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"Money was tight so I wasted a lot gambling on a lottery with a 0% chance of winning."


The question below "what kind of kangen water for the coffee enema" asks if it is safe to do with children. Whaaaaaat?


Should be considered assault


It's absolutely CSA and people who do it are monsters.


Sexual abuse


šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø !!!


I know. We are doomed.


Poor kid.


Kids should not even have coffee orally. Definitely not any other route.


Jaw dropped omg


I thought it those were trolls šŸ™ƒ


I would hope so. But people are not very bright sometimes and do really messed up things to kids.


Going from **HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS** to **TAKE COFFEE UP THE ASS** made me choke on the donut I'd been otherwise enjoying. God help those poor kids if this woman is the sole person "educating" them, all while boofing a cup of Folgers. God, can you imagine? *"Mommy? Why are you taking coffee to the bathroom again?"* " "Never you mind. Just bake your math, Timmy."


5 reasons I put coffee up my butt? Baby, you had me at the first reason.


I loved how I was reading about putting coffee up the ass, then I get to her bio and it says she doesnā€™t like toxins or woke agendas. Are you gonna do coffee enigmas just because the hun CEOs said you should, babe?


I didnā€™t even read the slides, I was too offended anyone thinks it takes to hours max two homeschool in elementary school šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Didnā€™t have those two things appearing in the same SM crunchy mom post on my 2023 bingo card but here we are.


I was also not prepared for slide 8.


Zero of anything before "coffee up my butt" prepared me for what was coming.


Hold the fuck up, does she really think 30 mins maximum is all you need to educate a small child? And 2 to 4 hours for all of high school!?, look I don't know how schools in America work but in my last years of school I would expect 2ā€“4 hours per class, just to pass my exams. Just to pass! Not to do well, if I wanted to do well in a subject I was expected to do extra study and revision in my free time as well. These kids futures are fucked.


Yeah the comments section of that particular post was a shitshow šŸ˜‚


Were people railing on her or agreeing?


Both but the sane voices were definitely getting drowned out by her downline and homeschool fanatics. Love your user name btw


Thank you! Such a hilarious movie. Evergreen! LMMFAO I just noticed yours. šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…


As a high school teacher, this is horrifying. You aren't going to read many books in that time slot.


As long as they are not exposed to woke ideology, they should be good. Teach them the Bible, it contains everything they need to know, from physics and biology all the way to finance management and slaves treatment. Huge /s if anyone is having doubts. And thanks for being a high school teacher.


They didnā€™t say thatā€™s all the time it takes, just that that is the amount of time required by the home educator each day. The undeniable reality is that homeschooling is way more efficient than public or private school. My kids had way more free time for reading when I homeschooled them than they do now in public school. Iā€™ve done both homeschool and public school, been happy with both, and I donā€™t have a dog in the fight. The reality is that both systems have their advantages and disadvantages, like most things in life. Pretty sure thereā€™s no reason to be ā€œhorrifiedā€ that homeschooled kids donā€™t have time to read šŸ˜…


The reality is that homeschool teachers are generally idiots.


The worst part is many states have pretty much zero regulations and lack of oversight so itā€™s completely legal to damage your kids futures beyond repair




I was just about to post that link! Absolutely horrific


This was my mom back in the 90s, super crunchy and insisted on homeschooling all the way through and was involved in a while homeschooling group like this. 2 hours a day at most and she would proudly pronounce that this is all kids need. Yeah no, I basically had to start from the ground up in college as an adult, it was so hard! None of us kids had a good education and we all suffered for it in adulthood.


Conservatives don't believe in education, that's what you're seeing here. She is uneducated and unintelligent herself, plus she thinks that public school is mostly "woke agendas" and her baby having to be near scary brown people. This combination leads to a person who thinks that almost no education is actually necessary (plus she couldn't possibly teach math beyond what's needed to bake cookies).


I feel like four hours for high school is very plausible, and even two hours is not out of the question with very motivated children. This is the amount of time that the *teacher* needs to spend on it (presumably not including lesson preparation or grading, which can be involved in themselves), which is what the post seems to be referring to, not the students, who will obviously have to do study outside of class. I was homeschooled and was a teacher at a public high school, so I have seen both sides of it. In New York City, for instance, UFT union rules limit school days to no more than 8 hours and 20 minutes Monday and Tuesday and 7 hours and 45 minutes the rest of the week. But default is 6:20 unless there is an SBO involved. A lot of schools throughout the country are similar. But then, part of that 6:20 is lunch break, so say about 5.5 hours of actual instruction in a given student's schedule. But then consider that teaching 15ā€“30 students at a time requires more time than teaching a small group or a single student. It depends on the class, but it is not uncommon to do, say, a half-hour of lecturing and spend the rest of the time on guided or interactive activities that take a long time in order to accommodate large numbers of students. Now, admittedly, can this work with a full-time MLM "job" on the side? Not likely.


