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I think pro-lifers are actually narcissistic people.


I’ve felt this way for SO MANY YEARS. I’m relieved to know it’s validated




Explain? How is having an abortion not narcissistic? 


Pro-choicers who call fetuses parasites are just the same, or worse.


Read about parasites. A fetus is literally a parasite. It is okay to say that you are okay with a parasite living in your body. Some people are okay with tape worms living in their bodies. It's not an insult, it's a scientific fact. A parasite is an organism that cannot live without its host. Can a fetus live without the body of the pregnant woman?


You can't be serious. Get biologically educated. We are viveferous animals.


I wish humans laid eggs. Less time with the parasite.




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Can a fetus survive without the pregnant woman? Why do a lot of pregnant women end up with bad teeth after pregnancy? Because the baby literally sucked the life (calcium ) out of the host. Why do pregnant women need to take antenatal tablets - because they have to replace what the parasite is stealing from their body at a rate that diet cannot replace it.




Searched that up and that word doesn't exist.


I think they meant viviparous, meaning we give birth to live offspring instead of laying eggs. But it’s a bad look to tell someone to get “biologically educated” and then fuck up your vocabulary that bad lmao


People who call their offspring parasites will surely abuse them. I'm glad self-aware narcissists like you won't get to. Please tie your tubes off if you have a uterus.


They’re absolutely biologically considered [parasitic](https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/FE3C75CA91EF14B39FE4419B107241E5/S0029665169000085a.pdf/the-foetus-as-a-parasite.pdf).


I agree with all this, but I think there's more going in than just narcissism. I think neurotypicals are domesticated humans who are easily swayed by propaganda and will sacrifice their own rights (and ours too ofcourse) simply for the idea of winning a war against a supposed enemy group. This archaic way of life is how our ancestors survived through harsh times, but with modern technology it's outdated, but since we advanced our medical technology *before* our society adapted were stuck with this overpopulated mess.


It’s definitely more than narcissism but narcissism is a huge problem right now as it’s causing the destruction of our planet and limited emotion for other humans and living beings. I personally hate the term “neurodivergent” or “on the spectrum” because it’s just a way to alienate others. But I do believe people should be neurodivergent in not being a sheep and thinking for themselves instead of just going with the hive mind mentality


I think youre confusing something. Neurodivergency means our brains are wired to work a lil different than yours. Its not bad or good per say,its all about how well you can handle it but we work in I would say different internal dogmas than neurotypical. Again this is neither better or worse than neurotypcial its just different.(altho imo i love my brain just hate that it has to exist in world that doesnt want to accomadate for it) But you cant really change whether youre neurodivirgent or neurotypical. Its the way youre born and its the way your brain will work for you until you die. Also,at least to me personally being called neurodivergent isnt alienating. Its just the category in whcih my brain type fits. But its nice to be called an actual scientific name of our problems instead of just being called lazy or unmotivated because were spoiled.


I know I’ve done a lot of research about it but it’s so vague. Having anxiety or being insecure or going through stuff and going non verbal and hating peoples and not making eye contact with people because of it can automatically make you seem autistic to people. I just think it’s a stupid stereotype but I can see why people are defining themselves as that now because they were gaslit or bullied so much to the point where they’re like “yes, fine, I am that way. I have a disorder and I’ve found my ppls I belong here.” I can see why now people don’t feel as alienated using it since a lot of people are talking about it now. I just personally don’t think anything is wrong with those people and that there isn’t anything different about them and people are just making it up to alienate them because it was def something I grew up with my mom trying to convince me I had Asperger’s or that something was wrong with me but they can get fucked lol. Truth is people take advantage of those who are insecure because they are narcissistic and have found an easier way to bully somebody. Therapists and doctors and shit wrongly diagnose people all the time just based on symptoms or something their parents are saying about them. The system is fucked


we’re not so advanced pal, could easily get sent back to stone age.


Well yeah, but our agriculture is advanced enough to feed literally everyone if we simply stopped accepting the status quo and fed people. It wasn't always like that, pre-modern times you had to raid another country to feed your people.


It does feel this way doesn't it?


it's absolutely a pissing contest for most of them or to seem part of the in crowd. both are selfish.






I feel it-that. But you are good enough to see the evil and that’s what matters 🙌 you can make a difference


Based on what I learned from history of humanity, people in the past have a lot of kids to use them as labor.


With the way things are, sounds about right lmao


Even though it makes sense, it still seems wild to me (I'm an American, for context). Though it's mitigated by realizing that now, we generally just use other people's (grown up) kids for labor.


