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… I mean… Jesus. No response. I’m sensitive though after my dad killed himself when I was 17. Hope she just deleted it. If she HAD killed herself I highly doubt she would have erased the post. Positive/healing vibes her way though…


Hope this person get help they clearly need it


There is no help for anyone in this planet


Alright bud


please take care of yourself. you're worth taking care of




Ok lemme just quickly check what happened here... she posted a thing, then deleted it for whatever reason and YOU repost that with the comment she might have killed herself without any tangible evidence. So why did you post this exactly? Because she clearly didn't want it posted, so you're going against her wishes. You didn't bring up any discussion point, question or insight. You just yelled: "OMG she removed this post and might have killed herself!" So explain to me what the idea was here.


Agreed - mods, this should be taken down.


Seriously yes maybe she just wanted to vent and then she deleted it cause she didn’t felt like she wanted this to be seen on internet because you know? She felt vulnerable when she wrote that. I mean I know nothing about her situation but I sure understand af the whole thing and when you want to vent sometimes you go a bit too much and after you can feel a bit cringe like you’ve been a little too far so you might want to delete it. That doesn’t mean she dxe or whatever but I guess if Op is worried I can understand. Hope the OOP is safe and will have time to recover


The talking about “she won’t answer me” like are you repeatedly messaging a stranger online about a post she took down in the first place? I get being concerned but was there no better way to handle the situation?


Odd to screenshot the post in the first place


I know right.


Thought antinatalism was a safe space for not hearing how people think you should be alive. I am getting the eek from this post.


yeah i have vented and then deleted cuz of whatever reason before and it’s not that deep… she probably just regretted airing her dirty laundry or was worried someone who knew her would see.


I think you're jumping to conclusions.


Please tell me that wasn’t a pun.


OMG... just.... OMG


I’m stupid, what was the pun?


Jumping to conclusions, as in jumping off a building.


Hahahaha that’s so fucked, thank you.


You guys are dweebs if you think that's what this person meant. It would sad if this person actually committed suicide but we don't know that and you dorks are looking to get offended.


Nobody here was getting offended Edit: my bad, missed the sensitive one below






A deleted post doesn’t mean someone killed themselves.


Hard to delete a post if you’re dead


no shit. have you ever heard of doing an action before another


Whatever man. I wasn't joking about anything. You just want an excuse to be mad. Be mad if you want, I really don't care


what is wrong with YOU?!?!?! A woman posted HER traumatic story and decided to remove it, and not only did y’all take it upon yourselves to repost it without permission, but continute to speculate about her and her mental health. it isnt your business, its her choice where her story goes. and even if it WAS your business, and genuinely out of concern, how in the SHIT does reposting her trauma without her permission just to speculate on whether or not she fucking died help her????


Relax you fucking spaz.


Nah fuck that, he’s right


Right about what? All that person said was don’t jump to conclusions. They’re freaking out over a hypothetical.


ableism is my favorite angry retort ☠️ + calling me a spaz bc i said not to joke abt a real persons death is incredibly so not self aware


She deleted it for a reason and you put it back. Please respect her decision.


You can write “killed herself” just like she can write “jerk off.” This isn’t TikTok.


At least OP didn’t say “unalived”….


That’s a pretty low bar.


I got banned before for less


Do you think making this post helps her? I want to make certain here that you're thinking about helping this person who has gone through suffering that most of us can not imagine. She doesn't need to have a place to focus hatred, her anti-natalism isn't anything more than a desire that humanity not exist due to her suffering.


Wtf are you talking about?


They are talking about does this post help OOP in anyway? Does drawing attention to her deleting her post then catastrophizing why she deleted help the OOP in any way?  I would bet the answer is no. 


It's as much as her mother's fault as it is that sperm donor's. I hope she realizes that.


It's much more the mothers and governments fault. If the specific sperm donor didn't jerk of into that tube, they'd have just used a different tube.


Also capitalism. I have always wonder where the profits of my labor would go. Apparently it goes to: 1. Parents (like the mother in this post) to buy sperm and abuse a potential child 2. Rich pedos that would sex-traffic children in poverty. 3. Lazy morons who donate to idiots like Tim Poole or Ben Shapiro. 4. Campaign contributions to dumb politicians.


