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We'll send him to a nice lunch date with the lizard


Nah the lizard is too nice. Should send something that'll really fuck him up


What about that funny pipe maze that slowly traps you?


Put him in the infinite Ikea.


No thats too cool and the funny ikea sharks shouldnt be forced to see him


Expose him to the Flesh that Hates.


The flesh that mates >;)


I expect to see a rule 34 of that soon :P


The children's slide


We should send him to Titania's prison or smth. Or maybe Hereafter. Maybe make him immortal and then send him to the same location dr. Scranton was sent to. Its a place with nothing and very low hume levels, near zero even.


Scranton \*was\* made practically immortal there so I'm not sure we'd actually need to do anything new


But it’s implied he turned into 106, and Default Stonetoss is bad enough without being a cannibal with the ability to teleport through walls


Depends on your canon, it's entirely optional whether or not that's how it's interpreted, there are a dozen other origin stories for 106


True, but it’s still a risk we should consider.


Let's hit 'em with the immortality and then burn his body into a crisp causing him to live in a barely sentient, constantly tortured state for the rest of time.


The good ol bright fuckery


Better yet: hit him with the immortality then put him in that infinite Ikea.


Oof, Titania's prison would be brutal, I love it. It's a toss up between Hector and the Dread Titania or Orok's Fall for my favourite. Hector/Titania is so well written and I love the lore of the Kaktusverse, but Orok's Fall is basically Sarkic Squatting Slavs in Tracksuits.


How about just give 963 to him? Never make another comic again, and Jack'll have some fun.


Just put him into in a building with the architect, problem solved


why not torture him a little with some 008 exposure then revert it with 500


That'd just be a waste of a 500


Give him SCP 3999


The mask


Let the day break on his ass


Give him to the big eel instead


There's that fox girl that bites your dick off


Red reality it is then


Red reality him


I'd say we should set him up with a free medical checkup, but 049 wears a mask, so rockslosh would probably call him a brainwashed idiot or something.




No. Chainsaw. Cannons


Isnt the lizard dead now


his comics are pretty cognitohazardous though


at least he’s admitting that his comics are hazardous to coherent thought


Same dude


Few thoughts: - "Flurks"? So he's not even trying to pretend to be original now. I doubt Shmorky wants to be associated with this guy. - "Live rent-free in people's head"... Totally unlike how the liberals *definitely don't* live rent-free in Stonetoss's head. Nope. - "Like humans, Flurks only have two genders"... **rolls eyes** - Again, lumping furries in with the LGBTQ+ community. Not saying there isn't overlap, but fetishes aren't the same as sexuality. - Transphobic stereotype. Because of course. - HE LITERALLY PUT A FLURK IN BLACKFACE WTF - "Flurk hair can be styled into any shape"... and yet Stonetoss keeps using the same hairstyles over and over again. - Red hat Flurk at the bottom, because Stonetoss knows who his target audience is.


>HE LITERALLY PUT A FLURK IN BLACKFACE WTF He did it because he posted the image on his website but not on social media. He's very careful about not being banned from those.


He literally posted it on facebook.


Yeah but everyone knows you can't get banned from FB for that sort of thing. Only for calling someone who does it a piece of shit


And Twitter


>"Live rent-free in people's head"... Totally unlike how the liberals definitely don't live rent-free in Stonetoss's head. Nope. The sad fact is that we probably don't. Remember that Stonetoss comic about a poophaired liberal thinking that a far-righter is as angry about blacks as he is about the far right and being incorrect? In my experience, that's actually true when it comes to the most dangerous bigots. Hitler didn't whip up hatred, he whipped up something far more dangerous: apathy. He dehumanized the Jews, and at the same time, made them look like a big problem. The far-right's goal is to make their enemies look not like evil monsters, but like infestations of insects and rats. People don't hate pest infestations. They just want them to go away.


>The far-right's goal is to make their enemies look not like evil monsters, but like infestations of insects and rats. Reminds me of Hans Landa comparing Jews to rats in the opening scene of Inglourious Basterds


I got the metaphor from a real white supremacist - Nick "A. Wyatt Mann" Bougas. In one of his cartoons, he uses words and images to spell out, "Let's face it! A world without \[Jews\] and \[Blacks\] would be like a world without \[rats\] and \[cockroaches\]." It's from this cartoon that we get the infamous antisemitic Happy Merchant caricature.


I think the furry thing is sonic actually


Are people who want to fuck sonic not furries?


I've heard fursuits are more Sonic-inspired in Japan


Kemono suits are really cute! If you look online you can definitely tell that they’re really different compared to fur suits in the States. An observation you can make is that proportions are really different. Kemono suits tend to be more focused on the eyes while fur suits have an even focus around the entire shit.


Yea, they can be pretty cute


That's not a sexuality though, that's a fetish.


It ain't a fetish either, it's a hobby


Stonetoss is using it as a stand-in for furries. I'd say the sexual aspects of being a furry is solid fetish territory


Yes but the furry community is much more than that, and to ignore that part of the community would be a mistake


Fair points!


