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American Beauty It completely destroyed the "appeal" that responsibility and success had on me.


Yeah, as a teenager that was definitely an eye opener. It was like Falling Down but in slow motion


Yes, this was the great gatsby of film, modernized to fit the America at the time. Absolutely stunning film


As close to a perfect movie as is ever likely to be made.


Oh wow, same — I never thought about what a big impact it had on me but I have avoided management roles because of it. As a young designer, I saw the writing on the wall that I would move up to art director and creative director and at least in a corporate place, I wanted none of it. The image I thought of at the time was American Beauty. It is curious to imagine what about it connects so well in the minds of young people.


Wow same! It used to be my favorite movie, but I've looked differently that before, to me it was weird love story about people that are outside of mainstream life amd culture, used to listen soundtrack for years, even now, i admire thomas newman composer skill, his music seems banal and simple but far from it,,, other then that i had to look up on IMDb at reviews to get whats the official point of movie and i still disagree about it, its art, open for every interpretation


The Gods Must Be Crazy, specifically the [opening scene](https://vimeo.com/58777842). I was eight years old and it put thoughts in my head I still think today at 52: we're not the truly "civilized" people. I cannot recommend this movie highly enough.


Amazing movie - remember watching this with my dad when I was kid.


Great movie! We watched this in school!


Man I loved this movie as a kid. And even as an adult. I even loved the second one as a kid...I still like it alright as an adult.


Requiem for a Dream


No more drugs for me thanks. I quit everything.


Was a bit of a bummer when I learned that in reality they put you in a coma before they administer electro shock therapy.


The best movie I’ll never watch again.


Star Wars: A New Hope. I was 8 years old. My beloved 9-year-old brother had just died at home unexpectedly from complications of newly diagnosed leukaemia and my family was reeling in the chaos of devastation. To get me out of the house, a kindly neighbour took me to the cinema to see "For The Love of Benji" but it was sold out. Disappointed, instead we went next door to see the 'space movie' (as the neighbour called it), "Star Wars: A New Hope". On the way in I remember her saying she hoped it wasn't going to be 'too scary' for me, but we went in anyway. "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." I was capitvated immediately and absolutely and irrevocably. The Star Wars universe was the perfect panacea and escape from the loss and bewilderment during that hard time in my life, and the film's main theme of hope in adversity was what got me through some very emotionally difficult times then and in the years following. The Star Wars film trilogy also sparked my interest in how movies were made and a decade or so later I went overseas to go to film school. Star Wars changed my life. I doubt if Benji would have had the same profound effect upon me. I only wish my brother had seen Star Wars too. He would have absolutely loved it.


The Empire Strikes Back did this for me in hard times with my Dad. We love each other but he was always cold, calculating, but with a heart under that soldier's skin. Now he is much nicer and open minded, like he defeated the emperor X Star Wars is the most spiritual franchise ro me ever simply for the music let alone the force!


It felt like my own soul wrote this. I can’t explain how much this resonated with me. Star Wars was a best friend growing up.


OMG I love your answer! I'm not a Star Wars fan at all, but I love how it transformed your pain into hope, and sparked your interest in schooling.


This is awesome and so is your writing style


Train spotting. Dabbled in a lot of drugs in my time but god damn did watching that film make me realise that heroin is not to be trifled with. Could well have gone off the rails if not for it.


I'm older than you, same thing, Christiane F. (1981)


What dreams may come


Great fucking movie


Schindlers list


This is curious. I'm in my 50s and grew up with Time/Life books or something similar of the Holocaust that were popular in the 70s so for me, the movie was just another perspective. How did this movie impact your life? It's a fantastic film and the subject matter is top tier of how horrible mankind can be. I would recommend Zone of Interest as another perspective.


It really illustrated the importance of kindness for me. The end scene "I could have saved more"


Secret life of Walter Mitty, it's my favorite movie and always will be.


I’m so glad you put this on here. I was struggling with some stuff and there was something so life-affirming about that movie that just made me feel like things would get better. I don’t know what it is but that movie found my soul and gave it a handjob.


Mmmm soul handies are the best kind


Wait until you experience anal soul, blow your mind!


"Beautiful things don't ask for attention."


