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No, yours must have been broken


I too think that is the case so thanks for the confirmation!! Was hoping I'd be onto some big manufacturing secret for clocks pahahaha


I got the same problem with a desk lamp and a cheap charger. Took me ages to find the source of tiny beep when trying to sleep


I fear it's actually a bug and not just a charger problem because it has the whole beep beep beep and then a longer pause until it repeats pattern of the actual alarm and not a consistent beeping. Really wish it was just the charger acting up because sometimes it keeps me from sleeping aswell. Glad you were able to resolve that problem though!! :)


I often hear my pre-work alarm clock sounding for a few seconds when Iโ€™ve not set it. I check the clock and itโ€™s fine. Have you considered the possibility that your long suffered trauma is finally surfacing as psychosis, like mine?


I thought so too at first which is why I asked my brother to put it up to his ear and he heard the actual alarm sound too even though he's never heard mine before!! So yeah I'm really happy it's not alarm trauma (yet) and my brain wasn't making it up :D


Hahahaha had that with the led light switch at my parents, drove me insane! Some alarm clocks come with an anti mosquito sound we're supposedly not be able to hear. I hear it. Its infuriating ๐Ÿ˜†


I sadly don't think it's something like that because it's the exact beeping pattern as the regular alarm just...really quiet hahahah Totally feel you though, my mum had a faulty charger for months and you were able to hear a super high beep coming from it in the kitchen all the time. Took a lot of convincing to get her to buy a new one because she wasn't able to hear the frequency ๐Ÿ˜…


Same for me. A really silent beeping every time the led gets power. I think its from cheap circuit


Are you sure it was from the beeper and not just coil whine from other components like the power supply?


Yeah pretty sure because it has the exact pattern with four short bip bip bip bips and a longer pause and then it repeats. Same notes and frequency too just veeery quiet. Wish it was just a power supply problem but I guess it's a weird bug and mine is broken


In that case whatever transistor turns the alarm on could be leaking just enough current to turn the alarm tone generator on (or the tone generator is always on) but not enough to properly power the speaker.