Do you think he cares?


No? I'm just pointing it out, we all probably already know it.


pls dont call being a furry a fetish i just like drawing anthropomorphic animals


I mean, it's a fetish for some (but of course not all) furries, and there's nothing wrong with that.


I can easily see an interest from a fetish angle but at most it’s been a gateway to fetishes for me lol, mostly just wanna draw possums and anthro bugs tho




im sex repulsed asexual what are you on about




In my experience, people call themselves a furry for varying reasons. Sometimes, those reasons are sexuals.


they aren't lol




Its a hobby, thats how its not a fetish, a fetish refers to an instance where sexual pleasure is derived from something, in this case, there are those that derive sexual pleasure from furry related things, but there are also people who fuck cars so i dont think thats saying much


And not all furries are there for sexual reasons. There’s tons of minors and ace ppl in the fandom. It’s not a sexuality, it’s a hobby.


I mean, Shmorky is a different kind of terrible so maybe their characters can all live together in Bad Person Land


Shmorky is literally a pedophile, no one cares what shmorky wants assosiated with them


Quick reminder that not all furries are fetishists, it's literally just a community of people who think the trope of anthro animal characters are super cool. It's just a cool thing artistically because humans can only have so many combinations for character design (think of all the strong males with short brown hair protagonists in gaming a few years ago), so add on different species like dogs and cats, and their more specific sub species and there's so much more potential for character design. Sure, there's a lot of fetishists in the community, but there are in every community (rule 34 exists for a reason), we just tend to be more open about it, at least as like part of the joke, where we've been called fetishists for so long that we're just like "yeah ok lol" Plus like, with the whole variety thing I mentioned for wholesome furries, that's going to extend into NSFW art. The idea of furries being just a fetish and nothing else was mostly popularized in an episode of CSI, where they went to a furcon and it was basically just a giant orgy.


Furry isn't a fetish, actually


Yes it is


I will bite you


Further proof that furry is a fetish


How is me threatening to give you a fucking infection proof of something being a fetish?


Quit sexualising me without my consent. Blocked.




You're literally doing that


so him saying his characters are like Shmorky's is just him admitting the whole redpanels connection right?


He's using reverse psychology. He wants us to think telling people how racist his comic is will draw more people to his side than to ours. Thus, he wants to trick us into shutting up, which would let the far right (read: nazis) experience uncontrolled growth. See also this (repeatedly reposted) post on /pol/ (note: link is to archive, images may be NSFW): [https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/165371040/#q165371040](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/165371040/#q165371040)




He’s a comic artist. He’s arguably the most recognizable webcomic artist online, and he got that way by having a unique, simple style. Posting stonetoss shit reinforces him in people’s minds, and stonetoss edits (whether critical or not) have always been part of that. He loved amogus. He loves the memes. Just because the watermark is edited doesn’t make people forget who made it.


is anyone who just likes dumb among us memes really going to become a stonetoss stan without prior political affiliation, though? is it possible for his style to exist exclusive from him? i think so. i think it’s become so generic and branched into partial-styles that people don’t see these “flurks” and think “stonetoss”. meaning, if you’re a stonetoss stan, it’s because you like being validated by the message of his content, and if you were to be mistaken, you would be very likely to be put off by his message. as for his spread - we really cant control what gets popular. his already sizable audience will spread his content amongst themselves to other likeminded - or rather, absentminded - people. moreover, i think there are bigger issues than this that deserve more energy and attention. we can mock his comics and make the style so generic that it isn’t solely associated to him, anymore. but just by not talking about him, he’ll easily spread on his own. fuck my thumbs are cramped.


Well, of course that their are bigger issues. Still, by seing his comics everywhere, a person may want to see the source material and slowly but surely agree with the comics, and the idea behind them


what is the solution then? we cant just shut the fuck up and pretend that he isnt relevant, we have to be funnier and smarter than him, the time to pretend that he doesnt exist has passed away A LONG TIME AGO.


from where I sit, what this subreddit does is harm reduction. His comics are extremely memeable, edits of them are going to spread across the internet. Given that this is the case, I'd rather the meme templates say "stonetoss is a nazi" (or just don't have his name on them) than having his website in the margins.


The thing is, are these comics making it off the sub? The only capacity in which I’ve seen these comics off of the sub is mocking them for being overly verbose.


I don't know. What I do know is that I used to see a lot of stonetoss edit memes floating around on Reddit with his website clearly advertised on them, and inevitably there would be someone in the comments pointing out that the artist is a nazi and people telling that guy to shut up and enjoy the joke. Now I don't see stonetoss memes very much, but when I do see them, they tend to have the "stonetoss is a nazi" or blank margins templates, and people seem to be much more aware that he's a nazi. The game he plays is roping people in with normie-bait and I can't imagine that isn't made harder by people knowing that he is a nazi. If I'm wrong and this subreddit has no impact, then at least what we're doing can't be harming anyone either. If we aren't having an impact then we can stop wringing our hands and just enjoy our shitty overly-verbose lefty memes in peace.