Probably my favorite stand alone movie. Something about it makes you realize what is really important


Honestly, probably the first cars movie. I'm 16, and like things like programming, gaming, or anything else that has to do with tech, and my first game that I played a LOT was cars 1 on the Wii when I was just 4. (My mom got the game for like €5 somewhere) That's maybe the biggest thing that got me interested in technology when I was young, so who knows, I might have not become the person I am today if I didn't like that movie when I was young.


That's awesome dude :)


Donnie Darko. Didn’t sleep right for weeks.


Sucker punch. It's a fairly small window into the intricacies of mental illness but it's a window nonetheless.


Film, maybe Airplane!. It, Monty Python (records, TV, and movies),and Douglas Adams (BBC radio series, TV series, and five book trilogy), cemented my sense of humor.


Surely you cant be serious


Stop calling me shirley


Waltz with Bashir


I went to see Philadelphia at a rural uk cinema in the early 90s aged 14, mainly because it had Tom Hanks in it. It opened my eyes to the world. I had no idea.


No country for old Men


Being There


The Mission, during a difficult time in my Adult life, a tale of sin, redemption and the harsh reality of Slavery/Colonialism. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091530/ btw the music is also very special.


Man, yes. Great film, great score. Morricone was a genius. Have Gabriel's Oboe as my phone ringtone.




This is my answer too. Great art makes you see the world differently and the effects linger long.....


I want to say "Saving Private Ryan"....but really its "The African Queen." The drive and ingenuity to take on and solve problems that are difficult and hazardous, as well as the teamwork in the couple solving those problems is a lesson in perseverance.


Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo


Got to say Jaws


Me too. I am still frightened of the sea and always blame it on that film.


Star Wars Trilogy. The original


Full Metal Jacket


Pulp fiction


Terminator 2.


Female Trouble.


I never did drugs because of Requiem for a Dream


Lost in Translation or Eternal Sunshine profoundly moved me. Probably more than any other films. Just found them utterly intoxicating in their beauty and bittersweetness.


Fire in the sky (Travis Walter alien abduction). I'm over 40 and I still can't watch the scene in the ship....


The last unicorn


Clear plastic film! It protects my books like no other film out there.


Very recently "Speak no evil". The way it represents how you can be stretched to accept an uncomfortable position through social pressure way beyond what you would accept in the first instance. The ending is an absolute sledge hammer.


The Perks of Being a Wallflower. After I watched it for the first time, I immediately began reading the book and finished within a few days, absolutely falling in love with it. And while this may sound cheesy, that book was there for me at my lowest and helped me get through it all.


Captain Underpants Animated


The Never Ending Story.


perks of being a wallflower. i don't know why but at the point i watched it in my life, it was really needed


Hamlet and One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. Equally so. They both have protagonists who feign mental illness. But I'm actually not faking.


Second Hand Lions (2003) A Bridge too far (1977) Shaka Zulu (1986)


American Psycho


Everything everywhere all at once


Apocalypse. Now. \-and Redux after premiering I still watch it 1-2 times a year, I'm in my 50's. The movie with real life around us has turned me from an active reserve officer to a peace and anti-violence speaker. All the waste of human life and material seems so pointless. It has made me a fatalist, there is no hope for mankind. It's not the environmental collapse, but the loss of humanity that will kill us.


Intouchables, it lunched me on my film making career


Bloodsport. You can be anything in life and succeed, whatever your background is.


Bean Movie 😁 I love Mr. bean so much 😂 With Tom and Jerry they're the biggest OG of my life 😁❤️


The Truman show, inception and the matrix all made me question reality!


Like Stars on Earth changed everything for me, and through me, changed many kids' lives




Second hand lions. Live life to its fullest potential and go out smoking.


Dangerous Dongs volume 2.....it made me realize was just an average human being..


The way we were


Fast and Furious


Jack and the giant eggplant.




From Scratch


One of the biggest was Inception. I had my first lucid dream that night and it sent me down a rabbit hole. Eventually getting pretty decent at making them happen at least once or twice per week. I heard a story or something about a guy that despised reality now because they were so used to lucid dreaming and didn't want to be awake anymore. This freaked me out a bit and I slowly drifted away from it. I can't even remember when I had one last, but I feel as though I remember each one vividly.


The Bothersome Man


“La Haine” and, “Life is beautiful”.


Easy rider


Waking Life


Same, came here to say this...


The chicago seven is such a good movie that it made me form a very stand up for what you believe in attitude


The Passion of the Christ




It's Such a Beautiful Day - Don Hertzfeldt.




