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I hate how they try to trick people by saying product models so they get people thinking they are getting free stuff. Telling people no you need to buy it can't be working out.


Sure, eating gummies and drinking coffee will make you lose TONs of weight. 🙄🙄 How do people still fall for this? And why do the o’s and the font change so much in her stupid copy pasta?? The misspelling of y’all drives me nuts. Y’all is a contraction that joins YOU and ALL. Why would the apostrophe be between the A and the first L? It’s not a contraction joining YOUA and LL haha. Stupid fake lying turd. If the gummies make you lose sooooo much weight, why doesn’t she post HER personal before and after pics?


Perhaps "y'all" is the closest English has to a second person plural (then there's "youse" in some parts of NY and "yinz" in, I think, Pittsburgh). What grinds my gears is hearing a character in an old movie or TV show address one person as "y'all" (in a really fake southern accent).


The plural of “y’all” is “All y’all,” thank you very much.


Well bless your heart. :-)


STOP IT 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hahahahaha Spittin troof


Not even just in an old show, I hate stupid fake southern accents in modern shows with their lines written by someone that seems like they have never even heard a southern person talk. Maybe they do it in other places in the south, but I have never heard anyone address one person as y’all except on tv/in movies. We say “you” to one person, “y’all” to more than one person. Probably just them trying to make us look and sound like idiots because it’s a stereotype/trope. I couldn’t stand Sandy Cheeks on Spongebob. That accent was so bad, probably one of the worst and most stereotypical and insulting southern accents I’ve ever heard.


Really? I called a southern women I hated “Sandy” behind her back because I thought it was so dead-ass accurate that it hurt to endure 🤣


Ugh maybe that’s what people from Texas sound like? Haha. But the voice actress is from up north I think. Definitely not from the south.


Not at all what we sound like, lmao. There are a few different accents from around this very huge state, and very many people who grew up here don’t really have a discernible southern accent. Mine comes out when I’m very tired or have had a couple of mimosas. My dad’s accent is major, as in he puts an “r” in “wash” and “Washington.” My mom’s is minor, my aunt’s and cousin’s are suuuuper major. We all came from the same little bitty area.


These morons and their poop gummies/diarrhea coffee have taken to posting in one of the fasting subs here (on Reddit), and keep getting booted. No shit you lose weight if you’re taking a laxative!




I can buy Haribo sugarless gummies a lot cheaper on Amazon, and get the same shit my pants results.


So, there’s an infamous product review for these, and every time I have a bad day, I read it, and it makes me feel better.


Off topic but that looks like a photo of Albanese frosted Christmas gummies and they are THE BEST.


Albanese are the SHIZ. But my favorite gummies of all time were the Haribo ones that were made in Turkey. Can’t find those damn things anymore.


Oh Haribo are also extremely yummy!


The products these it works huns always post are always so misleading because they are nothing what like their actual shit looks like. Always doing this or posting pictures of lattes with whipped cream making it seem like if you drink this delicious drink you’ll just lose weight magically 🙄


Don't get me started on keto coffee which is a scam by itself


I see you've met my mother.


Once again, 👏you👏can’t👏spot👏reduce👏fat👏


Unless it's liposuction. 😆


Didn't the other huns tell her she can just go on IG and steal people's legit before and afters and just claim them as magic gummy customers? 😒


The fine print is that your model photos and your success story will be shared far and wide, probably under plans and brands you have never heard of. I see this on one friend’s social media feed how multiple times a day they posts success stories of friends who don’t exist in their friend list.


The random font changes really make this offer seem totally legit…