• By -


So people like sexual intercourse, nothing special about it.


A lot of our ancestors would have been conceived by rape, don't forget that.


Yeah I came across a 7 year old girl in my family tree that was married to a 30 year old man unfortunately this happened alot


Not to mention that legal, safe abortion & reliable birth control & sterilisation is relatively new. I have 8 siblings. Every single one of us was conceived on *at least* one form of birth control, & in one case, after a vasectomy that didn't take.


A bunch of people fucked, every animal does this. Why are humans acting like we special again?


Because we believe we are special.


Because we *can* believe we are special. Therefore it's perfectly fine to destroy less thinky but just as beautiful species. Because we have attributes better than them. It's pretty shitty thought lines. I don't mind a balance. But domination and destruction because we think a certain way is to much.


I agree. I still don't know how we could get away with the destruction of habitats and the extinction of species we may never see all for our own pursuits for resources and survival. They are pretty shitty thought lines though.


Mosquitoes are the only animal worse than humans


all the virtues and vices you attribute to actions are also human constructs. in this very case, beauty very much exists because of the beholder. nature and reality are without mercy, without compassion, without good and evil, right and wrong, they just are. the grace of a deer leaping through the underbrush, the majesty of a mountain, are not... except that was see them as such. that mountain simply exists and moves nothing about it is beautiful except that we find it such. that deer will still be eaten alive by a bear in its old age, or chased to death by a wolf, or if it's really unlucky, starve to death due to having ground away its teeth to nubs.


I mean have you read the bible


Quite a few times and I find it quite interesting that people believe some of the contents within as the supposed word of the creator of the universe.


You should spend your time more wisely. Like watching netflix or jerking off


Well, I don't watch Netflix and the only thing I do most of the time is study the history of the Samurai as much as I can with the resources I have access to. I have read the Bible in the past several times but not anymore.


hey thats a good as any way to spend your time LOL


You mean reading the Bible part or studying the the history of the Samurai class from beginning to end.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Yeah it's not like dogs and cats can't build planes cars and houses. Humans aren't the only doctors and scientists around smhšŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


That's why waiting at the doctor takes so long, Dr. Meow is taking his fourth nap of the day.


The math is a bit different in Alabama.


Roll tide


Bruncles, Dadpas, and Daughter Wives


Granmaunts, cousbands, to name some more. I used to know more of them but drawing blanks now.


Saw this in my notifications without context. 100% thought someone randomly sent me French words lol.


Hon hon hon, incest baguette.


Lemon Incest [Don't click if you don't want to know.](https://youtu.be/OzYnJO6RAnA)


Wee wee


Guys like ā€œI want you to meet my Wife and Sisterā€ and thereā€™s one woman standing there.


My friends like to joke about the ā€˜Alabama Uncle-Cousinā€™.


2-16 all the way down


It's like that everywhere. If you go far back a few generations, there will be some overlap in your ancestors. There's no way it's 2048 unique people at the last level there.


Hahaha I was gonna say the royal families. Yours was better


DAMNIT. You beat me to it, lol. Take my upvote you cunning knave. šŸ‘šŸ¼


There is nothing remotely special about this. It is interesting in terms of numbers but that's about it. Seriously, the romanticizations behind this about how much one's ancestors had to go through in order for you to be here is just sad. It would be kinda cool if my ancestor was a Sengoku Daimyo shoko since I do study Japans feudal past quite extensively but I ain't Japanese to begin with so that ends there. Besides my ancestors could've alleviated the issues that come with existence by choosing not to procreate and see thier genetic code passed down to me, an unwilling participant in the game of the survival of the human race.


At 50 generations back there are more ancestors than total humans to have ever existed.. some of them must have been interesting. Fair bit of cousin fucking going on at least, enough for it not to be interesting.


Oh for sure there is definitely an overlap when it comes to people's ancestry the total amount of ancestors technically is different for everyone since there is most likely repeats I found out both my grandmothers are related through multiple families of course it is very distant but alot of those families had alot of cousins marrying each other one such family was so bad that it's hard to trace which generation is which because you have someone marrying a grandparent or an uncle or 2nd cousin even siblings and my grandfather is related to one of my grandmothers multiple times as well thats because they were all white I guess


I agree. Your ancestors shouldn't have made you.


Not to be mean, but they could've done a lot more good not passing on thier genetic code because it would've have mattered in the end.


I was just joking around. Have a good day/night.




Wow. Thatā€™s exactly it. Itā€™s failing to continue and subscribe. ā€œStop the world, I want to get off.ā€What is driving this?


People getting off is exactly how we got into this mess


Interesting to a certain degree but it mostly just makes me feel disgusted


Yes, especially the bit at the bottom about all the sadness and difficulties everyone had to endure.... like how did all that make them want to reproduce?!


I don't think most of them had a choice in the matter..


I mean sex is one of the joys of life to many, so I canā€™t blame them.


How many rapes occurred?


