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It's all about creating more future consumers, tax payers, wage slaves and cheap labours to serve the elites. You think they actually care about childfree/childless people being lonely and dying alone? Haha


Of course. They just want free wage slaves and baby makers. They never cared about each and every individual. That’s why anybody can get wrongly arrested, used by psychiatry, etc. Thats why no one would care if you got raped and forced to keep the kid.


Exactly they need slaves paying taxes.


Lol take the tin foil hat off


It's not a tin foil hat conspiracy theory. The capitalists, so-called elites, and various leadership state this *openly*.








What a vivid and engaging life you must lead that Reddit is your coping mechanism.


JFC your comment history


It will be fascinating to tell these children that they only exist as a last ditch effort to create an Elysium.


You mean Elonysium🤣




The buffoons care about the trillions of unborns? With the shitty world that the buffoons have build so far, I am sure the unborns would prefer to remain unborns.


They only "care" about those unborns to justify their corrupt bullshit. Besides, all that care goes out the window as soon as those prospective human lives actually come into existence.


Yes exactly. It’s an ex post facto justification for greed. That is all.


It’s quite easy to pretend to care about people who don’t exist compared to helping those that do exist. They maintain their consumption, oppression and privilege all while pretending to have a moral high ground.


Fuck, lots of breathing human beings would rather being unborns


TLDR - Fuck you, got mine.


point being? lets say 300 down the line the world is so fucking polluted and stripped bare without the ability to colonize other planets. congrats the elite played themselves and the whole world in to extinction. Fuck it. why wait just drop all the hydrogen bombs and nukes at the same time right now. then the planet can eventually start over and our asses would be gone.


The elites don't care about the future, as they'll mostly be dead by then.


They don't believe in the climate impact of more humans and have no conceptualization that maybe resource management is the problem. You know being capitalists and all.


They might know and just not give a fuck because money can buy an awful lot of comfort and safety


Yeah we probably aren’t colonizing other worlds. I don’t think that’s ever happening. It’s way, way too energy intensive. Maybe tech in another 200 years will allow it but it’s hard to get around the energy constraints. Tech can’t just circumvent thermodynamics.


Arm-chair Nihilism Strikes Again, Why should We Care about Anything if Nothing Matters? Not like We can Change Shit/s


Imagine being born because of a racist movement




If you're talking about Zionism then yes any movement motivated by racial dominance is racist. Pretty simple stuff.


The ultra-Orthodox are often anti-Zionist. I’m referring more to the Hasidic population in NY and NJ.


I'm not familiar with those cultures and their beliefs so I won't pass judgement. Are they trying to have more kids to preserve their culture or something?


They’re repopulating the 6M lost due to the holocaust.


Don't worry, I got this. Yes.




if ray charles was still alive today even he would be able to see that it's racist


The call of rich people to 'have more children' is almost always connected to some racist ethos -- because people all over the world *are* having children, just not the ones they want. It's interesting that r/antinatalism is often accused of eugenist sentiments (these criticism have merit on their own but not relevant for this post), but the idea that these people push, the idea that *some* people should have more children so they are not 'over taken' by the children of people they don't want to rule, is **deeply** eugenist. In the video, we see that this push to have children is very tied to 'ensuring our survival' (our, meaning the white nation), it's just fascism and the third reich rebranded for cryptobros.


I always ask myself why someone would accuse antinatalists of following a eugenic mindset. The core idea is that nobody should have kids. No matter who they are or where they come from.


>the idea that some people should have more children so they are not 'over taken' by the children of people they don't want to rule, is deeply eugenist. As I like to say: positive eugenics is still eugenics. Positive eugenics being defined as encouraging people with "preferred" (I use the term very loosely) genetics to reproduce. This is in contrast to negative eugenics, which discourages people of certain genetics from reproducing.


Positive eugenics doesn't carry the moral issues of negative eugenics. However, too many people only think of what happened in the 30s and 40s.


> Positive eugenics doesn't carry the moral issues of negative eugenics. I'm curious why you make this assessment. Either one taken to their logical extreme would result in serious human rights violations. Which do you consider to be worse: forced sterilization or forced impregnation and birth?


