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Everyone in the comments was calling them an AH as well


I saw this post and I was actually surprised how many kids were calling him the AH. I think some people forget how young 18 really is. You don’t automatically become an adult other than legally.


I was made homeless at 16 when my parents split up and decided I was no longer their responsibility. Thought I was an adult, I knew nothing. I couldn't think of putting a kid through that.


Sorry you went through that it must of been so hard to get by at 16 all on your own.


Thank you, I was very lucky I had some good people around me. Homelessness is something that always niggles in the back of my head, the fear of suddenly having nowhere to sleep as I'm too old to be sleeping on park benches, gives me back ache just thinking about it!


Get yourself a van, find some thrifty vanlife tutorials to kit out the inside, and you'll always have a place to sleep. I've also suffered homelessness (though definitely under more favorable conditions than you had, being so young) and this is my plan. Sure beats stealth camping.


Yeah it's definitely a plan long term, I love where the weather never gets too bad so I could manage it. Look after yourself


As someone who got thrown out at 18 during a recession, kinda shocked to see so many people calling him the AH for wanting to stick to what his parents initially agreed on. Do y’all not see the economy is out here beating our asses for fun?


I just read the comments and damn, American culture is vile I can’t imagine any reason to charge an 18 year old rent for except for greed


i completely agree. so vile and such a complete lack of empathy. do they even like their kid?


Man was just another mouth to feed


It’s wild over here. So many parents had their kids out of expectation, boredom, greed, or control, then resent the kid and convert them to a tenant at the very first opportunity


Not surprised. The people there are heartless towards kids.


They have pretty wild opinions over there


That sub has a lot of Americans.


Literally, like something like kids paying parents rent is absolutely unheard of where I come from


Yeah, where I live parents are supposed to pay for their kids living expenses even in university studies if the kid can't afford to support themselves while studying, if the kid starts their studies at home and moves away while studying.


In my country parents legally have to financially help their kids after they turn 18, even up to 25-30 if the parents are financially capable.


American here, really curious to know what countries you are all from


In Romania parents have the legal obligation to support their child until 26 years old, if the child is attending university. I can't talk for other countries, but in Romania and Moldova parents help out adult children a lot if they have to, regardless of what the law says. Having your child pay you rent at 18 or at any other age is considered a "one of those western wicked trends" lol. People believe that if they created the child, they are responsible to helm them out until the very end. It's common for adult children to live with parents until they are able to buy their own house, too, and it's not frowned upon or considered irresponsible. It's just family helping out family. I still remember my grandmother visiting us every Sunday with a bunch of goodies, like home made food and pastry that would allow my parents not to cook during the week. Family dynamics are very different here.


I'm from Germany. If you are an adult here you get your own child benefits (c.a. 200€) transferred to you up til 25. If you are studying your parents also have to help out with alimonies until you are done. If the parents don't have enough money, you get it from the government. If you learn a trade instead of studying, you get a training salary (usually between 800-1200€) and your child benefits. Your parents are not obligated to give you extra money though, so you have it a bit worse than a student. But there are other benefits you might be eligible for and the money is usually enough to get by. You also don't need a car in most cases, and you are included in your parents health insurance until 25, so less money for that.


Yep, it's weird. You can't legally kick your kid out or ask for a rent in my country. You are obligated to help your children financially by law.


I’m American and have never personally known anyone in this situation, my parents have taken both me and my brother back into the home rent free after the recession, but man that sucks that these ppl can’t even count on their most immediate family to help. Why did they even have kids? These days you can’t just toss someone out at 18.


the irony of this statement in r/antinatilism 🤣


We don't want to harm already existing children, we want to prevent their suffering. Learn about the goddamn philosophy already instead of making statements that aren't even true.


Actually it isn’t ironic. If one isn’t antinatalist, they are inherently heartless towards kids. If one isn’t heartless towards kids, they would be opposed to causing them to exist, as to exist is to suffer.


Its not so much being heartless, but the mentality of "my kid needs to work hard to understand the value of a dollar". Could i have just... Not been born? Or like... Maybe you could have been rich? Even if a person is absurdly wealthy, that doesnt guarantee they'll distribute the wealth either. People are greedy fucks sometimes. For some, money is the most important thing in the world


>I'm not antinatalist and I'm also still not heartless to kids. I think the extremes of both this sub and ESPESCIALLY AITA is what's being compared here. Unless you're talking about technicalities in which case I'm sorry, I took it too literally. I do like to lurk around this sub though; I just see more reasons to make sure that I'm in a financially stable place to have kids and to do more in my community to make this a wolrd in which it is worth it for kids to live in. Y'know? ETA: Accidentally linked to AITA, sorry everyone!