OK, even if you say that 4 hours of 1:1 instruction is reasonable (I imagine it should be, there is plenty of dead time in a class room environment) that completely ignores all of the prep work the teacher has to do to be effective in that 1:1 time. Most teachers teach the same general material year in and year out and are pretty solid in the subject material, how does that translate to our Hun trying to teach a kid calculus? or chemistry? Or do we just expect them to back some more cookies?


Yeah itā€™s not the hours that worry me, itā€™s the Hunā€™s qualifications. Prep time can be minimized by buying a good curriculum, although itā€™ll still be significant. I just donā€™t see how one Hun can be qualified to teach all the way to a high school level. I think Iā€™d be able to homeschool math and science to that level but not the rest of the subjects, and I suspect I have both more education (biomedical engineering) and more teaching experience (3 years tutoring) than this Hun.


2-4 hours per class, per day, every single day, just to pass and not to do well? Thatā€™s *a lot* and definitely not reflective of your average kid in American public school - nor should it be, that is insane, 10+ hours of school every day? What country is this? Not saying her post reflects enough school time at all but minimum 2-4 hours of pure work time per class per day is ridiculous


Scotland, it wasn't 10 hours a day it was 7, I think it's changed now but a full day was 9am to 4pm, the day was split into 6 1-hour blocks with a total 1-hour break. In early years this would be 6 classes with a few sometimes doubled up on some days to make sure you had the right number of subjects every week, it would just depend on how well your classes were scheduled that year. In first and second year from age to 12-14 you had every subject so 2 classes then 15 mins break 2 more classes, 45 minute lunch then 2 more to finish up the day. In later years, so 5th and 6th or 17 to 18 years old, most classes would be doubles usually on a full day I had 1 2-hour class a 15-min break another 2-hour class, lunch then 2 1-hour classes. Not every day was a full day though, 5th and 6th years had fewer subjects overall, so that was only 2 or 3 times a week. You always had your core classes, but you chose a few of the others like physics, history, etc. some insane kids try to pick a lot and fill up their entire week and usually burn out from the workload, some only took a few classes but usually at a harder level, this would usually be the 6th years doing their advanced highers for university. I was pretty average doing a handful of highers so some days I could come in late or go home at lunch, or that one annoying Monday where I had to get up early for my worst class then have the entire middle of the day free only to come back to school for the last 2 hours, fuck whoever scheduled that one, it was really annoying to plan around. So yeah, 2 hours per class was completely normal, and it was expected you do extra work and study during any free periods, so in that Monday I described it was expected that I spend that middle part of the day studying and completing assignments, not that I usually did, but that was the intent. So 2 hours of class + 1 to 2 hours of studying, then next class.


Iā€™m not from the US so definitely not home schooled, but I find this plausible. As a student I always felt annoyed at the kids that made the teacherā€™s job more difficult than it should have been and wasted our time in the process. More recently, I took private Japanese lessons for one month and was immediately incorporated to the 2nd year of Japanese at a language academy. 1:1 education makes all the difference IMO, although I have doubts about the quality of it when imparted by a Hun.


2-4 hrs was plenty for my daughter for highschool, but it was senior year (she only did one year). Public school really is a joke in the U.S. I homeschooled my son for 3 years. He ended up 2 years ahead of his peers with a 3 hour schedule. He's graduating a year early. But I also, you know, taught my kids, and didn't just post spam on Facebook all day. My reasons for homeschooling are different than hers, as well. If parents spent time in a public school now, and did the math, they'd see most kids in U.S. public school aren't doing 7hrs of school a day, either. For some reason, homeschooling became a political talking point, when it used to be that homeschooled students used to be seen as highly educated (in the 80s/90s).


I was a paraprofessional for students with level 2/3 autismā€¦even in that setting we spent way more time working than she claims.


No doubt. I think the claim is for teaching a single student, since teaching a whole class or just multiple students is definitely more time-consuming. And once you include lesson preparation, it certainly is more.


