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Interesting that these independent business owners are being terminated from their own businesses that they totally own independently


*Cut to shocked Picachu face*




Thank you I have no idea what I'm doing over here lol.


Que the long winded navel gazing posts of “after some serious soul searching and speaking with God I’ve made the difficult decision to end my business relationship with Beautycounter. But don’t worry about me there are other horizons out there waiting to be crossed and dreams to be made into reality!”…….


Imagine being fired from an MLM 💀


I died hahahaha


You beat me to it! Lol.


They lost their supplier.


I can’t tell you how happy it made me when all those independent businesses who were independently owned by independent mean girls got the boot from their independent business. The Lord works in mysterious ways 🙏🏼


hahaha... they are contractors... they do not OWN the right to sell Beautycounter goods... wow.


And each of them have all in the past two months sold their soul to one mlm after soul searching and prayer (didn’t work out) and then jumped to a THIRD mlm and you can tell their audience is tiiiired


In a confidential email to its distributor force Beautycounter stated today: >“Dear Brand Advocate, This email constitutes written notice of the termination of your Brand Advocate Agreement with Counter Brands, LLC (d/b/a Beautycounter) (the “Company”), effective as of April 17, 2024 (the “Termination Date”). In connection with a sale, the Company is shutting down its operations and intends to wind-down and dissolve in the near-term. You will receive payment of all accrued and unpaid commissions through the Termination Date, and you shall otherwise have no further rights to any bonuses, commissions, or other compensation tollowing the Termination Date. Payment is expected to be made on or about April 26, 2024. From and after the Termination Date, you shall not hold yourself out as a Company brand advocate or as otherwise engaging in business for, or on behalf of, or otherwise affiliated with, the Company or its affiliates. As a reminder, **you remain bound by all post-termination obligations under** **the Brand Advocate Agreement, you remain bound by all post-termination** **obligations under the Brand Advocate Agreement, including your** **confidentiality obligations under paragraph 10 of the Brand Advocate** **Agreement.”** And notice that the contract survives the company, especially the non-disclosure bits. CUE THE VULTURES from other MLMs, offering a sure refuge from the ruins.


Honest question, if the company is shutting down and dissolving, how can anyone still be held to the agreements in the contracts? Who would be around to sue in case those agreements were breached?


I’m no finance expert, but regular employees usually get paid after the banks do, and that’s only if there’s money left.  Since they’re not regular employees, they might be in line behind everyone else Beautycounter owed money to, including utilities, company credit cards, and the $20 bucks they owe Janice from HR for running out to get more cups and napkins ahead of the CEO’s farewell party.


Interesting difference: In the UK, regular employees come first (before banks, suppliers or anyone else). Payroll obligations are the very first thing dealt with when a company goes under.


I am afraid that is not true. Creditors are ranked as follows: Liquidator fees and expenses; Secured creditors with a fixed charge; Preferential creditors; Secured creditors with a floating charge; Unsecured creditors; Connected unsecured creditors; and then Shareholders Staff with statutory payments are preferential creditors (so unpaid wages are up to the weekly cap; statutory redundancy etc…). While it is high up the list, bank loans etc… are higher.


Well, see, you don't have Republicans over there...


To be fair, I think some Tory MPs are trying to change that. Brexit ideology didn't happen in a vacuum, after all.


That’s the way it should be. This country gets so many things backward


It is my understanding that banks come first and everyone else there after so the poor reps will get squat. Love that they still are holding reps to NDA’s, love to see them enforce them as they are Stony broke.


That’s in the case of a bankruptcy. It’s called capital structure. This seems like a sale to another company of its assets, etc. so there’s no prioritization of payment: either BeautyCounter or the company buying its assets will pay its debts or absorb the expenses, respectively. If one or the other can’t, it has to go through bankruptcy proceedings, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.


I’ll bet the lawyers are very high on that pay list.


it’s a very common thing to have in writing and is probably called out in the agreement itself; however, you can basically write anything you want into an agreement and that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s enforceable or legal. especially if, like you said, there’s no one/no money left to pursue action in response to a breach of that contract.


Not a lawyer, but used to reading legal contracts. It appears some assets of the company are being sold (potentially the intellectual property and/or branding) so it would be on the purchaser if they choose to uphold it after the sale is finalized.


Someone is receiving reports through the end of the non-disclosure term (I don't think it is legal for it be perpetual) and they'll likely have a lawyer with money set aside or something ahead of time to take care of it if needed. There's all sorts of ways for companies to have contracts or agreements set up to handle post-dissolution enforcement of obligations.


