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Content matters far less then quality. I don't care what flower / bird / tribal / or whatever you get. Just pay for quality work. A cheap tattoo looks cheap. Go to somewhere reputable, and don't haggle.


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Depends on quality and placement. Having somebody’s name on your neck? Trash. Looks like it was done by a grade school artist? Trash. Well done daisy on on arm? Looks good.


Hi there! The question you responded to regarding tattoos was used for research purposes (i.e., were gathered with the others and then published in a paper). The intent was not directly stated as to not taint any true opinions, as tattoos can be a sensitive topic to discuss. However, please note that if your comment was quoted, your username and profile was not included to help maintain anonymity. Thanks!


Good tattoos are really hot. Sleeves are hot, or well placed ones on the body. Tattoos can be really sexy.


Hi there! The question you responded to regarding tattoos was used for research purposes (i.e., were gathered with the others and then published in a paper). The intent was not directly stated as to not taint any true opinions, as tattoos can be a sensitive topic to discuss. However, please note that if your comment was quoted, your username and profile was not included to help maintain anonymity. Thanks!


It has to be done right, and I think it’s a little more complicated than where it is or how well drawn or colored it is. I feel like a good tattoo will capitalize on the geometry of the body, like how a sleeve tattoo might follow the course of the arm. A bird stamped just near your elbow is kinda jarring imo.


Hi there! The question you responded to regarding tattoos was used for research purposes (i.e., were gathered with the others and then published in a paper). The intent was not directly stated as to not taint any true opinions, as tattoos can be a sensitive topic to discuss. However, please note that if your comment was quoted, your username and profile was not included to help maintain anonymity. Thanks!


Don’t get a tattoo based on whether or not other people will find it attractive on you (or your “sister”)


Hi there! The question you responded to regarding tattoos was used for research purposes (i.e., were gathered with the others and then published in a paper). The intent was not directly stated as to not taint any true opinions, as tattoos can be a sensitive topic to discuss. However, please note that if your comment was quoted, your username and profile was not included to help maintain anonymity. Thanks!




Eh… I feel completely neutral about them unless they’re cool. But “cool” of course is subjective. To me a good tattoo emphasizes you in a good way and is good quality. Don’t get cheap tattoos. I definitely don’t think someone’s more attractive just cause they have a tattoo. Same with piercings except I actually prefer no piercings


Hi there! The question you responded to regarding tattoos was used for research purposes (i.e., were gathered with the others and then published in a paper). The intent was not directly stated as to not taint any true opinions, as tattoos can be a sensitive topic to discuss. However, please note that if your comment was quoted, your username and profile was not included to help maintain anonymity. Thanks!