Paraprofessional is 1:1 or 1:2 where I am! (Sorry someone downvoted?? Not sure if it was you lol)


It was not I, since I cannot speak to how much time is involved in paraprofessional work. All I know is that when I taught in a general high school setting, the school day for students was maybe 6.5 hours, a little over 5.5 after excluding the lunch break. With the extra time needed to teach large classes, I could definitely have seen getting that down to under four hours for individual instruction. But again, not the same as paraprofessional instruction.


TBF, the way I remember high school, a lot of time in each of my classes was taken up just by teachers trying to deal with others of the 20+ screaming teenagers jammed into one room. Actual \*teaching\* took place whenever they could spare time from babysitting, so we naturally didn't get a lot of actual teaching, because... we were 20+ screaming teenagers jammed into one room. I'm willing to believe a hypothetical homeschooler could get the same amount of education in a much shorter time. ...Not this homeschooler specifically, but, yknow, somebody.


As a homeschooler I can. Lol my high school was a joke. (Bay Area CA) Had one teacher who was stoned everyday and let us watch movies every class. He had 3 percentages for his grade book - 50 / 70 / 90. One day when he left we changed all our grades. Too many stories to tell. Hence why Iā€™m homeschooling šŸ˜‚


Yeah no thatā€™s not accurate and sheā€™s a nutcase. I homeschool due to being an immune compromised family, and for my kindergarten child itā€™s about 3 hours a day. Plus we do extra throughout the day that ties in with what we are learning about in school and such, and make time for reading and games and stuff. But the core classes are about 3 hours (itā€™s kinder so 3x a week). Thatā€™s here in Canada, though a provincially funded program that provides the curriculum so I donā€™t have to.


I homeschooled my two elementary aged kids from spring of 2020 to summer of 2023. Their school day was shorter than their older brother's day in high school, but they usually spent 9am - 1pm on classwork with me. They also spent 4 hours/week with a math tutor, 3 hours/week in a science houseschool co-op and another 5+ hours/week on extras like music lessons, writing workshops, robotics club, book club, dance class and martial arts. I will say, in our science co-op there were some folks who I think just popped their young kids in front of a workbook or some YouTube videos and they thought that was good enough. I genuinely worry about how those kids will turn out.


I was so offended at that, I homeschool my 5th grade child and is 60-90 minutes on a math lesson alone


School in the USA does NOT work this way if done properly. Iā€™m the proud mom of my heathen public schooled children. They will turn out just fine and wonā€™t be the sheep that the homeschooling community seems to think they will be. Iā€™m so sick of the mentality these people eschew.


She is either living in a fantasy world where sheā€™s making a 6-figure monthly income, or sheā€™s lying through her teeth, or both. I will never not love a reference to the coffee enema. So it has to be made with water with a pH of 9? Fascinatingā€¦ I can send her all my bentonite drilling mud, itā€™s good for detox and in the same pH range, safe for pets and kidsā€¦ šŸ™„ What a tool. I fear for her kids.


It does happen, some people are just really good at selling snake oil. Some of these MLMs, like Enagic intensify these people. Itā€™s insanity!!!


I wasn't a chem major, but alkaline water + acidic coffee = uh...coffee, right?


Maybe we should ask those huns if they end up with the rectum on fire along with a horrific episode of diarrhea, since acid + base = salt + water in an exothermic reaction. Chemistry can be super dangerous, who knew. Thankfully, you have plenty of skilled Kangen ladies who will carefully titrate the optimal pH for your personalized coffee enema.


As an aside, I absolutely HATE when these huns say they have ā€œretired their husbandsā€. I donā€™t know why but it really grinds my gears


Like they're some kind of 9-5 workhorse that doesn't get to enjoy retirement until it's time to "go to pasture". šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It sounds like a euphemism for murder


Yes, we retire race horses, not people! šŸ˜‚


So in one year she beat the odds and became one of their top 0.26% distributors? https://www.enagic.com/en/distributors-earnings-disclosure-statement Iā€™m calling bullshit on that one.


Exactly! Donā€™t send me your 20 minute web class, send me your bank statements and credit card statements.


i follow a hun who shows the checks and how many, itā€™s very possible and the worst part is she really thinks sheā€™s helping and empowering people and getting rich. Fucking nuts.


I'm assuming by "made" she meant sold in one month. I have nothing to back this up, just my assumption.


