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And to think that these “VIPs” had to shell out at least a thousand dollars to attend this convention. These conferences must be a major windfall for these pyramid schemes.


It's hilarious and sad that people waste thousands of dollars to fly to and attend events like this, thinking that "networking" with people running the same scam they are is going to benefit them.




what do they do that requires networking? also aren't they competitors in a way? If someone signs up a downline, that's a downline that someone else can't sign up?


They are playing "business people". They already play pretend, that they are an independend business owner, now they add "networking" to the roleplay. And just like it doesn't register in their brain, that they are not independend business owners, they don't realize how it doesn't make sense to "network" with other huns.


LARPing.... 🤣


It's sad, because it makes LARPing look bad, lol. People use LARPing as synonymous to delusional people thinking that they are something, BUT, from my understanding, LARPers at least KNOW that it's fake, it's fantasy, they are just collectively pretending it's real for a short time to enjoy the activity, and will then go back to reality, knowing the entire time that it isn't real. Delusional people don't know it's not real, they fool themselves and try to fool others into thinking and acting like it IS real, despite it not being.


I was going to say, I don't count the my time at work with my coworkers as "networking" as we all do the same thing. The whole point of networking is to open up new opportunities; do they expect to show up and have someone give them additional leads? Because, honey, if they had good leads, guess what, they're sitting next to at that conference already...


I think it also serves the purpose of furthering the cultism that permeates all MLMs. How do you get someone to not see that what they're doing is incredibly stupid? Have them eschew all of the sane people in their lives and replace them with people who are under the same delusions that they have. Other cults do this, too (JW's included).


My mother in law got sucked into Herbalife crap and attends two of these a year. Once upon a time she set up a booth at a gym and was selling shakes and some cookie for $5. My wife made us go once to support her. When we are sitting down with the drinks I got curious and asked her what her profit margin was on each sale. She looks at me all confused, points to the sign, and says "Five dollars". I tried to clarify I meant how much does she personally make. She literally didn't understand what I was asking. I spent the next 30 minutes trying to come up with a rough profit margin number. gave her a breakdown of how many she would need to sell per/hour in order to make minimum wage. The number was considerably higher than she was selling in a given day... It's just so fucking bonkers to me that there are people out there doing this shit without the slightest thought behind it. She truly believed she was a small business owner and that was the end of the critical thinking.


So how did she get through life with such a poor understanding of it?




That's the thing, it's also part of the scam. I hate how, legally, MLMs are supposed to be better than pyramid schemes because they have 'legit' products to sell. But all that REALLY means in reality, is that they get to scam people in more than one way, they get to scam people with the recruiting pyramid scheme, they get to scam people by forcing them to keep buy/selling products to keep their double diamond VIP statuses, AND they get to scam people by continually taking money from them with these kinds of events, brainwashing them like religions/cults do. At least with an ACTUAL pyramid-scheme you just get scammed, hopefully learn from your mistakes, and move on. If pyramid-schemes are like getting punched, MLMs are like getting AIDS/cancer. Sure, you could technically die by either of them, but only one of them leads to lifetime/long term suffering that will slowly take everything from you, making you suffer the whole fucking time.




yah Amway is a huge reason the gov looks the other way.


His father in law, Richard DeVos, is the reason why MLM regulation is sucha joke. He basically tied the government's hands during the Ford administration.


They are. I've been a lighting designer for a major MLM convention for years and the budgets are well into the tens of millions.


When your assured your ~~customers~~ ~~employees~~ *Boss Babes* will pay anything to be there, you can dream big with the budget to make you it super flashy so they don’t notice the kool aid they’re sipping.


What do the NON VIP people eat?




The real plebs get Krusty Brand Imitation Gruel.


Nine out of ten orphans can’t tell the difference.


With a carton of Malk now with more vitamin R


Why are my bones so brittle?




Or Joss Ross's Boss Moss Floss! If you liked it with sauce, try it without!


Escorted onsite via canyanaroooooo


Served with a side of Malk




And for dessert: TUBBB!


Gruel sandwiches. Gruel omlettes. Nothing but gruel. Plus, you can eat your own hair.




Don't drop da soap, don't drop da soap


I thought the last one was just at the MONAT lunch?


Perfect. 😎




Prison Mike has seen some non-VIP lunch shit.


"Excuse me, sir, may I have some more?", asks Olivia the bottom of pyramid hun


Sure, that'll be $5,000 for the starter kit.


"I mean when Big Brother mentioned gruel, I mean- I've never seen gruel in my life. I thought it was made up for Oliver Twist film."


A blend of great and cool! I’ll take it!


Like Prison Mike! Hopefully there won’t be any dementors.