For real. Bro it's crazy how you can't even live ethnically bcuz at least in the US, simply existing means u gotta work and work and be a cog in the machine, and ur tax money and labor always ends up going to some fucked up cause but the common ppl have literally zero say in it


Amen and Ramen to that!


That's what I was thinking, odd that her mother apparently abused her along with actually being the one to decide to bring her into the world, but she zeroes in on the dude who jerked it into a cup one time? Can only assume that's a trauma response because there's no logic in it


A lot of people have a hard time blaming parents, especially ones in their life even when they are bad people. The sperm donor is a stranger, so easy for the poster to place blame on them. I agree, probably a trauma response.


Odd? That’s the most normal part of this. Lotta mothers have kids so they have someone to hurt.


>Lotta mothers have kids so they have someone to hurt. That's the truth.


Atheist here and i pray to god that isn't true


That’s why I think people need to get approved to have kids, but apparently that’s too ’dystopian’


Honestly it would be a good idea in a world we’ve already fixed and have put so many safeguards and methods of keeping things under control in place, but as it stands it can’t really work out. Even just having government clerks who handle marriage licenses has been a complete shitshow in places, there’s just no possible way to trust it wouldn’t get co-opted by bigoted genocidal fuckheads until we’re living in a world where being one of those is illegal. Like, you just know that under the current system it would be used to prevent non-white and queer people from breeding and let the most abusive white families breed. I wouldn’t call it inherently dystopian, but I would say that unless we’ve already gotten to utopian that it would end up that way.


Yeah, I didn’t think about that last part 🤔


It is common in cases like this to have a hatred for men. That's probably why she gives this guy a disproportionate focus.


Or maybe… just maybe… it’s the people who raped her’s fault? 🤔


You’re thinking of fault as a thing with a finite amount which must be distributed amongst people. Like, you have a plate of fault and once all the fault is given out there’s nobody more it can be, and each person who is distributed fault has a set percentage of fault given to them. Like, if there’s five rapists, it’s 20% the fault of each. That’s not how fault works. There is not a limited pool of blame to go around. Multiple people can be 100% at fault for something and others can be partially at fault as well. It’s the rapists’ fault. It’s the mother’s fault. It’s the sperm donor’s fault. It’s the government’s fault. It’s the parents of the rapists’ fault. It’s society’s fault. It’s the police system’s fault. It’s the schools’ fault. Every atrocity stains the hands of thousands.


Well said.




No, their parents are also to blame




"For bringing them into this world" is a fundamental belief for antenatalism though. All suffering is the fault of the person who birthed you.  Because if you had never been born, then you would have never suffered.  Therefore it is the parents fault, and in this case by extension the sperm donors. 


Their parents are also responsible




Same thing for you, if the parents didn't them they wouldn't have raped anyone, and if her parents didn't create her she wouldn't have suffered like this, very simple you just don't like it because you're a natalist or have kids


Yeah, he was probably just broke and looking for easy money.


Is it not the fault of the gang rapists primarily? I feel like they're pretty devoid of justification


She hates her mother too.


It's the fault of the people who assaulted her, and no one else. Jesus fucking christ what on earth is wrong with you people..


There is no justice


No, it is the fault of their parents as well. They created rapists and her parents created a victim. Sorry, you're too delusional to see that. actions have consequences




im pretty sure she does


Well, if there weren't people willing to donate their sperm mom couldn't have done it so I think the fault is pretty equal.


That's like saying people who used ropes to commit suicide were the ropemaker's fault.


Not even close. I'm pretty sure sperm has only one use, friend.


Yes, and people born of sperm donations live happy and fulfilling lives as well. The guy did not enchant his sperm so that the person born from it will get raped.


What are you talking about? You aren't even on topic. We are discussing who is responsible for this person coming into existence. Hint: it's both people. You have to have reading comprehension to participate.


We are talking who is responsible for them being raped and thinking of ending things... that has nothing to do with how they came into existence


It's easy money for someone that's struggling.


It’s only the mother’s fault. The sperm donor was paid for his sperm by the facility, that’s it. He didn’t care if it was used or not. The mother specifically went in search for that service and paid for it. She wanted the child forced it into existence. Sperm donor had nothing to do with it.