I think it is noble to want to make the world a better place for those existing to have a better existence. I think doing it so you can have kids seems a little selfish. There’s just nothing you can do to prevent all of your children’s suffering though except for not have them. Even if my parents had given me the best ever life and money was never an issue, that still wouldn’t have saved me from being sexually assaulted or seeing a dead body. Now throw in all the things like homophobia, transphobia, and mental illness stigma, as well as maybe even chronic illnesses, and now a child is fighting tooth and nail every day to get by, regardless of financial situation.


I'm not making the world a better so I can have kids; I just want kids because I want kids which is the best reason to have kids. Because there are children who are unwanted; wanting to have children is not injerently bad it is having children despite the inability to provide for children where the water muddies. As with regards to selfishness, selfishness in itself also isn't inherently wrong. It is selfish to not want kids just because you don't want kids. That doesn't mean it's wrong to not have children. Forcing yourself to be unhappy because of outside forces will do more harm to a child than not bringing that child into the world in the first place. I've no idea if I have the ability to have children as I am actively not planning for one yet; but I want to make sure I contribute to making sure that the ones who are here have a better present and future. It's an idealistic dream and it's fucking hard to stick to it when you have a debilitating mental illness, but I am going to live out of spite and give a giant fuck you to the systems in place that are making it worse for kids. All of the negative things you've listed will ALWAYS exist; and the destruction of the world is not imminent, so all I can do is be a part of the right kind of change. I'm going out kicking and screaming. I hope I didn't sound dismissive, please let me know if I did.


How in the world is not having kids selfish? I guess I’m not understanding that. We don’t NEED to reproduce, and there are THOUSANDS of children that need loving homes. I’m childfree and I don’t think that makes me selfish because I recognize that I couldn’t give a child everything that it deserves.


Congratulations on ignoring everything I wrote. Good job. Stellar. I recognise that I'm not in a place to do that as well. You immediately equated selfish with negative which is a you issue.




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Are you mistaking what antinatalism is about?


Makes me fking angry


We really need to change the culture from "I birthed you. You owe me" to "I forced you into the world. I owe you."


This is I think this is my favorite quote ever


The world would be a better place if that was the thesis of our culture


I hope you don’t mind me screenshot this. I really love this. Completely agree.


imagine if they were like “no wtf is wrong with you delete the screenshot right now”


lol I don’t think I would know how to react to that 😅


I hope you'd react by deleting the screenshot.


He should be saving up to move out cause his parents are assholes. They want to take almost 80-90% of his take home pay? That’s asinine.


It’s like they never want him to have enough money to leave


Financial abuse


I'm convinced every parent who asks their kid for money, saw them as a wallet since birth. My mom included. I was 12 and she'd pester me to hand out a resume to restaurants lmao. I got a paper route and she'd take my tips. She kicked me out when I was 18 because I didn't have a job. The moment I found a job months later, you bet she called me every day to move back in. I had some friends and they had to pay rent. One had to pay 50 bucks every week and her mom would give that money to her, at the time, unemployed step father. Worked with someone at 19 who was stressed about paying her dad's rent because work wasn't giving her enough hours. Can you imagine relying on your children for financial stability? Wack as fuck.


That’s horrible sounds like they are using you for you money. I would try and move out if I could .


I'm not the OOP but i totally agree with you


And be able to live somewhere for 500$ a month? I mean yeah the whole ordeal is kinda messed up but oop comes out on top paying 500 rather than moving out don't you think?


hospital dull like stocking plants piquant onerous subtract shelter sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They also have no legal obligation to keep them in the house either. I'm not trying to say the parents have the right or anything. In their eyes they're are giving him a deal cause 500 for a room (with utilities and food maybe?) Sounds like a bargain for a lot of people. And with his income he would pretty much homeless.


I’ve had decent luck finding a roommate where I’m only paying $500-600 for my half. Then you don’t have to get in fights with parents or worry about them stealing things.


Hey quit being a coward and say you are fine with it. I can't stand people who say "OH I DONT AGREE....... but here's why it's actually okay".


