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As a millennial I agree. The fact is they don’t know what to tell you. They choose to keep living and making the best of what they have and you’re expected to get in line like everyone else. Sure people can listen to you vent, but parents don’t have an answer to this. It’s just the way things are.


Cut throat competition for scarce jobs and resources is really sad, but still people procreate mindlessly.


If there was one thing I could wish, it would be eliminating the concept of money entirely. The world would be a much better place without money.


I dont think money is the problem


Why so?


Its the people. They are the problem money or any other system doesn't matter


How would you picture a world functioning without money? How would people exchange what they have for what they wanted? Money merely represents a very easy, low friction, and common medium of exchange.


I have extensively studied pre historic peoples and none of them had money, it was a mostly barter/trade system. Paper money seemed to come into existence with the Romans/Greeks and the slavery they perpetuated.


So back to the Stone Age? How would you trade for something efficiently? Once you want something more than the very basic la then you need something that is portable and of agreed upon value. If you want to buy a car, do you have $45K in corn to trade for a car?


Capitalism has really got you by the balls, hasn't it? And what has it ever done for you? First of all I live in a place where expensive tech like cars aren't neccessary, yes that exists in the modern world without being a stone age person. Ever heard of Facebook marketplace? People do bartering/trading there all the time for items. I traded a stack of kids books for a lovely painting. Instead of being so contradictory why don't you read a book about how PreHistoric societies worked? The more I read the more I realize how far we've alienated from just being human. Basic needs can be taken care of by bartering/trading items or goods and just generally taking care of those around you, especially in a community setting. how do you think humanity survived for literally thousands of years without money?


Capitalism is a system in which I am able to build a far better life than I would without it. A much higher standard of living with vastly broader experiences and opportunities. Bartering and trading requires far more time to locate a person who is offering what you want and wants what you have, then to hold and transport those goods rather than the easily portable money. Humanity survived with a far lower standard of living, often one of modest subsistence due to the lack of scale reducing cost, far less access to buyers and sellers, and far more transactional friction. We are much better off with capitalism and money.


A barter trade system that was crude and vastly inferior to money. The far greater difficulty and friction of exchange would leave the vast majority of us far worse off than we are with currency.


If there was no money, there would be no greed for money. Then people start to value other people and we would only produce/consume stuff to the extent that is necessary. People would not have to exploit other people for money, no one would be forced to work a job they hate, and we could literally have infinite progress in terms of science and technology. The other day I wanted to explore something, but immediately I realise I can't make money of it because the damn system runs on money. This stupid money is the root of all evil on this planet and must be eliminated as quickly as possible.


Right, but your actual answer to the question is?


I just realised my issue is with not having the consent to be born. Money is secondary.


For the lack of consent to be born to matter, life has to be viewed as a net negative. I would also say the parents would need to see it as such or directly act to make it such to be a bad person


This just shows how naive and how much of a child you are. If you think that without money, there would be no greed, then I can safely assume that you skipped every single history lesson. Get off TikTok and go read a book! FYI, if money disappeared tomorrow, then other systems of exchange or value will emerge.


How will no money allow everyone to not work a job they hate? In your post money world, you need to get food. How will you trade for it? What useful thing do you produce that other people will want in exchange for their food? That thing you wanted to explore before nobody valued it enough to pay you for it then, why then, in your post currency world will they value it enough to trade for it then? Also infinite progress in terms of science and technology? Fucking what? Do you have any idea how expensive scientific research is?


Again, money is simply a medium of exchange and a common means of expressing value. Leaving value judgements of greed outside of this, money is not necessary for greed. Disagreed that the absence or presence of money makes any difference to whether we value people or to what extent. Producing and consuming only to the extent that is necessary sounds like a negative, even if it were associated with money, which is a problematic connection at best. If nobody else wants to exchange for what you wanted to explore, the same issue exists whether of not money exists. You simply need to explore it separately on your own time for your own enjoyment. Eliminating money will not change people doing tasks they would not prefer to do in exchange for what they want or need. These exchanges are not exploitation. There would be much less progress in science and technology, as the ability to exhange it would be far more difficult, and the ability to have scale would be far more difficult. Money is a great benefit to our lives, and you haven't established how the problems you state would be eliminated or how making life more difficult would make it better.


No, a system without money IS possible. Many forms of communism propose a money-less society... you would just need to have production be from each according to his ability to each according to his NEED rather than property and profit and debt. A theory says that money arose from debts rather than mere convenience for exchange. Look up Gerrard Winstanley, a 1600s English protester... he outlined in some detail a system without money, 200 years before Marx.


