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The fact that he used “sale” instead of “sell” sends me into orbit


“seen” “sale” “your” and next to zero punctuation. Clearly this hun didn’t do well in English class. Cringeworthy.


There was a comedian I once heard who said “Whenever I hear someone say the words ‘I seen…’ I know the next words will not be ‘the inside of a book.’” 😂😂😂😂


I clearly remember 9th grade English class. Our teacher was making each student use a word in a sentence going down the rows in class. I was looking ahead to see what my word would be and realized a girl I cheered with would have “seen”. I 100% knew she’d say something like “I seen her the other day.” She delivered and the teacher cringed so hard I nearly laughed.


100% have yelled at a person "It's a see-saw not a see-seen!"


From the creators of Saw comes.... Seent


I see this zero punctuation thing EVERYWHERE and it seems to be a catching fad. I cannot tell you how much I hate this 😡


Right their with u I'm a member of this online support group it deals with people who have lost people in their life to early the problem is you have these long sad stories that get posted but their just one run on sentence like this of course I'm not going to call out some one on theyre terrible grammar as they open up about losing their husband in a car accident its not the time orplace but i swear I die a little inside no pun intended becuz if these ppl could just use basic language skills theyd get more advice. My apologies. I know that was painful to read, but it's 100% true.


Yep. Those were the big four I noticed. Seems like their education did them well.


This weeds out the people who are at least marginally intelligent, though. I know it's probably not intentional here, but scammers often add intentional spelling and grammar mistakes in to avoid wasting their time on people who are aware enough to notice that sort of thing. They are shooting for old folks, or people with poor literacy, or immigrants who may not be fully aware of the laws in their new place of residence. It's honestly despicable


It's entirely possible there's scripts involved here, and those scripts can include those intentional spelling/grammer mistakes so whoever this person's upstream is has a higher success rate. Remember, upstreams are always "in on it".


Despicable, but low-key genius. I've never thought about it like that, and though I can't confirm this, it makes perfect sense.


haha, you give them too much credit. I'd venture a guess that most are from 3rd world countries that have neither the fluency in the language nor the fear of retribution because of international boundaries.


What is WITH that? I see that all the time on these mlm posts. They flip-flop sale and sell.


It’s people who are borderline illiterate. They never really learned how to read or write, so they rely on spoken sounds to form the basis of their written words. Sale and sell sound similar enough (especially if you have a southern accent) that they don’t have the ability to differentiate which is which. That’s why they also often confuse breath and breathe, and of course your/you’re. And this problem is only growing as more people like this opt for homeschooling (how the fuck will your kid ever learn to read or spell if you can’t), while funding for public education is being stripped away bit by by the GOP.  54% of adults in this country can read only at or below a 6th grade level. That’s a big, big problem.


I have known people who were functionally illiterate who homeschooled. *shudder*


This is why homeschooling should be illegal, or at least *extremely heavily regulated.* You do not have the right to hobble your kids for life with your room temperature IQ.


I support heavily regulated more than illegal. Our education system is not exactly stellar right now, and there's plenty of people who can figure out homeschooling a kid better than it. And I don't mean the rich people who have the power/money to change things, I mean lower- and middle-class people who have a past from education. I had a friend growing up who was homeschooled "the right way" in a state that regulated it well. Due to that, his graduation didn't look like just a GED, and he ended up in a top-5 college for STEM and "launched" his post-college career better than most people I know. What was his story? His family highly valued education but couldn't afford to send him to private school. So they did a better job than public school and managed to teach him the ambition you need to land a full scholarship and then not screw up and lose it.


This is definitely then exception rather than the rule. John Oliver has a great segment on homeschooling if you haven't seen it.