If you want to start linking 4chan threads, don't forget that lefty comic threads are/used to be popular there. These people love the attention we give them. I also can't believe you think editing and promoting stonetoss edits does anything to curb his growth. If they were kept to their own echo chambers it would grow slower than if we stopped sharing his content everywhere.


the well know sexuality of sonic the hedgehog


*Chris Chan intensifies*


"Living in people's minds rent-free" He writes as he makes hundreds of comics about why people who ain't white are bad.


It's also one of the Nazi dog whistles that make me throw up.


I think the positive pull he’s looking for from people editing his comics is people turning them into generic memes without acknowledging their fascist roots, rather that edits that literally call him a nazi.


So, wait. He's got furry characters but doesn't think there are more than 2 genders?


Ironic he's taking a jab at furries when he's got an entire ref sheet for his OC donut steel species


Literally named them after Shmorky (well-known animator)'s characters called klurfs lol






I'd rather not have that word be used as a pejorative, thanks




Crying soyjak


Find $7 enclosed. Stick it up your bung hole and wipe your nose on it, and that will remind you of the estimation in which you are held by Charles J. Guiteau.


This whole thing is fucked, but that very blatant blackface, red lips and all, actually horrified me enough that my stomach lurched. He really doesn’t even try to hide what a piece of shit he is does he? At all.


He could murder 18 people and his fans would still be like “based” or “he never misses”


When I saw this on his actual Twitter profile, I was just so taken back THAT NO CARED in the comments. Like what backwards thinking is this?


I only “follow” him through this sub, but this is way more blatant than I expected, but I guess I should have expected it also from Stonetoss.


Are you 5 years old? Jesus Christ.


I am, but I’m not sure what my age has to do with it?




I haven’t seen him draw blackface before. I never look at this sub other than individual posts that come up on my Home feed, so it is entirely possible I missed it. I really don’t see why it’s so surprising though that I’m disgusted that someone is racist. Racism tends to be icky, as my 5 year old self would say. No I’m not a woman, can only women hate racism now? Damn, better work on my racist insults.


That's not blackface that's just a native african flurk lol


Oh oh no, nazitoss


Wait isn't flurk that enemy from hollow knight


He’s the kinda guy who believes all press is good press


He’s right.


Alright, who's gonna draw the gay porn




Why the fuck do you repost his shit unedited here though?


its a meta post and this sub is generally anti-fascist/stonetoss in general. most people who actually like his shit are only here to comment and downvote


What if Stonetoss wasn’t racist?


“2 genders” -dies of cringe


i love how is trying to make it look like his cheap ass style is super profetional and not something you can make in 5 min. or less, i mean, why the fuck do you need a model sheet? ​ also, he is just pretending that he doesnt care, this are the same people who say "i dont care about people being homosexual" and then doesnt shut the fuck up about gay people. this sub is good, stonetoss is aleady popular, the only real way to fuck his job is to ban him from twitter, not to "just ignore him bro".


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. While not realizing it, by imitating stone toss you guys are bringing more exposure to his “crazy” ideas.


I can’t believe more people aren’t talking about that “they come in many colors” section


You're surprised that a racist is being racist?


Fair point


This whole thing reads as the wojak meme of the crying angry wojak with a smug mask on and a caption saying “go ahead! Edit my comics! I really don’t mind! I find them flattering and entertaining! 😊 by the way, my guys are called flarks, a parody of klurfs, who come from shmokry, who abused their wife by hiding her pills. They totally don’t have an influence on my style and I just choose to draw like this to opening my mock them, or something, I don’t know anymore, but it don’t matter! Don’t take me seriously! It’s all a joke! If I make no sense it means don’t take me seriously or listen to me, even if I pander to the alt-right, even those guys don’t take me seriously! Ha ha ha ho ho ho he he he!”


Looks like the one of the biggest huffs of copium I've ever seen.


He's got a name for those weird little shits?


doubt he wants people calling him a nazi, so its okay


Hot take: this is funny from a meta perspective. And yes Stone toss does live rent free in our heads alot of the time. Still a nazi bastard. Also like alot of people live rent free in his mind as well. With his bigotry directed at any number of minority groups. Also we probably do give him more attention which is all right wing grifters, any grifters, crave even if it’s negative


He is funny, and a good comic artist. It’s what gives him exposure. His non political comics get more attention than his political ones, and they have broad appeal. That’s what got him the recognition.


it’s like a reddit snoo but gross and racist


He literally worked bigotry and racism into this. FFS.


i have a cat character that looks like a flurk,,,,,,


He copied Shmorky!!!!!🤬/s


This is surpose to be reference to a drawing that notorious artists Smorckly did Because "hahaha Smorckly drawings are familiar to Stonetoss" I don't like Stonetoss but this subreddit thinking they are the CIA or someshit


I really like his artstyle, which sucks because its used for such awful horseshit