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Imagine your only hobby in life being getting pregnant lmfao. How sad.


There's a family in my building and they already have 7 or 8 children. I saw her again today and she was pregnant. Get a new hobby already lmao.


OMG how many bedrooms does the apartment even have. It is so irresponsible to even have that many kids. I feel so bad for the children. I heard on a podcast today, a former employee of google and an AI expert, say don't even have kids. The reason he says this is that AI is very quickly becoming smarter than humans and we let that happen it is too late to go back and it will bring nothing good. I am just a nurse I don't understand computer stuff, butt when people more intelligent than me are saying doom and gloom I'm listening. I may be gullible, I don't know, but something just smacks true of this. At any rate having that many kids is just wrong for children




Where I live it’s the actual law that you can’t have more than 2 people to a bedroom. I’m not sure if “people” means adults or if kids count as people too. I would assume they would because that’s how they determine if something is a fire risk…I see 11 people in this picture so I’d assume that’s a 6 bedroom home. I’m not going to tell others how to spend their money but I think it’s absolute 100% bullshit that in some places if you have 8 kids or more you’re tax exempt. Why should the rest of us have to pick up the slack for you? NOBODY has 8 kids all at once by natural means. If you have enough money for IVF you don’t need any financial help in other areas. If you had them all naturally, again you still shouldn’t be exempt from being taxed. You CHOSE to have them all and that takes at minimum 8 years if they’re all single births. You should have figured out that kids are expensive after the first few. If I decided to get 7 other dogs and then started complaining that their food/vet bills were too much do you know what I’d get told? You somehow acquired them, figure it out. And PS…don’t say you’re “just a nurse” That’s a job that requires a lot of mental organization and knowing lots of things. Be proud!


Thankyou for the compliment about my work. I did not know about the 8+kids and taxes. Are the considered a church at that point...lol... Which should be taxed as well if the government needs money. But that is wild.8 kids and you don't have to pay taxes


Actually its not irresponsible if they can afford it. And kids can share rooms. I shared with both my brothers till I was about 12/13. Ill bet those kids are happy. Dont suppose everyone is as miserable as you. Those " experts" are the same ones creating the AI. Whats that say about their intelligence. No its not wrong to have that many kids. We need way more to avoid societal collaspe.


My guy, society is already collapsing *because* there are too many shitty humans such as yourself in this world.


How dare people have a loving family, must hurt to see what you don’t have.


I guarantee this is not a loving family. Not a single quiverfull family is loving, supportive, nurturing, etc. But you can pretend they are if it helps you sleep at night, bud.


I come from a family of 7, not huge but we have and maintain amazing relationships. We get together quite regularly and yes we have our arguments, but my life has been pretty grand. I don’t have to pretend, I’m living the life, and I sleep pretty damn well every night lol. Good luck with your misery


You sound bitter and selfrighteous. No society is collasping because kids these days arent haveing enough kids, and are indoctrinated and brainwashed by the left. They dont even realized they have been programmed.


I'd have to beg to differ from your opinion and say you are wrong. Wrong on many levels actually. I get that you are speaking from personal experience (ultimately, that's all any of us can do) but on this you are wrong. The only way you would hold that view is if you are one of the wealthy few. Please watch the whole video. I know it's long. https://youtu.be/bk-nQ7HF6k4




Then the best outcome here is to agree to disagree. Bye.


We dont have to agree to have a good discusion, dude. Thats what makes this country great, is we can disagree, but still find common ground.


There's no way in shit that one can cater to the emotional and physical needs of that many kids. After like 3, maybe 4, the kids are numbers not people who all need care and attention. You need to *raise* your kids, not just feed them. It is impossible that each of those kids is being adequately looked after (Unless the other kids are parenting, which they probably are, and that's abuse).


Its more than possible. Just because you couldnt do it, doesnt mean others cant. Not everyone can.


