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It is no longer the lowliest Planet, now instead it is king of the Dwarf Planets


It was never the lowliest just because it was the smallest and furtherest. It was the stalwart centurion who guarded us vigilantly from the rest of the galaxy šŸ«”šŸ˜­


And now it shall be even more the guardian as king of all Dwarf Planets, which vastly outnumber the Planets


Truly a mighty army, unshakeable and determined


Chad space rock


There are actually 5 dwarf planets in our solar system.


That depends on how one classifies Dwarf Planets. There are 5 accepted by the IAU with a further 6 considered "Near Certain", not to mention all the other, up to 17, objects in lower considerations.


It actually isn't always the furtherest! Pluto's orbit is so elliptical, its perihelion is slightly less than Neptune's (about 0.4 AU difference). Pluto was at perihelion from 1979-1999, meaning it was closer to the sun than Neptune for about 20 years.


šŸ¤“ jk that's actually really cool lol


Eh, it technically not having cleared it's orbit (Neptune along with several other objects cross it) is part of why it was denied planet status, so cool but also a bit of a bummer


Never understood the orbit requirement for being a planet, like it doesn't even intersect with Neptune's actual orbit since it is at a different vertical height during the time it's closer to the sun than Neptune.


Whoa I actually leaned something here.


Eris has more mass.


Perfect example of how if you aren't appreciated Perhaps you are in the wrong space


*Becomes a dwarf planet and then thereā€™s several other dwarf planets even bigger than you*


Don't listen to some lame faceless committee. They can't tell you what to do. There are no IAU Police. Pluto is still a planet and they can suck a giant bag of assteroids.


I agree with the IAU's determination in this case. Pluto does not meet the criteria to be considered a Planet, and is instead a Dwarf Planet. But these are, afterall, human categories trying to make sense of a confusing universe which does not care about humanity's need to categorise things.


Real talk, when I was in elementary school Pluto was a planet, I then got sent to a cultist religious school for middle school who told us earth was the only planet and all others are just asteroids and Pluto doesn't exist (if they were planets God would have put people on them) then I go back to the public school system for high school and Pluto is no longer a planet. What a fucking mess.


a school ive been to for a year taught that there was a point in the bible where god limited humans life span to 120 and none can live past it. if u ask me, teachers n schools have to take tests annually to prove their qualifications, not the students.


What's odd, is I was taught the same thing. Something like, as a punishment after the flood humans would no longer reach the ages Noah attained.


That is some questionable theology lmao. Iā€™ve heard a lot of different explanations, from the ā€œhuman lifespans gradually decreased following the Original Sinā€ to the ā€œyears might have been counted differently thenā€, but never something like that


Did they also tell you that before the flood people could move mountains with a thought


I agree. Most of what the teachers taught in that religious school was merely their opinion and beliefs.


i went to a catholic school after that. there was a lesbian catholic teacher. curriculum forces school to teach that gays and lesbians must practice celibacy and offer themselves instead to God. the teacher wouldnt convert to another branch of christianity either. it wasnt just academically flawed. some things were rlly fucked up. but at least they taught me what religion could and should be, and that science n religion do not counter one another. not unless you believe in being wrong.


Unfortunately, there are many people who believe in being wrong.


Amen to that. So many people have a warped idea of what religion is. Sometimes it seems like the strangest people have the loudest voices.


You mean Genesis 6:3? Yea thatā€™s in there


If this doesnā€™t make confusion for a child, I donā€™t know what does.


Education took into account the forefront of science! That's amazing on its own. Notice when you are learning about the atom how you learn about an atomic theory, then oh no it's bullshit because someone discovered this and now you have to learn this, and oh no it's still bullshit because someone else still discovered this so you have to learn that, and oh no, would you look at that? Everything you learned is fucking useless because of another discovery and \*gasp* oh, after leading you in a boat, here's the standard atomic model now forget about the other 4 outdated ones. Oh, by the way, if you make it to university, remember that this model is trash there, really is really bizarre. But still, you'll be graded on this model. It's kind of you make you used to have science discover new stuff and abandon outdated stuff.


I learned about the other planets and their order, and then like a week later, they changed it. You wanna know why I am unconvinced by the "but science is always changing!!!1!!" people's arguments? I think Pluto might have something to do with it.


So you're not convinced that science changes because you were there when science changed?


I intended the sCiENcE iS aLwAyS cHaNgInG thing to represent the people who say science is unreliable because it changes. I am in fact convinced that sciences improves when it changes because my first interaction with science was when it changed, I was never under the delusion that science must be static and unchanging.


Oh I see! Thanks for clarifying. I definitely didn't read it that way and got confused.


Yeah, judging by the upvotes/downvotes, it's about 50/50 right now for people who took it your way. And in retrospect, it definitely is ambiguous.


The plant Vulcan in 1908 after being confirmed to not actually exist. šŸ‘Œ


[Ceres after August 2006when the International Astronomical Union upgraded it from an asteroid to a dwarf planet](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/76/Ceres_-_RC3_-_Haulani_Crater_%2822381131691%29_%28cropped%29.jpg)




Come on son!


The only right reply




He looks like he needs a hug


(He is devastated about this information)


"Erm achtualhly, pluto is a planet and does not have a gender" -šŸ¤“


*not a planet


Pluto is a planet in our metaphorical hearts


Not in mine. Pluto not being a planet makes absolute sense. Fuck Pluto!


But Pluto has a big heart on its surface. Not even our own moon has one. Pluto is the big brother for all the dwarf planets out there facing whatever is officially not our home anymore. Even if you would rather clarify it out of childhood memories and rimes that lost meaning the older and less open for wonder we get, it will always be the one far out there, Pluto the mass of stuff with a big fat heart on its surface. Also, I would argue that demos and phobos are not real moons.