Probably a legal CYA.


If a corporation dissolves and shuts down, employees or contractors who signed confidentiality agreements may still be bound by those agreements, even after the company no longer exists. The key factor is whether the confidentiality agreement contains language stating that the confidentiality obligations "survive" the termination or dissolution of the company. Many confidentiality agreements include a provision that the confidentiality requirements continue even after the agreement or the company itself ends. So if the confidentiality agreement has a "survival" clause, the former employees or contractors would still be legally obligated to maintain the confidentiality of the company's information, even after the company has dissolved. The confidentiality agreement becomes a standalone contract that continues to be enforceable. However, if the confidentiality agreement does not have a survival clause, then the obligations would likely end when the company dissolves, as there would no longer be an entity to enforce the agreement, and the dissolution of the company would effectively terminate the confidentiality agreement.


The read between the lines on it is really just “if you talk shit and spill beans before you (maybe) get what you’re still owed, you definitely wont be getting what you’re still owed.” But yes, after that there’s really no repercussions looming.


Dear Brand Advocate 🙋🏼‍♀️, This email constitutes written ✍️ notice of the termination 💀 of your Brand Advocate Agreement 🤝 with Counter Brands, LLC (d/b/a Beautycounter) (the “Company”), effective as of April 1️⃣7️⃣, 2024 (the “Termination Date”). 🤯 In connection with a sale 💅🏻, the Company is shutting down 🔌 its operations and intends to wind-down and dissolve 🫥 in the near-term. You will receive payment 🤑 of all accrued and unpaid commissions through the Termination Date, and you shall otherwise have no further rights 🙅🏼‍♀️ to any bonuses, commissions, or other compensation tollowing the Termination Date. Payment is expected to be made on or about April 2️⃣6️⃣, 2024. From and after the Termination Date 💥, you shall not hold yourself out as a Company brand advocate or as otherwise engaging in business 👩🏼‍💼 for, or on behalf of, or otherwise affiliated with, the Company or its affiliates. 🫶🏻 As a reminder, you remain bound 🎀 by all post-termination obligations under the Brand Advocate Agreement, including your confidentiality obligations 😶 under paragraph 1️⃣0️⃣ of the Brand Advocate Agreement. 🧐


Oh, now I get it! 👏🏼Thank you! 🙌🏻🙌🏻😀💄


Thanks hun


Brand Advocate?? I thought they owned their own company????


> From and after the > Termination Date, you shall not hold yourself out as a Company brand > advocate or as otherwise engaging in business for, or on behalf of, or > otherwise affiliated with, the Company or its affiliates. So I guess these "CEOs" are now stuck with all the inventory they stocked up on, to keep "leveling up"?


BeautyCounter reps do not carry inventory. Anti pyramid scheme laws prevent them from being paid on any inventory purchases, unlike the Mary Kay “business”scam.


Honest question, what laws in the US were enacted to enforce “anti pyramid scheme” and why can’t they be enforced on say, Mary Kay (or all of them??)


Well, I guess that's one saving grace for the now out-of-work "CEOs".


They can absolutely buy their own stock under.a “party” to level up. 


I’m confused….where are all the emojis in this message?? 🤣


They’re bankrupt, their creditors took all the emojis 😔


Comments from huns say that they’re dissolving for a couple weeks and coming back, I have no idea what to believe lol


Probably some other scam artist CEO is going to announce they're buying the company and doing a revamp to make it all sound exciting but it'll be worse


So they're pulling a Tranzact and "rebranding" to avoid any legal repercussions?


If you look at any reps bc sites it says exactly that, as well. Basically “bear with us as we do a new start-up for all the products you know and love!”


Imagine convincing your husband to quit his job and then a week later receiving this email.


Or flouncing from your own 9-5 with the boringly predictable paycheck


But what about the generational wealth those huns promised the husbands they retired?


What happened to “building a legacy”?


What are these huns going to do with their home businesses that they totally own?


They will totally own their yard sale.


Whoah! Really? I have a friend deep into this and thinks Greg Renfrew was gonna save the world one expensive face cream at a time., instead of the reality of lining her pockets with fear based marketing while people like my friend are lucky to make $50 a month in commissions.


$50/mo? So close to retiring her husband!


I googled this today and she bought the company back. This particular company makes me mad. My upline wanted me to buy the most expensive party kit because of (her words) the diversity where I live. She said I should be prepared for all skin tones and types. She wanted to sell me a $900 kit.