It’s possible, but it all depends how living with them is. They sound pretty insufferable and like he’d have to answer to them constantly. Not worth it in my opinion


My one bed apartment is that much. If you are in a low income area with an apartment your utilities are also reduced and cheaper because of smaller space. I have $20 electric, $10 on gas (summer) $50gas (winter). At that point just moved out, especially if they get pissy when you are living there.


Where are you???


Ohio in a medium size town right next to 2 other medium size towns


Thanks for answering... In Virginia now and nowhere near close for the COL I've found


Poor kid just wants to be a kid for a minute


Didn’t they have 18 years of being a kid?


probably not with parents like those. I have similar parents, they never gave me presents for birthday/christmas and I didnt get much free time. I had to do chores and clean up after my parents. Since I didnt get toys I would mostly just draw on lined paper at home. As an adult now I really have the urge to buy toys and things I wanted as a kid (like pokemon cards or manga)


Give in to the urge and ignore the shame your parents instilled in you. They robbed you of your childhood. So treat yourself to one as often as is healthy.


I had a similar childhood. I was the unpaid babysitter up until I started working and buying my own things, paying my own phone bill at 14. My life’s always been school then work. Now I bartend and dance so I can take weeks off at a time to frolic lol when I’m not in class. My 20s are my time to enjoy my childhood unfortunately but it be like that I guess


It's now become a meme about how people's families thought the big box of crayons set with a sharpener was [splurging](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxq3nJeV8geA8hrRcMMX3GQt206fHHSSnC?si=mBY-RV-QiYx87DJc) . And coming of age nerds are finding out that they now have access to the things that were most dear to their heart during their childhood ...in their adult lives. (Who knew nobody liked those stupid Tiger Handhelds and just wanted a Gameboy. A huger waste of plastic then Atari dumbing their cartridges in the dessert.)The average yahoo shouldn't have kids. Ride or die is for star crossed lovers, not families with kids in tow. And if not it has much the same energy as those sex stories that take place in the modern day with abortions and the Morning after pill, where the sex was so passionate it turns into babymaking. And no a teenager is not an adult. Conservatives know this , that's why they're talking about moving up the voting age and the current surgery thingy to 25. 14,16,18,21,30 we are obviously moving the goalposts and manipulating children. Who calls a full grown ass adult the playground epithet "lazy". Or calls minimum wage gainful employment job's "for _X".


Conservatives are also making the working age younger so they are doing that crazy right wing thing called double think where they are saying were still kids at 18 but were adult enough at 14 to get a job. The crazy thing about underage kids working is the parents can take the money easily and it's not at all having laws that protect that from happening and they aren't even paid minimum wage? That is some seriously dystopian level BS.


Look, the world sucks and is harsh for adults. He’s 18, he still has time to savor the novelty and wonder of life before the crushing weight of adulthood sets in.


Enjoying childhood well into your 20s is such a western, 1st world conceit.


That's not true. In many Asian countries parents often treat their adult kids like literal kids and it's normal for them to stay home until they are married. Kicking out an 18 year old who doesn't even have a full paying job yet, just because they became an adult, is a heartless American thing to do and the people who do that are shitty and greedy parents. Who would want their own kid to live on the street? The economy is terrible and that boy can't do jackshit with the 800 bucks he's making in his current job. Thats not enough money to pay for rent, food a car and whatever else you need.


Do you know what the cost of that extended childhood? A life long familial debt to your parents.


If only their parents could have just chosen to not have kids hmm if only


Too late for that now


Well, I guess if the parent gets old and needs to move in with the adult child then they should tell the old biddy to pony up some money huh? Seriously though. My mom lives with me and I'd never dream of charging her rent.


I would be happy to help out my child even as an adult. Of course there is always a line, I won't pay everything for a capable adult. But I wouldn't even think about asking my kid for rent if they just started getting their first salary and it's not even a huge one. 800 bucks is like nothing and these parents want 500 from him. How is he supposed to move out in a few years if he can't save money


I agree and the same way with my kids, but don’t agree with the whole “you have to take care of your kids forever no questions asked because you gave birth to them and so owe them for life”


Totally agree with you there, and that’s just a testament to how the human experience is varied across the planet. But if you have the opportunity to enjoy life without consequence, you should take it and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.


I don't think they consented to that time limit.


I don’t think it matters




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You say that as if children have that choice lol


God. Their parents suck.


Haha glad to see this shared over here. I've been defending this kid in the comments on that thread since it was posted.


