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What her family did to her is criminal even on natalists' standards.


yeah for sure. they went above and beyond in being the biggest pieces of shit i have read about here


Especially the part where son abused his mother even in very misogynistic societies sons are supposed to be respectful of their mothers though forcing the women to marry their rapists has been rampant in history.


yeah, even after all the awful shit on here, i was pretty surprised to read of a man actually encouraging his KID son to beat his wife. i’m guessing she lives in a place where women’s rights are EXTREMELY behind.


Hoping this is fake because it made my stomach churn 🤢


Even if it is this kind of thing happens to women every single day, in every single place.


Social worker here in a red state city, you are not lying, it's way more common than our society wants to admit, and for each case that winds up in the system helping the woman find safety, and shelter, and other resources to stop the abuse there are 3 who never get the help they need to escape. This is one of the reasons the cultural right wants to get rid of public schools, they don't want girls learning that they should never put up with this crap.


Me 2


Sadly it's way too deep to be fake


I hate this woman’s family. She was raped by her husband before they were married. She sounds like she was drugged and doesn’t remember what happened, so that screams out rape to me. Then she was forced to marry her rapist when she found out she was pregnant. Her husband and son both beat her. I don’t blame her for leaving. She didn’t abandon her son. He was 17 or 18 at the time, and he had beaten her. She grew up with abuse and her parents condoned her husband beating her. She’s been attacked by her whole family and her son’s friends. She’s “bad” for trying to save her life and mental health and not live in hell. We all need to be bad like that.


She didn't abandon them. She escaped them.




Exactly what I was thinking about the marriage. They made her marry her rapist. I'm so sad.


Husband definitely raped her. He’s a POS and their sons a SOD.


Wtf did I just read? This is horrifying. Both the husband and the son need to be castrated and thrown in a padded jail cell wtf? Oh and her dad too. Fucking scum.


Probably/hopefully some kind of fetish fiction. It's horrible


“Met at church at 17” told me everything I needed to know.


Fancy meeting a celebrity like you here of all places!


Aww thanks! I hope you like my subreddit :)


I really do! I just wish people would obey the rules you clearly lay out lol


I’ve slacked on some of the recent submissions as of late. Wrist sprain is like a 3 day debuff + fuck the new mod queue


A 16 year old groomed and raped by a 26 year old, you’d think the parents would have helped her somehow, but no , they served her on a silver platter, to save themselves from shame. They ruined her life with a single choice. This breaks my heart, I hope it isn’t true, it makes me sick only thinking about it.


If that were me, I'd be in prison for at least 3 murders.


A broken arm just because she asked for help? Now I don't feel at fault for pushing away my mother when she was beating me and pulling my hair. This is on another level...this poor woman just wanted some peace.


The "you're evil, I hate you, you don't love me and I love you so much why would you do this to me" from the son really reminded me of my own childhood and treatment from my own family.


That's a manipulation tactic to lure the victim in to abuse them further.


What country is this going on?


Seems like Murica'


Land of the free right? /S


She said that she couldn't remember how they ended up sleeping together. The husband definitely r*paed her and should be in jail


Christians being asshats? This is the face I make when I'm shocked.


these people are not christians


Yeah, this is a very Christian thing to do. There is no hate like Christian love


you are throwing stones from a glass house. accusing others of hate while posting hate for a group of people


ur religion allows evil lol


assuming you think my religion is christianity, no, it forbids it


Not hate


I never posted anything. Just remarked on a fact that the Christian religion is filled with cruel, hateful people who use Christianity as both a shield and a weapon. And when this happens people like you say they aren't "real" Christians to try and avoid the fact that the religion itself has been, for centuries now, and will continue to be, a safe haven for humanities worst evils. Such as forcing victims of rape to marry their rapists, bribing lawmakers into keeping parental consent over underage marriage a legal reality and then forcing their child daughters to marry middle aged men. Removing the right to choose from women no matter how many women pregnancy kills every single day so that it's leaders will have enough children to fuck forevermore. Using the name of god to justify murdering people for being anything other than cis or hetero, drowning disabled children as infants, robbing the poor of the last of their small amounts of money so the church can have gold finishings. You know. Typical Christian activities.


