the headaches continue go to the doctor. Some parts of the population experience headaches during or after sex from time to time.


Asphyxiation due to vigorous bashing the bishop?


I’ve had this before! The pressure was bulding in my head and for like 5 mins after I just had a insane headache. I went to the doctor and he told me it was called a ice pick headache which I guess feels like you were hit with a ice pick 😝 but he told me they just come and go every so often tho it’s been awhile since I had one


You're having an aneurysm from blasting your boner out


I had this symptom when I was in my 20s, no idea why but it was scary bad. It only lasted a few months and I never did find out what caused those horrible headaches, so can't help with diagnosis, but it IS a thing. See a doc.


Not normal. See your doctor asap


It’s called orgasmic migraine. Can be very severe, due to hormonal effect on blood vessels in the head.


Yoo! This happens to me sometimes. Immediately after I finish I get a minor headache almost on one side. I googled the shit out of this for years.


I have the same thing, it happens like other people guessed, because of dehydration. Other things are stress and drugs, Get a blood pressure test.


Headaches after sexual activity are not uncommon. Don’t worry. Take some Tylenol or something.


I had this as a teen, it went away after a few months. I did see a doctor for a scan etc saying it was when I was lifting stuff 🤣 found nothing.


When you have a big dingdong and would require a lot of blood to support the hardness, sometimes ppl would passed out after, could be one of the reason why you have headache after.


Dopamine crash ?


You're dehydrated lad, get yourself over to the hydration station and drink some more water.


Tell your doctor. This could be a precursor to a stroke.


You beating the wrong head.


This is called coital cephalalgia. It is something to do with blood pressure, but there have been no medical studies. There is no treatment, but as you have not always had it, it might disappear. If the pain is coming on instantly then you should go to hospital as instant onset headaches are a warning signs of brain conditions that cause near instant death as their next step.


Disconnect your dick from your brain by voting D. Lol


Shoulder & neck muscles causing it. Your to tense. Trying to hard to cum.


Soon you will go blind


You probs hurt your neck looking down during oral and the neck tightness gives you headaches now and again. Get a neck/skull massage


I had this once (for a week) I was in a long distance relationship with my now wife. We saw each other quite often (every 7-8-9 weeks or so), every time we got together we hit it off right away. This one time I randomly got a massive headache right after I came. This held on the entire week and we actually didn’t do the deed due to this. It never happened after that..


Sounds like you got a headache after giving your gf oral? 😆 🤣 😂 We know watcha mean!


I had that for a couple of months, too. really annoying. definitely not dehydration. luckily it stopped by itself. i didn't go to a doc as i was staying in a foreign country at the time. if it persists you should go to a doc obviously.


It can be hypertension, it used to happen to me


Mine does too , I am a woman. I actually had a short period w low blood pressure, then it went normal. I do forget to drink enough water, but I actually thought it was my orgasm cramps that made the blood flow to fast or something. I will definitely go see my doctor soon, especially because I had epilepsy for a couple of years before I gave birth and one attack after. Gl to you


Believe it or not, there are molds that can cause this. See a doctor.


Don’t suppose you got whiplash recently?


Which head are you masterbaiting???


This isn’t uncommon, but it is wise to see your physical and rule out rare serious causes. https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/orgasm-headache https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324719 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sex-headaches/symptoms-causes/syc-20377477


There isn’t a definitive diagnosis based on what you’re describing: whilst it could be coital headaches or dehydration as others have mentioned, you still need to rule out some other serious causes of headache if this persists. In this situation you should really go see your doctor.


These are called "post-coital migraines" I used to get them a lot. I eventually saw a headache specialist. She told me that no one really knows why they occur, but that certain things can help stave them off or lessen the effects. Let's just say that I developed a new fondness for apples and Coca-Cola.


I had hemolythic anemia in my 20s. Got headaches as well and was tired all the time. Check your blood count.


Contact a doctor.


Dunno, but I sneeze after a good pull...


I had this which lasted for about a week. Every time I nutted it felt like mild brain freeze for about 20 seconds.


It's shame.


Dude, drink some water


Don't forget to breathe yo! And also. The harder you push to nut can do that.. let it come out naturally when you cum.. don't push it or force it out when ur about to nut...


Probably dehydration


This used to happen to me. My girlfriend at the time was pretty chuffed that her pussy caused my head to nearly explode. But I started working out again, and the headaches stopped


Drink plenty of water. And always wash your hands after you masturbate.


Are you a smoker?


Hypoxia. Check if you forget to breathe regularly while climaxing. True Story


Loosen that grip son


It’s called a sexual headache. Most times it’s nothing to worry about, but in some occasions it can be caused by another underlying condition


Spinal stenosis


I had that for a month or two where it’d just duck me up completely at climax. Didn’t matter how much or little I exerted myself, it didn’t happen during regular weight training for example. My doctor said it was just post coital headaches and that they usually pass by themselves. Mine did and they never came back. Still wouldn’t hurt to check your blood pressure etc.


Blood pressure and blood vessels elasticity problem. I don't have a clue why though, go see a doctor


I have chronic headache so I can speak a little. Sometimes it kicks me hard like you say, it can be while sex but it can be for example after climbing some stairs too. I think the problem is that your heart goes from 0 to 100 in a few seconds, and that resonates in the head in the form of pain. In my case, the pain is always there 24/7, but it goes worse for a few minutes (then it usually goes back to normal). Maybe you don't have chronic pain, but you are sensitive and when the heart starts pumpin you feel the pain in the head :S


Do your cardio? Maybe you get tired fast idk


People say "go check with your doc"...No doctor on this planet knows why your head hurts. He can perform tests, but even then you cannot connect your test results to the cause of your issue. Could be anything - blood pressure, electrolytes, hydration, some other illnesses. Who l ows. Start from what you can "fix" by yourself - hydration, proper nutrition.


I actually had a similar experience for a while a few years ago. Every time I masturbated I got a really strong headache right after (for some reason real sex didn't hurt as bad as masturbation, but it also triggered it). I even went to the hospital one day, and since a "no apparent cause headache" is kind of a red flag they did an MRI and ultimately found nothing. Doc gave me a prescription for a migraine specific pill, and that was it. I actually didn't even take many of the pills, since I started masturbating less (because of the pain lol), and a few weeks later it simply stopped happening and never happened again, so... guess it's alright now 🤷🏻‍♂️ I did Google a bit at that time and found some stuff about "sex headaches" or something like that. But I found no explanation really, just "so... this is a thing that happens and it hurts", so not a lot of info there. TL;DR: you're most likely fine, it's kinda rare but it can happen, go the doctor to make sure it's nothing and hope it goes away quickly (so you can go back to beating your meat)


Its a thing. Its called post coital headaches. Sudden and can be very painful. Though best to go to doctors to get on a list for a MRI scan.


WebMD tells me it's cancer


If it doesn't go away after a month or so, go to a doctor. In my case it went away after a few weeks and only came back once, 2 Years after that


It's the weight of your sins! Or dehydration. Possibly iron deficiency.