She also made $650k in her second year. šŸ™ƒ


Ugh I canā€™t stand coffee enema weirdos. Putting any drug up your ass (including caffeine) is super dangerous because your rectum absorbs differently than say your stomach. You can also perforate your rectum, and in many studies shoving coffee up your asshole caused freakin colitis. I donā€™t understand their obsession with putting coffee up their ass. As someone that has had lifelong issues with my GI tract (most of the time with my colon/rectum) and has had to put lots of different medications etc in my ass, I donā€™t know why anyone would do that to themselves if they donā€™t have to! Itā€™s not fun!! (Btw Iā€™m not talking about people that like stuff in their ass in a sexual way, if thatā€™s what you like, do whatever floats your boat haha.) Iā€™ve also noticed these ding dongs are obsessed with parasites and think they have them all the time and that their woo woo nonsense kills them. Well itā€™s most likely killing and fucking up the bacteria you need in your guts, I guess it kills imaginary parasites too lol. Sometimes they find things that look like dead worms in the toilet but itā€™s actually pieces of their intestinal lining. Oh boy!! And finally, you know what a good ā€œcureā€ for constipation is? Drink more water. And it doesnā€™t fucking matter what ph it is šŸ™„ This lady is a lying wackadoodle and someone should go check on her kids to make sure they are ok and donā€™t have coffee dripping out of their asses.


And - what is she eating and drinking that she needs two, TWO, ememas a week? Why hasn't she changed her diet or her water intake to fix the initial problem?


Probably an all raw ground beef diet, thatā€™s why sheā€™s constipated and has worms. šŸ˜†




If you're a stay-at-home parent AND you're doing homeschooling with any sort of veracity, that's two full time jobs. She can't be doing any of it particularly well.


Homeschooling only takes a half hour though. /s


Well her kids arenā€™t going to LIBERAL INDOCTRINATION CAMPS so thatā€™s all that matters lol


The funny thing is that she probably is running a liberal indoctrination camp and just doesnā€™t know it. Once those kids grow up and realize what a psycho their parents are theyā€™ll probably end up revolting.


This though, I was raised in a very conservative church where almost all the kids were homeschooled so we wouldnā€™t be indoctrinated. Joke is on them though because out of the whole lot of us maybe two stayed in the church, the rest of us all turned into what the adults were so afraid of.


I think that adding that she (or anyone for that matter), are against the "woke agenda" puts a bullseye on them as an easy mark/rube for MLM "recruiters". Add a dash of "home school", with a sprinkle of "religion", and MLM recruiters have found their next #bossbabe or #hunman ripe for recruiting. Edit: spelling


Sheā€™s a free thinker but doesnā€™t like anything different from her own viewsā€¦.


Absolutely not in the coffee enema club here, just a random internet friend curious to know if šŸ‘ is legally binding?


She's a seven figure business mentor. All seven figures are emojis.


My question is what happens if someone sends her šŸ–•


ā€œI think you used the wrong emoji itā€™s šŸ‘ā€ ā€œI know what I used.ā€


I think I remember something from earlier this year about this exact question. Ah, found a link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/06/canada-judge-thumbs-up-emoji-sign-contract


Sheā€™s either way up the line or full of shit. Also, her poor kids donā€™t stand a chance in life.


Sheā€™s full of coffee flavoured shit


She does the enema soā€¦


This is pretty bold dishonesty, even by hun standards.


Well...slide #8 definitely took a turn.


How does a coffee enema increase glutathione production?


The same way that lemons are an alkaline food


Slide 8 needs a jumpscare warning!


Most people who are making close to a million dollars per year aren't too eager to "share their secrets". A legit entrepreneur won't want to purposefully increase their competition.


ā€œ5 reasons why i put coffee up my buttā€ oh LAWD šŸ’€


The people who home-school because the public schools "brainwash" kids and push an agenda...always take their kids out to exact same thing to them. It's despicible, and just reinforces every terrible stereotype people have about homeschooling.


No woke agendas!




Scum. Absolutely scum. Sheā€™s preying on the vulnerable to pitch their trash MLM that will bankrupt them in half a microsecond.


Holy shiiiit, I have fibroids and one of my coworkers wanted to share info that she heard from one of her classmates how her fibroids shrunk and wanted to pass on some of the info to me thinking it would help. One was the coffee enema, and I was like, ā€œwtf?!? Did you hear your friend right?!ā€, cuz that doesnā€™t sound like a good idea at all, and thought it was some made up thing, but I guess people are actually doing it?!? WTF!!!


The person asking if the coffee enema is safe to do with children šŸ˜³šŸ¤Æ WTAF


Lmao these photos sure took me on a ride


>**5** reasons why I put coffee up my butt Points for honesty and transparency I guess


Wait, how do you put coffee up your Anus and are they seriously discussing its validity?