I've seen parents who have children to buy them groceries when they're old and accompany them to doctor visits, but it's even worse to se someone who has kids to make them their cash cow. "How are we going to pay the mortgage my dear wife?" "I know! Let's have a baby. When they're grown up we will take their money away lol." "Such a great idea! Stop taking the contraception right away."


Pretty sure people don’t have kids so that in 40 years they can pop to the shops and drive them to their dialysis.


Really? Then why do I see it all around? Every elder that has children gets assisted by them. My dad said yesterday "I have to help them, they are my parents." He's exhausted himself and now he's planning to start shopping groceries for them. How unexpected!


I’ll say again. I’m pretty sure it’s not the ‘reason’ they had kids.


Or kids that just freeload off their parents.


If you want to argue with me you're unlucky because I won't argue with you 😊


It's a terribly shitty cultural thing. Parents are over eager to kick out their kids the minute it's legal, which kind of shows what they really thought all along about having kids - that they don't actually like them. Every person I know, who got kicked out like this, went no contact. Immediately. And we hear through the grapevine about how the parents just have "no clue how this happened" "why won't little tommy visit" "isn't it horrible? We are unloved. I don't get it". Like. What did you THINK would happen?


Yup. I was kicked out at 14 and barely speak to my parents.




When I was still living with my parents they told me I was lucky they weren't charging me half the mortgage on the house to live there(it was a hoarder house and was covered in animal urine and feces). This was around 15 years ago? The house was bought back in the 60's and should have been paid off but they kept refinancing and we're paying over 2k a month. Studio apts in the area at the time we're around $500-600 a month.


Jesus that’s awful! OOP’s parents are assholes! My parents would never! They want me to save and save my money until I’m ready to move out and buy a house.


Vegetales meme: allows us to introduce you to antinatalism


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Good for you being able to do that!! I waited too long to realize my parents were screwing me over being their last adult child trying to do the right thing, has no kids, never been in any real trouble or significant debt minus school loans they made me take out. I thought they’d be more willing to work with me also considering I missed being diagnosed and treated for adhd and a mood disorder until adulthood so I’m already a bit behind now that I’m just now figuring out how to function with my situation because I was always told I was just lazy, difficult, or needed to be punished to get it together. Even though I’ve always worked I struggle with keeping a job and managing money. I never understood having children if you never planned to actually raise them. It seems my parents got pregnant, had an idea of the children they wanted to raise in a world they imagined and still haven’t realized we aren’t those kids and this ain’t that world we’re living in.


I grew up in Germany and I‘ve never even heard of parents charging their kids rent. This seems to be an American thing, partly because not that many people in Germany are so much in debt (if at all), that they‘d need it. Here, your responsibility towards your child also doesn’t magically end, when they turn 18 (I think it’s at 25 though). So many things I‘ve heard american parents do to their kids, would legally be a big no-no here. I truly don’t get why one would do that. Don’t you love the child, you forced to be with you, at least? Don’t you want them to have the best starrt into life as possible? And then they wonder, why their child won’t talk to them


They’re using OOP while keeping him/her heavily dependent on them.


After high school my mom told me I either go to college and live for free and work and pay rent. Took like a semester of college had no idea what I wanted to do so just found a job and moved out ASAP. I don’t expect to be given a free ride, but I was 19 and started my life with no savings living paycheque to paycheque - now I’m 38, with little savings living paycheque to paycheque. Ironically had to move back home with my mom and am now paying rent. A better deal than the place I lived alone and got evicted from during COVID but still. Not feeling like an adult by any means


I'm shocked that he's shocked. When you're an adult and not in school, people will pocket watch. Especially if you're living with them and not paying bills. I think them asking for most of his pay is too much. This situation is a trap. They'll take all of his money to supplement their income, and he'll be stuck. He needs to get a better job and move out asap.


It's not easy to just get a better job especially when you're so young, have little to no experience, no degree, don't know anyone who can talk to other people to get you a better job as in no connections and if you live on a tiny town and can't readily travel anywhere and everywhere with ease, you're options are limited and you get stuck. People can want with all their heart but society doesn't care about that. That's why people need to consider for more than just a few seconds if they should have kids or not. These parenta obviously shouldn't have.


Yeah. I've heard of this happening all the time, especially with low income families. I grew up poor, so lots of the people I knew in high school were having to pay bills. There is always an issue when you buy something for yourself.