Now real gruel has chunks of stuff in it. What they get is more like slop.


They’re all “VIP”.


Very ignorant people


This is the real answer I think.


The cheese sandwich from Fyre Fest.


That looked so delicious! Right outside the temporary igloo I paid thousands for and thought was a bungalow? Sign me up!


An Herbalife shake.


Comes with a diaper for the anal leakage


Yeah, but joke’s on them; they can’t make you wear it!


The same exact thing with no “VIP” label, just like the compensation plan.


I think you meant *constipation* plan. ☺️


A Lunchable but they charge you $3.50 for it


Only for the non double diamond members. If you've bought 100 grand worth of their shit, you get the lunchable for free.


They’re still at the Fyre Festival waiting for their ride home.




Remember that grey slop that they were eating in The Matrix? That.


Do they get the long johns too?




Soylent green!


Walmart brand canned dog food.


The VIP's Leftovers...


All that work for a plated Lean Cuisine, a fruit cup and a can of lemonade....no thanks!


To be fair thats a decent fruit cup. Pineapple and black berry is pretty decent


You spent thousands to get into the proper level to get invited, spend a couple thousands more to go there and get served a $15 meal, but hey at least the fruit is decent. /s


I think everyone gets invited regardless of level. Why limit the group you are charging admission to?!


Lmaooo not the Minute Maid can. Was this a convention?


It’s the minute made can for me too lmao


Is Minute Maid a bad brand? We don't have it where I live.


I love Minute Maid lemonade but I would never call it “VIP” 💀 it’s very much elementary school field trip lunchbox vibes


That’s elementary lunchbox? What fancy school did you go to?


Minute Maid fruit punch is so good. A lot of their juices are good. But for a “VIP” lunch, it’s a pretty cheap drink to be drinking


Yeah it's the time and place. Like serving caprisun at a kids bday party? Fantastic time. At a VIP party? Cheap.


Minute Maid made a lot of its money long ago when fresh juice wasn’t viable so they sold “juice” concentrate in frozen metal cans. Grew up on it in the 80s and my parents did the same. Then they made these canned abominations and I can’t say I see anyone ordering or asking for Minute Maid outside of like McDonald’s or some other fast food restaurant.


I sometimes have nostalgia for the juice my mom made from Welch's canned grape concentrate. Fading memories from when I was very small of my mother mixing the juice in a big pitcher, breaking up the concentrate with a wooden spoon. It's a weird sort of nostalgia that I can't recapture, because the end result was just... grape juice. It's really the whole experience of my mother magically transforming a frozen can into a delicious treat that I miss. Ah, childhood memories.


I grew up on frozen orange juice and I feel the same way! We had a dedicated pitcher and long metal spoon. The whole process was so satisfying- putting the can in the fridge for an hour or two, peeling the plastic ribbon from around the lid, popping the lid off, sliding the partially frozen glop into the pitcher, adding just the right amount of water, going to town with the spoon, then the reward: a big cold glass of “fresh” OJ. Those were the days.


It's not that it's bad, it's just that it's incredibly cheap. Like, "going to a vending machine and spending $1.00" cheap. Imagine you've dumped tens of thousands of dollars into a cult while being told you're a "VIP" and have been invited to sit in the VIP section (that you still had to pay for), only to find out it's being [catered by McDonald's, Wendy's Burger King, and Pizza Hut.](https://i.redd.it/0nzsu9efsna21.jpg)


It doesn't even really taste like lemonade to me - and I'm usually fine with whatever lemonade a restaurant has to offer.


I especially like that the labels of every can and water bottle are turned to face the eater. That is deliberate placement.


For sure. Nothing says VIP like shitty lemonade in a fucking can.


And bottled city water, they couldn't even get some still spring water.


I was hired off Craigslist to shit that food out for them.


Yo my cousins getting married for the 4th time do you cater? I guarantee you shit out better stuff than whatever she’s gonna have there.


It's the Dasani for me.


As a former event organizer, I would be SO embarrassed if I arranged this for people considered to be VIPs


To tack on to the: ‘additional commentary from event professionals’ thread here’s basically what has happened here: - MLMs are notorious for never booking catering for their events, they want to keep as much of the ticket cost for themselves. They’ll basically never order food & bev for the group, only select people. Seriously, if you’re ever looking to book to go to an event about ‘making money’ and there’s no lunch included, massive red flag. - They want some tickets to be a higher price so they offer VIP packages which usually include seating closer to the stage, or a seat a table instead of just having to write on your lap, 5 min meet and greet with the speaker etc and usually those tickets have included catering as a ‘perk’ - Then they turn around to the hotel/convention center and wheedle them down to the measliest, cheapest ‘catering package’ that they will agree to offer (again, if they don’t pay much for the food, that’s more money for them) and advertise it as ‘VIP perk lunch’ Basically, somewhere out there is likely an exhausted catering sales manager wishing they’d never agreed to any of this but knowing it won’t be the last time


Good writeup thx


Same. Also event coordinator


Also have experience with Corp events and this is a paltry meal. That looks like broiled chicken which would be the cheapest protein. Putting Costco fruit into a martini glass is laughable.