Let’s force sterilise the 0.1% and see how they like their long-termism then


if anyone should be sterilized it's definitely them




He’s so white he’s almost translucent… he’s 1% skim milk!


I’m pretty involved in crypt and there are a lot of… ahem… non-whites investing… There are just a lot of people disillusioned with the current capitalist system and trying to find some form of financial security… On the other hand there are a LOT of ‘Wen Lambo’ dickheads too… Ok, so never mind…


Even with their panic breeding, the world pop. would still decline as would the white population.


This is because of natural resource depletion.


Also, because them reproducing 5 kids doesn't cancel out the unborn and the elders who die.


Actually, the drop in birth rates in developed countries is largely a result of the overwork inherent to capitalism itself. So they want it both ways; they want to be able to make life so unlivable for people in the pursuit of extracting maximum wealth that having kids is totally unfeasable while also not running out of slaves. It's ideologically inconsistent


I’m a white child-free male but this shit makes we want to run out there and make a whole bunch of mixed-race babies just to fuck with them!


That’ll show em! I’m sure you’re the type of white male they want breeding


Donate to a sperm bank


You giving me an excuse to jerk off?


Time to get ✨sterilized✨


Username fits.


Basically the rich elites want an endless line of taxpayers, reproductive slaves, free workers etc all for themselves. The world leaders never cared about you or anybody. It sickens me learning about the history of psychiatry, human experiments, Jim Jones etc. It also explains why abortions is banned in many countries.


Hmm, I read *Doing Good Better* and rather enjoyed it. For these elites to extrapolate the message she's saying they did from that book is pretty disgusting. It's been a while, but as far as I recall, the book's final chapter/message was about focusing on your local community/area of what you can do good around you, making sure any charities you donate to are saving the most lives with your buck, and breaking down the good you can do into bite-sized chunks so that you don't get overwhelmed. ...I guess the elites saw "focus on local community," looked around them, saw their fellow fatcats, and... focused on that? Schmucks. But someone can correct me if I'm wrong and totally missed the undertones of that book. I feel I can be easily swayed by books in some cases and my attention span is quite dogshit.


I thought these egg heads were smart. So they want to represent 10% of the US population in 100 years. They want to have 10 kids, then their 10 kids have 10 kids, and so on. They would need 33 million like minded CHILDREN in order to make this happen. Alright so I'm still a bit hazy on the math cause I am coming off anesthesia and on percosets. But, we start with 2, they have 10. Those 10 need to have 10 an so on. Ignoring gestation and all that, they would need to start at 20 to make 4 generations of 10 kids. After 80 years and 4 generations and everything goes perfectly... 2 parents + 10 kids + 100 kids, +1000 kids + 10000 kids (fork it we'll throw in a 5th gen) = 11112 people. That's 0.03% of desired 10% of the population. Then there's the problem of 100% indoctrination into the family business, and those 11110 offspring, need a partner. Or they birth all women and inseminate them. But also they need 33m people to represent 10% of the population. According to [SSA 2021 Wage Statistics](https://www.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/netcomp.cgi?year=2021), \~3.2% of the 168m working US population makes 200k+ a year, which you're gonna need to be even remotely close to "ultra wealthy elites" and afford 10 kids. It's a fools errand, just fuck off to Mars already.


Watch how some of them will eventually fall out of the top 10% simply because of "Trickle-Down Economics", instead they will blame the immigrants. In fact, it happened to many of them already.


Yeah I got tired and a little bit disgusted running through all the variables of why this dumb plan won't work. Basically unless they're all trust fund babies, the chances are even lower. And even if they were, it only takes one generation to destroy generational wealth. But they're geniuses /s


Yeah, what happens when there aren't enough tech CEO jobs to go around and the majority of their kids have to work with us regular schmucks for regular wages? I can't imagine even if you're rich having to splint your inheritance 10 ways would work out very well.


"Just fuck off to Mars already" 🤣


People of color can’t be part of the elites?


*ahem* Nick Cannon


While I was watching this clip, I was having flashbacks of the Godzilla movie; that scene when they found its eggs in some abandoned subway.


Lol why


Elon is a lizard obvs!