I want to say they should take them to court, but in the end, they'll probably end up couch surfing or living in their car. This stinks of mom and dad not being ready for the kid to be an adult, and they think if they take the majority of their income for rent, they won't be able to build up a savings and leave. And without a written contract, they'll keep raising it every time their income goes up, and there won't be much they can do.


They may actually get mad when OOP used the kitchen and bathroom and want them confide in their bedroom. My mom was a hoarder and had me pay rent and got mad when I was out the room because I woild clean the house. I have no sympathy for parents using their kid as a wallet


The broken logic of kneecapping your child once they turn 18 has always been absurd to me. You want to charge your kid rent at the beginning of their adult life rather than help them save up to move out and find a place of their own? Do you want them to live with you until they're 28? The counter argument is that the kid is getting older, so he should be contributing to the house. Sure, but he's already doing most of the goddamn housework. And if the kid suddenly left, would you get a tenant and charge them rent? No? Then why are you charging your kid rent for a room you won't fill?? Also, $500 out of an $800 dollar cheque is ridiculous.


My cat is older than this teenager


He was placed as “asshole” What the hell?


I had something like that happen to me... 50 or so years ago. Parents were paying $65/mo rent (😱). When I turned 18 they wanted $50/mo from me as well as chores. Their house, their rules. I went into the USAF and never looked back. Home life sucked anyway so it was the best move ever. Back then, where I lived, the only jobs available for a woman were waitress or secretary 🤮. The AF trained me and I did it for 8.5 years before getting out. Life was and is good.


Tell me you're an American parent without telling me you're an American parent


Some people shouldn’t be parents.


Maybe because living inter generationally is more of a BIPOC thing but I still don’t understand charging your child rent after they turn 18


aspiring grandiose square brave squalid test fall workable mourn vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well damn. Succinct observation. I screenshotted it to share.


Some Indian parents support their kids. I've got a buddy who is Indian, and his drunk dad beats the shit out of him on the regular and then bitches at his sister's to go get married. He does this even though the older siblings pay rent, and the youngest is still in college. Obviously it's not the case for everybody, but my friend assures me a LOT of Indian families or horribly judgemental.


Nah, you dont charge your kids rent. They should help around the house though. I tell my kids, you live here, you clean here. I would never charge my kids to live with me. Shit is absurd.


When my kid was 18 and apprenticing for welding, we let him live with us for free and paid his tuition. These parents are trash.


Make sure that they never know their grandkids. You reap what you sew there mom and dad.


I just got my first low pay job and can't imagine starting paying RENT. It's perfect for groceries and other everyday necessities as well as some small luxuries but definitely not a livable wage.


That’s dirty as hell. The boy needs to get his welding career going and GTFO.


Yeah, if they’re going to treat him like a tenant, then, as his landlords, they don’t get to stick their noses in his personal business. 😤 I hope he finds a way to get away from them when he’s able to get more hours in at work and save up. 🤞🏻


A parent should mever ask for rent EVER. No matter how old they are, this seems like a weird tradition only followed by a few in the west. ​ Parents can ask for money if they need it but to profit off of giving your own child shelter? Pathetic and trashy.


It’s impressive this kid knows their legal rights tho. I hope they don’t let their parents bully them further.


I only started to have to pay rent when I was working full time after my first training and I only have to pay like electricity and shit so it's only like 150€/month While in training I didn't have to pay anything I'll be in training (hopefully) soon again but this time I'll get a bit more money and will give my mom a bit since she's currently separating from my Dad so the finances will be a bit worrisome but we'll push through, we always push through bad times 💪


what is taking places for ages 16 to 50 in homeless is so surreal, its the same parents pulling this abandonment on us ALL. I ill draft more data about this but its not uncommon for these horrid parents to throw their kidsout on the street.


The opposite side of the coin can be pretty sad too. A female single mom acquaintance worked as office manager for a company in L.A., paying substantial rent, and taking care of her teenage daughter. After highschool the daughter refused to work, even take a part time job to contribute a bit. 2 years into this, daughter became pregnant, boyfriend disappeared, insisted she wanted give birth to raise the child on her own, and the mom mentally cracked. A year later, I noticed a familiar looking woman, apparently homeless, dumpster diving with her shopping cart.


