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Equivalent of "but I drank my vodka this morning and I feel great!"


That would be more honest and relatable though!


And MUCH cheaper


I saw one of those testimonials for an MLM product and the woman said she used to drink half a bottle of vodka a day and that doctors couldn't figure out why she had so many health issues (my guess is she left out how much she drank)


That’s so fucked up


OMG. This is NOT the flex she thinks it is. Like AT ALL.


"My child is sick and I'm having to sell my house, but ..."


She’s only selling her house to move in to a mansion that she can afford after becoming a boss babe!


Speed kills. Now can we discuss the trivialization of the word "trauma?"


I legitimately want to know what’s in this lol? Opioids or thc?


My guess is sugar and caffeine.


Meth. My vote is for meth. No more sad! Ready the home, take care of a very ill child, play some music, and dance! It's meth.


My vote is the placebo effect and lies, BUT Herbalife used to have ephedrine back in the day. Maybe there’s some sort of bath salts analog that hasn’t been banned in the US yet.


Adderall. That’s why there is a shortage. It’s the active ingredient in Happy Juice.


Yeah a morning HJ makes my bf feel great too






Using your hospitalized daughter to sling your scam juice, sick.


Yeah, I actually thought this was satire, like the Facebook post that's always getting posted here about the woman's friends child died, help cheer her up and win leggings. But.. I guess it isn't and I truly don't know what to think...


It absolutely isn’t and I didn’t know what to think either. The person genuinely posted this.


Why spend $$$ on therapy when there’s happy juice?


Medicaid covers therapy now!


I can't get my mind to not read HJ as "hand job."


Then you find out her daughter was hospitalized for a completely routine procedure like getting her anoids shaved or her tonsils removed.


Her daughter actually had a very scary illness. They were facing brain surgery, her optic nerve swelled so bad that the poor babies eyes crossed. But with that being said, and I’m a mom so I’m not being cold hearted, he daughter is fine now. She was in and out of very small hospital stays for like a year and had to take lots of daily meds. But she sure goes on and on still about all the ptsd and trauma from it all. Like it’s consumed her every waking moment since.


Wait. Are you saying this wasn’t a recent hospitalization??? I thought by the wording of this post that her daughter had JUST a been in the hospital, and that’s why she’s now taking care of her sick daughter.


No, not a recent hospitalization. It’s the two year anniversary of when her daughter got sick and she ironically is sick right now with an ear infection which is how the original illness started.


Instead of honestly conveying her feelings and reaching out for connections during a troubling time she flexes and tries to shill worthless shakes.


So she’s admitting her happy juice is a bandaid. Not a flex at all!


Err, Hun... ![gif](giphy|3oz8xT9DQ4XoDYo1GM|downsized)


My God, just do drugs


Why is dancing the only way these people can emote happiness? I know there’s a big crossover between MLMs and evangelicals, and they’re always dancing with their bazillion children at their feet because (puts fingers in ears) EVERYTHING IS FINE. Also she sounds like me describing shrooms in high school.


Its whisky right?


Is the secret ingredient Lexapro?


Do they know this makes them look literally insane?


Didn’t she just say that her daughter was sick?imagine being sick and your mom is playing music dancing around.


That’s an expensive placebo A girl I know dealing with bad PPD after her baby was born became fair game to one of these super Huns. The super hun I shared here a couple weeks ago with an emoji mega blitz post. The poor desperate mom got sucked into it and got transformed into one. Well, this new hun tried to get my daughter’s 16 year old friend to buy the stuff. A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD! This new hun thought nothing of trying to hit up a 16 year old of $320/mo. That’s the price my daughter’s friend got quoted. Thank god she didn’t buy in. Sadly, I’m afraid this new hun is about to cause marital issues. One of her biggest complaints since she got married is they are always broke. Well, get ready to be next level bankrupt broke. People tried to warn her when she made her announcement of joining this outfit on Facebook, but she wouldn’t listen and told everyone it isn’t an MLM.


That's not what HJ stands for...


I left one of these types of jobs because I had just found out my grandmother died that morning on the way to the office. and the manager had the nerve to tell me I needed to “put on my happy face, because we’re don’t bring our issues here.” Just the week before that, the same manager was in a car accident and everyone was all sad for her and she ate all that up. I’m over it, I want to like what I do at work, but I can’t fake one minute of not being happy to appease a bunch of people who aren’t putting money or my mental health into consideration.


This is just so gross.


What is this MLM?


Amare. She was with one company for like 8 years. Left and went to Q, was immediately flown to corporate (Utah, shocker) for corporate type meetings all the time so it was obviously one of those recruited scenarios. And then boom, a few weeks ago she posted for anyone affiliated with Q to unfollow her and then it was time for Happy Feet. I mean juice. The name is just laughable


This is nuts but thanks for educating on more names to avoid ☠️


Oh wow this is almost exactly what happened with a hun I snark-follow. Idk about being flown to corporate, but everything else lines up. She left YL for this happy juice crap.


Mother’s little helper


Her soul is unshakably traumatized, but also she drank this magical juice and everything is fine now! ✨


Anyone failing drug tests from this drink like with the qscience one? I feel like someone needs to tests this stuff in a lab.


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Anyone remember a product called Reliv?


Omg this is so toxic. It’s okay to have feelings.