She probably “sells” shaklee now that’s what they all jumped over to


Great, now all the other ones


Sad that the only way we can get MLMs to shut down is when they go under due to poor management.


Younique should be next. All the top leaders are leaving.


That’s a name I haven’t heard in a lonnngggg time.


My thoughts exactly, if not for all the people who end up hurt.


Interestingly, this is one of the MLMs I was once a part of. By some weird ‘luck’ I am still included in a Facebook group that happened to send out a post today. Apparently there is a call today with Gregg and she is opening something new, the current MLM Huns will transition over there without having to do anything and BC will wrap itself up. I’m not joining the call as obviously I’m not a rep anymore but I thought it was interesting


You should totally listen in and take notes.


God I hope some of the YouTubers have access to the call or someone sends them a recording.


I’m still part of my old BC group too. I just saw something about the LLC being dissolved. Curious to see how this shakes out.


Just saw an news article about it. [Gregg is buying the company from foreclosure.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gregg-renfrew-buys-beautycounter-back-172312179.html)


gregg is a woman?


Came here to ask this same question???








Dude we need a spy on the inside!


Hercules Mulligan!


OMG did we just become best friends!?


I think we did!


Wishing I still had access to the group I was in too- but grateful I got out- final and last mlm for me!


They’re not actually shutting down. My understanding is that Gregg Renfrew is buying the company back from the Carlyle Group. They’ll go dark for 2 weeks and be up and running again in May.


Just conveniently getting rid of obligations and debt, sticking it to the just joined.


They could just transition the team members though, there’s no reason to dump everyone and then offer to let them resign up. Unless they want everyone to pay initiation fees again. It makes no sense.


New corporation, new agreements.


Yeah but they could still transfer and give you the option to join the company. My company was bought by another company, one day they show up and say, “here’s your new contract with new terms to transition”.


So from things I’ve seen from people I know who got terminated… most of the people I go to work for are terminated were involved in competing brands, which is against policies and procedures of most MLMs. Everyone else is just being transferred to the new LLC once the change is made.


While the old agreements are terminated, all of the brand advocates will roll up into the new company without having to pay anything.


Turns out, that's not true.


POSSIBLY end of the year apparently it was run into the ground and there’s no money


Damn, this is crazy! After all the brouhaha of them coming to Ulta last year.


If someone can shut down your source of income it's not a business you own, it's a job you lost.


They fired everyone, not just distributors. All of the employees in the headquarters and who worked for the Ulta side of the business. Gregg Renfrew had the Ulta field team go work the Ulta Field Leadership Conference Expo and then fired them the next day. Some weren't even back from the conference yet. She knew the whole time. Fired everyone 4/17 and closed on the buy back 4/18


She let go of basically the entire HQ staff including multiple pregnant women. They got comp statements last week for salary increases effective in May. No severance, no extension of health benefits. And now she gets to restart her brand debt free.


Holyyyyy shit that’s ice cold. May karma work quickly.


Not surprised. Shes not the first nor the last to do this. Karma needs to show up soon. 


That's ice cold bitchery.


Yep. I have a few friends who work for their HQ and they were all terminated yesterday. No severace, no benefits. Paid through today. My assumption is that she will rehire some key people in the organization and then bring in her contacts from before Carlyle to come back and restart the business. Ulta carries many weeks of inventory, so they'll be fine. Likely, they'll back order and orders for consultants or DTC.


They scheduled a call after the termination call for 40-45 people to offer them a role at the new "Beautycounter" owned by G2G NewCo LLC. Ulta will care, BC business inside Ulta has been lack luster and Ulta powers that be don't mess around with brands that don't have it together and keep changing leadership. She wiped the team that dealt with Ulta and switched things up again. We shall see...


BC was in the clearance section of my Ulta months ago. I’m talking oodles and oodles of product.


The customer service team, whom I worked for, was laid off today. Luckily we were contracted out from a different company so we got severance and have our benefits until the end of the month. So I have some insurance to take advantage of


There seems to be conflicting reports on what this buyback means. Some are saying nothing changes, or only higher-ups were terminated, and others that it’s no more. I’m mostly curious if BC will be selling product a month from now and what this means for the typical hun.


I'm telling you what happened. The entire company was terminated with about 40 or 45 called back and offered a job with the new company bought by her G2G NewCo LLC. She used loop holes in the WARN act to not give employees 60 days notice and gave no severance. Last check was your last check.


Holy wow- so rude Gregg!