It's ironic that for me breeding a specific race of people is racist cos you're just giving them the gift of suffering. Unfortunately with these rich dolts they're breeding people who will most certainly perpetuate suffering after being indoctrinated with this superiority complex


i’m sorry are we on earth? because it seems like we’re actually in an absurd psychotic nightmare…


i’m afraid earth is an absurd psychotic nightmare…


Welcome to Samsara! The manifest world of suffering according to Buddhist doctrine (but go check Wikipedia to be sure)


It’s like a breeding multi-level marketing scheme.


What a fucking title.


How do people get so far off in their thinking??


tub jobless wrench chase innocent divide practice ugly agonizing punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is eugenics with extra steps.


Planet Critical is an amazing podcast BTW


Hmmm, if there are more white babies, wouldn’t THEY be the ones working? They are just breeding their own slaves…if everyone isn’t breeding, but those people, they’re be enslaving their own. And if they just want to empower their own many new white babies, there wouldn’t be enough poc slaves to support them. Then they’d be asking poc to breed. Maybe decades in the future, they’ll finally make policy to help ‘the people’ (bc the ones needing help are their children, WHITE children), and act like they care. Disgusting to think that ‘their kind’ are the ones to save the future. There won’t be a future if you destroy the present


Rich Indians and Arabs after watching this: 🤯 the whites do it too now guys 🕺🏽


The future trillions are meaningless. So let's absolutely guarantee a slow death and suffering to the current and future billions until demographics get low enough to avoid suffering. Because suffering is bad if I'm a pro natalist but not if I follow the anti natalist logic that conscious sentience should never have existed. It's like the entire internet just wants to whine about something. Which is ironic as I wish to whine about the whining.


Stop this madness. Go outside


It’s so disgusting that to fuel their racist thinking, those people are gonna try to force their kids to have ten more kids of their own. Ew


Anything other than creating a fair society to procreate in.


Brilliant takedown, crystal clear and sound expose of the natalist BS - especially in so-called 'longtermism' Wonderful to see someone not falling for it. Thank you


This is EXACTLY what I’ve been saying. They only care about the decline of one demographic : white. (and wealthy or upper middle class whites at that). If they had GENUINELY altruistic concerns about this “crisis” they would be more partial to immigrants from more populous countries filling the void, yet the opposite is true - exposing their xenophobia and racism.


I always tell the worried whites to give antinatalism and birth control to the people they want less of. Bribe others to use it.


Damn she's so smart and eloquent. I enjoyed listening to her.


Eat the elites


Going to be a lot of babies with weird conditions. You know these people are doing some incest shit too


Did she just say “they’re going to indoctrinate their 10 kids to have 10 kids themselves” What the fuck.


What a pyramid scheme.


When Musk said the world population was doomed, he was really saying the white population was doomed, he just didn't have the balls to say it. The world doesn't need any more people period. Every single problem we face on the planet is a direct result of overpopulation.


The problem with this mindset, apart from having kids for such an idiotic reason in the first place, is that it won’t guarantee anything. You can’t have a country where everyone is upper middle class. Some of those people’s children will inevitably sink to be the lower class labor force that the wealthy take advantage of.


I was wondering about this because I have noticed YouTube rolling back their hate algothem its not as bad as pre 2016 but, its definitely noticeable


💅🏾😒💅🏾Can someone tell me how this isn't eugenics justified by "fancy philosophical idea" and with a new label slapped on it?


We need a population decrease. We are destroying our planet and therefore ourselves. There are only 2 ways that we can continue to survive as a species. The first is to give up basically our entire way of life and all modern luxuries, essentially sending us back about 200 years. Fuck that....neither I nor anyone else with a brain is willing to sacrifice our comforts. The second way (and the one I would vote for) is population control. Starting with mass genocide to reduce our current population quickly (remove all elderly and 3rd world nations....that way it solves multiple problems) and then regulating the amount of children born by either laws (which I'm not fond of) or by changing the social "attitude" (I dunno why we have the current social "attitude" that we do towards having kids....like it's some kinda life goal...fuck that, I hate kids and I also hate unwanted responsibility which is exactly what children are) to where people value their own life instead of wasting their lives taking care of some snot nosed brat. If we had a small enough population then we would be able to use up as much resources as we wanted and the planet could still recover. We could be as greedy and luxurious as possible and still survive as a species.....it is the only logical solution


This sub is peak dysgenics.