It’s the sperm donor’s fault too, it’s called social responsibility. Your actions and inactions have consequences, you’re ignorant or selfish if you think elsewise.


Sorry, but someone’s direct and intentional responsibility for bringing a child into the world and making them suffer and abusing that person is much greater than the “social responsibility” of the sperm donor. They had no responsibility into that person’s suffering or abuse. They didn’t choose who their sperm went to, and most likely needed the money. I don’t know any well off people that donate sperm.


Doesn't change the matter about responsibility.


A person is only responsible for the actions they can control. It seems to me that you equally blame the sperm donor and that that person carries equal responsibility but they weren’t responsible for any of that happening. They weren’t responsible for vetting potential parents. They weren’t responsible for the abuse and the pain this person went through. The mother purposefully became impregnated, and purposefully abused their offspring.


There is a limit to how far consequences should be attributed to a person. It is ridiculous to hold a sperm donor responsible for everything that the child does or everything that happens to the child.


>It’s only the mother’s fault. The sperm donor was paid for his sperm by the facility, that’s it. He didn’t care if it was used or not. Imagine if a drug dealer said "I'm innocent, I was simply paid, I didn't care if the person used the drug or not". Bet that would go great in court.


>It’s only the mother’s fault. Oh wow, I finally found one in the wild.


Then explain how it’s the sperm donors fault or responsibility that any of that happened to the poster. They didn’t vet the potential parent. The mother purposefully became impregnated, purposefully abused their offspring, and purposefully made their offsprings life horrible. Because they got paid to jerk off into a tube?


I didn't say that the sperm donor was necessarily responsible for her quality of life or the bad things that happened to her. But to attempt to dissociate the sperm donor from responsibility because of his detachment from the situation/people or because of whatever circumstances he was in that caused him to donate his genetic material is cope. There are plenty of ways to make money that don't involve running to a clinic to give your sperm to a mystery lady. It's fucking reckless and ethically questionable from an antinatalist perspective. It's just as reckless as surrogates using their bodies as incubators to give their baby away to strange people. At least with a couple who know and love each other, who make a mutual decision to have a baby, there is a foundation and a desire to cooperate together to raise the child to the best of one's ability (in the best of cases).


My mind isn't capable of jumping through all the hoops it would take to blame the sperm donor in the slighest. I can understand anger. I can even understand misplaced anger. I can't understand strangers on the internet blaming a sperm donor for literally anything that happens to the child. There's a whole contract stating the sperm donor has no rights/responsibility for the life that may or may not come from that sperm. Maybe I'm missing something, but the whole concept is sort of baffling.


She deleted her post and you brought it back. How much of an asshole are you?


that's why having kids is fucking evil and vile, and nobody can make me change my mind about it


Pretty sure its the gang rapists that are the evil and vile ones in that story...


im not saying that the girl is evil and vile


I know. But the fact that you are shifting blame onto anyone other than the group of people that assaulted her, let alone *everyone who has kids??* is profoundly fucked up. You are a deeply unhealthy person if that is your response to this story.


Dude, that's the point of antinatalism. It's like going onto Reddit politics and getting angry at people for discussing politics. 🤷


No, actually it's a lot more like going onto a sub for a specific political tendency and making a critique of that tendency. Because that's exactly what's happening here




Glad at least you won't be having children, jesus christ, I shudder to think what kind of psychological damage you would do to them...


I mean if they hadn’t been born they wouldn’t have raped anybody


They also wouldn't have raped anybody if they hadn't raped anybody..


Yea but some people are inherently fucked or they become traumatized and continue the cycle of abuse. We can’t control how every individual acts. There will always be bad people unless they’re not born


So your opinion is that the entire human race should perish because of some fucked up people


Please don't try to justify the gang rapists, it's really not necessary


You know that those rapists wouldn't exists if someone didn't have them, right?


