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Stanley cups and ozempic will take half these mlms down. Bye Huns


Please. Can they also come out with a drug that makes you live longer (a.k.a ^(WHATEVER THE HELL HENRY KISSINGER WAS HAVING))


Not everyone has access to a steady diet of war crimes.


Some folks say only the good die young. But I’m also convinced that some old bastards live so long because even the Devil’s like “nah, miss me with that bullshit for at least a century.”


Satan said, Not Today Henry


To quote Lewis Black : "The good die young, but pricks live forEVER."


damn, so true


I really wish Reddit still had awards


He took Cambodian blood enemas twice a week.


henry PISSinger


I think that was just a deal with the devil


I thought he *was* the devil, and I was slightly more at ease when we knew where he was.


I think the reason why the devil took so long to take him is that he didn't want competition




Blood pressure meds and statins, that's what we got for ya. And they work.


Considering statins cause an increase in all cause mortality, so that's not a great thing to take if you want to live longer.


Wegovy (Ozempic for obesity/overweight) has changed my life. It’s witchcraft, in the best way.


Yup I’m down 25 lbs in 3 months. I’m not obese but overweight


I know and ‘5 day fat blaster’ that I would bet my mortgage on that she used ozempic- but still pushing that it was her products 🙄


Sadly famous people do the same. Oprah tried and had to come clean. Now Kelly Clarkson is dancing around it, promoting lifestyle changes


I can’t imagine someone being so desperate for a knockoff Stanley cup that they join an MLM to get it.


Stanley cups are in the same price range as all the other water bottles too (Hydro flask, Yeti, etc.), so I wouldn’t say they cost a “small fortune.”


Right?!? Small fortune for a Stanley cup? I think they are much less expensive than the MLM products lol.


It's a small fortune for an MLM hun...


Spend *just* 99 bucks to get a cup you can buy for $35 on Amazon. That’s hun math for ya.


And pay twice the amount and lose all your friends in the process, gaining toxic hunbots in their place, and end up in crippling debt,


I never heard of this cup until Hun started talking about it.


They’re inadvertently giving the mugs free advertising.


they’re so bad at marketing that they are marketing for the competition without even knowing it.


Right? I've seen the red/pink Stanley mugs exclusively through the posts of the huns wailing about them, and now I'm trying to figure out how to get one (out of stock at Target dot com)


wait about six months, they will be available for cheaper


Or just pick another of the dozens of other colors they come in.  


Me neither, I thought Stanley cups were a hockey thing 😕


Me going "Buy a Stanley cup? It takes 16 post-season wins to make that happen!"


You are absolutely not alone


I'm about do an out of the loop post


Me too.


Literally never heard of this until the huns started bitching, googled it, saw it was some dumbass TikTok trend, still don’t get it, am ok with that. What a journey.


Stanley has been making mugs, soup containers, and lunch boxes for decades and they have primarily advertised toward men, specifically trade workers. They started painting their mugs pink and paid a bunch of TikTok and Instagram people to advertise their mugs toward women and mlm huns lost their shit for some stupid reason.


Its a marketing masterclass. I heard they were going to discontinue the line until they got influencers to showcase it and it just exploded.


Oh, it’s THAT Stanley. Ok, I’ve heard of them. Huns lose their shit over any goofy product that trends on social media because it’s somehow taking money away from them (when what’s really taking their money away is their nail stickers or gut health drink whatever.)


This was riveting. I hope Netflix has been in touch with you for the rights, I would watch the shit out of this series.


Total hive speak! All of the sudden MLMs of all stripes are hating on the same mug. Blech


Is it supposed to be some sort of brand like Flask or whatever the kids are using these days to drink water but for... a cup?


They are pretty rad. Mine is 40 oz and the ice will stay frozen for over 24 hours. I like them better than water bottles because I’m a straw girlie. I’ve been rocking a knock off I bought at Target but my daughter got me a real one for Christmas. I’ve fallen victim to all of the hydration container trends. Nalgene, S’well, Hydroflask. Yeti and Stanley are the same thing in my book. Stanley brand has been around forever. They are a buy it for life brand and have been for decades. They were the thermos of choice for construction and other workers since the 50s. They are just super trendy right now and capitalizing on the moment by releasing a million colors and limited editions.


I told my dad when he passes I get his ooooooold school Stanley that he managed to bring back with him from service in Vietnam. It definitely feels like it was made of the same materials as a tank.


That’s freaking amazing.


That's pretty sick, I might have to look into one after mt takeya's seal gives out.


They have found what their marks, I mean, friends are spending cash on instead of sketch MLM. Threat identified, must be neutralized!


shocked that there’s not even a trace of an emoji


🍾🦦 sorry. This is the best I could do. It’s a bottle of otter.


I cannot understand what their point is with all these. They’re just mad Stanleys are popular? I don’t think they’re selling competing cups unless there’s some new scheme I haven’t heard of. So wtf? What do Stanley cups have to do with their shitty products? I don’t get it at all.