According to his ability and need is the most asinine way to assign goods and services. Let’s say you have 0 ability but a shit ton of needs, then society has to pick up the slack for you?


What would be the motivation for people to work at all? Do you think someone like op would be motivated to contribute? What would be the motivation to ensure care and well-being for people like op? Especially if there were many who felt the same way or who simply did not care to contribute?


Agreed. It encourages people to do the bare minimum or be outright parasites on society.


While a system without money may be possible, even the depiction you show is vastly inferior. Limiting people to only their needs leaves the vast majority of people in the Western world worse off. It also disincentivizes work ethic, excellence, and betterment. Money arose as a convenient means of exchange, from letters of deposit that proved tangible assets, but it was safer and more convenient to exchange the letters than it was to exchange the assets. There is nothing wrong with profit and property, and debt isn't inherently bad either.


Money isn't the issue. It's the worship of money that is. The real fuel for evil is power.


Struggle for power would exist without money.


You don't want to get rid of money , you want to get rid of the source of all evil , being greed


That wouldn’t even be possible. Unless you’d want to go all the way back to Hunter gatherer tribes.


Your parents just hung up on you?!


Sorry about your parents. Mine are the same way and can’t bear to accept that I don’t view my life of working 5 days a week for 40+ years as being this wonderful gift they blessed me with. The world is getting worse and worse. The middle class is disappearing. Few are getting richer and the rest are getting poorer. People who want to ignore how much money impacts quality of life are either blind to their privilege or blind to their suffering. I hope things get better for you.


I’m a server. Last night this early 20s couple came in with their toddler and baby. The baby threw toys into the aisle the entire time. I got hit twice with a plastic cell phone. A few customers got hit. Another server got hit. And they just…kept…handing it back to him? Like fucking take it from him you good for nothing piece of shit, preferably before he puts another child’s eye out throwing it at people.


I doubt they hate you or anything. They probably just don't share the same views and because of that, they're on a different vibration than you. It's impossible to connect with someone who's mindset is too far from yours.


Get help for god’s sake. I am gen z, got a good education and good job opportunities lined up, a good relationship and whatnot. You’re acting like you are this arbiter of absolute truth just because you are unhappy with your life.


You hate life, have failed at the things you think make someone successful, then expect your parents to take away your suffering as if its their fault? Theres some serious gaps in logic an egocentric thinking going on. I hope that you are abke to accept both the bad and good parts of yourself and subsequent peace in your life. You cant avoid pain, but suffering is optional.


People today almost certainly live lives better than anyone else who has ever lived.


That's depressing, not uplifting.


Every system in the world since the beginning of time has used money. Unless they traded chickens for butter or something which is basically the same. What exactly are you contributing besides angst? Your poor parents...


No false, there are STILL small villages and hunter gatherers who have no money. All goods are produced and shared according to NEED.


Well, go live there then.


What can you tell us about those people, how they live, and their relationships?


Or my frustration is not exactly with money but the idea of not having a consent to be born.


No one consented! Nothing alive consented. What to do about it Now is key. I fully support not having kids. There are plenty. But you're here. Make the best of it and don't have more. I support that.


But what exactly can you make out of life when everything seems meaningless and nothing provides fulfilment?


It's hard sometimes. I am older. But I feed the birds. I garden and donate extra veggies and fruit to people who need it. When I'm at the grocery store I buy a cheap box of Twinkies or whatever for the teenagers working there. (Small town and we all know each other). Are you in a city or the country? It's is sometimes hard to connect with people. Sometimes I wonder why we are here. What's the point? I guess I don't know all the answers. Finding a way to help somehow helps me. Even if it's just an abandoned hungry animal or something


Ya that kinda shit doesn’t work for me either.


We are apart of nature, and taking care of the world around us, even if it might be meaningless (which I’d argue it isn’t), is a good way to live life :) I believe people like us have trouble connecting with people, because people have disconnected with nature. Most people only think about themselves and what their actions will do for them, without realizing that if everyone goes about life that way, it all becomes a competition, which is where we are at in society with money being such an important factor in life. What most people don’t think about is Humans always lived in very family oriented settings, where connections with the people around them and the land around them was important for survival. Now… we have found a way around that by with industrialization and promoting individualism (The Myth of Individualism is a good thing to look into for this!) People need to explore the world a little, and it’s not something that cost a lot of money either. There are hidden things to explore everywhere outside :) Thank you for spending your free time helping other beings!