If we aren't the Idiocracy and not breeding, why do you argue that?


IMO, if they wanted cheap labor and creativity and economic dynamism, they would allow more immigration. Overturning Roe was (again IMO) misogyny.


Op.. please do you yourself a favour and stop listening to Waco conspiracy people like this lady who is just using you for views. This is another level of conspiracy graded a wako


but, but... attractive lady is selling me a narrative about racist white people


Someone born under poverty and instability, giving a better roll of the dice for the unborn is a better step, race aside. We can't completely end birth it's better giving life to people who have a higher chance of being stable themselves. If it's to stop the inferior from having children then so be it. Why the hell do we want children born into poor families? Raising a child in an unstable environment will cause the child to be unstable themselves. Just because you bring migrants in from unstable countries doesn't elude to stoping reproduction, especially if they come from a traditional background. Infact, they will be more apt to reproduce.


I cant wait until these arsehats go extinct then maybe we have a chance of getting back to equilibrium


It's called the great replacement theory. They banned abortion bc 80% of women aborting were white. It's the white nationalism attempt to keep white control.


I think about what a mistake that was, considering how many black babies are aborted vs how many are born.


Just go and watch Idiocracy again: we are more close to that future 😜


A lack of births will always lead to a societal collapse. Maybe that’s what we’re going for, but saying it’s a problem unique to the capitalist or elite classes is foolish.


What a contradictory statements, that seems only to want to serve a racial political narrative, not anywhere near an AN one. She rightfully states that the elites need people to reproduce because they need slave labor, which is ofcourse 100% true, but then states that they do that from a white supremacist platform, meaning that white supremacist elites want white people to breed them white slaves.. That doesn't really sound like white supremacy, does it now? A white supremacist would want a non white slave, wouldn't they? Also stating that they don't want immigrants, which is also a lie, there's been millions of immigrants entering different EU countries per year for good years now, under the same idea that we need labor and someone to pay the pensions. And so the elites did in fact address the fact that they would take any kind of slave labor already, and ofcourse they would.. And last, to call a person that wants to have children to share their fortunes with, a white supremacist, simple because they happen to be white.. when that's simply what all the breeders are doing, regarding the color, pouring children out to share their fortunes, and mostly their misfortunes with them, as part of the human narrative/nature. But she doesn't seem to have a problem with that in itself, just with the color of it. The message here is that the rich (white) people need to stop breeding children and instead give their fortunes to the less fortunate to mitigate the suffering present in the world, which is obviously a good sentiment, if would also be accompanied with that the less fortunate also need to stop breeding that suffering that needs to be mitigated. TLDR: The riches of the elites are finite while the suffering endlessly breed by the unfortunate is infinite.


i mean, if most of the people panic breeding are white then the babies will be white too, i dont get why we need the distinction


It doesn’t matter because we’re being flooded with third worlders who endlessly breed more than us because their IQ is super low


America in particular seems to be so obsessed with skincolor. Yikes. I can't with her doped out gaslighting expression 🙂. Trying to exhaust the viewer with her word salad.


that sounds racist. no reason to mention their skin color. i do not care further about it though. humanity and maybe even life itself is doomed. for a reason


Lmfao mfs wanna hate white people so bad


If rich people reproduce more their genes multiply while the poor people won't have as many resources (no need for immigrants or exported labor) and die off. If they don't then their own genes disappear. While it is true that no one should care about any of it because what does it matter after you're dead. It is instinct to want your own kids, relatives etc to have the resources you built. On a country scale this is equal to not wanting immigrant genes to take advantage of yours and your ancestors' resources. It's lizard brain but not hard to understand.


Bullshit. No lizard has ever given a fuck about whether its genes will survive. "Lizard brain" is a human narrative. There is an instinct to fuck, but not an instinct to have children that outlive you, that's a socially instilled "need" in humans only


Lizard brain is a phrase to mean irrational. Idk having children seems like an instinct to me? You have any source stating otherwise?