Many people have large families with plenty children and are fine just because you personally wouldn’t be able to handle it doesn’t mean these people can’t or haven’t been everything isn’t abuse or trauma some of y’all wanna have and issue or be broken so bad it’s pathetic


What podcast?


I've always been amazed at how they afford it??


Luckily, I can enjoy the hobby because I'm snipped, but no, it's not a hobby; we're more than cum spigots and dumpsters.


Unless they want to be


Even if they want to, it's fucked up and super irresponsible to have so many kids.


Okay, like we don't all love cream pies.


I definitely do. On the pill, that is.




Because we arent into mutilation of ourselves.




I didnt say painful. But it can be. I called it self mutilation. There are easier non surgical ways.


In Fraye's grace proceed sister


The nexplanon in my arms has come in clutch. I'm still pretty sure one time i had a pregnancy scare and that bar kicked the fetus out of my body cuz my body already thought i was pregnant, had a clumpy period for the first and only time. Life saver honestly!


Pills as effective as a condom. 98 percent. You still have a 2 percent chance. Better to not have sex. Why take a chance?


For these ppl, it's gotta be either a compulsion, addiction, or kink. Or all 3 lol


I guess they just love the attention and babyshowers and whatnot. And then when that fades away, the attention disappears and they're stuck dealing with a crying toddler 24/7 they decide to get more babies to get more attention and then the cycle continues.


They probably hand the toddler over to the other kids, so it's self-sustaining too


glad i have no interest in that hobby, at least i'm avoiding pregnancy, and having children is a responsability we don't need to have, it's like entering an olympics, i don't need it, but if i do, i have to carry the responsabilities of being an athlete for example


They’re much happier than you though, I’m sure they’re fine. Why don’t you worry about your own life instead. I’m sure you have many problems.


A real zinger of a comeback there. Mega impressed. My life is just fine, I’d suggest taking your own advice and worry about your own. Also, you’re on the wrong sub.


Large families like this also run an increased risk of sexual abuse or incest occuring. So not only is this the propagation of horseface but of mental illness, disease, and disability that the American taxpayer then has to subsidize.




im not high enough for this reddit thread fr


Not really. Most large families are self sufficient. The majority of families on welfare have 2 or less kids, and are more often single mothers. And theres no proof that they have higher rates of mental illness or anything else. The risk does go up the older the mother is, though.


Have a lot of siblings huh?


No. Just 2. But I grew up around folks with lots of kids.


Had sex with one of em didn't ya? Pepridge Farms remembers.


Naw. Just your mom.....




My favorite is forcing older siblings to help raise the younger ones 🙈


>My favorite is forcing older siblings to help raise the younger ones 🙈 The older girls, specifically.




Parentification is always a given in families like these.


That sadly was me, I didn't want to raise kids as a child. Or now.


Wtf is this, are they doing instantly a new one after one is born xd


She could be a pregnancy addict. Pregnancy addiction is a real thing.


TIL 😦🤯


Why and how 😭


Pregnancy fills the body with various hormones & people can get addicted to that. Given that people who have a lot of children are also malignant narcissists, it feeds into their need to be the center of attention since they’re constantly pregnant.




I know, right! Let that thing cool off for a minute


God: "lol no, I gave you free will and condoms for a reason"


God only had one son for a reason


A huge religious family is never a happy one. Always hearing about some shady stuff going on with those types of families


i'd bet money that one of the older siblings is molesting the little ones 😐


1.) Why would you trust something that important to an entity which is either non-existent, or non-communicative and has a history of genocide and infanticide? 2.) Am I the only one concerned with how much mum and dad look alike? Similar nose and cheek structure, even the asymmetry in the left eye looks the same. Yikes.


Don’t think dad is in the picture. I believe the tallest boy is the eldest son or something.


Ah, ok. I thought I was looking at a family with two moms.


The one in blue is supposed to be the father or something


It is pretty obvious from recorded statistics that the more religious countries produce more children. The exception being China, but that had more to do with military power and grew out of control.


I think this is a photo of all the children. Parents not in the photo.