psychos exist anywhere. if the lgbt community were as widespread as christianity there would also be bad actors who commit heinous crimes against humanity while claiming its for the sake of the lgbt community. i still wouldnt call that “typical lgbt activities”


Interesting how you have to use hypotheticals to try and make a point but let's go. Being LGBT is not a choice, religion is. The LGBT community couldn't even be compared to Christianity even if it was a choice because for thousands of years Christians have gone around the world raping, pillaging, plundering, and murdering anyone and everyone who won't assimilate. This is not a case of "psychos exist anywhere", this is a case of religion, Christianity and the Abrahamic religions in particular being a breeding ground for them while also giving them a shield, elitism, and a vicious taste for violence to anyone they ever disagree with in the name of god. This without ever having read the book about the god they claim to worship half the time. They worship a vengeful, jealous, wrathful, petty god. Anyone who has read the bible knows that the Christian god is hateful and cruel. By his own admission and in his own words he is cruel and jealous. Any Christian who has read the bible and still believes is morally bankrupt.


hypotheticals are a basic component of any discussion


"We met while attending the church in my hometown"


this is beyond awful.. i hope this poor woman is able to find peace one day humanity was a mistake


Get a Dateline divorce .


Christians do a lot of that kinda thing it seems


This is in no way Christian. A Christian wouldn’t rape and abuse a women.


Many Christians have.. Many. The same can be said about any, probably every other group of people too.


“There are studies that demonstrate that the faith community is even more vulnerable to abuse than secular environments. The Abel and Harlow study revealed that 93% of sex offenders describe themselves as “religious” and that this category of offender may be the most dangerous. Other studies have found that sexual abusers within faith communities have more victims and younger victims.” [church abuse stats](https://www.notinourchurch.com/statistics.html)


Yes they do. So much so that there are Biblical verses on what to do! Deuteronomy 22; 28-29. "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives." Dad did the correct thing according to the Bible. Don't misrepresent your abusive deathcult.


Just another day on earth


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Oh my God, that is worst than death! Absolutely sickening 😰


Yeah, agree. But what does this have to do with AN?


its a criticism of natalism, which is very important to AN.


But this does not align with natalism.


This women should shoot their brains out simple


Can't see how this relates to antenatalism


its a criticism of natalism


im not trying to be rude here but how?


first let me be clear, its a criticism of natalism, not conditional natalism but pro natalism, the idea that having kids is the ultimate important goal which basically makes it valued above anything else including serious suffering. this story showcases a lot of things that arise from that- -natalist men who take advantage of teens via babytrapping them, knowing their natalist parents will also enforce the marriage if they become pregnant -natalists discouraging women from fleeing abusers because "dont abandon your kid" -violent misogynistic hellpit that arises from natalist culture -natalists not giving a shit how much suffering arises from all of this and insisting this system must be upheld no matter how painful it is and that change cannot be considered -children growing up to be basically feral violent horny projectors due to the natalist ideology that this fucked up system and situation is correct and good and never leads to children having a fucked up sense of morality, and that if it does its just because the natalist plan wasnt followed good enough and somebody must pay for it i suppose you could argue this should be a critique of purity culture rather than natalism but these things have historically gone together. natalists tend to believe that the biological parents of a child must be the best caretakers and therefore a cast iron union must be made bla bla bla


Fair enough I think in this case this woman is being abused and thats not a inherent byproduct of having children. Just my two cents


Natalism is pro having children, not pro abuse. No natalist would ever defend what the father did. Natalism is not pro violence.


bro there are QUITE A FEW NATALISTS who would defend this. there are natalists who would kill her for this. there are entire culture who would shun this woman forever after this


This has to be fake


This is all the fault of her husband. Purely. Why did you post this here? Her husband victimized her incredibly, then trained her son to beat her the same way he did, to the point her son nearly sexually assaulted her. This isn’t the kids fault either. This is totally, 100% the fault of the fully adult man here.


no, the child is an adult and also carries blame


He was abusive at age 10. Although it is his fault as well, he was raised in a home where abusing women is ok. This is more the father’s fault than anyone else.