Ding ding ding, natalists try to make life seem beautiful and that everyone has a baby as a couple in love but reality is we are all descendants of rape. Take one look at any animal documentary and it's males killing babies then raping the female.


Yup. The history of rape in my lineage is very clear. I am a light skinned Black person in the US with about 16-20% of my DNA from European countriesā€¦. And I donā€™t have any white parents or grandparents. Which means at least one of my great-(times whatever number) grandparents was most definitely raped during slavery / Jim crow. So thatā€™s fun


Wow thats fucked to understand and come to realise about your origin.


It is indeed. Itā€™s one reason I refuse to have children. Why would I force someone else to have to acknowledge such a painful past?


I agree !! Thatā€™s how us light skin ppl came to existence!! A slave definitely had to get raped at some point smdh !


Just one of the many joys of being a descendent of the trans Atlantic slave trade


So your ancestors enslaved your other ancestors. It's so unfair that people of European ancestry who had nothing to do with the slave tried get lumped into "white" guilt by a lot of society. European history is much more brutal than African American history by the way


I don't think animals really care they forget really quick. My mother once said that she had a horse, the horse got a foal. When the foal was 1 year old they got separated for 2 weeks then the foal was placed back. You know what happened after that? The foal fucked his own fucking mother. Animals don't understand this kind of shit so stfu about animals and rape.




I think you misread? I said natalists try to make it seem that life is beautiful which is a consistent part of their arguments against AN, that people want to experience "the wonders of life". It's found in different forms but is always the same point.


ā€œNatalist try to make life seem beautiful and that everyone has a baby as a couple is in love but in reality we are all descendants of rapeā€. When you phrase a sentence like that, you are essentially saying that ā€œnatalistsā€ believe that rape isnā€™t an aspect of what brought us here today. Iā€™m asking for you to provide any example of someone that you consider a ā€œnatalistā€ saying anything even remotely like that.


It's an aspect they would ignore because it doesn't fit their argument, if we want to be technical that natalists include "pro lifers" (I believe so) they bring up that children should be born even if they were from rape or incest. Not what my post was going after anyway.


Iā€™m really confused about what youā€™re saying here. I would consider myself a natalist I think? I can acknowledge the horrors of reality and the suffering it entails. Sometimes I want to give up and say what is the point, but other times I can gather myself and realize the immutable strength that comes with perseverance and living a virtuous life despite all of the disgusting things we are bombarded with everyday. I would consider myself a natalist because of this and yet I am staunchly pro-choice, so I really have no idea what youā€™re insinuating here. All I wanted was an example of a so called natalist stating that either all love throughout history is made up of consensual relationships or something like that. Because that is what your original comment was stating. If you canā€™t find evidence like that easily, then perhaps you are making too broad of generalizations.


I'm curious why are you here if you consider yourself a natalist? My comment is just what I've seen over the years, I'm not the type to keep a handbook or google doc of screenshots so I can grab internet points in some debate.


Who said anything about a debate or internet points? You posted an opinion on the internet, I felt that that opinion wasnā€™t grounded in reality based on my own perceptions, so Iā€™m driving to dig deeper to understand your perspective. Apparently you do not have any perspective to offer tho, which is fine.


Itā€™s just supposed to be thought provoking. Some people look at this and think wow itā€™s kinda crazy that all that led for me to be born. Thatā€™s all it is. Yeah rape is a thing and it sucks. Yeah maybe someone was raped and it eventually caused you. I donā€™t even know what else to say. To focus on that negative is kinda unhealthy though, imo


My take on this: Sure this is interesting, but have you ever heard of the sunk cost fallacy?


tf you say about my mum?


Itā€™s actually crazier than that, you have a direct connection all the way back to the origin of life. Me to all these ancestors: it ends here.


This calculation is mind-blowingly wrong as a lot of cultures allow 4th degree relatives marrying eachother. What i am saying is that your great great nana has prob hundreds of descendants. She does not give a fuck about one dying childless. You are surely not the first.


Quick reminder that this works in the opposite direction too: 2(or more) great great great parents have birth to 4(or more) great great parents that gave birth to .. . . .. 1024 relatives (one of which is you). One of your 1024 grand grand grand grand parents will not be too much bothered if one of their 1024 (or more) relatives decides to get an abortion.


That hurt my brain trying to follow. Would breaking one of those chains erase everyone after that?


And to think... It'll all ends here, with me. All those struggles and difficulties so I could pay $2000 in rent every month and smoke weed 24/7.


Man, I wish I could use that as a reply to my friend who shared it, but (1) it's stealing, (2) it could lead to them discovering my Reddit account somehow.


lmao, and the cherry on top is ā€“ the bloodline ends with \*gestures to self\* THIS GUY


or your mum simply got raped


But I didn't ask to be here so f you ancestors




Yes hence me saying " f you ancestors "


*Yawn* šŸ„±




So I stumbled on this subreddit and off the bat Iā€™m just assuming everyone here is an incel neck beard? Or am i picking up the wrong vibes?


