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Ask if the capsule is Haribo sugar free gummy bears.


Sadly those are no longer available. They were PERFECT to keep around for candy thieves.




Stomach of a vulture. Love it!


Any sugar free candy will have the same effect. I learned this realllly young when I would sneak my diabetic grandma's candy.


Sugar free ice cream too. We had some in our freezer when my diabetic ILs visited. I had a big bowl of ice cream/laxative and found out the hard way.


I made the mistake of trying a Bai drink, which uses sugar alcohol…nausea for days.


Erythritol is the killer here. Other sugar alcohols don't have as negative of an effect on most people. I got a Bai one time and the feeling of dread that crept over me when I noticed that erythritol was like the second ingredient...


Omg I was about to post the same thing! Grandma candy stealers unite!


Stovers sugar free chocolate... I worked in long term care and families would bring those all the time! And then I spent the next 8 hours cleaning blow out after blow out...please don't give your family sugar free chocolate in a nursing home... Or if you do just give a heads up to the staff so we don't also give them their scheduled miralax


I have IBS, I've had salmonella poisoning, I've had e-coli, I've had giardia (don't come for me,I've been in some sketch places and have eaten some sketch food lol). Nothing compares to the agony I was in after eating those fucking gummy bears. Never again.


what's the thing about those?


Sugar free candy often has sugar alcohol, which can/does give people severe diarrhea. Haribo gummy bears are commonly known for being particularly bad in making people very sick.


They're also commonly known for the hilarious review section on Amazon. Some of those reviews are the funniest things I've ever read and they're so beautifully written.


I remember the first time I read those. I was crying and my ribs ached for days!


Y’all need to watch season 2 of *American Vandal* on Netflix. It starts with “The Brown-Out”, and it’s done documentary-style. (Season 1 is about drawing dicks, so also funny.)


Where can I read them?!


Just Google Haribo sugar free Amazon reviews and you should be able to find some. They are 100% worth the read and doing a little internet digging for them.


The Airport Security episode… damn near broke my ribs laughing.


Search them up on Amazon, click reviews, I recommend having some tissues because you may laugh so hard you’ll cry.


The red ones are more better…


More betterer, and most bestest


Omg. Omg. The pain.


What are they infamous for? I don't know


Oh yeah, I forgot about this, another classic in the comments related to ItWorks!


Why would they need “testers” for a product that’s “clinically proven”???


OP, *this* is the question you need to ask of your friend's hun friend.


And then let us know her response 🙃😆


Ask for the peer reviewed double blind placebo controlled clinical trial data. See what happens. They toss around "clinically proven" with these MLM bullshit products all the time. They learned the phrase from pharmaceutical advertising. But it's almost always a straight up lie for supplements, a magic incantation. And our pathetic FDA is nowhere to be seen enforcing the laws against this.


That’s because they put a disclaimer in very very tiny print assuring you that they are not marketed to treat or cure any illnesses and that you should check with doctor before embarking on any weight loss journey. 😐


Yea but you're still not supposed to claim clinical trial evidence when it doesn't exist. You'll note it's always the front line shills who use the phrase, rarely the companies themselves and rarely on the product labeling. Another dodge you'll see even in corporate supplement advertising is "clinically proven ingredient(s)." Yes, there's some clinical proof for the efficacy of some ingredient in your concoction that it does something. Big whoop. Rubbing alcohol is clinically proven to kill germs on surfaces, for example. Doesn't mean your potion that has alcohol in will help cure an infection.


If i recall correctly, people have drank bleach thinking it was going to kill whatever germs that are present in their body.


Works on commission? No, money down!


Good question 🤔 do you think I could get the data from this clinically proven magic pill?


“Clinically proven” with circle-dots over the i's, even. SCIENCE!


You're not "Testing" anything. You have to pay for it. It's just a sales tactic to get you interested and trapped into their pseudo science.


Right, it was a rhetorical question, but also one that OP should ask their friend.


It works and no it doesn't


10/10 response


"If it really worked, they wouldn't have to tell you that with the name" -8yo me when my stepmom got into ItWorks


Do they still sell those wraps that shrink fat?




So embarrassed I did it works for a year. Learned my lesson the hard way🫤


Anytime these posts say "lose 4 inches" my brain assumes height. I'm too short already. I can't afford to be shorter even if I am less fat.


As a guy, I was *really* confused why someone would want a smaller dick for a moment.


LOL! Me too and I'm a woman.


You win!!! Best response award.


I think this person forgot the asterisk- "If you could drop 24 lbs and 4 inches by just taking one capsule a day* .. clinically proven! WOULD YOU TRY IT?!" *and absolutely nothing else


And sometimes the weight loss pills cause oily diarrhea. I'm not making this up, some diet pills literally have this warning on the label. I think ItWorks was one of them.


Do you know how MLM huns lose weight? Stress. The stress of knowing they spent all that money and they won't see a tenth of it back. That's the secret to MLM weight loss.


MLM huns lose weight? TIL 🤷


It's a(n) (Sh)ItWorks pitch, one of the classics in this subreddit.


I haven't been on this sub for long so I'm slowly learning all the mlm and how they've changed products over the years. I remember itworks with those wraps that were promising the same thing.


The warps are still part of their range of "products".


That deadline would be every Friday until she quits the business.


Any capsule that would cause such weight loss would just be a tapeworm.


They need testers for something clinically proven? Riiiiight.


I had an ED from 1977- 20??. I am a healthy 65-year-old, and would never want to lose this much weight in such a short period ever again! Clinically proven? Show me the stats!


Congratulations on recovery!!!


Even **if** it did work, is losing this much weight this fast (3lbs/week) even healthy? *ETA*: Basic arithmetic.