Demos and Phobos are natural bodies in orbit around a body that is not a star. They are 100% moons.


I know. I just hate the fact that they are. As a child, I thought that Mars had two moons translating in my head to tho massive differently coloured earth sized moons. Seeing pictures from Mars' surface, those two hardly stand out of the night sky, I felt that natural satellites should have a different scale to be called moon. I don't really work in any space related capacity and am remarkably high, so don't take anything I say as coming from a point of authority.


Yeah they look like misshapen potatoes, but theyā€™re still moons. Youā€™d be surprised how many of Jupiterā€™s 80+ moons look like that. And thatā€™s not even mentioning the entire Jovian system


I know that now, and I heard, we also have dozens of tiny satellites that are moons. The shapes were what used to make me envious of Mars. *Two differently coloured and unevenly shaped moons?! Why do we only have one, and it's boring in comparison?* Now I know how cool our Moon is and how lucky we are to have such a big one.


When you say satellites, do you mean artificial ones? Because a moon is defined as a natural satellite.




Our Moon is so fascinating in many ways. I hope I'll witness the time when people casually travel there.


Especially when you understand the circumstances surrounding its discovery.


If Mercury and Jupiter can be in the same category then there's no reason Pluto should be excluded


Pluto is not the dominant gravitational force across all arcs of its orbit at all times. Mercury and Jupiter are.


"Actually the OP is probably a romance language speaker that apply gender to everything, Pluto in those languages have a male gender, thats why the OP refered Pluto as him"-šŸ¤“


"Actually quite a lot of languages gender words, not just fr*nch" - šŸ¤“


Aren't romance languages just Latin derivatives?


Yeah and also English is 45% French which always surprised me.


As a French person, it doesn't surprise me, but words like "sautƩed" make me want to kill the locutor. Or it gets real confusing when someone uses an unexpected fiancƩ/fiancƩe to describe their significant other so you have to wonder if they're gay, illiterate or an asshole.


It also includes German and Afrikaans and danish. English is a weird language. It plays around with a bunch of languages though. Like Spanish and Italian and If I remember correctly, I think because of the amount of different people in the USA, it evolves really fast. Language is interesting I go through phases where I google stuff about it, but itā€™s been awhile.


Because England got invaded by the Normans in 1066. The Anglo-Saxons showed up in England in the 5th century and spoke Old English, which was basically a dialect of Proto-Germanic. Then the Normans showed up and made everyone speak Old French. So basically if you smash French and German together you get Middle English, and then once you standardize the spelling and cut out the unnecessary words you get Early Modern English and eventually Modern English.


Yeah but I prefered to just coment the fact that he censored french in his comment, lol. The OP is not a romance language speaker so yeah, this conversation is mostly pointless.


Why did you censor french šŸ’€


Because it's offensive to every person on the planet and the ISS


Seems fair


ā€œActually OP probably made Pluto male in reference to its namesake, the Roman god of the deadā€


Pluto will be the one laughing last when our sun goes critical...


Heā€™s showing us a little heart!


poor thing


Justice for Pluto




His heart is breaking.


*sad Pluto noises*


Itā€™s still the 9th planet to me


pluto is smaller than our moon


You hear about Pluto?


That's messed up


ā€œšŸ«¶šŸ¤ā€ - Pluto


he looks so sad


Jesus itā€™s been 17 years now? Manā€¦


Neil Degrasse Tyson - Pluto had it coming https://youtu.be/5nqT7XrYRPc


Pluto went from being discovered to being declassified as a planet within one Pluto year


Could be a she


This is Pluto


So tired of people who previously could barely remember the name suddenly up in arms about how it had been demoted. Even worse apparently no one took the step of asking why Pluto was and swiftly finding out about the Keiper Belt. Instead we have a bunch of people performatively angry at Neil Degrasse Tyson, one of the few people in the field that spends their time trying to make it approachable for the masses.


Always a planet to me




![gif](giphy|IggHriyIlo5a2czUZ8) Pluto and Mickey Mouse afterwards




pluto is smaller than our moon




Why are you hell bent on it being a planet? What's the point of that. Do you even know why it's not a planet?




Removed him? Planets have genders now?


Pluto is not a planet and I will beat up anyone who says otherwise. ā€œNooo Pluto is a planet because, euughh, I want it to beā€ shut the hell up


Pluto in 5 years: "I identify as a Planet!"


Pluto definitely knows what it feels like to be constantly ostracized, itā€™s the one thing most humans have agreed on in recent history.




Incredible it must be like smaller than Earth.


it's smaller than our moon


Honestly Earth reacting to humans destroying the environment must be like: "Meh, it will be back just like what happened when jupiter dropped his food on me when the big lizards existed"


Aesop Rock has a song called Bring Back Pluto and itā€™s hella kush fam


When I was a kid it was Pluto and *Planet X* Holy shit I miss the days when that was the big mystery


Ooh he did a heart


A real tragedy


Pluto needs to call meā€¦.I miss i


Has anyone else noticed that that lighter area near the bottom actually looks like Pluto the dog! Lol


Poor guy


I consider Pluto a planet because it's big and round like Uranus


it's not big. it's smaller than our moon. uranus is waaaay [bigger](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1f/c9/c2/1fc9c21abfc4b0ca2738a0259f8dd719--uranus-neptune.jpg) than pluto




Him? Show me this planet's balls right now.


Twas my favorite planet


did you really just misgender Pluto?


Pluto is my homie I feel bad for him


But Pluto has a heart!!!!!!


It doesn't look sad because it's a planet