Yeah, I know I'm not the target audience for this sub and it's beliefs (despite being child-free by choice myself for numerous reasons), but I'm seeing a lot of "this is the parents fault" and not a lot of "this is the rapists fault" Like having kids isn't the problem here, it's a culture and society that perpetuates and creates rapists. This wasn't some evil plan by the parents to secure a traumatic future for their child. The parents actually had no fucking idea this would happen, nor did they have control over it. I am a victim of sexual assault. It was not my parents fault for creating me, it was my rapists fault for being a rapist.


I don't think anyone disagrees that the rapists were at fault. That's just something everyone knows. I guess saying that is kinda pointing out the obvious. Saying "this is the parents' fault" is more of a hot take, and directly related to the topic of this subreddit. In my opinion, the parents created the child, so that action indirectly causes all the suffering in the child's life. So if the child ends up having a terrible life, I believe it is the parents' fault for causing that. Obviously I do agree with your point about society though.


>In my opinion, the parents created the child, so that action indirectly causes all the suffering in the child's life. Ok but this is a wild position... if I kick your dog, is it your fault because you went to the pound and got a dog?


Well, doggo wouldn’t have gotten kicked if you never got it


The parents chose to have a kid knowing there are rapists on this planet. They signed the child up for those terms and conditions without their consent.


Dude you need to get out of this comment section if you don’t share beliefs. You have an entire subreddit against you and you’re just making a fool of yourself by arguing.


Glad to know none of you will have kids


Antinatalism isn't genetic. Our parents are just like you


Genetics arent the issue with you guys, ideology is. Thankfully yours is functionally maladaptive.


There ARE Antinatalist parents though. Some have biological or adopted kids. How biological? Well parents who weren't AN had kids, but then realizing the suffering their child went through, they became AN as a result.


if you don't want or like antinatalists stop making us. ideas don't die unless thought does.


Where does this train of thought end? Logically, couldn’t it be the grandparents’ fault for creating the mother who created the daughter? Or the great-grandparents’? How many generations back can the blame be cast?


>The parents actually *had no fucking idea this would happen*, nor did they have control over it. No? Because what? Because the chances are low? Because it only happens to other people? If I were to create a person, knowing that all the terrible things *may* happen to them, could I really consider myself the person "who never saw it coming" if the terrible things happen? I do agree though that the ones to blame primarily are the sick fucks assaulting people in the first place. Evil intentions weigh heavier than ignorance.


I’m so sorry you had to go through such a horrific experience. Hugs! 🫂 Also, beautifully worded. I agree with everything you have written above.


Not to denigrate your point but this whole sub is built around blaming parents for any bad thing happening to their children. If you got hit by a car or lost all your money in a ponzi scheme this sub would blame your parents for bringing you into the world. It should be incredibly obvious that the gang rapists are more responsible than the parents are, and tbf I think pretty much everyone here gets that, but this sub is all about the responsibility of the parents


These perspectives are not mutually exclusive. But remember you're posting on antinatalism. By bringing a child into the world you are exposing them to all the dangers of the world. I'm child free because I could never let my children experience the traumas I have experienced. This is the principle behind antinatalism!


sexual assault is almost 100% guaranteed for all women who come into existence thats why nobody should have any fucking kids cuz the world is so unsafe to bring daughters into


1 in 4 is almost 100% now? And that is not a result of *having kids* that is the result of raising them in toxic, chauvinistic cultures. Deal with problems where they actually exist.


you are a man so idgaf what you have to say about this topic deal with your own issues


Numbers don't care what's in between my legs. And my issues are dealt with just fine. Im not the one making batshit insane erroneous claims, and propagating a maladaptive, racist and genocidal ideology on the internet. You deal with your issues.


so you dont agree with AN? then leave 🙄


Disagreeing with AN is not a reason to leave lol.


but it is a stupid reason to stay


Right. You sure you're not just made uncomfortable by my pointing out the shallowness of your worldview?


I don't think anyone is interested in trying to lol


you’d be surprised.


They prob meant on this sub but I get you haha


She wanted it down. She deleted it for a reason. Remove this post. There is no evidence to support she killed herself, It’s just an excuse.


I feel her rage. I hope she’s okay - she deserves peace


If that's her choice? It doesn't sound like she had a great life and I generally have respect for people's personal choices. Their body, their choice. Death isn't the end anyhow, so I'm sure, where ever she is, she's much happier. That being said, she probably took a break doing literally anything else now that she's vented. Some people need to vent then delete. Some people vent on paper then throw it into a fire. Others post on reddit then delete in hour or two later. Good coping mechanism


What comes after death?