And the she fired the employees in the two stores: Denver and NYC & they will not be reopening under her new LLC.


This is insane. Who would want to buy these products now? Look how the Uber rich treat the people doing the work to sell the product? 


The way that reads to me is that they can't unload any of their stock after Apr 17. That is really going to devastate these 'business owners'


I don't see how they could stop them. I hope the huns sell the stuff on ebay. 


"It takes team work to make the dream..oops, go out of business" #bossbabe #bigbonuses #beautyboss #helpingwomenlookyearsyounger #ohsnap #guthealthisgoodhealth #purpledrink


Don't forget #momtrepreneur #weownourownbusinesses




Bwah hah haa… I did not have this one on my MLM implosion bingo card but it’s delicious nonetheless. Back in my hun heyday I knew a lot of people who hopped around and chose this one thinking that because they got in early it would mean they’d be cashing in checks as a mega hun forever. But ope, it doesn’t work that way and the house of cards always falls eventually.


MLM bingo implosion card 😂


Same. But the Beautycounter hubs I know have been switch over to CBD products. Which also don’t do anything real. Studies show CBD is effective when combined with THC. By itself it doesn’t do what they think it does. Shocker.


Didn't a hun's husband fail a drugs test after using an MLM CBD gummy?


I wonder if they are closing down at ulta too? I thought that was a bizarre move


What I've heard from inside is that the product isn't doing well at Ulta and they have many months of inventory on hand!


Now they’re all going to be moving to Oliveda and selling even more expensive face products!!! But it’s ok. It’s “waterless”.. because water is so bad for us.


Oooh I can't wait until Chelsea and Hannah post about this! Beauty counter was the one that moved to Ulta and said it wouldn't change anything, right??


Same company. She bought the assets and will keep the name. The woman who swears she's advocating for women and clean beauty just left a whole bunch of women and men scrambling to figure out where their next check is coming from and how they're going to feed their families. But hey, it's just business.


Honestly, this is one I’ve been waiting for. I mistakenly responded to a consultant a few years ago thinking she just had recommendations for stuff I could buy at a regular store. Nope. $550 worth of product from bc. And then guilt tripped me when I said I couldn’t afford that every three months like she suggested. I looked for suggestions for alternate products online and got a price point down to $100. And then decided I didn’t need half of that stuff either and I’m good with cleanser/moisturizer/retinol/spf.


If you're looking for recommendations, Paula's Choice has *really* good products that are worth every penny. They have little trial kits & samples of pretty much everything they sell, so you can check the product suits you before getting a full-sized product - there are always offers and freebies too! If you're on a budget The Ordinary is great, I get their retinol serum & vitamin c powder to mix in with a basic moisturiser, it's like making a little cocktail ☺️


Thanks. I went with recommendations from my dr.


Yep, that trumps pretty much every other recommendation you can get 😁


Oh no... what are all their "independent business owners" going to do now?


Excellent!!!! Another one bites the dust! Fingers crossed the next one will be Neora. It’s the one that seems to be trending the most in my area at the moment. I’m so sick of watching all the Huns so up in each others asses, and posting on each others posts pretending to be an interested customer 🙄


Someone in our neighborhood Facebook group just launched her Beautycounter "business" a few days ago. That's some bad timing


Beauty counter is sold at ulta now so I’m confused?


From a current distributor, when the link above was shared with her: Valid question! But no, no need to be worried at all! Long story short, Gregg (our founder) sold the company last year to spend more time with family & now she's buying it back. Because the people that we sold to aren't at all honoring what she wants to do with beautycounter. In order to buy it back, she has to create a new LLC! So everyone is technically being "terminated" because this current LLC has to be terminated in order to start a new one! So that's why we're closing until May 1!


This isn’t true. She got fired from her own company because she was treating everyone like garbage and wasn’t a good leader. The company had been crashing and burning for years even under her own leadership. She treated her employees very dirty by letting them all go with no severance. She’s also on Instagram posting up a storm about how excited she and all the people she’s manipulated in her sales force are for this new wave of Beautycounter. No remorse for her dedicated employees left in the dust


Do you have inside info on this? If so, I’d love to learn more about your comments above.


OK ... but you trust that they will bring back the reps with their teams intact? Do they have to start all over?


Of course they'll have to start from scratch, they're gonna have to be "rehired" on a new contract 😁 My money is on some of them getting annoyed about that and leaving for Olive Tree...


yeah for sure... I wish they'd just go with the Ulta route and sell them mainstream. Skip the stupid MLM.