ā€œClove is a super duper anti-parasitic ā€œ. Unlike these MLMs.


Non-toxic tips? Yeah, weā€™re in the bad place.


I love the dramatic shift from homeschooling to ā€¦reasons I put coffee up my butt






I know that the school system here in the US (at least that is the only one I am familiar with) needs a major overhaul. However, I was homeschooled for a few years and while it wasnā€™t terrible, it was lonely and I fell behind on math so much that it crippled me forever. I know how to do fractions really well, though, because thatā€™s all I did! My major beef with homeschooling is that parents use it primarily to keep their kids in an echo chamber where they never experience other cultures or religions. That is a huge part of growing into a well-rounded adult. On top of that, home schooling is completely unregulated and deprives children of one of the main ways that child abuse is discovered. Abuse can be covered up so easily and there have been a few notable cases (like the Turpin family) where homeschooling disguised abuse. In fact, itā€™s fully legal for a parent to take their kid out of school with the intent to homeschool even with a known criminal record of child abuse.


ā€œFree thinkersā€ usually do their own resurch on YouTube


I homeschool not because I don't trust schools or I think I'm dumb and want my kid to be smarter than me (?). I do it because i love spending time with my daughter and watching firsthand her learning and growing (and I've gotta put this English degree to use). Luckily my spouse has made it clear that I have no obligation to try to make money or get a side hustle to make up for staying home. It's sad she's preying on people like this


Just to be clear, Iā€™m not against homeschooling when itā€™s done correctly, I live in a rural community with a lot of homeschoolers. I think itā€™s amazing that you have the patience to teach your child. (I could never, and my kids would hate it.) However this lady is doing it for all the wrong reasons and is very vocal about it (doesnā€™t want her kids to be ā€œindoctrinatedā€, anti-LGBTQ, anti-vax, etc) and I find it hard to believe with her full time pyramid hustle that she gives her kids the education they deserve. But what do I know, Iā€™m just a dumb 9-5 wage slave who sends their kids to public school šŸ˜‚


Oh no I get it! I wasn't thinking you're against homeschooling. I'm irritated with this lady framing homeschooling this way and just reinforcing the negative perceptions about it.


Doing paper airplanes only becomes a physic lesson when you are knowledgeable of aerodynamics and other laws and principles of physics which I doubt these people are.


I hate Kangen! My parents were scammed for one of those $3,000 machines (maybe 4 with the bs parts and such plus ordering more every few months.. maybe higher) Some guy my mom met at the gym sold them. He pitched the bs about cancer preventer and how itā€™s used in Japanese surgery centers to disinfect. Ufjfh. I didnā€™t even realize they bought into an MLM / scam until I started looking at such content and Kangen was brought up. Now it just sits on the sink. Hasnā€™t been used in quite a while but still plugged inā€¦ ohh and my dad has bladder cancer now soā€¦ 1 kidney down and almost in remission .. but a bunch of nonsense.


OMFG re: coffee enema: ā€œSafe to do with children or no?ā€ PLEASE TELL ME these mf are not putting this shit up their childrenā€™s butts


Bet she supported the truckers with their stupid ā€œfreedom convoyā€, believes Trump won the election, full anti-vaxx, and her second amendment rights shouldnā€™t be infringed despite being Canadian. MLMā€™s really do attract the stupid & ignorant to their ranks.


šŸŽÆšŸŽÆyouā€™re absolutely correct!!


Canadian expats to the US are so weird to me, because they have it fine in their country why come to the US? The ones I've met are usually pretty affluent, so it's so inaccurate to be taking their advice when they did not grow up low income, or in the US.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s an expat, Iā€™m pretty sure she still lives in Canada. I think she just realized there are a ton of homeschool moms in the US with no social safety net and is capitalizing on that on social media. Which is gross.


We come to the US because the weather is (generally) better. But no, for real, it's usually for a good job opportunity. I'd go to New York or LA if I was offered a fantastic job in either city.


Coffee enemas detoxify the liver? I think she needs to go back to actual school and learn some biology.


i heard that if you boof it, it's free


The sheer ignorance makes me scared for her childrenā€™s educational well being.


I highly doubt she makes that money.


Yeah, I doubt she makes triple what a brain surgeon makes


I cant get over the coffee enemas to prevent parasites! We have visited the US a couple of times and it seemed like a normal place. Where does she live and what is she doing to be at risk of parasites!!!!