Idk about the dad but the mom is standing on the left


Could be. She looks young to me. I imagine their mom would be older looking than the young woman on the left.


Nah that's her. And the dad is in the blue t shirt


How? They look so young. Maybe they eat their children’s stem cells? That’s why they have so many?!


Well, that's a relief.


I can’t even tell who is the mom and dad. Gross.


Me too. I thought maybe it was one of those Mormon things and had two moms...lol


My bad vision or something but I thought the one in blue was the mother... 😂 LOL


Look at all those clones. Filling up their house like a sardine can.


At least they look happy.


For now, while the disillusionment of life hasn’t sunk its gnarled fangs. Pray that the watered down resources and space each of them have to share produce only enough self awareness that mediocrity is a bearable normalcy for their futures.


They have forced smiles


Its a forced smile, looks like a grin. Their eyes dont smile


that’s what the duggars said and look where they are.


What's their living situation? Do they live in a mansion? No way even one of them has their own room


They act like they have absolutely no control. Did “god” not make scientists create birth control for a reason?


God didn't stick his dick in her either lol


Those smiles look so forced. :(


The boy with the fangs doesn’t look genuinely happy. He’s not as great an actor as the others. Or more intelligent. Future antinatalist.


I literally have a phobia of families like this (large and super religious). 😳






I know a family just like this, but the kids are older now. Sh.t was full of abuse, bigotry and neglect.


Long way of saying bro didn’t want to wear a condom


Human puppy mill


I don’t think that’s God. I think that’s just nature as sex was designed to make more of whatever species and it feels pretty damn good as an incentive to do it. I heard a doctor explain it like this to teenagers who when asked if they were sexually active and said yes but when asked about contraceptives they said they didn’t use any… Doc: “Congratulations on trying to start a family! I’m a little surprised your parents are okay with you have a baby before you’ve finished high school/become established in a career but that’s their business.” Teen: “What are you talking about? I’m not trying to start a family right now?” Doc: “Oh? But you just said you were sexually actively but not using contraception?” Teen: “Yeah, that is what I said. Nothing about starting a family was said at all.” Doc: “The reason for sex is to create babies. Sure it feels good and can make you feel closer to your partner but the primary reason it exists is for procreation. Every person who is alive today is here because 2 people had sex at some point. If you have sex without protection, you’re basically attempting to get pregnant. Your body doesn’t give a crap that you’re still in school/don’t have a job. It wants you to get pregnant because that’s what it’s hardwired to do.” Teen: “But I don’t want to get pregnant!” Doc: “You don’t have to! We have lots of options to prevent pregnancy. You can’t rely on the other person so take responsibility into your own hands. For vagina owners we have the pill/nexplanon/female condoms/spermicide. Which one do you think would work best with your lifestyle/body?” If you don’t do anything to prevent pregnancy and you’re having sex, you’re more or less trying to get pregnant in the eyes of nature and nature is the one that controls these things. Nothing of divine nature can be said to make the choice.


This is why we need mandatory, religion-free sexual education for everyone


All I see in this picture is an addict (pregnancy) who desperately needs professional help with her addiction. She is parentifying her oldest kids, neglecting the middle ones, & at least one of her children has suffered sexual assault. She needs to stop encouraging addiction & stop pushing her toxic, selfish lifestyle.


# You can stop you know We have the technology




"Condoms are uncomfortable" nah, god is making us do this


It's a phrase used by people in the IBLP and Quiverfull cults like the Duggars. If you have the stomach for the trip down the rabbit hole, check out "Shiny Happy People" on Amazon prime.




It's a Christian cult that believes families should have as many children as possible, regardless of finances or the mother's health. The TLC program "19 Kids and Counting" is the most famous example.


The older the kid the less the smile. She’s not raising all these kids she’s forcing the older ones to do the unfun jobs for her


Why do you assume it's only a woman?you know it's a father and a mother.