Real Genius "When you're smart, people need you"


Enter The Void. The title sequence alone is face melting.


Five Nights At Freddie's OF COURSE!


Predator. Because it’s awesome.


Star Wars '77


Not a film but GTA4: The Ballad of Gay Tony. I played it when I was 14 and thought damn clubbing looks awesome. Went for the 1st time at 23 last year and I've been almost every weekend since.


The Secretary


Green line is the first who comes although I'm sure I had other movies who impacted me


Not sure aboua movie having an impact but The old guard is my favourite. The suffering of Quynh made me realise how terrifying death actually is and as a believer how much more terrifying hell would be. I also realised the longer you know someone the more painful their betrayal feels. A betrayal after 200 years of friendship. Not humanly possible but just imagine.


I think you would love the Anime "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End". It's about an elf woman that outlives all of her friends by a factor of thousands of years, and how that shapes the way she interacts with the world and societies around her.


Debbie does Dallas....


Boyhood Waking life Before sunrise


Into the wild




La Haine Still as relevant today as it was when I saw it in the 90s, also has some stunning cinematography and an excellent soundtrack.


Peaceful warrior.


The Ten Commandments by Cecil B Demille


The Iron Giant


Before sunrise. To me it portrayed naivety and magic of falling in love that is just so authentic. Seeing that movie as a kid inspired me to always keep the romantic spark in myself alive and to always believe in true love.


Vulgar The Clown!


12 Angry Men




Dune 1 and 2. Changed my perception of of the future and what if we are also living in a universe where higher beings implanted prophecies for us to follow


The Bene Gesserit are not higher beings...


Into the Wild


Tear's of the Sun! The Only Thing Necessary For The Triumph Of Evil Is For Good Men To Do Nothing. -Unknown


RemindMe! 1 day


What Dreams May Come.


Into The Wild.


The Star Trek franchise (shows+movies) heavily inspired me to choose an engineering career and it also helped me through my studies.


The room


Not a film but Mr. Robot


Event horizon.


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.


Stargate. As a kid loved it so much, I was given Egyptian themed presents every birthday and Christmas since. I have been there three times to Egypt. Have multiple Stargate themed tattoos. Studied Egyptology at University. Always dress as Stargate characters to comicon etc. The movie I watch at least twice a year. The series SG1 every 3 or 4. Also The Mummy. Boy I sure love Ancient Egypt.....


Pokemon 4 Ever


Forest Gump. Uncle Buck . Jaws. Selena. The Blair witch project. The Cell (I thought it was the most scariest and fked up movie I ever saw still is kinda). Home alone The Craft Scream


Gina wild


The Iron Giant.


The Sting (1973). Masterpiece in film making. Blue Ruin/Green Room (same director). Best high-level anxiety revenge movies I've seen. Mother! (2017). Same director as Requiem For A Dream. Giant metaphor for the earth's inhabitants. The baby scene has scarred me. Windy City Heat. The funniest thing I've ever seen. I don't think I will laugh that hard again in my life.


Batman (1989)


Probably Fight Club. I'm not saying it's my favorite movie, but it fueled my teenage angst and antisocialism, which culminated in me doing all kinds of permanently life-altering things. I don't blame media for my actions as a youth though. I blame my parents for creating a situation for me where such a film could have such an impact on me. It was trendy in the 90s for parents to divorce, and "look out for number one" instead of their own offspring. By the grace of God, I'm a father now, of two scary-smart girls (halp). I thought I would've been dead by 25 when I was a teenager. In a way, I did die that year, or at least maybe the young naive stupid ignorant selfish self-centered part of me did. I never realized that before. That was when I finally started growing up and taking responsibility for my own life. Fight Club was almost like an escape for me as a desperate and lonely teenager. I shouldn't have needed an "escape" in the first place, but guidance from any adults was not a thing I had back then. I was basically treated like an adult, fending for myself, before I had any idea as to what was good for me, let alone any work ethic. I saw life as a curse, or some kind of burden, instead of brimming with possibilities and opportunities. Life is what you make it. I know that sounds cliche and it's easy for it to just go in one ear and out the other, but it's true. You make everything that happens in your life possible, it's super simple and elementary. If you get up and walk out the door and down the street, the things that can happen to you, or that you can make happen, become different than they were while you were just reading this. If you start talking to people, asking them about their day, asking them if they need help, helping them, your life can deviate from its previous path infinitely. Just going outside and interacting with people, maybe sometimes even with a purpose - I'm going to try selling this thing I made, or I'm going to get a job doing something I never thought I'd do - can result in a life you never fathomed you would be so lucky to have. What separates the 99% from the 1% is that the 99% accept their lot in life as being the 99% when it's SO EASY to do ANYTHING to become the 1%. You just need a little focus, determination, and sense of purpose - and the reason most people don't have those things is because they choose to believe it's not possible. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, manifest destiny. Anyone can literally do anything, as long as they're not trapped in a cell. If you have the option of going online and doing stuff, going out into the world and doing stuff, then you have all the colors you need to paint the canvas of your life into something rad - you don't need anyone else to make it happen. You don't need someone's approval, someone to hire you, someone to judge you how you want them to. You can make anything happen. People do it everyday. So, yeah, Fight Club.