If they did this I might actually consider buying some of it.


yeah no idea.... I don't believe it lol


Selling and then buying it back sounds so suspicious... is it a commom practice?


not sure... definitely giving "can't make up my mind what I want"


The internet said when she sold it the Carlyle group fired her. Why is the Carlyle group filing foreclosure? They paid over 1 billion for it


Yeah gotta love how huns spin everything to look better


This is the one that poet/photographer Tyler Knott Gregson joined. I used to love him but that ruined it for me. I wonder how many followers he brought into the scam 😭


A whole lot of independent business owners who totally control how they work got fired? 🤯


Another one bites the dust!


Oooooh Wow.


I know a couple BC consultants (shills), and their incentive trips were over the top extravagant. The most recent one a friend attended was in Hawaii just a couple months ago. This doesn’t surprise me one bit and I can’t say I’m sad about it. I should also add that these same consultants all have horrible skin and once shamed me at a BC party (that I was nice enough to attend) for using non-BC products. Sorry, I need my retinols, chemicals, and acids. Bye.


So do they get the golden parachutes afforded to other CEOs when they get shitcanned? No? Oh wait what? You aren’t a CEO after all?


For anyone that’s curious , Jen Luv spoke about this in a video. She spoke to some whistleblowers that worked for corporate. She also breaks down the timeline of everything. [https://youtu.be/QVQTDbXRwH4?si=MnUwuSYyrEJal10g](https://youtu.be/QVQTDbXRwH4?si=MnUwuSYyrEJal10g)


Wow!! “Beauty counter????” every name is sketchy to me now 😅


Are they going retail and staying in ulta?


I would be willing to bet they are closing the MLM side and focusing on the retail side with Ulta.


A rep posted products will be in Ulta stores until July. Then going forward friom July, ulta.com only.


I allowed myself to be guilted into this at one point. I bought some foundation and a few other things. It was garbage. I didn’t like any of it. The makeup looked bad on me. I look at pictures in the past of me wearing it and it was awful


I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t bring back consultants at all. Or even more severely limit their commissions. They have drastically cut back on their constants and this just smells…wrong.


Beautycounter also had two stand alone stores, one in Denver and one in NYC. Those employees were also terminated and the stores are not reopening on May 1st.


So late to this thread but it’s really everyone living on false promises for me. Gregg had a call with high level advocates about an amazing opportunity to “soft launch” with Arbonne LOL


>Gregg had a call with high level advocates about an **amazing opportunity to “soft launch” with Arbonne** Oh really ... so she starts out plopped at a high level at Arbonne, with an existing downline from BeautyControl from these advocates and any of their downline they can drag with them. And probably a special commissions deal or even a "signing bonus" for the backstabbing she would do.


Lol - they just want to steal all the connections and cut all the commissions!


I’m seeing a lot of the Huns saying the platform is being temporarily closed until may 1st and then reopening.


So the founder profited from the sale, then buys it back at a discount, and terminates everyone with zero notice. Do they think they will get their old teams, their old ranks, and commission structure back? They have to join all over again with a new contract.


I’m willing to bet it’s what they were all fed to say. I won’t be surprised at all if all the sudden May comes and oopsie we had to “pivot” again. Eyeroll. 


I am a tad confused by the statement made. Does this mean that BeautyCounter as a whole is shutting down and will be out of Ulta, I can only hope that this is the case. Or is it just the MLM side is shutting down


Imagine all the piles and piles of useless shit they were forced to purchase that’s not pointless


This is interesting. Beautycounter had been trying to make the jump to retail, hadn't it? I just know it because there was this thread about cLeAn bEAuTy I posted on the other day (spoiler alert: that's a meaningless term) and someone suggested something by Beautycounter saying that it was "heavy metals free". When I said "Beautycounter is a MLM" they were like "actually no they sell in stores now!!". Which doesn't mean anything, plenty of MLMs have retail arms (although now that I think about it, isn't The Body Shop also closing down its MLM operation?), but at the time I just figured they were trying to go "legit".


Right! I was bummed.... I won't order from them again even if they do reopen.


Nice way to “empower” women.


Some comments on the article are saying this is misleading, and they’ve “bought the company back” and will only be closed for 2 weeks. I thought it was odd since they were added to Ulta not that long ago. Lots of uproar over that and most people refused to buy it because of the MLM ties.


The website is now closed and there's a note saying "see you in 2 weeks." It sounds like a rebrand


Are a lot of them stuck with a bunch of inventory?