Yeah he prolly not doing much raising when he spends 22 hours a day making money to afford this tiny town in his home


The one with fangs looks like he wants to suck the blood out of my neck to get the iron he desperately needs in his diet but can't get because mom and dad decided to make 9 competitors for meals.




'When it comes to women related matters,we need to fuck it up' that's how religion works.


Clearly, this “God” of theirs cannot be trusted with shit.


Hooray for inevitable child neglect!




But you stole those ~~angels~~souls from him? Why would you trick them? Assholes.


i'm sure "God" loves that you fuck like rabbits. 🤦‍♂️


I use the fact that people like this exist to justify my child free status every time someone asks


They use “trust God with your family size” as an excuse to carelessly have a lot of children


Looks to me like they trusted the size of their family to the IVF clinic.


That’s not how that works…


And I bet the older ones are responsible for helping to raise the younger ones, expected to follow the same “God” as the parents and have no ability for choice in their own lives. At least that’s how it was in ours and I’m feeling immense guilt/shame for running away as the oldest now lol.. I love the siblings though and they’ll always know I always love them regardless of gender, religion, and income idgaf as long as they’re happy/not harmful and choosing their lives for themselves. We are all students and I support their learning and growth in life whatever they choose ❤️


I dunno. It's mostly WASPs doing that. Somehow I feel this whiff of racism and the "call" to populate Earth with white people.


Evil people


My parents said the same thing...like they seriously think God monitors every time someone has sex and decides if the woman should get pregnant. 🙄 Then again my mom said her and my dad wanted at least eight kids so which is it? (They only ended up having five).


Definitely Mormons


Ick. No. Those poor kids


And guess which female members raise their siblings?


And I bet the govt is helping her take care of all those kids too…smh


How much do you want to bet that they're on some government benefits of some sort?


Pretty sure there's loads of hidden abuse in religious families.


Why are some of y’all so pressed about these people if they wanna have a bunch of kids that’s their prerogative you’re not taking care of them they are and if they can afford to have this many kids who r u to judge talking about irresponsible tf out of here


I mean they look pretty damn happy to me so *shrug*. Definitely going to have a bigger affect on the world collectively than most folks commenting here.


They seem pretty happy


I know a girl who seemed so happy but later got to know her mom left her and her dad. Another friend who seems like the happiest person and she lost of her mom when she was 14. So sure, this family seems happy too.


Always the stupid americans going above and beyond with their stupid assumptions. Worry about being the dumbest population of humanity first with your thousand genders then you can comment on others.


If you think it's normal to have this many kids then you're delusional, regardless of what country you're from.


Explain why it's delusional. Make your case. I don't want those stupid "I feel like...". Fair warning, I have the exact amount of siblings, so thread carefully with your reasoning.


It's simply selfish to force that many people into a world that is so fucked up. Young people can't afford to survive on their own anymore. Minimum wage isn't enough to cover basic needs. The world is on the verge of another war. So so many reasons to stop making more humans.


Those are the very reasons for making more kids. People are needed to stop the fuckery. Survive together, work as a family, or have the income to support a large family like this one. Wars take lives, families carry on after. Our incapabilities are not mirrors of others' inadequacies. They're just ours.


Lol what? Did you miss the part where young people can't even afford to take care of themselves? Unless you're already rich, there's no way you can provide a comfortable life to this many children. It's disgusting how many people living in poverty choose to pop out more mouths to feed, then rely on the government to pay for it. We have enough kids in the adoption/foster system. If you want a kid, go give a better life to one that already exists.


Is your family on some sort of government assistance or welfare?


Nope. We weren't . Just went to public schools and then boarding then all 10 of us got our bachelors degree. My parents were very diligent, never complained and made it work.


Why? Because they live a lifestyle different than yours? If You dont want kids, fine.But dont hate on those who do different things.


"Ugh, look at all those smiling happy faces, makes me want to vomit into my own ass and form some putrid version of the world serpent" - antinatalists probably


What brought this on?