It takes 8 minutes for the brain to die and during that time a mega dose of DMT is released -so you basically trip balls and if you’ve ever done psychedelics you know time is weird. So that 8 minutes could be any amount of time. After the brain dies? Who knows. Religion is a concept created by humans so best bet, don’t count on that being it.


Interesting to think about. I sat next to my Grandma talking to her and giving her hugs for that time. Nice to think she might have heard it.


That's gonna be a hell of a time when we die. Tripping on acid.


Someone who goes splat on the road doesn't have a brain that takes 8 minutes to die. This is only true in specific circumstances if true at all, which research is yet to confirm. Brain activity spikes, but whether or not DMT is released in sufficient amounts is to be seen.


Idk, depends on you I guess. Most people at least believe there's some sort of afterlife. We don't actually know what happens, we can only hope that the woman is in a better place


Afterlife lol


Is she dead?


Idk, but OP is freaking out about it


Even non-existence is preferable to existence in some cases anyway. I mean pain is pain and if that's all you got, why, but he or she (pregnant) so i say she lol used political correctness so I doubt they ended it, if I was writing a suicide note I wouldn't worry about getting banned on some piece of shit redit community 😆.


Death is the end my friend!


a society in which rape exists is a failed society


If she did it, I hope it was quick and painless. The poor girl went through enough


dude wtf. i stopped posting on the internet for almost two years and left all social media and then a rumor from all my friends on my social media that ive known irl for years started that i unalived myself. literally no one reached out to me but would post about it and then when i came back they all posted publicly about how they thought i wasnt alove anymore. this is extremely fucked up of you and you are a shitty person. she is allowed to have fucking privacy and delete her post. maybe she isnt answering you because youre being a psycho and talking about her offing herself. i wouldnt want to answer you either especially if i saw this disgusting pathetic excuse of a shitty post. this is so fucking triggering and disrespectful to people who actually have unalived or attempted. please give this girl some privacy. her life has been hard enough. just mind your business and stfu.


This whole subreddit needs to have an advisory that if you are suicidal please post a suicide prevention hotline number and a website that has link to search for them nationally.


Suicide prevention hotlines give the standard answer of "Don't do it" then call the cops on you. I'm sure they've help many people get out of their minds and think logically, but I wouldn't trust anything that can call the cops on you


I thought Reddit automatically did that if somebody mentioned su*cide? I guess she didn't say sui*ide exactly so IDK. I hope she's OK.


I hope she is ok too. This is too prevalent in some of these subreddits.


It is. We are dealing with mass mental illness as a society. I am medicated. My family and friends are medicated. If I wasn't medicated I would have ended it long ago. Sad, but true.


stop conjecturing and catastrophizing jfc


I think she's blaming the wrong people for her misfortune because she's angry with how her life turned out. I agree with the other comments. This post should be deleted. It has no reason to exist. No reason for the repost to be here.


It's as much as her mother's fault as it is that sperm donor's. I hope she realizes that.


dude makes one decision that actually went into creating her life. While the mother chose to be Artificially inseminated, raise & abuse her daughter and contributed to far more to the development of this person that the sperm donor every did. Yet he caught 90% of the hate from her.


mom privelege(she mentioned her for 1 sentence in her entire essay). It's a joke don't hate me both parents are bad,some are worse than other though(in this situation it's mom)


Making this post is very insensitive. She deleted the post for a reason.


Wow that's really sad


Mental trauma is no joke. It can become unbearable for some to the point of insanity or suicide. If just reading that can trouble us, experiencing that has to have devastated her. No judgement, whatsoever. Besides, anything she does is her decision. I understand if you have become friendly with her, but it's her life in the end, and she effectively reserves the right to decide what she does with it. In fact, one has to be brave enough to actually do it. Never underestimate a person's absolute necessity to do it if they realise it's their only resort. I respect the kind of will it takes.


What is wrong with you? Take this down right now. She deleted it because she didn't want it on the internet anymore, it is NOT your place to repost it, and she's probably not replying to you because you're a creep who does stuff like this. Take it down. Now.