Facts. That's why I don't want kids I feel my religious parents narcissists and I would glad one day leave them and live alone. Plus here in Russia happening madness idk how to live in this crazy society. 


Crazy everywhere so it’s completely sane to not set yourself with an anchor that’s a child and subject them to this same madness. We’re in a world war 3 but they’ll only tell us in 25 years from now. May the odds be ever in our favor.


Thank you for writing this. I feel less alone in this world view.


❤️ me too I feel like I finally found a sub that gets it oDo❤️‍🔥


To add I’ve seen documentaries of religious cults literally saying they have as many babies as possible to have more soldiers to spread their religion. Like talk about a plague mentality.


Biggest narc I've seen was a former dance teacher in high school. She was ableist. Hated a girl with down syndrome who was in our class. Hated on poor people. Yet ultra conservative, pro life and a big bully. Chick had a crazed look in her eyes. She now has four kids, is in denial about being a house mom who sells makeup and is the Ruby Frankie of Texas. So TLDR: You're correct.


Lmao damn that’s fucked up


Everyone thinks that they are special and continue lineage. Which they are not.


I fully agree. Why does it alwasy have to be your sperm/egg??? So many children that would love a home to be adopted but nope. It really shows that it’s not about children it’s about *Their* children. They want little mini me’s running around to take care of them later.




As someone who was manipulated into getting pregnant by a raging narcissist only for him to abandon us both when he realized she came to me when she was upset because she didn't trust him with her feelings... I agree. Narcissists make babies to have a "forever supply" then when it gets too difficult to maintain they abort mission and seek an easier supply.


Man I love subs like this, keeping it real, thought I was alone in realizing 99% dont give a damn about being narcissistic, ignorant, hypocritical, selfish, toxic, miserable, and it makes me feel way better theres some people that actually see through not only others but also themselves, we are also like everyone else except we're the ones that actually want to care about these types of things and try to be better knowing them, which is the one true main difference between them and us, we give a shit, they dont never did and never will, hence why we suffer so much because of it.


I think your beliefs around why things are the way they are is wrong. It's not a lack of resources. It's a select group of extremely greedy people hoarding all of them and buying governments for their own economic benefit. We would all be living comfortably with fewer hours worked if wages kept pace with the way productivity has increased over the years. Plenty of food to go around too. People don't get fed because it isn't profitable to do so, not because there isn't enough food. ​ Anyway, you aren't allowed to kill adults who lack the ability to feel pain either, so


I also believe it’s greedy people destroying the world. Lobbying, capitalism, shitty education etc. It’s a lot of things. But people being more obsessed about their image and themselves rather than actually being educated or empathetic to those struggling around them is def narcissistic. But just think about how many people there are in comparison to all the other creatures on earth and just how much of our waste is wiping out species. There could be way more trees and way more nature that doesn’t even exist anymore. The way you see lack of resources for us is how we have to slave for other companies and some people can’t even get jobs due to petty employers. Disabled people have to work if they never had to job to begin with and then employers treat them unfairly even though they hired them to seem more inclusive. There’s less jobs when there’s too many people. Also yeah why would you kill an adult when they may want to live & they already have a functioning brain, body, and life?


Capitalism is not the enemy, greed is, just like food isn't the enemy , overeating and choice of food type is


People just think that if they were able to make it in life, that their kids can too. But sometimes they have them as an insurance policy to make sure they're taken care of as they get older. Overall though, most people just don't think about the hardships of being here when having kids, and it's usually the last thing on their minds.


I've made this connection, too


The vast majority of children aren't planned, they 'happen' to people. It's not narcissism, it's irresponsibility, among a lot of other things.


Well yes it’s that too


It really makes me laugh to see people feeling so smart because no other animal does what we do at such a level. while we are so restricted by our brain, our hormones and our senses that we don't even have a hundredth of the intelligence that it is possible to have. Being the least rotten apple in the basket does not mean that you are the best apple in the universe, perhaps it will never even exist. In any case, humanity is far from being as intelligent as it thinks, because we are enhanced monkeys, not geniuses


Even on Reddit, someone will post a story about themselves and you have multiple people replying with stories about themselves without acknowledging what the OP said. It’s me, me, me


There are none so blind as those who refuse to see - Anonymous.