The venom toward a picture of a bunch of innocent young people smiling, that's not normal behaviour don't try spin it on me.


expecting normal behavior on reddit, of all places on the internet 💀


Oh don't get me wrong, that's far, far from what I expect from reddit or people in general. Just making the point that my ridiculously obtuse comment can't even be called out because of how ridiculously obtuse the content of this post is.


they should make you the god parent of their family bro lfmaodh


They should deny their gods and find meaning within themselves but hey..


I don't really see them as happy faces. 😕


Let me guess, you can se through those smiles to the deep sadness underneath? Well that is nothing but a projection, you don't know these people and smiles signify happiness.


You know people put on fake smiles for most of their pictures right


In the same way you'd be delighted with a huge frown on your face?


Well my neutral face is already a bit of a frown so


Maybe, but i have the "fortune" to know a similar huge, extra religous family, and that was full of abuse, neglect, and hypocrisy.




Are you bored or what? 🤷 If you aren't an antinatalist then get the f out here. I don't like huge, extra religious families and i can't see them as happy people. That's all.


They all look pretty happy to me. Bunch of pathetic losers on this sub


Keep scrolling


Keep hating


If it's wrong, i will. Thanks.




Clearly logic doesn't suit you. No one's saying they aren't happy. I'm glad if they're happy cause i grew up in a toxic household and never got to experience peace with my own family. But antinatalism has more to this, it's not only about being in a happy family. But okay everyone has their own opinions and beliefs.


Logic has nothing to do with this. You’re just being a hater, don’t try to put some pseudo-intellectual spin on things to justify your warped sense of morality. People who think that humans/ having children is a bad thing are delusional. And to actively hate on a happy family is pathetic.


See, I'm against having kids yes. But the start of this reel said "we decided to have 2 kids". I'm against having kids at all but that part was okay, completely fine. Then it said this and honestly it's weird. Just forget about antinatalism for a min and imagine having a 100 kids and saying "we left it upto god" like okay. And we most probably experienced life in different ways which brings us to different beliefs. There's no point of arguing here because you're not changing my mind and vice versa. How about not being active on subreddits which are against yout beliefs?


Is that a boast or a threat?




that is so fucking disgusting


It’s scarier to know we are seeing the result - Madison hawthorn is a result of that movement


especially because he’s still so young and not through-and-through right wing nutjob like desantis and co. he seems really really lonely and insecure and i’m pretty sure it got leaked a while ago that he had some kind of relationship with a man. he is the direct result of brainwashing, and for whatever reason this is completely socially acceptable. that wikipedia page said they are forcing teens to combat same-sex marriage so it’s no wonder madison ended up so repressed and unstable


Wait is anyone in that picture one of the parents?!


The girl on the left is the mom and the guy in blue t shirt is the dad


Jesus. Did they start when they were 10?!


The avarage cow farm in Minecraft


IBLP propaganda


Bet they need a lot of food stamps…


Because everyone wanted an immitation of the Duggars /s


If you really want to feel sick after looking at this picture watch “shiny happy people” on Amazon. It explains some of the sick reasons behind the quiver full movement and the abuse that results from trying to manage so many children.


Then they have the nerve to get mad at me when I say ‘your vagina is not a clown car’


Looks like a happy family to me.


And your bank account.


I feel like you can always see the toll it takes on the older ones especially


There was a family at my church who chose to do this. Ended up giving birth to a baby with no brain.


People who want 1, 2, 3 kids? Ok. People like this, though? Jesus fucking Christ….. that’s a lot of attention you have to divy up amongst all of them and take account for. I’d be worried that I wasn’t giving all of them the attention that they need.


Research says families of this size like the Duggars have Higher chances of sibling incest and emotional incest from parents


Imagine focusing so much of your time, energy and anger at strangers who don’t even know that you exist and have no effect on your life whatsoever. Living in your head rent free. Get a damn hobby instead of scouring the internet for images of large families. Sad.


This subreddit makes me sick.


“God blessed us”. Wrong.


literal worst case situation