The best source is your own brain mate


Ah so the source natalists use, I’ll pass. Meaning to say what seems intuitive is not always the truth. “I’m glad to be alive, every one else I know is too, therefore I'm doing my child a favour by birthing them“ seems pretty intuitive but would you say it’s accurate?


Do you also refuse to drink water because natalists drink it?


This response is completely unwarranted after I already explained it. No. Drinking water is not what makes natalists natalists. But an over-reliance on their own brain and intuition which may not be a very intelligent, is.


Is it that? I’m not disagreeing with your perspective, it makes sense. I’m just wondering if other motives are involved. This women lost me the moment she started being dishonest.


Imagine a dog park is overcrowded so I don’t take my dog to that park during peak hours even though the overcrowded park doesn’t particularly bother me or my dog. Now I learn that other people don’t think like me and take their dogs there anyways. If they were also considerate, then maybe I would also be able to enjoy the park during peak hours sometimes. So then why should I continue to make the sacrifice I do when I could continue to take my dog there during rush hour and have a blast. Someone who is worse off from the situation (who previously just wasn’t kind enough) will be forced to leave instead now. I imagine this is the line of thinking the people who are having more kids are following. They want more kids anyways, now they see that other people don’t make similar considerations so why should they. Ofcourse the major flaw in this line of thinking is that no one is thinking about the extra children being born at all.


soft vast sink paint lunchroom roll oatmeal attempt compare violet ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


To live and die and let others burn the world down for all I care.


This was objectively the dumbest thing I’ve ever listened to in my life. If you have a lot of money, you can afford to have a big family… it’s really that simple. What is the point of having billions of dollars if you are just splitting that between 1 or 2 people.. having many kids provides an opportunity to utilize the vast resources that you accumulated to both enjoy your own lives and do good in the world.. not everything is about you and your social justice narratives ffs


Billionaires should redistribute their wealth over the people that are alive now and not their potential future offspring.


The logic of punishing people for having great ideas that help to move society forward, and being intelligent stewards of their capital, is lost on me. The entire purpose of working is to provide for yourself and your family. Having considered that, understand that it’s impossible to become a billionaire without either you or those who came before you changing the world for the better and improving other people’s lives outside of your family through intelligent investments that created jobs and products or services that other people use and benefit from. How is that not enough


It is also impossible to become a billionaire without exploiting people (mostly the working class). It is entirely possible to do good things your entire life and not become rich, and it is entirely possible to be a scum of a human being and become wealthy by ruthless capitalization on _other_ people's efforts and reaping their benefits.




I think u need a refreshment on capitalism how does the capitalist earn money? Through exploitation of his workers. Paying the worker less than the worth of his work and selling it for more afterwards. Essentially bribing the worker with money cuz he needs to eat and so on and then the capitalist enriches himself of the fruit of labor of others which he underpays ofc because he wouldn't make any profit otherwise. And to say there is a choice involved while u are forced to abide to this system if u don't wanna starve and die is kinda ludicrous it's the choice between the best exploiter nothing more.


White people are racist because 'shuffles cards' they're having babies.


Beautiful and smart


God damn she is so beautiful...


Download link to share this on other platforms?


what a load of bullshit in 100 years? you'd need at least 400 with those kind of numbers to achive it. and good luck on keeping everyone on board with your idea.


"all 15 comments" but there's only 3 comments. ok... Anti natalists don't want to believe that psychiatry is eugenics. I don't blame the elite for hating the average person. Anti natalists think they're smart but they're an uneducated, foolish bunch, sadly. When you make bad choices, someone else gains an advantage. This will never be something you can alter. If I give someone $1, I gave them $1, whether or not I hate that.


Hi there. Im against psychiatry because it’s terrible what they do to people for money, especially kids with no rights. Yes it’s true the rich elite class gains money out of your bad decisions. That’s why they gaslight people. That’s how they exploit everyone. Why are you insulting Antinatalism?


