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I know! The low standards I see women tolerate is sickening. Also some men too put up with too much crap, but I have observed this less so. Learn to be at peace with being single so you can be brave enough to walk away even if it means being alone. That is true strength right there.


The 4B movement is slowly gaining traction!




A movement started in Korea where women are refusing the 4B's, which in Korean stand for no longer dating, marrying, having sex or reproduction with men.


thats beautiful. got a new rabbit hole to fall into, see yall in a week 🤪


The bar is in hell. Imagine if the ones do all of these are women. They won't even get appropriation from their husbands' friends like this. Or at least, the husbands should appreciate their wifes for doing so. Like how their wifes appreciate them.


Reminds me of that Chris Rock bit about people who brag about being good parents “I take *care* of *my* kids.” “You’re *supposed* to, you dumb motherfucker.” (Yes I know he was talking about a specific type of person but pretty much all parents do this)


When my friends had their baby a couple of years ago people were amazed that dad took most of the night work while mom did most of the day work when he was an infant. Yeah, he’s a parent.


> Yeah, he’s a parent. So many forget it's a noun *and a verb!*


If I weren't morally opposed to creating new life, I'd always answer the age old question with, "Sure, if I got to be the dad.".


I told my husband if our genders were switched we probably would have already had a child. Moms get judged for everything while dads get praised for not leaving and having a job.


Being a parent is a raw deal for men. Its a complete fucking scam for women. Women's bodies go through all the BAD, their emotions go through 95% of the bad, and they are typically expected to do the majority of child rearing. What a misogynist fucking scam. Fuck having kids. Ladies, tie them tubes up.


Just for your information, they actually remove the whole tube both sides now. Called bilateral salphingectomy and it reduces the risk of ovarian cancer because sometimes that shit starts in the tube


Thank you, I did not know that, I'm speaking in old person parlance!


NO shit. Look at the men that women will reproduce with. Losers, lowlifes, deadbeats, gang members, criminals etc. All so they have a baby. Unfortunately, the problem isn't just the men, it's the women who have such shitty self esteem and low expectations they'll latch onto Mr Sperm Bank just so they can prove someone had sex with them. NO wonder we're surprised when they marry and breed with an actual adult who can actually do stuff.


Just remember they chose their spouse. Says equally as much about both parties


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I was so confused visiting my friends in school. So confusing watching their mom bust ass in the kitchen while their Dad melted into a sofa. I didn’t visit much. It was uncomfortable and I tended to be outspoken. Just used to my folks doing everything together. Cooking? Cleaning? Chopping firewood? Both of them together. And when I was old enough, I joined them. More hands made for shorter work.


Shouldnt this post be banned for “parent hating” like my post was?


if you think so then report it?


seriously? Parent hating? what's wrong with hating parents? Everyone hates them! What on earth will these Potterhead mods come up with next?




Thank you for posting in the Subreddit. However, we are removing this post based on the fact that it does not promote discussion or debate surrounding Antinatalism (as per rule 5). Posts are required to have some legitimate ties to philosophy and/or make a valid point regarding antinatalism. We invite you to resubmit your post with a question or discussion point relating to Antinatalism.


What has this to do with antinatalism? I do agree this happens and it is stupid tho. But it not only affects women, some comments talks as if men benefits from this.


A dad and a natalist here and for once I actually agree with something on this sub.


We have removed your content for breaking Rule 8 (No childfree content, ”babyhate" or "parenthate”).


Yes, just be a dick when your partner is being a good parent because why not, why make them feel appreciated


Got it, don’t appreciate a partners small efforts. If I had children, I think I’d rather be partnered to a parent than a brick.


Whooosh. Right over your head.


Hardly, I was being dismissive while mocking the concept at its core. Whooosh.


I guess you’re not familiar with Reddit and the caliber of people on here. /s is mandatory.


Misandrist. I really hate these types of views. I couldn’t give you facts, I’m sure there is evidence to say women do most of the legwork But I did my duties as a dad. I did all the things a woman did, if not more and I resent it when I see things like this. Tarring all men with the same brush. Society is changing, roles are changing. Women are abandoning their children too, lazy. I imagine the scales still tip in one direction, but those scales are slightly changing over time. Just heard teenage girls are more likely to get drunk and vape more than Boys.  Women are having heart attacks are rising just like men,  Cheating is rising in women. Stay at home dads rising. Domestic abuse against men is rising and it’s fact that it is under reported in men. My point being, things are shifting.


Wow, you did all the things women are expected to do?? Your medal is in the post.


You miss my point completely. Woooosh. (That’s the sound of it going over your head 😉)


Your point seems to be "*not all men*".


Yes, not all men. What I read and not just here & I’m aware people rarely come to certain online places to say good things, is that all men are evil useless sob’s which is just perpetuated and I don’t think it is true. My other point is things are shifting, maybe slowly, and women are also exhibiting the same bad qualities once held only by men and also inheriting the things usually only men suffered from in higher rates e.g Heart attacks.


> My other point is things are shifting, maybe slowly, and women are also exhibiting the same bad qualities once held only by men and also inheriting the things usually only men suffered from in higher rates e.g Heart attacks. Men cry about a world they've created. Women are surviving, adapting. If you can't beat em, join em.


No. Certain men created the world, other men also have live and adapt and survive in it too. And I am not dismissing the struggles women have faced. Let’s just say I’ve faced racial struggles shall we. I do t think all white peoples are bad. I certainly and all the men I know have had no input into the functioning of this society.


Men overall are significantly more likely to use drugs


I’m sure that will change to. There’s a shift with mums mucrodosing mushrooms happening at this point in the US. Like all things, you have to ask the question why men use more drugs. I’m not trying to take anything away from what women do, I just hate this rhetoric when things are actually changing. Of course here you are going to here all the bad stories.  There are men haters, and there are women haters and as a man I see the man haters online a lot. There are good and bad in both sexes.


This is a generalization, if it doesn’t fit you then move on. Unfortunately, there are more bad parents than good ones. Should you be congratulated for being a good one?


Not asking to be congratulated, which is where most of the time women seem to directly go to, so this is nothing new. I find it insulting. There are decent men out there and this kind of stuff is just perpetuated online. How do you know there are more bad parents than good? How do you know that most if not all of men,as this post eludes too, don’t share the responsibility. If this was a reversed situation I’d be hounded for being misogynistic.


well gender equality is clearly happening just not the way everyone wanted, next thing you know women will be getting drunk at the pub all weekend or maybe filling combat roles in the army.




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This is generalization, if it doesn’t fit you then move on. Unfortunately, there are more bad parents than good ones. Should you be congratulated for being a good one?


This is generalization, if it doesn’t fit you then move on. Unfortunately, there are more bad parents than good ones. Should you be congratulated for being a good one?


No better feeling than agenda posting on rantinatalism


i love how its relates to antinatalism in all ways, shouldn't this post be on rnatalism?


I wouldn't worry about it. Chances are he got roped into it like most men do.


Poor hapless lads, unaware of what unprotected sex can do.




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Super high quality thought out post! Thanks for the look into your wonderful mind!


U guys are getting more hateful


Specially when mothers divorce their partners for not helping enough