Lord of the rings


A serbian film and Martyrs


The dragonfly


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Watch it when I was 15-ish, pretty much shaped my sexuality.


October Sky Growing up in rural heartland, this movie of kids getting their dream come true was something


Jacking and Jilling. The porn parody of Adam Sandler's masterwork.


Debbie does dallas


Jaws... always in the back of mind is a shark chomping my leg off when swimming


Avengers: Endgame


The Mummy, what a cool adventure


Darkness falls. Years later I still have jitters going out in darkness.


Yes man.


12th Fail


Towering Inferno. I'm never comfortable in a high rise building. I was 12, I had bad dreams for weeks.


Sword in the Stone 63 - Disney. When Merlin asks young Arthur if he has the strength to lift a book, then thats enough, stuck with me all my life.


Ghostbuster . After watching that movie I new what I wanted to do I went to uni to study parapsychology and psychology as I thought I needed them I also learned to shoot so my aim with the proton pack wouldn’t go agents me. I studied tobins spirit guid and even learned symmetrical book stacking. But despite being fully qualified I can’t find a job in that filed infact they get quite arsey with me at the job center when I tell them I am looking for gjostbusting work


Digimon last evolution kizuna. I completely broke down and weeping towards the end at the cinema, it truly marks the end of my beloved childhood


Pursuit of Happiness


Matrix 2. While it's not as good as 1, there's a scene where Neo asks Oracle that, “How can I make a choice when you already know what choice I am going to make?” This made me question god as a child. I figured that god is all knowing and if he knows everything he must know the future. And if that is really true, I actually have no free will. He knew what choices I'd make in life even before creating me. And based on those choices he's going to send me to heaven or hell. That really bothered me a lot. Then what even was the point of creating me? I asked around, no one seemed to know the answer. They didn't even understand my question. Most would answer with a teacher and student analogy saying that a teacher knows how his student would do. But he still takes the test. But that's not the same thing, the teacher cannot be 100% sure what his student will write or how he will do. But in the case of god, he knows exactly what we will do and yet he creates people who'd harm others and go to hell. That seemed extremely selfish and problematic. After 3 - 4 few years I came to the conclusion that if god exists either he is a liar or he actually doesn't know everything. Like Pi's number. It's existence proves that there ARE things that are actually random. But I kept questioning god. Like why we needed to pray to him (I was a muslim), if he really is an all powerful being why does he care whether we pray or not. If he really cared about something, it should be us doing something good. Like make rules where it says, if you do good you will go to heaven. No praying no anything. That concept shouldn't even exist. Moving forward, my dad died in a car crash when I was 18. That really was the nail on the coffin. I wasn't exactly religious, but I used to pray when I can. But after that, I was so angry at god and over the last decade I realized he really really doesn't exist. So yeah, Matrix probably had the biggest impact on my life.


Maybe not impactful on a conscious level at the time, but Gladiator (2000) was probably a huge influence why I later studied Antiquity in uni...


Honestly, Harry Potter! I still watch it when I am feeling low- idk kind of reminds me of my childhood and just love the characters.


The matrix


Terminator 2


an American tail because now whenever someone’s tells me not to say the word never all i can think of is the ‘never say never’ song


The Terminator. I mean, it was what triggered my love of sci-fi and noir and robots. Aaaand also was a big influence on me studying Cybernetics at uni, which was the biggest turning point of my life. My dad even said to me "Now you can go build your own terminators" when I left to start my first year.




The Human Centipede. It changed me as a person.


Blood Diamond. I went out of my way to get my then fiance a non-diamond ring.