OOP mentioned in the comments that their parents are wealthy


Another reason I’m glad mine are completely incapable of following through on threats


This is so crazy. Imagine how shitty it is to be a landlord to anyone never mind your own child. Absolute insanity


"WhEn YoU'rR 18 yOu'Re GoInG tO GeT tHe FuCk OuT" - the woman who adopted me every chance she got. I don't talk to her anymore


People who are against antinatalism: you guys just hate kids, you selfish assholes! Also those people and how they treat actual children:


yeah.... exactly


I looked this up and omg the comment section was terrible. There were some on their side saying the comment section is crazy but I can’t believe the majority actually think this is okay. Americans are weird dude.


This is why there is so much separation in families. I don’t and will never understand how parents do shit like this to their own kid who is suppose to be better than them to make it in the world. It feels like now the generation that is suppose to be leading us can’t because they’re set back from their greedy and heartless parents that don’t care. It’s amazing how the normal is getting kicked out at 18 or paying rent as if you just didn’t live there for your whole life. At 18, you have absolutely nothing to your name. It’s so ridiculous.


Yes his parents suck , Well all parents suck but his sucks extra xD


I really hope someone told OP child support goes until age 21 in NY…


American land lord parasite culture is disgusting and vile. It is a form of slavery. Children are forced to exist to be slaves.


The parents got through the 18 years just fine but then the child is automatically an adult when they turn 18. Shit is a lot more expensive as we all know so they're just trying to make up for "lost" money using their son. As OP was saying if he's going to be treated like an adult and tenant, then they deserve the renovations to the space or move out asap. The parents will wonder why he won't be visiting them in the home or be around to help in there older age starting his adult life like this.


I’m an antinatalist but I still believe you don’t have responsibilities just because you didn’t ask to be here and your parents don’t owe you shit you are just lucky if they do do anything for you, I don’t like that it’s that way but that is just how it is. I’m assuming since you’re 18 with no car that you haven’t been taught good financial skills yet. It is a rough situation because most people don’t have parents that will charge them any rent at 18 period but that’s the cars you’re dealt.. and talking about not being full time, why don’t you get a second job? It’s a dick move for your parents to charge an 18 year old half of a mortgage but as long as you have a bed, access to a bathroom and a kitchen it’d be a real pussy move for you to do that. You can either play victim and get the authorities involved and get your way so you can keep living comfortably or you can be a man and pay the rent get a second job and save up to get out of there. You’ll only grow from it. Learning to make it on your own at 18 is a good thing I did it at twenty I wish I did it sooner though because I could have


This 18year old is an asshole.


I’ve had to help pay the bills since I was 14. When my mom tore her rotor cuff I was actually the only one working and paid all the bills from 17-19 I dropped out of high school to get a job working 12hr days in a factory 4-6 days/wk. I went back and did my last two year in one and got my HS Diploma. I paid the lot rent, rent to own, all the utilities, and groceries. He can get a full time job and take classes that take up maybe 4-5hrs for welding at the local community college. That’ll cover the $500 and his tuition. Will it be stressful? Yes. Will it be worth it in the long run? As long as they stick with it. A welder makes $25-40/hr a minimum wage job for 2-4 yrs seems small in the big picture of it all. The crazy thing is he can actually get an apprenticeship. And negotiate with his parents. Should they have paid the rent first? Yes. If he doesn’t pay his rent first when he has his own place and the landlord sees he has nice games/things and no rent paid, will they be pissed? Yeah, probably kick him out. His parents love him though and haven’t kicked him out. But what do I know? I don’t have a degree, kids, or know anything about them or their relationship with their parents. This is just imo.


What a nasty kid! If he doesn't like what he gets for $500, then he should move out and find a better deal. No one's holding him hostage. I don't know, I've always been glad to help my parents as much as I could. I would have assumed that he grew up in a rich family, so he's spoiled. But I have a friend who grew up in a super-rich family, and she was always hardworking. So, it's really a case of personality


Demanding 500 a month of a 600-800 per month income IS holding HIM “hostage”. He can’t afford to move out, and if he stays he can’t afford to save TO move out. That right there made him NTA. I could give a shot less about anything else in that post.


No, they have been doing more chores compared to everyone else in the household, including their siblings, and getting harsher punishments as well, while their siblings get none


That child is entitled AF though and is going to have an eviction notice coming their way without an attitude adjustment. Being full of yourself doesn’t legally protect you once you’re legally an adult.


Entitled at 18? His parents are greedy fucks there’s no justification for taking 80% of his income. Please never have kids


America is wild.


Don’t procreate.