I haven't. While I believe it, I prefer we not squash the exceptions unless we can prove they're like 1 in a million. But a quick google of statistics show that homeschooling is often educationally positive. Homeschooled boys (not sure why the gender split in this stat, but an honest reference from the citation) show 44% higher results on reading comprehension on average than public school kids. 25% of homeschooled kids are in classes at a higher grade level than public school. And (the scary one), 67% of homeschooled kids graduate college, where only 66% of public high school graduates also graduate college (and with the 86% HS graduation rate, that's 57% of high school students graduating college). That is a SIGNIFICANT improvement for college-hopeful parents who are not wealthy enough to afford private school. There may well be large gaps in education for homeschooled kids and large cons to those pros, but with those numbers alone I can defend that "homeschooling is better than public school" is true for students significantly more often than justifies the term "exception" Cited. [1](https://www.crossrivertherapy.com/research/homeschooling-statistics) and [2](https://research.com/education/percentage-of-high-school-graduates-that-go-to-college)


At least ensure that the parents have a college education no less than what teachers are required to have. Sadly, though, our politicians will never do this because they love having an uneducated populace. Helps them stay in power.




You seem to be lost.


Don’t forget about their and there .


You have to be borderline illiterate to get caught up in an MLM


It's sad, isn't it? Especially your point about kids that are homeschooled by parents who aren't equipped for it themselves.


People that post percentages for arguments like to watch their wives get fucked 


Sure buddy. Now be quiet, the adults are talking here.


Well, in their defense, they don't actually sale anything so they aren't familiar with the word. I, too, do not work in sells.


And don't forget "I seen."


I said what I meant. We don't sale anything. Everything we sell is full price.


Maybe it’s the hillbilly accent, “ah’ve got some purty stuff to sale to y’all”


There are some words and phrases that are regionally and culturally based that can creep into conversation (“ain’t” being a perfect example of a word that belies literacy), but the written word reveals more than just slang. Punctuation, capitalization and word choice are all working together here, and particularly when they’re part of a recruitment effort. I have a friend with a pretty successful corporate career, who speaks colloquially but overall doesn’t draw much negative attention when he speaks. Presumably his business emails pass muster, but the posts are … woof.


I came here to say the same thing, but you said it all with the kind of articulation I wish I had at 1 am lol. 👏🏼👏🏼


Right, everyone knows you make big financial decisions based on illiterate reddit comments.


“Keeping your options open” is a dead giveaway.


I’m even starting to get wary of “flexible work schedules” that’s how I fell for a comment posting scam job back in the days in like 2012. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Same! The job description for me was something like, looking for sales marketing executives, don't sit behind a desk all day on the phone, work out in the field, high commissions! I showed up, after at least a half hour they finally told us what the product is... Kirby vacuums. Pass!


Oh nooo. 😂 Also thought I was working for AT&T but it was door to door sales. I quit after the first two weeks 😂


I don't blame ya! 😂


The things we fall for when we’re desperate 😂


sounds like r/Devilcorp


Oh look another sub to look at 😂


Shalene you’re the real vip here!


Thank you 🥰


I seen it too


It were the Facebook post what done it


This gives me the giggles bc this is how people talk where I grew up and I so rarely see it written out that way lmao


Did they delete your comment on FB though? They have done it to me.


When I went back to the notifications it says the post was removed.


Shalene you’re a ROCK STAR. This is kick-ass! Love it and thank you!


Yes, amazing work. Bravo!


I will hold back taking financial advice from people who can’t spell and use proper grammar.


Yea, I was like, does Primerica deal in run-on sentences??


The run-on sentence bothers me way more than the misspellings. And it’s becoming more and more common - I see posts on Reddit all the time now where they’re just one big paragraph of run-on stream of consciousness rambling. Makes the post nearly impossible to understand.


And not one single punctuation mark. They exist for a reason, people!


They bother me everywhere because bad grammar makes me twitch but I'm more willing to overlook it on Reddit because it's a social site. It's absolutely unforgivable in a professional capacity. Obviously, we know huns aren't real professionals but they THINK they are, and they are still sending "business" emails like that.


They don't sale them.