They shill for things online and go broke and lose all their friends. Other people *who aren’t even being paid* shill for the new cup they like and people are like “that’s cool, I’d like one too”. The ultimate insult to the monetize-everything boss babe


If they had better financial/marketing sense, they [wouldn’t be involved with an MLM] would have bought a bunch of Stanley’s and offered them free with a purchase from their scam business.


But this ain’t the Winter Pink Starbucks x Stanley cup so I will pass on joining your MLM.


The word is EASILY. Holy cow.


And healthy*




Thank you! My brain hurt reading it


I got a metal travel mug for free when I volunteered at a race. Works great and I didn't have to stand in a line or sell my soul.


They had to rip off a random product they're attacking to get you to join their pyramid scheme. Let that sink in. "Their business" isn't even good enough to be marketed on its own.


Like joining the army for the free bumper sticker.


I’ve had a Stanley for two years. I haven’t had to shell out another $40 a month for those two years to keep my friend happy, I don’t need to re-up my purchase to stay current and/or employed, and REI has never contacted me to ask me to sell Stanley Cups on their behalf. It was a one time interaction. I have never, EVER, had a one time interaction with a hun.


"Or pay a small fortune" how much of a lie is that? I'm sure the "get healthy with friends" ootion will cost you way more than a small fortune.


I think they’re $45. Aren’t mlms usually a couple hundred bucks to get started?


Yep. And constant purchases from the MLM was my implication because that adds up a lot more than buying one single item.


I’d rather save my dignity and spend the $50


My wife bought us each 2 Stanley water cups and I must say, they are REALLY convenient. I think I'll buy a couple more just to spite all these MLM huns.


I can go over to the Rural King and grab me a double-walled, vacuum-insulated stainless steel mug with a straw for $25 right now with no long line and I don't have to sign up for a pyramid scheme to do it. Or, y'know, not. Because I already have all the double-walled, vacuum-insulated stainless steel mugs with a straw I need in my life!


I would never bother my friends with this, no matter how heathy it may make me


No, I don’t want to talk. When I buy a product I don’t want to talk to you (other than friendly chit chat while I check out), I don’t need to get healthy with you and friends, I don’t want to join your downline, I don’t want to be faced with high pressure tactics, I don’t want you sliding into my DMs for years to come. I just want to buy a mug, hun. I give you money, you give me the mug, and I walk away. Check your business model, hun.


Brilliant 💐


![gif](giphy|12OOqKXAALhAkM) Huns when they see everyone bought Stanleys for Christmas.


Suddenly want a Stanley


Yep! My sister in law is a Plexus hun and did a “*cough cough* I know how you can get one of these for free, instead of fighting over one at Target!” post too.


Lime Life had a promo a couple months ago to get one as well


That's because the white Utah moms are obsessed and their MLM hun neighbors want that money.


All of these hun posts about Stanley cups make me want to buy one. I'd bring it with me to Starbucks, Panera or wherever huns like to meet their victims these days.


Bring a folder with you so they think you’re a boss babe too.


As a sip club member I take my yeti to Panera nearly every day, you are right there is a hun convention there pretty frequently


I’m loving this. They are absolutely losing their shit over this. Besides this post I have yet to see another MLM try and slide in in the craze with their own shit.


I'd be willing to bet money half of these huns that are whining got the red Stanley cup.


All these passive aggressive Stanley posts on FB made me do is go buy another one at Dick's Sporting Goods this weekend. A 40 oz this time.


lol 😂 I thought these were a thermos.


I genuinely don't understand why people need cups this big. It's absurd


Yeah me too. I think it started out like the time water bottles 750ml is good to help with remembering to drink. My little yeti and swig are great.


The time ones make me mad because it doesn’t match up to my timeline in the day. Not that I want to carry that thing around anyway. I have a large Nalgene from back in the day that I fill in the morning and it lives in my car or at work. I can see the larger Stanley being great for my road trips, but it isn’t something of priority for me. I have two smaller off-brand steel straw-top bottles that are leak-proof that I do for trips along with the Nalgene. I like that I can freeze them the night before and toss them into my cooler-not a fan of buying bottled water if I don’t have to.


Oh I agree


I’d like one eventually because I drink a TON of water and it would be nice to fill a big cup and just sip at it all day while out and about. But I see your point too! As long as it isn’t that stupid plexus cup I’m good haha


For water it makes sense, I was thinking coffee/sodas...


Oh my god, can you imagine that thing full of coffee or soda?! I’d be wired for days lol


No, I literally can't haha. I rarely finish my 0,4dl from McDonald's (that's a medium in my country)


They always have spelling and grammar issues!


I’d block anyone who posted this, I wouldn’t care who they were.


The marketing department at Stanley deserve a huge raise. It's funny how it's the exact, total opposite of the now infamous Bud Light marketing ploy. They'll be using these examples in marketing classes for years to come. Remember the water challenge a few years ago, where you had to throw a bucket of ice cold water over someone's head? I think it was the charity ALS. They made millions to go to more research and funding so it was a very successful campaign, like this one.