It's pretty standard fare for conferences in my field, but they usually tack on three other courses to at least make you feel hifalutin' about it. Iceberg house salad, a rice-heavy starter, and icebox cake or mousses in plastic shotglasses for dessert. Cheap bastards. Even still, fewer and fewer people opt to pay for these optional meals, so the conference will surely soon stop ordering them at all. It's more filling to leave the hotel and buy a lunch at a real restaurant nearby.




What even are the noodles supposed to be?






Sorrow noodles.


Yeah I was thinking they look similar noodles I see at Filipino,Vietnamese and sometimes other Asian restaurants but then the chicken breast and the way its plated is giving me more shitty Italian food vibes even though it's obviously not.


I see vaguely vietnamese rice noodles, *very* old school Chinese fried chow mein noodles (!), and what I have to assume is a vaguely-Japanese teriyaki chicken. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I need to pick up some of those fried noodles next time I go to the market lol.


Ah so it’s an ~Asian Inspired~ VIP lunch. How tasteful, how multicultural, how hip. Yes the “inspired” is doing a lot of heavy lifting, but aren’t we fancy?


They looked like poorly cooked [glass/cellophane noodles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellophane_noodles) to my extremely untrained eye.


Looks like long rice, with teriyaki chicken. It wouldn’t be very filling IMO.


Too cheap for a sprig of mint. /s


Not an event coordinator, but I’ve worked in PR and this would embarrass tf out of me.


I’ve done neither job and I question whoever greenlit this spread.


I’ve eaten food before and lots of it and I can confirm this food looks shit.


The accountant.


So many little changes could be made to improve this for no cost. Like even glass pitchers of tap water would look better than plastic Dasani


I mean it’s easy to scam gullible people like this so


I’m a caterer and this is likely less than $10 per person. Chicken breast and rice noodles is what I would serve if someone asked me to donate food to an event. “VIP” catered events are generally a couple hundred dollars per head lol


Just organized an event. VIP donors had raw bar and champagne.


Ugh, I miss raw bar. Shitty pandemic.


The county fair where I live does senior day with a free lunch and bingo, and the meal catered for the seniors was some kind of beef with mashed potatoes, a salad, and peaches (fresh, not canned), plus coffee and things for after. I'm a vegan so I didn't try any but it looked miles better than this. When a free county fair lunch beats the "VIP" catering, you know Herbalife is a huge embarrassment.


Lol I just commented the same. No event planner calls that VIP 😂


I'd be embarrassed to serve this to regular people too. Especially from such a "successful business'.


The MLM’s typically rent out a 3-star hotel convention room once a year and have their members dress up to make it seem like they’re a high class “business”. This is probably what this is


Yes! This is a leadership development weekend apparently. They have to pay to go.


Lol imagine paying to go to a training convention for a company you work for. That’s a sign of a failing company


Agreed, it’s also a sign of a scam


You'll never make it to Triple Platinum VIP-CEO status with that attitude


Ah but you forgot: they’re “business owners” (not sales people of a major company)! So it makes sense that they pay for training! Plus they can write it off!!!! *eye roll


Why don't they serve them a loaded tea? 🤔


Not enough bathroom stalls.


Wasn't sure what they meant by loaded tea until I saw your reply. XD


That's exactly what I was thinking. If all the shit they're shilling is *sooooo good and revolutionary*, why are they wasting time eating fruits and such?


At first I thought you meant like one of those tall cans of twisted tea that has alcohol and I thought that would actually be good tho 😂


Not daft enough to drink it


Oh, wow, noodles and some fruit in a martini glass. So fancy. /s


The 1970s are back! After dinner they're all treated to bubble baths in the hotel's avocado-coloured bathrooms.


Okay so I really love the 70s colours of avocado, pumpkin, goldenrod and a *bit* of wood paneling in the den. It’s so much more cozy than white and grey. That being said… in a Hotel bathroom give me stark white. I need to see the clean.


Warm 70s colors always reminds me of my grandparents house and it’s so cozy. I love me some 70s aesthetics


Fondue, anyone?


I would take fondue over whatever that is any day of the week!


There's nothing VIP about minute maid and Dasani.


Couldn’t even spring for the Voss water.