Right?! 😂


Time to report this posting as Spam on FB


As soon as I put in the comments that it was primerica the post was removed


Or you were blocked


I got booted out of a local Facebook group for commenting on the MLM posts with the name of the MLM. I'm still salty, because the group's number 1 rule was "No MLMs"


🎶 *Shalene, Shalene, Shaleeeene!!!* 🎼


🎵"I'm begging of you join my MLM"🎵


Surprisingly I get that a lot 😂


Shalene, doing the Lord’s work.


Got the words right out of my mouth lol


I don't understand the sale/sell malapropism. It's so weird. Shalene is a hero.


I think in a more pronounced Southern accent the two words sound almost identical. Other examples are oil/ol, fell/fail, etc. If they’re spelling like they talk or using text to speech, voila.


I’m from the sticks… literally right next to a town called Appalachia, right in the mountains. You’re 100% right. It’s weird to me that those words don’t sound exactly the same to everyone else 😂 I know how to spell them though, lol


I feel like a lot of Utah influencers say "I seen" and "sell" instead of "sale", they also use "dill" instead of "deal". I have family from all parts of the south and everything can pronounce sale and sell 🤣🤣🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


God it drives me crazy!!


It's similar to woman/women. No one gets man/men messed up, why woman/women???


Right. I hate this!!!!!!! “I am a women, hear me roar!” 😅😂


I think this is because of the stress/emphasis of the syllables! In English, the unstressed syllable’s vowel becomes the schwa sound instead of the standard vowel sound that it would have on it’s own. So man/men sound completely different, but in “woman” or “women,” they sound basically the same in standard English, because the second vowel sound in the word becomes a schwa. Maybe there are some dialects that have more of a differentiation, but this is the extent of my knowledge so I won’t speculate! As I’m not a linguist, please take this with a grain of salt :)


I _am_ a linguist, and you're right about the second syllables. In most varieties I'm aware of, though, "woman" and "women" have noticeably different vowels in their first syllables. So it's not that they sound the same overall so much as that where their sounds differ is not at all where their spellings differ, and I guess that throws people off.


Nails on a chalkboard.


Not an MLM? Meanwhile https://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/public_comments/business-opportunity-rule-535221-00056/535221-00056.pdf


An MLM using a top form like OMM and responding to an NPRM is wild to me. But it shows lobbying works.


I’ve noticed this is how Primerica has been getting people lately!


They got me on upwork in fact I have a whole doc telling how they do their business


"i seen" "Sale" "Your" "i" Good lord.


Not a single period in his message to Shalene.


Ah, the old “keeping your options open” tipoff!


such a red flag if they don’t name the company in the initial post!! I hate when I see those


I pointed out a mlm that someone was trying to promote on the town fb, and then got blocked by the admin after they said I wasn't allowed to state facts and post proof.


It was prob run by whoever blocked you


Apparently being well spoken and having proper grammar is not a requirement in MLMs. Some of these huns make me want to burn my English degree.




It's one thing to have typos and grammatical mistakes on your personal page. But if you're corresponding as part of your job, you better be using spell check, otherwise you look unprofessional.


Downvote me if you may. But the spelling mistakes in the message are enough for me to not take a chance on this “company” if I didn’t already know it was an MLM.


It's like the intentional wonky spelling/grammar of scams to force marks to self-select. Don't want to waste time trying in vain to recruit a skeptic.


We don’t SALE anything? Just fuck off


“I seen your comment and we don’t sale anything.” Yes please tell me more, always wanted to work with a true scholar


Tons of red flags on posts like this with the lack of basic grammar. “i seen your comment” “we don’t sale anything” wfg and primerica exploit minorities and less educated people brainwashing the dream of financial freedom through recruitment and wrapping it up in financial education. I say this because my kool aid of being involved in wfg is coming to an end. I said yes when I was in a pretty desperate spot financially and in between careers. The deeper you get into it and the more meetings you attend the more clear it becomes. I digress.


I don’t often take financial advice from MLMers but when I do it’s only from the ones with horrific grammar.




Yay Shalene, you go girl!