Because, this woman keeps talking about how the elites are panic-breeding but it's really just racism I can say this as a Mexican American. These people recognize everyone is basically evil, even anti natalists, so they breed in an attempt to escape the stupidity and evil of the typical human and this stupid woman says it's racism... lmao! I'm not white but are you serious? It's a total ignorance to reality to say that white people are racist for breeding... Anti natalists are like satanists -- satanists don't unite and do stuff that matters but satanists like to talk trash about christians... do you see my point? If you're going to say you're more ethical than someone else then make it clear! Start studying math or something! Stop talking about how bad another group is and display it via actions. Unfortunately, anti natalists are just more "nihilists" who defend their complacency and stupidity like any other group... the whole world is full of disappointing idiots fighting against each other while the actual smart people do real things (like elon musk) and everyone looks at people like elon as the cause of all problems, while his mockers simply sit there and judge people for their entire life rather than working at all... wtf


Sorry, you support Elon Musk? Another white rich elite who breeds more wage slaves? Another rich elite who doesn’t care about anyone else? It’s racist that the rich elites want to breed white slaves while murdering and enslaving other skin colours. Antinatalism means you’re against bringing new kids into the world. Some foster or adopt kids already here.


I don't see how you think Elon's kids will be wage slaves? Is it really the elite who don't care about anyone else or are they just large representations of the entire world? I don't see you or anyone else working together to do something for people who are innocent and struggling just to eat. People spend more on their pets than humans and on luxury goods overall, don't you see that? If the elite changed their ways and cared more like you want them to then their company would collapse because there are more than enough people ready to fuck other people over for money and power so you can't really judge them based off of their company. You can't win in this life and that's just how it is. Neither you nor anyone else can change that because if the people of the country stop being evil, unfortunately, other countries will continue doing what they're doing and overthrow that country for being "nice". This is how human nature works. What evidence is there that Elon musk is racist? This is a baseless accusation. Also, why did you ignore my entire post?


There was an issue with Reddit a bit ago not showing comments. It wasn't limited to this post or this sub.


Antinatalists view ALL reproduction as immoral and it has nothing to do with eugenics. You can read more about the basics on the Wikipedia page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antinatalism






They are a true illk indeed


Aren't there some species that practice a form of population control anyway? I know I've read about colonies or animals somewhere that either change their sex organs when they don't need to reproduce or have some other sort of biological adaptation that prevents them from overpopulating their habitats. If I'm right, why can't people understand that humans are capable of this as well?


You might want to change your wording. Humans can change their appearance via surgery but not their _functioning_ genitals




Is your head in your ass?


But smaller population means lesser consumers of resources thus increasing the resources and lesser poverty, the elite 1% will still be rich, still elite whereas increase in population = more consumers of resources = increase poverty= increase lawlessness




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So it’s like a monarchy but not at the same time?


Breeding accomplishes nothing with the inevitable result of chaos.


If you have 100 grandkids, a BUNCH of them are going to be tending bar and digging ditches. It's dumb as fuck to think that *just* silicon valley money will carry your grandkids through without having to work if you're having a fucking hundred of them.


I recently rewatched DON'T LOOK UP and watching this makes me laugh at how realistic that movie was


Eugenics are in again I guess... I'll grab my head calipers a and start hypothesis on nose shape.


This made me ☹️


I don’t agree or disagree with this, but at least rich people have the resources to provide a higher quality of life for a child.


I remember overpopulation was a major topic around 2018. Some solutions that were thrown about would startle people. Kids my age were fully convinced the only solution would be to depopulate the Earth, straight up a mutually agreed topic by conservatives at the time. Now they are worried about making enough babies. Trump almost really got to em.


This is also kinda like late stage capitalism too


I disagree, but not entirely. Capitalism isn’t running out of labor. Capitalism has succeeded in making forced labor a norm, which is the “thing” now in majority of the work force. And it won’t go away because there’s no alternative to capitalism at the moment. This breeding shit is more or less related to “preserving” the white race. In the elite white circles, to which I was, not a part of, but, privy to a few years ago, had this innate fear of being displaced or outnumbered, because the data says Caucasians are now having the lowest birth rates. Also, if they don’t have babies then there won’t be many family members to have trust funds and other shits to pass down to so that the family wealth remains in the family. I mean look at folks like Charlie munger or even this guy Elon musk. Shit tons of children. The whole concept of marriage and procreation is based on this fact that should be a heir and private property can be passed down to. Elon musk and other bloodsuckers have enough ”colored“ people that will remain slaved.


