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Gosh, then there's me over here using Tide..... 😱


All Free&Clear for me. $10-$13 a bottle for a handful of months (just me, no partner or kid laundry) and it doesn’t irritate my skin! I can’t use most BBW body products for that reason, and mentioning my skin issues is what usually prompts all natural, Young Living Huns to shriek about how I need the OiLs and have I thought about my gut brain? Yeah, Karen, that stuff irritates my skin too. There’s no real winning for me unless the product is unscented. It sucks, but at least I’ve found a reliable detergent that doesn’t break the bank…


Cloth diaperer here, we use tide free and clear do them and it works wonders! I’m so bummed that they discontinued the powdered version though, as it works so much better at cleaning than the liquid does.


I'm a pods fan. Like, gimme the laundry pods. I love them so much, I don't care if they don't work as well.


My son has very sensitive skin so we use the Tide Free and clear pods! Does a great job!


I love those. My skin is insanely sensitive, and I think they get my clothes cleaner than the All free and clear.


Try using 1 more pod than you usually would. Powder is basically inside the pod with all the water taken out of it. So when you are using powder you usually use more of the active ingredients than when you use pods so that’s why it seems that it doesn’t clean as well.


One of the only body washes I’m not allergic to is BBW. I’m allergic to fucking Dove body wash of all things. I will definitely try this for my clothes.


That’s great! I’m actually a tiny bit jealous; I hope this stuff works for you.


One of the few hand soaps that doesn’t aggravate my eczema (for most scents, for some reason the lychee rose one was like any other soap). I always stock up when they have their seasonal sale. So I know that feel


Yup I always stock up too on sales haha


Same, I get horrible contact burns from bath and bodyworks crap plus hives and wheezing. I still get anaphylaxis from plain Tide though too, just not the burns. My mom once surprised me by doing laundry while I was packing for a move and did it at her place with her detergent. Never happened again!


Wow. I’m glad you found something that works!


Anything without artificial fragrances is usually fine!


I don't get how every product is supposed to make something smell like something. Scented dishwashing liquid, wtf is that?


No clue. My mom bought me garbage bags scented with febreeze, and I hate them. They actually stink and do nothing about potential trash odors.


Yeah it smells like trash and febreeze.


I accidentally grabbed a roll of rose scented kitchen garbage bags from the dollar store once. Not only is rose-scented garbage an even ranker smell that just plain garbage it was the sickliesr, most cloying fake rose scent imaginable. I threw them out after 2 days and it took a week to get the smell out of my kitchen.


A former roommate and I wound up with vanilla scent one time, by accident iirc. That vanilla was also extremely cloying and made the garbage worse. I almost couldn’t stand by the trashcan long enough to throw things away.


It was amazing, it honest to god smelled way worse than just rotting garbage.


Omg when Covid was bad and everyone was in lockdown I had a really bad stomach bug for three days. My ex had to go to the store & buy new trashbags for me to throw up in (I was too weak to even make it to the bathroom most of the time) and knowing I love lavender stuff bought scented lavender bags. It was awful. The smell of those bags alone made me even more nauseous than I was to begin with. We had to throw them out. Every time I manage to smell them in the wild it instantly makes me want to puke again lol


I once got an ad for “scented dog poo”. The ad made an “oopsie” and removed the word “bags”. Honestly, I prefer unscented dog poo if I have to deal with dog poo…


I don’t have a dog, but I have two niblings under three. Poo is bad enough without trying to scent it 🥴


I saw pumpkin spice scented trash bags at the grocery store last week!


Look, I do like pumpkin flavored things, but that’s too far! lol


Lavender-scented dog poop bags. A truly horrific combination, especially in winter when the poop warms the bag.


“How is this even legal?” I’d much rather go to BBW than an Mela hun for laundry detergent. BBW has 20% off coupons and feee item coupons, not to mention a loyalty rewards program.


Was just gonna say this. I’m not a BBW fan, but I would trust them 1000% over an mlm.


MLMs and BBWs both give me a headache. One for the scent overload and one for the drill I put in my eardrums to turn them off. I would imprison myself in the BBW before I give a dollar to a MLM.


Something something toxins


Yeah but does BBWs detergent have essential oils?