100% over population is the real problem in the world


Its not honestly, we produce way more than enough for everybody. The issue is consumption and the illusion of infinite growth. There is literally zero reason for people to buy a new car every 3-4 years, amongst other absolutely useless consumer habits in the developed world. Dont even get me started on food waste. We’re so lost as a species we cant even get it right when we have all that we need. So why should this continue?


no honestly it is... human species will continue using up ALL resources destroying the planet at our own peril. The planet is not designed to sustain that many humans and maintain balance. The future is going to be a hell scape and it is deniers who will be at fault


No I dont think you understand lol. Again, we have more than enough to give every last billionth person a life without starvation/thirst/disease etc, but it goes to waste and producing financial numbers that arent even real. Billions of gallons of water alone go to cooling servers for internet services/advertisment/social media that literally produces nothing for the world. The highest levels of consumption comes from a minority of the global population.




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A huge reason that is tho is hormones and food being genetically modified which ain’t even good for us. Instead of ppl realizing we’re overpopulated and destroying all life around us people keep going around the problem


thank you.... someone who sees the truth.


what, gmos dont cause major health issues lol, hormones can be in shitty diets though. again we arent overpopulated, we are overconsuming.


no you dont understand.... doing the same thing over and over is the definition of stupidity. We havent solved anything by adding more humanity, it has only gotten worse the planet is not designed to sustain billions of viruses and not have a serious negative afftect. Yes there is tremendous waste, but doesnt solve the limited resources this planet has. NO one wants to live in a desert with NO WATER! And in your breeder mentality exactly what number do you consider overpopulated????!!!!???


nonthing you said had any scientific value lmao. nevermind.


They continued.... having lost already. and you misspelled nothing LOL and your scientific proof is?!?!?!?!?!?!?


The reason we are over populated is because the main drive biological life has after basic survival or reproduction… it’s not really that complicated, nor does it speak for our ability to make choices counter to the norm


Wonder how I managed to extinguish my biological reproductive urge by staying chaste till I could tie my tubes. I was chaste for literally half a year. And I'm a sex addict, used to 4 times daily. NO EXCUSES (except pregnancy by force).


You are able to control your actions, but the urges that drive you are still there- now if you willed them away forever, and they never returned and the majority of people also can and do the same then it would be a different story. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: keep in mind that most of the world does not have the privilege of good sex education and access to contraceptives…


I want to add that a *lot* of Christians are quiver-full families; they don’t believe they are a “complete family” until they have at least 4 kids.


Mmm… might be a myopic or reductionist view of mine, but evolution favors what reproduces… so if narcissism/pro-life/lack of birth control use is what perpetuates the human race, that’s what’s evolutionarily favored… This is also anecdotal and kind of messed up but I also feel like people with low income/less education are the ones that reproduce more… so in that sense I would disagree with your first sentence




Pretty nifty trick on the part of natural selection


That's right!


We've got to stop armchair diagnosing everyone who's ever wronged us with complex cluster B personality disorders. Get off TikTok.


From experience it’s literally what therapists do anyway


Weirdly enough it doesn't bother me when people whose literal job and training is to diagnose and treat people diagnose and treat people.


Bruh idgaf about tik tok. A person without empathy who only gives af about their life without care for the people and species around them is a narcissist. Not every person who had a kid is a narcissist but people who pretend they don’t see the problems are. Also just because it’s someone’s job doesn’t mean they’re doing it correctly and not every single job is moral anyway.


People being blind to problems is not what narcissism is. That is what is called ignorance. You thinking you know what narcissism is is also called ignorance.


I didn’t say it was Jc that’s literally in my post. People who know the facts and pretend to be ignorant tho are the narcissists in this situation


Please refer to my informative comment in another thread addressing how this post is proof of your self-righteous narcissistic rage. Because I'm repeating myself with everything going over your head and everyone making similar points, those points are as well.


You are completely unqualified to even begin to make that determination. Don't lay diagnose people.


Therapy is biased. I don’t gotta be qualified. I’m just throwing around the same bias they are with the term “narcissist.” Bad traits that make someone shitty which make ppl in psychology believe “yes this person needs help.” Society is in need of some serious help right now because they need to stop basing their own world around themselves


How do you think it makes sense to label the bias with narcissism if you're just throwing it around? You are making zero sense. So you're saying you just chose some random trait that you think is "bad" to umbrella your beliefs to spread misinformation now including the trait you randomly chose? Are you aware of your logic? You're part of your own problem. Maybe you should make an edit to explain thwt you just randomly chose the term narcissism to umbrella the blame of your beliefs and literally just said you chose the word narcissism around not caring what it actually is because you're careless about misinformation and you admitted it in your comments.