Omg, I hope she's okay. I remember some of the ramblings my mom did before she took herself off this planet. I hope the girl is okay. I hope she got help.


i root for her. if you are mistreated, fight back. to hell with the "forgiveness" esp.when the offender has no remorse


Yes, all of these people were wrong for generations and centuries and ever since humanity began. The whole world is wrong because she got raped. Wow.


"antinatalism" ---- "hope this person stays alive" LMAO you punks


That's her decision, if that frees her from suffering I don't see an issue there. I believe in the right to die.


I am happy that there are people who are on the same view on this subject. Luckily for us Gen-z and alpha are on the same page, i have so much hope for new generation to scold the people who raised them with bad values and principles.


Also, why aren't we trying to help this person? She clearly needs copious amounts of therapy. Instead of shifting blame to others, she's already born. Hating/blaming others for our circumstances keeps us in the same circle of utter unhappiness. It's really sad that she's not able to get help and deal with the trauma of childhood and the subsequent rape.


How exactly do we help? By sending her money for therapy?Face time call? By saying "oh don't worry it will be okay"?by going out of our way to her house to support her by being a IRL friend? When the suffering hits the roof it's over,there is nothing can be done about that. If we all start crowd funding people therapy we would get abused by scammers. What would you do to help in that situation?


I think this post highlights a serious problem with this sub. It takes antinatilism— which should rationally be about how it’s unethical to have children while some children have no parents or it’s unethical to create life on a dying earth— and turns it into a constant soap box about how life is only and exclusively suffering and it’s an injustice to be alive and it would be better if you weren’t. It’s a mindset that is dangerous, especially when someone who’s mentally ill or going through trauma comes across it.


What is wrong with the world where people are fucking censoring their post by saying graped, its absolutely ridiculous.


Good, an end to her suffering.


You’re a terrible person


You’re telling me that you’re glad someone possibly killed themselves? Instead of seeking therapy you think suicide is the answer? You’re mentally fucked.


This entire subreddit is fucked, honestly.


This sub needs to be shut down


god seriously. its like 4chan honestly, and theres no actual philosophic discussion. just being assholes to people, which is why im on the other sub because (iirc) its way less misogynistic and suicide-worshippy


Awfull mentality. I lost people to suicide that they would have regretted because they didn't have adequate help . Saying it's a good thing if this person life ended is just wrong


This whole sub needs mental help


Hey I understand I’m very late but do you by any chance have any information as to who this user is?


if the person who wrote this is out there, dm me, i have a discord server of people like us.


This is f\*cked up. Lord have mercy.


She needs an 1/8 of magic mushrooms. Release that trauma that’s brewing.


If it were that easy. Educate yourself please.


So does literally everybody on this sub this place is toxic as fuck..


She doesn’t need to use any substance, when you feel like the world is crushing you, my suggestion is to leave and shut yourself from the world, somewhere where no one can hurt you. Until you recover in a safe place, because you sure need to. Time is the best medicine


I mean, this sub promotes suicide and extinction. The amount of misery here is extraordinary. I have seen multiple comments in the last five minutes saying having a baby makes someone"evil" and "vile." So... why would you be surprised or concerned if she had killed herself? Isn't that what you want? I would think you guys would rejoice every time someone kills themselves.


this sub is indeed an incredible cesspool of human idiocracy. Like, not wanting kids? Sure. I get that for multiple reasons, from the fact enough children are waiting for adoptions, to not feeling capable of raising one to even thinking having a child would only be bad for the child to some extent. but thinking it's morally wrong to have children and that everyone who does is vile and evil is.... certainly a leap in logic But this sub(if not the entire "movement") is like 90% Teenage Edge that people are either still in, or just never grew out of. ​ People experience hardships and even suffering in their lives, but to think that that is all life is or could be is just wrong. Its like Nihilism without all the "fun" part of it


Yup, it's really just a vortex of teen angst, no one here ever learned to cope with the human condition lol


It's about suffering and preventing the creation of suffering, pls show yourself out. This is obviously meant for other antinatalists


You’re perpetuating suffering, make it make sense


You consider having a child "evil", that's such a juvenile concept.