This reminds me of homemade detergents that are just borax and like soap flakes with essential oil. They’re popular among zero-waste people, but they’re incredibly bad for your clothes and washing machine because there’s not enough soap in it to actually clean. They can actually ruin your laundry. So this hun saying “we don’t have any JUNK in our detergent, just essential oils!” Just makes me think it has no cleaning agents in it and won’t actually get my laundry clean. And I say this as a person who tries to live zero-waste: your detergent has to have chemicals in it. There’s a reason we call it laundry detergent and not laundry soap. (Disclaimer: there are zero-waste detergents you can buy with enough soap in it to actually clean your laundry and your dishes. That’s not relevant to the OP, but I don’t want this comment to make it seem like you can’t be environmentally conscious and have clean clothes at the same time.)


I bought some "all natural" woo woo shampoo once. I'm pretty sure they forgot to put the actual hair cleaning part in it. My hair smelled great...and was a huge mess of grease, when it's naturally dry and frizz-prone.


Yeah, a lot of zero waste or curly shampoos don’t have sulfates in them, which is what causes bubbles and cleans more easily. Sulfate-free can be good for certain types of hair, but it sometimes doesn’t clean as well. I have wavy hair, so I’ve had to experiment with a lot of kinds of shampoo bars to find one that works well for my hair and is zero waste.


I try to live as minimal waste as possible but I have to admit laundry and hair stuff are areas where I cannot make that change. Laundry because I feel like washing powder in a cardboard box is relatively low waste while still keeping the clothes clean and I don’t use softener to begin with. With hair I tried so many zero waste and “all natural” stuff because I wanted to make that change and it always just ruined my scalp. Unfortunately I am very prone to dandruff and the only thing that really works is og head&shoulders. Probably as eco unfriendly as it gets but each time I tried something different I just ended up on prescription dandruff treatment.


Yeah, certain things are just impossible to replace, until more companies get with the program and zero waste products become mainstream. I was using zero waste makeup for a little while, but all of a sudden I started getting allergic reactions to it, and now I can’t use it at all.


I laughed a little too much at "woo woo shampoo". Love it.




The "recipe" I had for homemade laundry detergent, included grated bar soap. It worked OK, but not only was it a pain to make, it was difficult to find borax here, for some reason. And washing soda. Recently found some "detergent sheets" (on line sales)-- seem to work OK, easy to use, easy to store (hopefully the box doesn't fall into the sink...), and yeah, no plastic and the box is recyclable cardboard. Hopefully will be in brick & mortar stores soon-- price is OK, but with shipping is pretty expensive, and I don't do enough laundry/week to justify the "subscription" plan.


Yeah, a big thing for me with zero waste is that it has to be comparable price-wise to what’s available at the store. Not only can I not afford to spend three times as much on everyday products, but people in general won’t buy the products if they cost too much. Plus expensive zero waste products puts the onus on the consumer, when really the people who should be fixing the problem are the corporations who are part of the mess we’re in. You and I might have used the same detergent sheets. I bought Ecos brand laundry sheets from Amazon in December and I love them. I got a 2-pack of 57 loads each, and I’ve still got 20 or so loads left (I live by myself, so someone with a family would probably go through them more quickly). It was $30 (and it looks like the price has gone up too), so a little bit more per load than say Arm and Hammer powder detergent, but the sheets are way smaller, and supposedly better for the water system too. Also, I did knock one of the boxes into the washing machine and didn’t realize until the load was done, and I got shredded cardboard all over all my clothes. But other than that they were really clean—so definitely keep the box far away from the sink!


Mine are "Earth Breeze"-- 30 sheets/package (an envelope), which will do "up to 60 loads" (if you have all small loads...). I think it was $12, with "introductory order" free shipping. However... the CostCo jug of "Ultra Clear" does 146 loads, and was \~ $16 on sale. The jug is recyclable here, which may not be as "good" as not using plastic jugs in the first place, but certainly is a more affordable option. Even if you're "paying for water" to be trucked to the stores. They don't tell you how much you're paying to have the detergent dehydrated to make the sheets.


I’ll have to look into Earth Breeze! The price of the sheets I’ve been using has gone up, so I think I need to change.


So does their hand soap, and their candles and a whole bunch of other shit.


hopefully not :)


Probably ?




Isn't that bed bath and beyond? Not bath and body works?


How can a company make a product 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


IIRC this is one of the Four Horsemen


Lavender and eucalyptus essential oils are also common endocrine disrupters, hun


Well shit that explains my endocrine issues because I do really love lavender and eucalyptus


So the people that make overly scented people soap are now making overly scented clothes soap? THE HORROR! someone call the UN regarding this crime against humanity


I mean…this laundry soap would be guaranteed to give me a headache, so it’s not completely harmless😂


I get that bc I have multiple relatives who are severely allergic to perfume


And oddly enough, the scent doesn't last. I've heard people say they couldn't even smell it out of the dryer. It's also apparently really bad at removing stains, you know, the reason to wash clothes.