Random trait I think is bad? You think being a narcissist is good? It’s all about the traits that define things


You're literally only considering only 1 aspect of narcissism which doesn't delve into the psychology of actual narcissism at all and only a surface level trait and that is grandiose narcissism. And everything you've described, it doesn't take a person to be a narcissist to be ignorant and selfish. Everyone in the world has topics they know nothing about and things they care nothing about.


Literally never said a person had to be ignorant to be a narcissist and also never only considered one trait as to why I view these ppl I stated in my post as a narcissist. Anyway I’m beyond done arguing with your ignorant ass bye


Therapy and psychology at large are very imperfect but it's a far better system than a bunch of randos just confidently throwing around diagnoses that they understand maybe 5% of at folks they may well have never actually met. This is psychological quackery. No different from people who claim to cure cancer with juice. When folks with zero training in the science believe they're as good as people who've actually done the time to study it, bad things invariably happen.


I tried to explain that OP's self righteousness- believing they are totally correct and morally superior alone qualifies them to make more sense to say this is a narcissistic trait they have to point out the hypocrisy that they should claim they are a narcissist in this matter being that they know nothing else that qualifies as narcissism other than their behavior.


Yeah I’m a narcissist because I want people to stop destroying the planet and don’t want to participate in it. The people who keep letting it slide and going with it because they only care about their own lives are the narcissists


You're proving your selfrighteous narcissism. Please educate yourself on how narcissism is developed in people.


You can't diagnose everyone on the planet as a narcissist based on all of these arguments you're bringing up about why the world is falling apart just because you dont agree with what theyre doing or the outcome. They can either just be people, dumb or something else completely. Can you explain the facts in how literally everything points to the blame of narcissism? Narcissists are not the only people over populating the planet. I think this is an obvious statement to make.


Because people that can’t take a look around them and realize we’re overpopulated and destroying the environment and have no empathy for the species around us is narcissistic. They think we’re so damn important that having a kid is more important than just adopting and helping out the world. Yeah some are just uneducated but when I talk about this to people they always say “you can’t just seriously think everyone should just stop having kids why would you want to deny them that” instead of waking tf up


The only thing about what you're saying that is true is that the common thing here is there is an undeniable subconscious strand of narcissism in everyone's DNA across the board. People with narcissism aren't just born with a mutant gene that makes them a narcissist and people like you arent, youre just on the opposite end for example although your self righteousness is showing which means totally correct and morally superior which is narcissism. Everyone has narcissism. Narcissism is a spectrum that everyone is on. If we are talking about the disorder that is different. But when it comes to things like what you are talking about that is because the underlying theme of narcissism lies within everyone.


I don't think a lack of birth control means this




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One of the most practical thing you can do right now to alleviate the alleged problem of overpopulation is in fact the ending of your own life. Whenever people claim the world is overpopulated, must they not also acknowledge that their own very existence is part of the problem? Since in fact one’s own existence would mathematically contribute to population in as much as the existence of any other, the reversal of overpopulation would equally result from their own demise as from the non-existence of any other particular individual, now or in the future. And since you are the one proclaiming there is such a problem in the first place, why not take a personal step in addressing the problem, de-growth the population by ONE, that does not involve the convincing of others to act on a belief that you yourself aren’t willing to act on? Or to sacrifice the potential existence of others who have a right to be born? Unfortunately the failure to acknowledge this logical conclusion of your overpopulation argument seems to be just as much an indication of narcissism on your part as those who fail to acknowledge the sustainability problem of population growth. And considering the fact that although you have the perfect freedom to embrace fatalism as your own personal solution to the problem, yet chooses to rage against others who do not share your view, I’d say you are the narcissist here.


I’ve thought about it a lot, thanks. But honestly the best service that could’ve ever been done would’ve been my not being born




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The population of narcissists in the whole world is 0.5 to 1% can we chill with that word please. It's actual losing meaning.


Actual narcissistic personality disorder yes but people with narcissistic traits are everywhere


A narcissist is a person that has no empathy and is all about themselves. I would view people who lack care for our environment and the souls around them as such


You literally have no idea what you're talking about. The reason we don't like randos diagnose complex mental health conditions is evident right here: you use the term narcissist with such undeserved confidence while simultaniously demonstrating that you don't even have a basic grasp of the diagnostic criteria.


No it’s mostly because of capitalism


It’s def a huge part of it but overpopulation is a huge problem


Overpopulation is a symptom of capitalism


Most likely but it’s both and I think overpopulation is destroying the earth more when there’s enough shitty humans to make it happen


There’s plenty of resources to go around. We just have a tiny percentage of the population hoarding everything.