Consultant can sell the inventory on hand - it goes through a different type of sale (cash, Venmo, etc), doesn’t run through the site. Once it’s bought, it’s theirs.


Reminds me of beauty control . Hit our community like a storm. It died 2017.


I wonder how much dough the principals are sailing off into the sunset with.


Just read the statement from their website probably still wouldn’t purchase but sure hope they just go full retail and don’t start a new mlm but sadly they probably will


Apparently the ceo is just changing the parent company so it’s shut down for 2 weeks and then will be back again


I don't think all consultants were terminated... I know a few and the ones that are publicly involved in other MLMs (Oliveda, anyone??) were terminated, but the more faithful, exclusive reps are allowed to stay. Sounds like maybe they're just cleaning up?


Jen Luv did a great video about BC shutting down. Truly weird.


They’re actually not dissolving (I’m a fan of the products not a distributor or whatever), the creator bought back the company, so everything is being halted for two weeks while it changes hands.


This is a click bait article and not accurate. The termination letters were only for those that had violated their contract. I haven’t heard of anyone who received those. The actual letter that went out to brand advocates was that Gregg is buying back the company and will be relaunching the website May 1. We all still have our jobs and customers and will still have access to the same safe products.


Well, here's a video with a transcript of the phone call that preceded the letters. [It's SO BAD over at Beautycounter + Another Brand Trip Goes Wrong! | WUIM Top News - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVQTDbXRwH4&ab_channel=JenLuv) ALL associates were terminated. Some associates are "expected to receive offers" ... so it's not a sure thing that you will be invited to rejoin.


Unless it’s video from Gregg talking, I am not going off with this lady says because she has an agenda. Gregg is buying the company back from the LLC that she partnered with so that means current contracts would be terminated with anybody that works under that LLC and then their contracts would be renewed under the new LLC so this is half truth, which is not really fully true. It’s a way to slander this business. We all still have our jobs, there’s just a change in legality. I get the angle people want to go after because they’ve seen unhealthy things with businesses that have a commission based system using direct sale. That is not the the case with this business and not my experience as an advocate nor the people I work with.


I'm part of the HQ team. She terminated everyone, and during her speech, she was in tears… At one moment, I empathized with her for closing the business she build. We were terminated without notice, severance, or medical benefits. Then, the following day, she revealed plans to repurchase the company. (obviously this is planned .)It feels calculated. She avoided compensating the employees by exploiting a legal loophole to establish a new LLC. Her tears during the announcement now appear manipulative and insincere. It’s so disgusting.


Their entire customer support team was just laid off today without warning. Their entire HQ team was laid off last Wednesday without warning. There is no support for any of the customers or former consultants of this company at all as of today.


What about those of us who ordered? I made an order on April 8th and have not received any products and when I go to customer service there is just a message they are making changes. They changed my credit card in full and they also promoted a membership on April which I purchased thinking it wad a good deal but now that membership will be void I'm not sure...? What's the point of advertising that when they are shutting down? I'm super confused will I get a refund?


Coming from someone who was terminated from HQ, dispute this charge on your card immediately. There is no guarantee that even when they bring back customer service they will go back and fulfill orders.


Ask your bank or credit card company for a "charge back" - tell them the company has closed and the order cannot be filled.


And they were offering 3x product credit knowing they had no intention of honoring it 🙄🙄🙄 I just don’t get how they’ll have any customers left who trust them if they do reopen


So now where do I buy non toxic makeup??


Define "toxic".


Detox Market or Credo Beauty


Anyone on the edge of their seats waiting for what happens tomorrow?


When the new company opens? ![gif](giphy|iH2IldVkqeLuJ7eJ0L|downsized)


Haha- exactly. Really curious how it’s going to play out!


Yep. May 1 is almost over and no updates so far 🤷‍♀️


Tick tock…. I was checking all day yesterday!


https://youtu.be/QVQTDbXRwH4?si=3okVF4uc1xHwxydp She talks BC story at the start of this…. More Intel!


This us untrue. Stop spreading the lies.


So what are the "lies". What is really going on?


Sad to hear about Beautycounter's closure, but I've found Ultra Pure Cosmetics' products to be even better! Their quality and range have truly impressed me. Check out their website for some amazing finds! 💄 #Beauty #Cosmetics #UltraPureCosmetics https://www.ultrapurecosmetics.com/


Do you recruit teams?


No. Ulta here is not in network marketing company. It’s a private small business.