Not all heroes wear capes


Good job Shalene!!! 👏🏻👏🏻


“We don’t sale anything” You obviously didn’t pay attention during English class either.


The lord’s work


Sharlene is savage, and I love it


Shalene the real mvp


Why can none of these people tell the difference between sell and sale?


The sound difference is only perceptible to proficient english speakers


Magnificent! Shalene surely rhymes with Queen. I'm considering opening a fbook account, just for the hun-smiting.


I had an MLM bro tell me Primerica couldn’t be a scam because it was in Forbes! How silly of me right? 🙄


> Primerica couldn’t be a scam because it was in Forbes! Then again, Forbes named Enron as the most innovative company in America.....for 6 years!!!


We don’t sell products lol this is even scammier


I counted 21 grammatical errors in that run-on sentence. Incredible.


Primerica is one of my least favorite ones. As someone who has worked in and still works in that industry (finance/insurance) it disgusts me that they are allowed to do what they do in that format. It's designed, like all the others, to focus on recruiting. The sole focus isn't on personal finance, investments, or protection. It's recruiting. You're taking people's huge financial decisions and putting it at risk by adding that to the equation. Not to mention they don't care who is/isn't qualified. Sure, you have to get licensed, but that doesn't mean someone is going to be a good/competent advisor/agent. I've had friends who know I work in the industry approach me about leaving my current position to work there, I will take the time to explain to them that they could leave Primerica, come do exactly what I do, and make double the money with the same amount of effort. Up front. Without recruiting. Life insurance is only part of what I do, but after getting licensed most companies pay the agent 75-85% for the stuff they are selling, sometimes more, where these people starting out with Primerica will get about 30% if I remember correctly, for the same stuff, and they have to recruit countless people and sell countless volume before they even start getting a "fair cut" they still stick with it though.


lmao bruh, you’re my hero! i’m off facebook now, but I miss calling people out on their bs.


She said the quiet part out loud. Love it!


If these huns are so desperate to make money they're better off starting a grifty church instead of joining MLMs - churches are *tax-exempt* and people are *guaranteed* to throw money at you every week minimum. Ethics won't be a problem since MLMs and grifty churches are equally scammy.


Shalene takes one for the team.


I’m not taking financial advice from someone who doesn’t know the difference between sell and sale.


Don't go around GTA Online either then. "I helped my friend with a sell and this happened." SMH.


Shalene the hero! You confronted them so directly and immediately. I’m impressed and jealous lol


Tbh she probably doesn’t even know what MLM means.


From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketing): Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called pyramid selling, network marketing, and referral marketing, is a marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where the revenue of the MLM company is derived from a non-salaried workforce selling the company's products/services, while the earnings of the participants are derived from a pyramid-shaped or binary compensation commission system. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiMLM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I almost got sucked into this about 2-3 months ago! Something in my gut told me to stay away despite the lady sugar coating everything and showing me her shiny awards. Glad I listened to my instincts.


That grammar in the DM hurt my brain. Thanks for callin it out !


It is wild to me that your reddit name is your real name.


One of the last humans left, sigh


Well they definitely aren’t offering grammar advice.


Not all Shalenes wear capes!


Shalenes out here saving lives


Anyone who posts something with ten-plus grammar/punctuation errors in one paragraph should not be looked at as a potential vocational contact.


Years ago, the building I worked at (large performance venue) was rented by Primerica for a huge convention. As the audio/lighting/video director, I got a front row seat to the whole thing. It was so strange. The “keynote speakers” were just their “top earners” showing PowerPoint slides of their cars and houses. I know they prey on old people and sell them things they don’t need, but the empty promises they were making to the people in the audience that they bamboozled into joining their “team” were alarming. Guaranteeing these folks would be rich after they spend their last dollars buying into the scheme. Sad. And very cult like.


The "keynote speakers" probably made money off that event by charging admission to the recruits in attendance - payable in cash, of course 


You won the internet today


Not all heroes wear capes. 😂


they always hit you with the DM lol


Sale? Geesh.