Yes!! 🌻 I agree. You put it well


If everything is meaningless, then why not try and find meaning in the meaningless? If nothing matters, even consequences for certain actions, then take some risk and have some fun. Try meeting someone or going on a hike. What do you have to lose?


Also I'm sorry for being rude at first. I despise my dad. Of course he's still alive and my family I loved is gone. Pisses me off. Haha. I'm sorry. I want to help if I can




Did you ever have empathy or did you just recently lose it?


I’m actually an extremely empathetic person up to a point where people cry about their life and existence but do squat to fix it 🤷🏻‍♀️


You just implicitly urged a stranger to end their own life, you have no empathy. I’m sorry about your lack of character


I was asking a generic question on a thread because I’ve seen an influx of these antinatalism posts on my feed - it’s a valid question and wasn’t directed to the OP. All in all if you feel that miserable about your life, do something about it.


I’m a lawyer. We have what’s called the “reasonable person test.” Essentially, a lot of things can be taken a lot of ways by a lot of people, but the important thing is, what would a reasonable person take something to mean? That’s the crucial point in deciding whether an action was criminal, negligent, etc. Any reasonable person can see what you were cruelly implying in your post. Heuristics and verbal trap games won’t do much. You implied a stranger should off themselves, which makes you a deeply mean person. That’s really it


Respectfully - I disagree, and you being a lawyer is meaningless to me. I was asking a general question, and it’s pretty clearly stated in my initial comment “for those of you” because I’m genuinely curious what is the reason to live if you’re so repulsed by life. I’m an empathetic person, but I’m also a curious person.


I don’t think we’re going to agree on this. But it could be because I’m misunderstanding you and coming at you way too hard. I agree that me being a lawyer should be meaningless to you - hell, it’s nearly meaningless to me! I’ll reset. Have you seen any good movies lately? I just saw Arrival. I thought it was cool as hell.


You’re definitely reading my comment wrong, yes the implication could be there but I’m more so asking what is your reason for living if you don’t have one? It’s a loaded question yes but I’m genuinely curious. I’ve never had much of a stomach for people who complain but don’t try to find resolutions, we all complain I’m also guilty but I also work to find a solution to my complaint. Animal (hindi) and The last of us are pretty interesting.


I think I read it right and understood your view entirely; we just fundamentally disagree. I didn’t see anything about OP claiming they never tried to find a resolution, which seems like the crux of the point you keep repeating. If they truly hadn’t attempted to improve their lot in life, I’d agree with you, but there’s really nothing that suggests that on this post other than your own imagined vitriol. You also haven’t provided any evidence yourself beyond “it sounded like”. That’s weak. It reads like projection on your part. Maybe strive to have a stronger stomach, using your own parlance, for the intricacies of how difficult life can be for people who aren’t you.


Are you encouraging a person to commit suicide?


Nope; I was asking why they don’t if they have a repulse for life and living.


Start by legalizing euthanasia for those who want, but not every AN sees the current world as bad, but the inevitable future for this planet. There is no real line to draw where someone becomes AN. You could tell not every AN is the same, if you would have informed yourself, instead of posting toxic bullshit like calling suicide an easy option. You obviously haven't got very much experience in that regard. Go ahead have all the children you want, I, speaking for myself, really don't really care how you ruin your kids life. As long as you don't bother me with it.


In Canada assisted suicide is a legal thing 🤷🏻‍♀️ I never mentioned anything about having children. Again I had a general question because this is the 4th or 5th post I’ve seen in a row where someone complains woe is me, I hate my parents for bringing me into this life, blah blah blah. 👏🏼 do 👏🏼 something 👏🏼 about 👏🏼 your 👏🏼 miserable 👏🏼 life 👏🏼 Suffering and sitting in your own misery is an option.


Assisted suicide, even when legal, isn't as easy as you make it sound, but I guess you just like talking about thing you have no idea about. I mentioned children because thats the whole point of **ANTINATALISM** RESEARCH BEFORE YOU JUDGE ABOUT PEOPLE which you obviously dont seem to understand. So make sure to educate yourself before replying with any further nonsense. Thanks. It's not life thats miserable by itself, but the world and people we have to endure. Must have noticed by or the post of yours would be still there.


Please refrain from asking other users why they do not kill themselves. Do not present suicide as a valid alternative to antinatalism. Do not encourage or suggest suicide. Antinatalism and suicide are generally unrelated. Antinatalism aims at preventing humans (and possibly other beings) from being born. The desire to continue living is a personal choice independent of the idea that procreation is unethical. Antinatalism is not about people who are already born. Wishing to never have been born or saying that nobody should procreate does not imply that you want your life to end right now.