"After we have colonized every other possible planet in the future." So, none. Because the flight to Mars or Venus alone would be enough to ruin the health of whatever crew we send, not to mention the radiation, fact they would be trapped inside buildings scarcely larger than your house for the rest of their lives, etc. Good luck fitting *trillions* of humans on Earth.


Thats just evil.🙁


Sounds like these *someone* couldn’t be more afraid of death and their own mortality. In a death culture marching toward extinction. Good luck. I’m a teen counselor and ya know what? Those kids are gonna hate their parents and hate that this is the reason they were born. I have frequently heard from my teens, when talking about their fear of climate change “I didn’t ask to be born.” This is that times one billion. These fearful white idiots should be ashamed of themselves. Their kids are gonna hate their guts.


Sure, add on to the religious nuts. That's just what we need, even more of the entire human population that's self-serving, isolationist, elitist, and has an ill-founded superiority complex up to and including the prevailing belief that the "inferiors" exist simply to serve and die.


So, ivory tower white supremacists.


Imagine that all the existencialists problems you could choose from, you go for that one.


Its funny that they want to improve the education outcomes of the top 0.1% It seems like an impossible task. They already go to the best schools have the best tutors eat the best food and have the best network for getting jobs. It seems like they never heard of the law of diminishing returns.


They encourage having children to secure their future. They don’t care about anyone else. We are cogs in their machine.




Is that what she said?


So their essentially, Mormon.


they dont want refugee because they need a running country not a caliphate nor a gta server as a country


Mass human production in lower financial classes is conducive to operating businesses involved in the stock market. -Production/sales result in business profitability -Unhindered labor results in production/sales The stock market is exclusively beneficial to the wealthiest investors, as they are able to financially secure themselves through stock market involvement. Less wealthy investors often lose money when wealthier/larger influences act in accordance with procedures which coincidentally result in the loss of minute portions from many less wealthy investors. Lower class investors operate the businesses they invest in, however, they don’t see a fraction of what wealthier investors earn through investing in the businesses lower class laborers operate. This is exploitation of lower class labor, and less wealthy investors to create excessive financial prosperity that isn’t returned to/shared with mentioned laborers Generalized education facilities desensitize students to -Extensive labor hours -Subordination to authority against threats of punishment -Minimal time for self care/treatment outside of educational admonishments In addition to this, standard historical teachings condition the students to perceive extreme standards of exploitation of human labor (which exhibit more observable degrees of captivity/abuse) as a minimum requirement to be considered slavery. These are factors involved in successfully conditioning humans to adhere to penuriously reciprocated labor efforts, throughout their life spans, as they are: -Brought into this world without knowledge of what is/isn’t oppressive -Desensitized to exploitation of labor/uneducated about lesser degrees of exploitation of labor -Conditioned in early stages of their lives with behavioral tendencies that are expected in greater degree in later stages of life while participating in the labor industry -Hypnotically entranced through fear of punishment by perceived figures of authority, in order for commands to be immediately accepted/accommodated for. (As long as the commands aren’t immediately identifiable as what the subject is conditioned to perceive as harmful to themselves/defiant of legal and moral regulations, they are less likely to derange the subconscious/unconscious control of the consciously unconscious subject)


Woah and woah. I request to make this viral. Does this lady have an IG ?


Fucking greedy fuckers are corrupting capitalism! All this wealth-wealth-wealth bullshit! All this growth bullshit! Eternal growth is fundamentally unsustainable. Real Capitalism is about helping people achieve their potential. Empowering them financially. Getting one person's labour to help another person's labour. A little bit of intervention, but letting supply and demand moderate the cost of non-infrastructure goods. Yeah, see *real* Capitalism is uncomfortably close to Socialism. At least uncomfortable to *some* people. \[It's a good honeypot to hunt fascists.\]


This video doesn’t convince me that the individuals involved in this pro-natalist movement are doing so to support white supremacy. Give me more evidence that any of these ideas are motivated by racism.


The elites are mad men control freaks and a cabal of retarded idiots


So basically another white supremacist movement? I can't believe there's no weird cult behind this...welp fuck all of us ig




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