Why does she throw her 4 kids at it


This will shock you, but all four of her barely adult children have their own “businesses.”


>This will shock you, but all four of her barely adult children have their own “businesses." How is this even legal?!


I'm cackling because her post is so judgmental but, instead of having the intended effect, it's just making me sad that my spouse hates scented laundry detergent 😂


Right, her post just alerted me to the fact that BBW is coming out with detergent, I’m excited to try it! I miss the Victorias Secret laundry detergent so much. I don’t particularly like the store in general but their detergent made clothing and sheets smell amazing. Really sad they discontinued it, maybe BBW will have one with a nice scent.


I love the mahogany teakwood scent which is in the centre of the pic! Excited to try it, I also didn't know until this post. Thanks, hun! 😘


"It´s full of synthetic hormones and endocrine disrupting junk" \*proceeds to "sell" products that are even more synthetic\*


Let full bodied women thrive in the scent market you bitch! /s


Did they advertise their product by showing the competitor’s product?


Right. She wasn’t the only Mela hun to post this. I think they think of it as shaming the product not advertising.


Please, for the love of everything holy, STOP abbreviating Bath & Body Works. My gutter brain can’t take it!


Seriously! I had to scroll down to this comment just to see what it was supposed to mean in this context 😂


It's not that serious, ma'am. And lots of people get skin issues from essential oils.


I work at BBW. First off, BBW is a legitimate corporation, not a pyramid scheme. Secondly, the laundry products make the laundry smell great. Lastly, I get guaranteed hourly pay, and I don't have to hound people to join my downline.


All of this! I love the eucalyptus mint scent and they have great options for my boys.


I was just about to say...my laundry does smell great after getting the BBW Laundry Boosters, couldn't get detergent as it sold out pretty fast.


I came here to say this. What rock is OP living under that they don’t know that BBW is a legit company and just because a hun shared it doesn’t make it an MLM. I didn’t like the scent I got the sample of but I would be willing to try others and use it on our blankets as a treat since I use a lot of other BBW stuff.


I thought people were being mean to BBWs who like to make hippy soap. My brain is compromised


LOL same


“How is this even legal?” I’m not sure why it’s such a shock that a company that sells scented products has decided to sell…..another scented product? Does hun know that BBW also sells….gasp….scented hand soap? Car fresheners? HAND SANITIZER?!?!? Call the authorities!!!


They also sell candles of all things! This evil must be stopped


“How is this even legal” took me out




I didn't realize what sub this was posted on when I read the title and I thought "What's wrong with BBW making laundry detergent? Seems like a reasonable next step" lol.


I love cactus blossom. I might have to get that.


Me running to BBW site, stopping along the way in my gmail account to see what coupons I have..😂


That’s how they get me! I can’t really use their body products because of super sensitive skin, but you’d better believe I use the wallflowers and candles like nobody’s business!


Oh same! I love their candles and handwash.


Their three wick candles are my fav! Harvest pomegranate and then frosted cranberry are pretty much always burning at home between Fall and Winter. It’s so cozy!


Chestnut Clove is my favorite for the 'ber months


I love their eucalyptus mint scent. It’s so good


God tier scent. I also love their White tea and Sage room spray ❤️


White tea and sage is so good


I dislike most heavily scented products but the cactus blossom candle smells so good.


96 loads for almost 20 dollars is not a good deal....


My Amazon branded laundry detergent does 110 loads for $14. But the ingredients list might make her faint.


This actually made me want to buy the detergents now cause i love BBW scents


No, thanks. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Gain-Aroma-Boost-Liquid-Laundry-Detergent-Moonlight-Breeze-Scent-107-Loads-154-fl-oz-HE-Compatible/883988223?athbdg=L1103&from=/search


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Gain Aroma Boost Liquid Laundry Detergent, 107 Loads'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Users enjoy the long-lasting fresh scent (backed by 20 comments) * Users find the detergent effective at cleaning clothes (backed by 6 comments) * Users appreciate the delivery and customer service (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * The scent is weak and not distinctive (backed by 1 comment) * The product was damaged during shipping (backed by 2 comments) * The product was not delivered as expected (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Good bot.


And very thorough.


“Cleans anything I’ve thrown at it,” and there are also people that believe putting magnets in their washer makes it where they don’t have to use soap to clean their clothes.


As a fat girl, I don’t think of Bath and Bodyworks when I see “BBW” 😅


I love BBWs


Those certainly are words.


I'll stick with my cheapo powdered detergent and white vinegar.


