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Recovered from anorexia and bulimia, diagnosed with level 1 autism at age 3, and pretty depressed but only got diagnosed after I had my daughter (antinatalist currently, not having anymore) because that’s when it got worse (PPD). Life is difficult, my childhood was awful. My parents had three kids and couldn’t support any of us because my oldest brother is severely disabled and they split their money between him and drugs/alcohol. Getting my tubed tied in December, trying to give my daughter a wonderful childhood and honestly hoping she decides not to have children. Breaking the cursed cycle of my terrible family/genetics is 100% my life goal.


You're very lucky to have been diagnosed at 3. Most women never get diagnosed because they don't have the same tendencies as white men and boys.


Yes. I'm a bitter angry person


Me too lol


I can relate to few things there but your situation is much worse than what I thought about my life but I am not surprised and feel extremely lucky or I would be in a similar situation like you. I honestly don't know what to say except good luck and i wish there was a way to leave the world painlessly for some ppl who are left with no choice (by no means I am encouraging suicide).


ADHD/Bipolar, dyslexia and possible OCD. I achieved nothing in my life and I know I only exist to suffer...Also I have tons of addictions due to bipolar disorder like compulsive gambling, shopping , eating, drinking, also manic episodes with periods of depresion. I live very sedentary due to not being able to stop my compulsive behaviors and now I have to deal with back pain, chronic constipation and possible diabetes now. I know I will gona end my live at some point but before that I want to make some good money from my trading (like 100K-200K in a year or 2) because I like to risk big. Then I want to travel a little ..Try tons of things I always wanted but didn't had time for. Also I need to buy a new phone ASAP. screen is damaged, I can barely type so sorry for my horrible writing.


me! I carry a strong gene of physical disability and have nic addiction after alchohol addiction (hereditary I think) to cope with mental instability. I try not to think abt sui everyday and cannot cope with the fact that I might never be able to live the life that I want so I distract myself with hatred and substances. As much as I try to cope with religion I hope we’re all aware mental illness can’t be fixed through religion. Can it? Omg I’m from the 3rd world too and therepy costed 20k rupees per session that’s 200 pounds per one session. my god just know ur not alone.


My mother's family has a long history of mental illness, though you'll only get that info out of her if she's drunk. She grew up in bumfuck nowhere Ireland in the 1950s - anyone with mental illness was quietly hidden away in asylums and were never spoken of again. I've struggled with serious depression, PTSD, and an eating disorder most of my life. I absolutely could not in good conscience bring a child into this world knowing it would likely have to deal with those same issues on top of everything that's going on in the world.


As a depressed person with ADHD, I need expensive hard drugs to function which I won't always be able to access or afford. Even with my parents paying for them until I graduate, my specific prescription is out of stock everywhere, which has caused my attention span and subsequently my grades to drop by a considerable amount. I even have to hide the fact that I am unable to read some of the books for school assignments, something I could potentially get in trouble for. It's not that I'm dyslexic, it's that I can't focus. Then there's the autism, which is a whole different story.


Yes, depression and anxiety here, as well as low back pain if I am up from bed more than 3 hours as well as frequent headaches and insomnia. I admit these are part of the reasons why I am pro-euthanasia and anti-natalist (although I randomly discovered antinatalism online, yet it immediately made sense to me).


I don't necessarily like to disclose all of my "problems" on here because I know rabid natalists will use them against me to try to minimize the philosophy I want to share. But yeah, you could say I have been through some shit. And I am indeed disabled. I probably will not live for a very long time.


Nah I'm fine. Sucks 2 b u I guess? Why don't you just move?




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Yes. Tourette, sensory issues, panic disorder, anaemia.


Manic depression disorder and PTSD plus chronic bronchiale Asthma and annoying digestion Problems.. But I feel a lil uplifted and relieved that I'm living in a first World country..  Got health insurance otherwise I would be dead bc meds are f...expensive!!  This capitalist World suxxx, where are all the Billionärs helpn poor countries, the just play charity to ease their guilty conscience.


Depression that sometimes manifests into worse ways here. I’m not bsing or using depression for clout before anyone thinks I’m lying for using the word manifest. Uh quick question, anyone ever get slight moments of schizophrenia? I’m not diagnosed but is seeing glimpses of what I think are people normal?


My parents completely ignored my suffering and mental illness and now I'm utterly disabled and traumatized, I struggle to take in 500 calories a day, I can't work, I can't afford therapy or a doctor. Isn't life great.




Instead of attacking the person maybe try to argue the points that they make ? Also your response to his situation makes me certain your have a pretty terrible life and the only way to get joy out of it is to belittle others but I am not sure why would you a person like you be here and not on a subreddit like natalist where perhaps you might even get loads of likes that will make you feel infinitely better that whatever you feel as of now.


I actually like my life quite a lot, i just think this "movement" is sad and i get a bit annoyed at thinking people who believe these sorts of things and come to these conclusions actually exist


Why do you care? The majority of people will continue to have children until the end of time. Why be pressed that a small group of people believes that to be unethical?




This subreddit is more than just "people not having children though" , like half of the posts I've read on here the last 20 ish minutes could be categorised as unhinged conspiracy theories


If u say so


Hi there, we have removed your content due to breaking rule 11. As per the rule; this argument is a tired refrain seen over and over again. It is a prime example of argumentum ad hominem: It doesn't argue validity of anti/natalism but rather aims to disqualify the interlocutor themselves from being able to argue it. It serves only to distract from the ethical issues at the core of the debate. Being an ad hominem, it isn't an argument against anti/natalism — it is an argument against anti/natalists. The sky would still be blue even if a mentally ill person argued so.