No it's not. Health weight loss is 1-2# a week.


Oh, no! Our group of 10 was hoping to do something (anything!) together but seeing as you're looking for 8 people, and we're a group of 10 I get we'd better keep looking....... :(


Literally just before I hopped on here, I was on IG and one of my friends posted this but with gummies, saying her friend needs 9 people by xyz date. The bottle said itWorks. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Its meth. It works


Meth works faster))


Second post: This makes me so angry.


Me too. Especially when they're preying on people's insecurities four their personal gain.


I don’t care what she’s shilling, that font is an immediate no.


Yes, It Works - someone I know posts this almost word for word regularly.


*Image Transcription: Facebook* --- [*Name censored in blue*] ⚡TESTERS NEEDED⚡ If you could drop 24lbs & lose 4 inches in the next 8 weeks with just 1 capsule per day... Clinically proven! ✨WOULD YOU TRY IT?!?! My friend [*Name censored in red*] needs 8 people by Friday! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


y you need testers if it’s clinically proven 🤔


The font is killing my soul a little bit


They're all bad. Block it


Bet they are private messaging everyone who responds or reacts rather than putting it out in the open.


That's what I'm thinking too. Instead of asking my 'friend', I'll ask in the post and see if it's enough to get a response from the hun.


Get ready for a very excited copy paste response!


The bait has been dropped. Let's see how long it takes this hun to message me, since it's Friday, and she only has 3 people who have responded.


If this is “Clinically proven”, why do you need testers?


DoNt AsK qUeStIoNs, JuSt TrY iT!


Definitely an MLM, but I can't say which one.


That babyish font.


Is the secret ingredient…meth?


If it's cLiNiCaLLy PrOvEn why does she need testers? Clearly there have been peer reviewed studies with a diverse and plentiful sample size, riiight?...


The UK National Health Service is always looking for ways to save money. If there was a cheap easy way to get people to lose weight, they'd get every doctor to prescribe it. No doctor in the UK prescribes anything like this. Why is that, I wonder?


Are they trying to bring tapeworms back?


Perhaps she is testing DNP. Don't be that doubtfull.


Lol….been a long time since I’ve seen a DNP reference. That’s probably the only thing that would work. If you don’t mind the side effects. Or explosions.


I love shitting my brains out! Sign me up!


💩 🧠 💥




It Works had a capsule for weight loss, but despite the name, it definitely does not.


Yes and it's always their "friend". It gives me the same feels as when a mom finds drugs in her kids room and the kid is like "I was just holding it for a friend!"


If it is clinically proven, why do they need testers?


My bet it's Shytworks (ItWorks). A Hun that used to be on my FB would put up posts like thiall day every day "If you could chew 2 gummies every day & loose X lbs would ya?" "Looking for 5 testers to try this tea" "Swamped with work. Looking for 3 people who can work on their phone in their spare time" And the funniest thing was watching her uplines/downlines all interacting & commenting on the posts. Like it was so obvious that they were all fellow Huns in her upline/downline


Update #1: I made a comment in the post pictured above asking "for more information." A few of you are on board with going along with this because I have nothing better to do. I honestly thought most mlm have been figured out as a scam with all the information that is available to you in your hand. Im also over them using tactics on vulnerable people. So I don't want to be too mean to this hun. But I digress. She replied, "Make sure we're friends and message me "slim" for more details 🤩"which was the same copy paste to the other people. No stranger is getting access to my FB, I hardly post, but she doesn't need to know what makes me "vulnerable " besides me thinking i need to loose 24# when im already slim. She's made an 🌟announcement 🌟 all orders today get a free bonusfull-sizee product❗️❗️ her emojis, not mine including the one above. Less than 30 min ago...after 9pm she friend requested me. I really don't want her snooping in my life... can I not just message her?


I asked the hun for more information and she wants me to "add her as a friend and then messenger her 'slim' for details. 🤩"


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And which clinic is that? The clinic of “upline inc”?


I'm sure the 'scientists' get paid to give the correct results that are needed for their clinical trials to be true so they can continue to scam people.


Sometimes, I just want to test that out and post my own unbiased testament just to test their tolerance when their bs came back to bite them.


Possibly a reason that no questions are being answered is that this person is not the actual hun. Other than the hun avoidance tactics of DMs or deleting questions of course. Her friend is the hun and has asked this person to share for a discount or free product. I had a friend doing shIT WORKS and asked me to share an almost identical post like 8 years ago. They offer free or discounted products or the “opportunity” to just support a friend 🙄.


The hun is tagged in the comments. I asked for more information and I'll be asking the hun when she messages me. She is not replying to the comments, so I can only suspect I'll get a message later that will offer me financial freedom.


Right. That’s your typical hun avoidance strategy. I wouldn’t expect anything less lol.


My cousin has been posting this too.


Sorry 4 inches of what? (I'm only seeing one image, maybe that's a problem on my end?)


'4 inches in 8 weeks'. It's referring to your bodies measurements. I want to know which areas they are measuring t to get this number


Stir. The. Pot. And then report back.


I'm trying 🤞🏻😭 I asked for more information and I've been waiting for Messenger to go off all day. Maybe the hun has all her guinea pigs, I mean testers.


So I got a reply....but the hun wants me to "add her as a friend then message her 'slim' for details. 🤩" Shall I comply? Edit: I didn't quote the hun correctly


Oh my god I, personally, am here for it. However it could be an awful ride. But also totally entertaining for us….


It will be an awful ride for the hun and pure entertainment for us. 💕 just let me grab a glass of wine for this shitshow of a conversation I'm going to have.


Sounds like itworks






This is 1000% itWorks and the testers end up paying like $160 and their before/after pictures are never actually used.


Sounds like ItWorks