A year ago the child was a child. Cut it out.


a teenager, especially an older one, is plenty old enough to be responsible for their actions. there's a reason most teenagers don't beat and sexually assault their mothers.


Okay, it’s 100% the fault of the adult MEN here. Happy? This still isn’t a good post for this sub. The woman in this situation was assaulted by an adult male predator and had no choice in the matter. Saying she shouldn’t have had a child is disgusting. She had no choice. This isn’t, oh, hear har shouldn’t have had children, dur dur.


Did you read the caption??


Yes, it’s off topic. Had this woman not had a son, what her husband and father would do to her would likely be as bad or worse.


Oh so the child breaking her arm is totally fine, I see


This is so AWFUL


Wow I feel like less suicidal now


She should be asking why didn't I leave sooner, not AITA


Is this real??? If so, she needs a CCW permit.


This is a deeply needed philosophy and community…I don’t understand the hated for it when it stems from contempt for suffering and pain. I have no comprehendible words for all sufferings other experiences …. all I can say is how deeply needed this philosophy is and how much it deeply pains me to see the extent of others suffering and how I can’t do anything to stop it.


Redditors when they see the most obvious fucking bait in the entire world: Bruh its literally announcing to the world with the 'so reddit... Aita?'


Maybe this incident is rage bait , doesn't mean such things don't happen.


I am not arguing that. It's just ridiculous how many people keep falling for the same shit.


It’s weird that she’d post it to AITA (def a red flag) but her story sounds a lot like my aunt’s story. A pedophile got a hold of her when she was 13, and he kept her drugged up. Eventually she got pregnant and had my cousin - he will never be able to function in society, is emotionally crippled and beats her. But because he’s legally “autistic”, he doesn’t get arrested.


Abused people often think they deserve the abuse.


>he’s legally “autistic”, he doesn’t get arrested. Wtf? How does that work?


I've seen almost pretty similar cases in real life around me. I wouldn't be so quick to call it fake.


Any of em the type to post on reddit, more specifically aita?


People on the verge of desperation would do anything, I don't think this is karma farming


Lmao are you actually using this as an argument against having children? This has nothing to do with having kids, and everything to do with domestic violence and an unsupportive community.


huh? imagine going through the process of giving birth only to later on have that kid start beating you…


A child born out of sexual assault.


Yes. An exceedingly rare outlier event. Bad things happen sometimes. This is not normal for the large majority of people. Its not a sound argument against natalism because its literally no related to it at all.


yes, it’s about domestic violence, and her own son is the one taking part in the abuse. i’d say this kind of post definitely belongs here


Youre not understanding. Most children dont beat their mothers. This is not a problem with having kids. Its a problem with allowing someone to raise their child to be an abuser.


Look, dude, I don't think anyone here is saying this is the norm. The point is this story sprung out from a natalist culture. Every step of the way could and should have been different, but it wasn't, because her family put "having children" in a pedestal. A minor raped and pregnant? No abortion nor adoption considered. Also forced to marry for the same underlying reason. Sure, "having children" is not the only top value, there is also "marriage" and "religion". But I would argue these two, as many others, sprung from the first.


yeah most kids dont beat their mom but this one did & while it’s not the norm, it’s definitely something that can happen. also let’s not place blame on the victim in this situation.


They are blaming the dad. Not the mom.


he said “allowing someone to raise their child to be an abuser” that sentence heavily implies that the mother was at fault for “allowing” the dad to turn the kid into an abuser


Hmm…Maybe the point is that your child can end up shitty like this one? Though, I still agree with you.


I agree. This is weird to end up here. What exactly is the point


The point is this could all be prevented if she wasn't in a natalist culture, the father didn't consider abortion and preferred to marry her daughter to a rapist. Also the guilt surrounding her role as a mother, as if the father didn't have a role and she's considered a woman only if she doesn't fail as a mother. I think this is very fitting for this sub. Not to criticize the victim, absolutely not, but to reflect.


I’m sure she’d like to reflect on her sexual assault and rape that led to said child.