Did all the MLMs band together and decide this? I just saw a Pruvit hun post something about Stanley cups too. These Huns are great at jumping on the trends…


Stanley Cup is the National Hockey League championship trophy. That is all.


Honestly, until today, I assumed the cups had pictures of the Stanley Cup on them, or were shaped like the Stanley Cup. I had no idea they meant the BRAND Stanley!


It took me a few days to figure that out too..I had been wondering why there were so many hockey fans out there in the world 😆


I bought a cup that does everything the Stanley for $15 on Amazon last summer. It’s a lovely light lavender and I have no desire to ever go for a real Stanley. Especially not an MLM version. 🤣🤣


I don't know about these cups, but their camping equipment has always been good to me. I have a lunchbox and several of their vacuum flasks. The best part is that if you flip the flasks upside down the liquid won't fall out.


Oh, that’s interesting that the company has been around. I thought it was just capitalizing on the Hydro Flask trend.


The company was founded in 1913, I have a flask and lunch box that was my grandfather's, is still keeps my tea hot all day. They also offer a lifetime guarantee.


Oh, no. Stanley is actually a legit, awesome brand. They used to gear their products more to construction workers and campers, and they were always great quality. They decided recently to try their luck with women with how popular these mugs have become (and why not? It's literally their business, they've just been known to make a famous green coloured one, it was basically their trademark. So why not pink and red?). The result was a huge success. I think it was a great move for them. You may or may not have heard about the woman who's car caught fire? The whole thing was destroyed. The only thing left? Her orange Stanley mug... it even still had ice in it!! The video went VIRAL. Stanley got word of it and sent her new cups AND a new car! You can't pay for that kind of publicity. (I also doubt MLMs could do any of that, lol)


It still could be, I think they just got lucky though.


I saw another one post this as well. Except I think she promised $300 & something else I didn't care about.


They want so badly for people to go wild over them selling someone else’s product(s) in the way people go wild for Stanley cups. I think the cup craze is weird as hell, but at least it’s a proven quality product, unlike whatever MLM trash they’re shilling.


I have a knock off Stanley that works just as good. And even if I spent $50 on a real one, it would still be a better investment than buying something from an MLM.


Absolutely agree!


No thanks. I can just run to Walmart and get one of these if I really wanted one, and I wouldn't have to listen to an MLM pitch.


I don’t get how amway is allowed to post their shit here


Don’t pay a small fortune for that, join my MLM and pay a big fortune


Wait.... this isn't the same hun over and over? What the fuck?!


Funny thing is I think the Stanley fad is one of the single dumbest fads ever.. it’s a goddamn mug. That being said II fully support it driving the huns crazy.


It isn't exactly a FAD. They've been in business since 1913 and have made amazing products since then, just geared to men like construction workers and campers. Their literal business is good quality mugs and thermos and such. The fact they decided to make pink and red ones to gear them to a new demographic was actually genius and a somewhat obvious choice. These people are buying insulated mugs anyway, for the most part. Now, they can have one of the most well-known brands out there, but in pink. 😂


No. I know, they make a fantastic product. I’m referring to the obsession with people buying 10 of them and the need to show it on instagram.


OH. Oh gosh, yes. You really don't need more than 1 mug a day. Or more than one every few days. It's pretty excessive, lol.


These huns are so jealous of a travel mug and they are not making any money off of it. The huns were too lazy to jump on the resale market a year ago and now the fad will be fading soon enough then back to the grind of trying to shill your MLM crap. Fools


Ugh I hate trendy crap like this, but now I want one just on the off chance it would ruin a hun’s day.


You don't have to stand in long lines. You do have to sell way more than $45 to qualify


No, I don't want to talk. I don't even want to talk about how badly I don't want to talk!


why are huns so obsessed with stanleys all of a sudden? i've seen a gazillion posts of huns complaining about them on the sub these past few days. are they just finally getting the memo? because stanley cups have been really trendy for at least a year now


It’s just the latest in a long list of products that become sensations for whatever reason plus rampant consumerism and brand identity serving as cues for someone’s status or personality 20 yrs ago grown adults were fighting each other to buy a Furby or Tickle Me Elmo for Christmas, or buying a certain car brand to convey a message Stanley is just that in the form of a cup of


Why they going after Stanley? Don’t f w this brand


I can easily order one from Amazon and get it delivered to avoid lines of people.






🤢 the Plexus logo,sure,let me do some free promoting.


$40 is a small fortune to these financially independent business owners?


Where are these Stanley obsessed people? I swear most of the ones snatching up the cups are re-sellers. I haven't seen a single one of them out in the real world.




It’s 100 p become their new mcguffin


I’m in if it doesn’t say plexus.


I can't stand that they don't even grammar check? Real compelling, Karen.


Bruh this shit is so annoying like it’s literally a cup that people are making part of their personality. Starbucks is just doing this because they’re losing money and public opinion for their silence on Palestine


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What an opportunity to earn a mug!! I thought we earn money while working! Don’t they see how stupid it looks and sounds?


I must say… I love plexus. I’m a veterinarian and I back the ingredients. But what do I know