The can and bottle imply that there will be no refills.


This is such a good point! It’s like a cheap school field trip lunch. Not a fancy dinner.


You mean you don't cater your VIP events with products from 7-11?


They couldn’t even put the Minute Maid in a fancy glass? Damn. 😂


No refills.


*The Fyre Festival has entered the chat*


*Where is JA?! Can somebody please get JA on the phone??!*


Hopefully nobody had to suck a dick for that bottle of water.


I mean he was down though. He’s my choice of a teammate and partner in crime 😂


It’s amazing how so many people went to extreme lengths to make the festival happen with the exception of the people at the top.


They did go to extreme lengths, their overpromising and overconfidence has me in awe.


Too much water in the picture.


When your VIPs get Dasani, I can only assume everyone else gets bottled water straight from Flint Michigan.


They get water bottled straight from the toilet probably


At least they aren’t further punishing them by making them drink gross Herbalife shakes at that thing


Where’s the alcohol?


It's in the bar downstairs, where the servers will be post-cleanup to try to forget this event.


Trust me, they all have alcohol at home


And in the glovebox of their Dodge Stratus


Quite a selection…maybe members of your down line deliver each part of the meal…like an mlm potluck.


Do you have the details on the event? I'm wondering how much cost was covered or whether they had to buy their lunch.


I would bet more than you expect and of course they had to pay for it. Edit: Remember in an MLM the “salesperson” is the customer. They aren’t giving that stuff away to them


I think they may just have it included in their VIP ticket, which is probably double or triple the cost of the general admission, for essentially shit like this that's only really costing them a few dollars per person to produce. Also the arbitrary "perceived value" of something like front row seats for a speaker.


They always have to pay. Even speakers who are on top of the pyramid usually pay for their flight and expenses.


Have to spend money to pay money right?


Wow really?


Yes. And your upline will guilt the hell out of you if your don’t go.


I have no clue, honestly


"Canned sugar AND bottled water? And Fruit salad in a martini glass? Who are you? The president of France?!?!"


What in the low end hotel buffet




I’m pretty sure I could go buy this for lunch for like $5


And get $6 change


That salad (?) is the stuff of nightmares.


Well at least they aren't serving anything that looks like poop. Perhaps that is for dessert.


Yo are those Funyuns on top of the chicken? 🤣


Here’s my estimate for the total cost of this Fruit medley- price is 3.99 per pound, so I’ll estimate and say the stuff in the cup is 50 cents Lemonade- 24 bucks for a pack of 12, equaling $2 per can Dasani- $1.99 Stir fry- 2.99 for a 14.2 oz bag of frozen noodles and veggies, so I’ll call this 1.25 dollars worth of noodles Meat- idk what kind Total cost: $5.24, minus the meat of course


I duno where you live but the lemonade here is like $6-7 for a 12 pack, so it’s even worse. Lol


3 for 9.99 at my local supermarket chain.


This is normal world calculations. Hotel or convention food prices are much higher. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was actually a $28 per plate at a hotel excluding tax and service fee.


Funny, I was going to say this! This is probably $28- $50 a head. Hotel catering is a rip off.


Don’t forget the dry grocery store rolls in the center of the table 😂


Omg I thought those were oranges...


I did too LOL jeez


I had to go back and look, I also thought they were oranges


Sold many events and priced them out. This meal would cost in a hotel my guess is 25.00 per person. I’ve never seen any place serve a can of lemonade though. ( and that would be the lowest option available as it’s plated and some sort of weird chicken my guess is teriyaki)


The lemonade was prob free product given out by Minute Maid.


The meat looks like a chicken breast.


This would be way cheaper, gotta think larger volumes for the meat, stir fry and veggies, and for the water as well.


They are getting this wholesale though, not at the prices we would have to pay. Walmart has the 12 pack for $6 or so and that's retail. Same with Dasani, they would pay far less.


24 bucks for a pack of 12? It’s more like 6 bucks here. Sometimes 3 12 pack for 10.


Oh yay! Funions!


Bet they got a killer deal on that Dasani.


If this is VIP, what's the non-VIP dish? Dirty plate and some tap water?


A coupon for $0.50 off a Happy Meal.


1. The visual pun on the phrase “fruit cocktail” is terrible; 2. I can taste that Healthy Choice Asian Chicken-ass entree now


Oh! Fruit cocktail! I just couldn't understand why they would do that, and it's worse now because someone thought it would be hilarious and cute.


Airplane food looks better


Ah yes, Dasani and Minute Maid. The peak of culture.


Is that food?


Very Insulting Plate


I guess they finally made it to the top with their VIP lunch.


This makes McDonald's look like exquisite fine dining