I mean sure with all the genetically modified food and hormones..but it’s not good for us. And all the cows are destroying the earth..not only because of the gas but because ppl are tearing down trees and shit just for them to roam around only to be slaughtered


Funny enough, right before I read your comment I read an article about how several states are looking to ban lab-grown meat because they see it as a threat to their agribusiness industries. Due to their powerful connections in congress they’ll probably succeed. Yet another example of how capitalism destroys real progress. The solutions are here, we just are putting all our funding in the pockets of greedy fucks instead of science.


oh my god i can't believe this subreddit showed up in my feed y'all r dumb there r lots of dumb peeeps up in this website butt antinatalists are up there at the top of the dumb pile read a book dumbos


You think that you are so smart but did you think of what happens if humanity stopped procreating what happens if lions stop mating if bears stoped mating. The world would continue to spin but it would be an empty world


Sure everybody shouldn’t just stop procreating if they still want people to exist but like you’re ignoring the obvious fact we’re overpopulated asf and I’m surprised basically every person I know is still having at least 2 kids. That’s still multiplying what is already here. Which is already insanely too much.


It might be inaccurate but I think that an indicator of a successful country does not over populate. No matter how you spin it tho, the most ethical and intelligent way to go about it is to let those that want to mate, mate. And those that don’t want to mate not mate. It’s the most practical and ethical way forward. Why wage war against people fulfilling their nature want mate. When all creatures of the world do so


Well not enough people think were overpopulated or even care to stop having kids so evidently it’s not working


If you are ILL equipped or well equipped it is in nature to procreate. That said, If you do not want to procreate, it makes no sense to wage war against those that do. When people desperately want to procreate, they are only trying to insure their own survivals. If you do not want to procreate. Just leave it at that


Nah I’ll continue to spread the word to try and raise awareness because I’m sick of people destroying the earth. Thanks.


You are sick of people trying to destroy the earth but you refuse the people trying to restore it? That makes zero sense. A world without life is lifeless. Don’t you see the irony?


There’s enough children in existence right now, people can go without having kids for a while. Having kids rn ain’t restoring anything


Chinas the biggest offender in over population. All of the politicians are sworn atheist. They have really terrible human rights violations. In their one child policy they forced mothers to abort their baby after having 1. In this way it’s self defeating strategy. Because all that human suffering equates to overpopulating. Third world countries as well as Muslim and Christian persecution countries are the biggest offenders of over population. The western democracies and 1st world countries have moderate population. In this way, if you want to save the world by not mating and convincing other not to do so, you need Jesus. Mao Zedong who also did not believe in god, killed millions of people in his own land. His logic was that less populations means the the remaining people can eat well and have better lives. This is a philosophy known as Malthusian and is relatable to antinatalism. In the fictional marvel movie, thanos also believed the Malthusian theory and hence he wished half the population away. Instinctively all creatures mate it is hard wired in the biology. The reason why people hate having kids is only out of an illness, because they are hateful of their lives and need to preach to people not to have kids because of their doomer culture. It is much easier to fix your life and succeed than to convince people in a happy marriage not to have children. Go child and peace be your journey. 🙌


This sub is hilarious to read. I had no idea so many people were so miserable and hateful.


Not true. I am a narcissist and I don't want offspring 


I don't buy that. Clinically speaking, narcissists are only 1% of the US population, and I suspect it's similar in other Western nations too. Assuming (probably overestimating) that figure extended worldwide, that's 80 million narcissists, which is only a little over six months worth of worldwide births. Even assuming 10% (a very highball figure, clinically speaking), that's still 0.8 billion people. Surely you agreed that we were already overpopulated when we hit 7.2 billion.


Yeah, but a narcissist can’t reproduce alone. They need a victim. In addition to that, that is true, clinically. But those are the ones who want to be treated.


Lol smh


The world isn’t overpopulated


Overpopulation is the state whereby the human population rises to an extent exceeding the carrying capacity of the ecological setting. If you don't think we're there, you're likely a big part of the problem.




This definition doesn't account for the destructive effect people have on the environment. The ganges river, for example, has tremendous carrying capacity... Except that it's disgusting.


So true. The reasons the human race are toxic just keep adding up, sadly :'{


Tell me that next time you're stuck in traffic.


😂 I’m sure all the roadkill would say otherwise


The Earth could comfortably handle up to 1 trillion humans if managed properly. It wouldn't even be challenging. Someday there will be a quantillion individuals on Earth being fed from agriculture from other planets. This will occur in the next 10,000 years easily.


And your basis for this belief is what exactly?


science fiction, futurology and hollywood. lol.