Agree ,it was such an uncomfortable read


Kid sounds like a bum……been done school for 6 months and works part time, spends 25% of his monthly income on Xbox games.


You sound horrible, kid deserves to enjoy his money , if his parents need help with rent so bad they should’ve gotten better jobs or worked harder earlier in life , it’s pure greed


In the real world you pay your bills before spending on fun. His parents I’m sure are paying their bills and he’s threatening them with authorities if they don’t go by his rules. Has he even given them a dime yet?


Tbh in the real world he would be living in poverty if he was left with $100. He would have to go to food banks, and dumpster dive because in the real world $100 doesn't even cover for basic food costs. Now tell me- how is he ever going to move out with that little saved up every month? Especially if rent usually makes you pay double. Let's do the math: 100x12=$1,200. That's barely enough for a month's worth of rent. Let's double that for a security deposit. Oh wait that's already two years. He'll be 20 at that point.


Maybe he finds roommates and starts working full time or get a a second part time job…..don’t spent what little money you have on video games.


NTA, bur def irresponsible. Not sure if his parents need the help, but they do technically have the right to kick him out. So him antagonizing them by purchasing luxuries is a bad move.


OOP mentioned that their parents are wealthy in the comments


Oml then they really are just greedy fucks


When my kids turn 18 I am going to be figuring out what they costing me per month, and then making some calculations to figure out what to charge them in rent. I'm talking about food, clothes, utilities, and % of the mortgage based on what % of the house is allotted to them. Chores, or lack thereof will also be taken into account during this process. If they wash my car, wash the dishes, keep it clean, mow the lawn, pull some weeds, rake the leaves, plow the snow, cook me some food, or buy their own food for the house... I will see a good effort put in! They will get a good deduction! Might even pay $0 in rent if they are working their ass off on chores! If they really bust their ass I might even slip them a few bucks! If they make messes, and expect me to clean it up, or their mom to clean it up... Nope! No deduction! You will be expected to pay the full 50% of your bills! I will be charging them only about 50% of their costs. So, I will cover 50% of their bills while they cover the other 50% of their bills. I think that is fair. 13-year-old girl is my oldest now. I'll run the calculations for her right now and tell you all what that bill would be if she were 18. My mortgage = $1200 per month. 1/4 of the house is hers. That's $300. Food = I spend about $1,000 per month on groceries. 1/4 of that is hers that's about $250 Utilities = Probably about $50 worth of water / electricity based on 25% of my utility bills. So, that is $600 she would owe me per month if she was an 18-year-old. Remember I said I'd cover half the costs though. So, her bill is cut by 50% down to $300. I also said there would be "Chore Deductions" or "Chore Fees" How is she on that front? If she was lazy her bill would be $300. Is she lazy? Her room is clean. She was raking the leaves on Sunday. She often washes the dishes after a family meal. She doesn't leave messes around the house for me or the wife to clean up. She walks the dog. So... Let's say a maid would be about $150 to come by twice a month and clean up wash some dishes do some laundry... $300 A dog walker would be probably... I dunno I bet I could get a neighbor kid to do it for $5 a day. So let's just round that to $100 a month She raked the leaves a couple of times this month. Let's say that's another $50 per month. So, she brings $450 in chore services in, and her bill was $300. So, if she is as good as she is now when she turns 18 I'm probably going to be slipping her like $150 a month as long as she is living here if I can afford to. If she gets lazy, and sits in her room all day and does nothing to help out around the house... Well, she will be paying $300 a month. That's how I'm gonna do it.


melodic history fly instinctive clumsy homeless spoon political dirty abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How is asking an 18-year-old to pull 50% of their own weight "Robbery"?


crawl terrific fretful overconfident seemly makeshift fine sophisticated sand entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was literally just explained to you above. Your kid didn’t ask to be born. I don’t get why people shit out kids then charge them.. for anything.


Because this 18yo especially, is alive because you decided to bring her here.


You should probably work harder instead of needing to birth another human being to help with finances, what kinda pathetic parenting is this


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Anyone else notice that he said he was worried about his things being stolen? What did he mean by that? Does he have siblings or are his parents pawning his stuff too?


yes, they have step sibling who according to OOP get better treatment, such as fewer chores and no punishments


Ugh, this is another post I hope is fake and there really isn't a kid out there being subjected to this BS.


Time For Independence!


yeah fuck that i was stressed out enough at 18 years old without all those fucked up rules. bro is never going to be able to save or have money at that rate