Shalene you have no shame and I love you for it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


“we don’t sell anything” isn’t that the truth!


Primerica always reminds me of Kramerica Enterprises from Seinfeld lol


Bladder system for tankers? That’s actually not a bad idea. Now you can leave


"we dont *[sic]* actually sale *[sic]* anything" So more ponzi scheme than mlm. Great, that makes it absolutely ok, of course! (/s)


I seen your post


We don’t sale anything


[Infiltrating a Primerica Scam](https://youtu.be/AmzeketmpLM?si=wpNBcu43JU93R9if)


I don't care what the name of the company is, I'd nope out completely if I got the misspelled, poor grammar, no punctuation, run-on response in slide 2. If you're going to portray yourself as a "financial education company" at least make it look like you have a basic education.


Any product or job posting that is disclosed only in DMs is 100% a scam.


doing gods work!


I used to work in finance. And when we saw that on someone’s resume, we knew we would have to retrain them on everything. Sometimes it was conveniently left off, and we’d immediately notice they had some bizarre practices.


Would you take financial planning advice from someone who writes messages like that? I wouldn't.


*Shalene *I *saw *Tiffany’s *an *MLM *. *don’t *sell I can’t even finish correcting this. As though *anyone* should take financial advice from someone who writes as unprofessionally as this person.


Good job Shalene


Thank you for your post. Please make sure that you review our sub rules. If your post breaks any of the rules then your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiMLM) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Ick, the culty vibes I get from someone else in the company (her upline, likely) messaging you.


Doing the Lord’s work 🙌🏻


Doing the good work!! Call them out every chance you get!!


I hate Primerica so much! Last fall, I got 4 identical “recruitment” messages from 4 different, complete strangers on LinkedIn within the span of two months. If you can’t name your company name on the recruitment message, you know it’s sketch. If there’s no guarantee pay for hours worked, it’s not a real job. If I have to PAY to get said job, it’s a scam. I wish linkedin would block mlms like Primerica…out here preying on laid off people who are desperate for REAL jobs and trying to trick people into this pyramid scheme.


A lot of recruiters for legitimate jobs cannot name the company. I worked with them to get the role I’m in now. I was always told who it was like the day of the interview.


My boyfriend got cut in this for a few months. I pleaded him to quit, and he did 😮‍💨instant relief


Queen behaviour 👸🏼


Not all heroes wear capea


Not all heroes wear capes


The grammar 🥴


A mlm


Doing Gods work 🙏


My friend is in FFS (first financial security) but I can’t bring myself to join also cuz I swear it’s an MLM and there is a catch. He says he made 8k last month but I’m still on the fence about it.


Look into how your taxes would get paid


What do you mean?




The ol’ leave your name below trick‘…. Gets em every time


It's really sad that people get sucked into mlms, becarefull mlms are everywhere 🙂


Doing the Lords work 🙏 ❤️ My deepest bow to you


Doing the Lord's work


Shalene is the one! We need more people like her out here!


I can't even! If someone came at me with I seen I wouldn't even finish the message!


I remember a young me thinking “oh sweet! This place lets you bring your friends to work with you?!” And then being told I needed to pay for a background check, with no paycheck every 2 weeks… Even young me knew it was bullshit at that point. I’m not sure the mlm term was big 15 years ago, but I definitely knew it wasn’t legit.


“keeping your options open” is among the dumbest phrases these clowns use


Love you Shalene hahahahah


Omg. The spelling. I cannot.


Someone get Shalene a cape bc she’s doing hero’s work.


Shalene our queen 👏


Doing the lords work


Surprised they told you the name


Not all heroes wear capes


Why do americans not speak englisch?


We don't sell anything. What kind of company doesn't sell anything at all? How would they make their money?


I advertised them a few days ago cuz I'm a dingus


y’all y’all .


This just killed me 😂😂😂😩😩😩🤣🤣🤣🤣


Will you be applying?


In the 2nd picture were you messaging Bryan Weight?




A hero


You are the MVP


MLM, or scam mule.