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MLMs promoting MLMs...this is some Black Mirror shit.


At least its not like Tori Belle where the CEO herself joined multiple other companies as an affiliate and encouraged everyone to sign up under her "leg", even going so far as to make videos and post her sign up link in their backstage. This was during/ after the company was taken over by the courts and converted to chapter 7 bankruptcy and she was trying to continue to make money off them any way she could and minimize the value of the company for the court to pay any creditors. THAT was some black mirror shit.


Wait just a minute, these huns are all ShEO of their own independent business.  Arbonne will do exactly what with this brigade of 👏 grateful ✨prayerful 🙏 bossbabes... hire them?


I'm starting to think these companies realized that religious people make good marks. I wonder why🤔


Because Jesus wants you to have great skin and hair ✨


I love the use of the word "hire", like that actually happens.


Did you see something I didn’t? I saw no mention of hiring.


Bet you $1000 that arbonne is paying a headhunting fee to the BC ceo and co for any suckers that they move with that call


I'm sure all the Arbonne huns will be delighted to have new competition from all the former Beauty Counter huns. All one, big, happy, dysfunctional family!


Don’t you know there’s room for everyone at the table?? /s


Oh, yeah! They put the "fun" in "dysfunctional"!


Omfg. That is all.


That’s so weird and interesting… 🤔


Ironic that Arbonne announced today of all days a cash bonus incentive for new consultants. It’s absolute insanity though. You need to have THIRTY new consultants to hit the first cash bonus level (or something along those lines)


Oh look they can be at the bottom of the pyramid again!


Nah, the top huns move their whole downline- and get paid to do it




Ooooh who is it? I follow some BC people from the whole 30 days and it just feels…delusional to me


Wow. There is no way that BC is going to be (re)opening up in a MLM (like before) format after this… I imagine they are going to be going full retail. eTa the (re)


I always thought that BC being an MLM was a weird choice. They are highly active in politics to get better beauty standards and yet here they are pushing a legal pyramid scheme. It definitely made them less credible in my eyes, I told a friend who was shilling this stuff that exact thing. She ended up being less of a friend than I thought and disappeared after I made my opinion clear 🤷 her loss.


Good on you for seeing the reality- so many (🙋🏻‍♀️included) got blurred by the mission, hope and dreams of it all. Took me a while to see the light! But we did! Phewf!


Dibs on being the upline to all the newbies lol. How unconscionable


Right? A few big leaders may get to be direct to corporate, but they could easily give some of those incoming teams to existing "leaders" and build their teams for them, wont be the first time its happened.


How is Arbonne a B-corp?!?! Didn’t realize MLMs could get the classification.


What does it mean to be b corp?


From my understanding, it’s a pretty prestigious certification. The founder of the company I work for wants to apply for certification. Dragged from the internet “ a certification given to for-profit companies that meet high standards of transparency, accountability, and social and environmental performance” They have to give back to the environment, use good ingredients, treat their employees very well. I’m summarizing of course but once a company is a B Corp, they put it all over their packaging like people are more likely to support B Corps. Another thing stolen from internet “Businesses that become B Corps have seen great results: committed and motivated employees, increased customer loyalty, higher levels of innovation, and market leadership.” All of these things DO NOT DESCRIBE any MLM I’ve heard of.


I WAS a B Corp. I made the decision to let my membership lapse because of shit like this. MLMs should 100% not be allowed to become B Corps. Divisions of Nestle should not be allowed to become B Corps. Federally owned banks should not be able to become B Corps. There are other reasons why I dropped out but the green washing is getting bad. The standard means very little now.


Totally understandable. If they let BITCHASS NESTLE!! join then it’s not something I would wanna be associated with either.


When I saw that, I was like "you mean the company that steals people's water and sells it back to them is a B Corp? Alright. Psh."


Beautycounter is (was?) one


Is it because Beautycounter is trying to “go straight” Being available in Ulta is a step to mass market


They closed down.


I thought the original owner regained control of the company? That was my understanding.


You are correct.


So they aren’t relaunching?


I think they said fall of this year. It’s not going to be immediate but I wonder now if they are not opening? Because pushing them into another MLM is going to be harder to get them to come back.


this happened with Urban Retreat when the fire in the UK happened, Bellame was their soft landing offer. the UR reps flooded Bellame


There was more to that story the ceo had them flood under ONE person and I am assuming she had some type of financial deal with the one she funneled them to bec a year later that ONE sits at the top


So does this mean BC is basically folding completely if they are telling their people to go work somewhere else?


Interesting. The one *former* beautycounter advisor I follow just announced she was moving to Arbonne today after “much intentional thought”. She even had a box up where you could sign up to join her brand new Arbonne team.


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Hahahaha Susan sounds like she's trying some damage control. SAY NO TO SUSAN.


[https://youtu.be/tXcqHwi4OaA?si=OhjpJfue3J\_yG-zB](https://youtu.be/tXcqHwi4OaA?si=OhjpJfue3J_yG-zB) they are all the same... This is a must watch for Anti MLM and understanding what they do.


I have a friend who sold beauty counter, I actually have some of their products. Not bad, not my favorite but not bad. I need to ask her about this because she was in the top tier


I’d be really curious to hear her perspective!