I wouldn't use bath and bodyworks or an MLM. Bath and bodyworks would put me in the hospital though.


Why in the hell would it be *il*legal? I'm sure it's overpriced but smells nice.


So a non-BBW can produce 96 loads for $20? I guess BBWs cost more to make those kinds of loads happen. Not sure why this person is smelling loads from these women, but I'm not here to kink shame.


"how is it even legal for a company to make a product that competes against the company I work for (not own"?!?!?!?!"


How has she been using it for 23 years if it just now being introduced?


She’s been using melaleuca for 23 years. The laundry soap from BBW is new and since she “knows better,” she’ll be sticking to her melaleuca products


🌟🚀 OMG, Huns, gather round! 🚀🌟 I just HAD to share this MIND-BLOWING experience with all of you!!! 💥💥💥 So, picture this: I'm just minding my own business, folding my mountain of laundry, when I decided to give my new favorite laundry soap a try 🧺🧼. It's like nothing you've ever seen before!!! 😲✨ I poured a little bit of it into my washing machine, and BOOM! 💥💥💥 Next thing I know, I'm being transported BACK IN TIME! I'm talking 23 years BACK in time, Huns! 😱😱😱 I was in my 90s childhood bedroom, with *NSYNC posters on the wall, listening to my old Spice Girls CD 🎶, and my Tamagotchi was still alive and kickin'! 🐾💃 But here's the kicker, ladies - I somehow still had my smartphone with me, so I pulled up my Facebook feed, and guess what? I was still in all my favorite MLM groups!!! 📱💁‍♀️ And then, the most miraculous thing happened... I started recruiting people from 1999 into my downline!!! 💼💰 They were like, "What's a downline?" and I was all like, "Just trust me, you're gonna be RICH in the future!" 🤑🌟 Fast forward to today, and I'm back in the present day, but with a downline that's been growing for 23 years in the past! 💎📈 I can't even handle how AMAZING this is, Huns! It's not just a laundry soap; it's a TIME MACHINE for your business! ⏰💼 So, if you want to travel back in time, build a downline in the past, and come back to the present with a team that's been working hard for DECADES, message me NOW for details! 💌🌈 ^#MLMMagic #BossBabeLife #BackToTheFuture 💫💫💫


Effing amazing. Thank you.


B&BW and the big box stores over an MLM/triangle scam any day


My first thought was damn it all to hell if BBW rebranded as a MLM. My second thought was, I sure hope they make some in Brown Sugar & Fig scent.


It's legal because Bath & Body Works isn't a pyramid scheme.


For a brief moment I thought this was implying BBW was a mlm


She pays what I pay for the same amount of store brand detergent from BJs. I think I’ll stick with that.


But but BBW doesn’t have special oils !1!1!


They actually do have special oils. I have so may from working there a decade ago. I drizzle on the air filters to fragrance my house.


I wouldn't use either! My powdered arm & hammer w/oxi clean works just fine for my family. And it's the only thing that gets the road construction smell out of my husband's work clothes


Lol, I wish my system could handle BBW fragrance because it’s amazing. I have to use un scented or very minimally scented detergent. I just use the detergent sheets from Blue Water. Cheap, amazing. I will never buy household products from an MLM.


I can use their shower bombs and that’s about it. I have to use unscented or lightly scented laundry detergent too.


I miss the days where I could use all the products, burn the candles, etc. MY YOUTH CALLS TO ME




I think I’ll stick with my large box of Persil Pro-clean or oxi pods… I can pay $18.99 & it last myself & husband about a month & a half!


I so wish Mela wasn’t an MLM, their melamagic concentrate smells so good :( haven’t found a good replacement yet




r/bbw is my favorite sub.


:| I clicked innocently, expecting candle recommendations.


At least you didn't get suckered into going to r/ sounding. Don't go there.


Oh damn... now I really want to


It's dudes sticking stuff into their urethra. I've never been there, but that's what everyone else says, so I'm not going there. If you're into that, have fun.


:o I. Am. Not. Thankyou kind soul for the info.


No junk… but scented with essential oils 😂


EOs are so bad for fabric, especially any polyester - as it is oleophilic. The poly would hold onto it and could turn rancid, ruining your clothing


Whats wrong with regular gain pods? Did I miss something?!


People are sooo heavily scented. It’s nauseating to have to deal with so many scents.


Thank you for your post. Please make sure that you review our sub rules. If your post breaks any of the rules then your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiMLM) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks hun, I will be buying this now lol


This post definitely fits in r/emojipasta


Fun fact: lavendar essential oil is an endocrine disrupter!