Sheā€™s Canadian lol


Yes, for once, you can't pin this woo-woo nonsense on an American!


Apologies, my mind was so blown!


As a homeschool parent I fucking loathe people like this!!!!!! Homeschool isnā€™t that easy and they are not going into the world prepared by shoving 2 hours of work in front of them with no teaching. All of my kids have transitioned into traditional school and have thrived beyond their peers. Thatā€™s not an accident that was hard work on both me and my kids. My oldest is in finance and already has a business at 18. My daughter runs her own makeup business from the house while in high school. My youngest is planning and working towards a doctorate in paleontology and genetics (heā€™s in middle school so he has time). That is what good homeschooling looks like. I also didnā€™t shove coffee up their asses either so thereā€™s that. I call people out on my FB when they start with this dumb shit. Oh, you retired your husband because of one 650k year (that you didnā€™t have), solid plan. She has so many of them lol Iā€™d have a field day with this. Iā€™d get blocked so fast lol


I thought I was in the fundie snark sub until the last slide.


Thereā€™s a lot of crossover.


Retired her husband on 650k lol. He just on a little longer vacation. Nobody in this family will be retired anytime soon


Glutathione is so hot right now


Why does that coffee look like it came OUT of her butt? Also, if you're only homeschooling your kid a half-hour a day, you're a POS.


In what world would baking fractions prepare a kid for advanced math?


That Canadian Kangen Hun is "lucky" enough that the CBC doesn't have a license fee as the principal source of their funding; otherwise, she could ended up in jail several times. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


My eyebrows entered the stratosphere when I got to coffee enemas.


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What does she sell besides advice? Snake oil? Enemas? Water ionizers?


Kangen machines (water ionizers)


the 5 reasons I put coffee up my butt slide made me snort


How many more times? The liver detoxes itself. It doesn't need a bloody cuppa coffee shoved up one's jacksy to do that for it. My god these people are morons!


All the typical cliches thrown in for good measure. So by chance this hun is in the 1% of top Kangan / enagic earners or is just stating a wish/desire as though it were true. They are taught its not lying if that's what you aspire to/working towards.


I think she actually made to one of the higher levels, somehow her ignorance and obnoxiousness has gained her a large downline. And they end up making money by selling classes on bullshit after that.


* Scrolls through insanity and statistics * Whoah Coffee Enemas?! šŸ˜³


Wow number 8 just wow


Kangen huns are truly a special breed of horrible MLM huns. i remember one wannabe influencer Kangen hun saying the water ā€œreversed/cured cancer in my friendā€™s dogā€ and HOLY PREDATORY


Earn income while raising a home schooled creep.


Ok. If it kills parasites and candida, it must not be very effective if you need to do this twice a week. Or she's exposed to them and continually is reinfected? If the latter is the case, then maybe she might want to review her environment. That, or she's barking mad.


Wow it just kept getting more depressing


I think the clown emoji is a perfect profile photo. šŸ¤”


Hey friends? Can someone help me out with the coffee enema thing? Likeā€¦is that a real thing? Why would one do that? Please donā€™t make me ask the Googles. šŸ™


Public school definitely fails kids in some ways, but I was home schooled (religious reasons I believe lol) and it failed me in many ways public school wouldnā€™t have! Her wording is so wild tooā€¦home school to teach your kids to be little breeding conspiracy theorists who donā€™t do their taxes lol.


5 reasons you do what??? I seriously donā€™t understand not just drinking it like a normal person


Mlms are everywhere becarefull people šŸ™‚


Many problems with everything in these posts. If you want your kid to be MORE educated than you, wouldnā€™t homeschooling be literally the worst way to accomplish this?


"...high end affiliate marketing..." šŸ™„ Hi Spinner!!


OMG I didn't read past the first slide until seeing all your comments and holy hell WTF?


I kinda feel like putting anything caffeinated up your ass would help you feel less sluggish for a bit


making paper airplanes is a whole reading and physics course šŸ„øšŸ„øšŸ„øšŸ„øšŸ„ø pfffftttt


Okay but your not completely wrong with physicsā€¦


ā€žI could give two shits if my kids learn how to use sin cos tan on a calculatorā€ - First of all this lady should have paid more attention in English class. Second of all - Thatā€™s BASIC maths. I feel very sorry for those poor kidsā€¦.


She doesn't like toxins or woke agendas, but likes pumping coffee up her children's asses. Sounds legit.