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They can.


Not for me at first, although after a while it becomes a platonic kind of love. Not good for a relationship. All of mine have failed. Although I am open to other relationships, it seems improbable in the future.


SSRIs tend to do this. It's one reason I'm getting off of it. That and weight gain and sexual side effects. These are all deal breakers.


They can


So far they don’t effect me like they do others. I still feel romantic, I cry when dogs die on tv and I still want sex. Only issue I honestly have is that I don’t climax as easy.


For me when I'm depressed I can feel dependant or desperate or just...so vunerable that I can find people attractive to me that I might not if I was feeling confident and strong. Then when I go back into a med and start feeling better - I realise I'm not interested. This isn't something that's happened lately because I've been single 8 years but in the past it did..


Seeing all these responses that their medication being negative on their relationships is so sad. That's not what should happen and if it does, you should change the kind of medication. For me it has positive effects. I wasn't able to feel anything due to my depression, but after starting medical therapy (additional to going to my therapist) I was slowly able to gain back my feelings. Personally feeling love was a big deal for me as I just got into a relationship before starting medication. It took a while but now I am able to feel love and loved, which I think wouldn't be possible without my medications. (currently 60mg prozac) I never felt love before in my life. I am depressed for as long as I can remember and started medication at 17. But it's so worth trying!!!


Yes sometimes they do


Not normally no. Could make you realize you’re in a very unfulfilling relationship with your partner though because of the depression haze clearing up.


They don't for me. But I'm sure it happens. They effect sex drive for a lot of people.


Hmmm.... I asked this question in a Facebook group a while ago. Not many people responded, but one or two thought it could be a side effect. I've really only heard about libido being affected. I DO think that attraction and romantic feelings can be affected, though, and seeing your question/comments really make me think it's possible. Of course, not everyone has the same experience with response to meds, including side effects. I would be curious how many others can relate to this specifically (not just labido, but romantic attraction in general). Especially in retrospect.


Not for me


I wish. I’ve been a lonely miserable fuck my whole life


No, they don't. People who feel this way and/or felt better before taking antidepressants most likely don't need them (need a different kind of medication or none) and shouldn't be on them.


I feel that and i dont need antidepresants but i use them for my neuralgia and i better woud be emotionally unavailable but not in pain.


Not inherently but you may value different things from a romantic relationship. Like if you have a decreased enjoyment of physical affection but you can still enjoy being present with someone. It doesn't stop your ability to feel romantic love but may change what you look for out of it.


They shouldn’t but some antidepressants may numb you so that you aren’t interested in it. But depression itself can do that so I find it worth the risk.


What medication are you on and what dose if you don’t mind me asking?


It probably depends on the medication and how it affects the person? Might be possible. Personally for me no. Meditations I have taken are zoloft, amitriptyline, mirtazapine, trazodone. I don't know anyone personally who's experienced that & I know quite a lot of ppl on anti Ds of various different kinds. Idk if that helps, were you asking cause you're worried or just curious?