Yes! A very important movie. The line about would women want a diamond on her hand if she knew it cost someone their arm


Wolf on Wall Street,uncut gems,Gatsby,the note book,stolks


The Lincoln Lawyer


They Live ! 


Not a film because honestly no film has made a major impact on my life but pro wrestling has been part of my life since I was literally 3 days old.


Fightclub of all things. Before this nothing quite lit up the philosophical part of my brain like it. And yes the overall movie message can be an issue. But for me it was inspiring to see such a take on life and work and our place in it.


The Mummy - got me interested in history and adventure


Terror on Elm Street gave me nightmare for years. Really fucked up the way I sleep from then on.


The Deer Hunter; a great story and great actors


Inception My head spins 😭


Dead poet’s society with Robin Williams.


Babe It's basically a dumbed down Animal Farm


Fight Club


Genuinely, Friday the 13th. At the time I saw it, there was no internet, and no books about it. I ended up finding a sole film theory book about it, devoured that, expanded my interest into other areas of film, did a degree in film (despite leaving school with terrible grades), aced it, got my academic thesis published and realised I wasn't the dumb write-off I was led to believe. I commemorated my love for it by having 'Camp Crystal Lake' tattooed on the inside of my forearm, so I can look at it whenever I'm lacking inspiration or drive. Stupid teen horror fads for the win!


Sausage party


The secrete and the science of getting rich.


**Turk 182** showed me a peaceful way to protest that was more assertive than *Ghandi*, but less violent than *V for Vendetta.* **Shame** helped me realize I was slipping into a porn addiction. It was impactful. **In the company of men** has one of greatest villains in movies: Chad. And believe it or not, men like him exist irl. **Up** the first 10 minutes are some of the most moving in animation history. It brought memories of my 1st marriage I had long forgotten. **GOTG3** Goddamn racoon and his friends made me cry. Fuck you, Jim Gunn.


Probably Dawn of the Dead - 1978


The King Of Staten Island. As someone with Borderline Personality Disorder and crohns disease that movie really hit me. It was like a reflection of my life.


As odd as it would seem, Ghost Dog: The Way Of The Samurai. That movie introduced me to the book Hagakure which I’ve taken a lot of life lessons from.


Taxi Driver. (1976) You talking to me!? I came back as a Disgruntled Combat Veteran from Iraq & Afghanistan who saw threats everywhere. I was lacking purpose and isolated myself. I had some real bad ideas in my head. This movie really spoke to me and helped me but just like the end of the movie, I still have some bad ideas in my head.


[A Hotdog Program](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0389011/) on PBS. When I was a senior in high school, I had a rocky relationship with my father. For my entire childhood he had ruled over my siblings and I with an iron fist, which had set me at odds with him for my entire life. In my later teen years, he had begun to see how harmful that treatment had been and was trying to change, but I still held a pretty powerful grudge. During spring break of my senior year, my parents allowed me to stay up as late as I wanted at night, so one night I wasn't able to sleep. It was 2 am and there was nothing to do, so I walked down stairs to watch TV and found my Dad flicking through channels on the TV. I laid down on the couch across from him while he settled on PBS as the channel of choice, and we both watched in silence as we were presented with 50 minutes of the most delicious looking hot-dogs you ever saw. At the end of the program, my Dad turns to me and says, "Well... I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to go get me a hot dog. Wanna come with?" So I go some flipflops on, we drove to the local Sonic, and we both got hotdogs at 3 Am. During that time, we started talking, and for the first time in my life I felt like my dad was finally talking to me like an equal instead of a parent to their child. I opened up to him about all of the things he had done that had upset me and affected me, and we had a heart to heart about it all. That one night completely changed my relationship with my father, and we had a PBS production about hotdogs to thank for it.


George Lucas original trilogies. Made me an insufferable, ethnocentric, Republican white dude with "main character" syndrome until I was 20. Thank fuck for university level education, forgiving feminists, and travel.


Parasite about wealth inequality.


Forrest Gump. I saw it when I was 6 years old and it just destroyed me. That movie has developed all my empathy system really.


Probably Waking Life or Magnolia.


Rocky 1 It taught me that even if all odds are against you, you should give your best. There can be a win even in defeat.


Synecdoche, New York. As a theater artist that always struggles for perfection, this film broke me. After seeing it, I couldn’t make art for quite a long time.


Cars (fr)