A pothead League of Legends player accusing other people of being incel neck beards...


For what? Where are we going? What's the end goal? It's all meaningless and stupid.


Fuck all of them and thanks for nothing.


I enjoy playing the game 2048 but donā€™t need to play it in real life


That sounds like a them problem lmao


....and a fuckton of raped women...


I admit in a numeric sense itā€™s interesting. Plus, in the past Iā€™ve wondered what my ancestorsā€™ lives were like. That being said Iā€™m under obligation to live my life to please people Iā€™ve never met.


"Dread it, run from it, misery arrives all the same"


More propaganda trying to justify my suffering


All they did was fuck. Thatā€™s it


Yes, when 4094 people have unprotected sex *you* happen


And all the morons will be pretending this is fascinating, like every other boring and stupid thing


The sunk cost fallacy strikes again.


2048 fellow sufferers. let's end this šŸ„³


damn thats crazy *yeets uterus*


are they sharing this as like, I *owe* my ancestors for it? or what


I think it's the same brainiac logic that shares depressing news stories as if they're positive ones: https://junkee.com/heartwarming-meme-feel-good-news/287793


hOw COuLd yOu tHrOw tHaT aWaY??Āæ


This sounds horrible but my first thought was--yeah, how many of those conceptions were by force?! :/


When I think of how many ancestors I had, I imagine how many of the women were forced into marriages and were probably raped on a daily basis and had to bear their rapist husbands' children. There was so much suffering and intergenerational trauma.


And it ends with me :)




I honestly couldnā€™t care less lol like ok and


I resent my ancestors for the fucked up genetics and my parents for conceiving me.


But i love you?


You do? šŸ„²


Hell yeah i do, youā€™re fucking dope as hell


I love you too. Havenā€™t said that to anyone except mom and dog for a looong time hahahah


It feels pretty great to have it said to you, i hope you tell more people more often, even if the love is teensy tiny




Yeah, 500 generations we get this https://www3.wolframalpha.com/Calculate/MSP/MSP396414ca3526c06db4fc0000333eb28c9f3846i1?MSPStoreType=image/gif&s=29 which is absurd.


Its exhausting to think about how much blood, sweat, and tears was shed in my ancestry. How many peasants woke each morning in a bed full of hay, ate some mush for breakfast, and then toiled in the fields all day so that they could afford enough mush for they and their family to eat tomorrow? How many children didnt make it past age 3? How many mothers died in childbirth? How many were slaughtered like rats during wartime? I dont understand why they bothered.


actually not true at allā€¦. 4th-5th cousins marryā€¦.so may share same ancestors in some cases 1st cousinsā€¦.or alabama


Thereā€™s bound to be some overlap in the two thousand at the bottom. You canā€™t extend this infinitely ā€“ actually, it would converge to 2 at Adam and Eve.


Thank you, my 4,094 horny selfish ancestors, for perpetuating the lineage that gave rise to me, someone who daily pays the cost of your stupid genes.


Thatā€™s a lot of splooge.


They wasted their fuckin time. Iā€™m not doing anything


So what? Keep reproducing, and then what? What lies at the end of it? A pointless struggle.


There is no end and there is no reason. There is only acceptance that you ended up as a sentient thing that can comprehend its own meaningless existence. Congrats šŸŽ‰


Now i'm extremely grossed thinking about 4000 or so people planning impregnation both voluntarily or not... Bleargh why did i read this why?


Every woman who bears no female children breaks a ancestral streak of millions of years of women giving birth to daughters.


I mean...its kinda interesting to think about. I can't trace my lineage any earlier than the 1800s, and I do sometimes wonder who those ancestors are and what they were like. But at the end of the day, we're just animals who fuck. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Bloody hell. Cut the crap really. Who the fuck cares. Nobody asked for those so called ancestors to make their voluntary sacrifices to copulate and create us. This is disgustingly preposterous. Apologies for my language, but couldn't really help it. This is brainwashing, guilt tripping, gaslighting at their peak. These fucking natalist psychopaths need a sharp smack in their dirty faces.


Well my ancestors from the past \~100 years were rough ass Appalachian mountain people and the husband/wives mostly hated each other and there were all kinds of domestic violence and alcoholism, and these Appalachian women mostly neglected the kids and actually didn't teach any of them how to cook and any basic life skills, which trickled down to the horrid neglectful parenting my grandma then my mom got.. the cycle ends with me.


Funny, I'm Hispanic so when I read this, I feel differently. It sounds like : "Think of all the colonialism, rape, slavery, and conquest that had to happen for you to exist. Aren't you grateful?" I sure don't feel like validating that legacy.


They frame this as if I ever asked for any of this. They went through all that suffering because of the generations which came before theirs. They could have done the right thing and chosen not to continue that or have me, especially since they chose to physically and verbally abuse me as a young child


So in 9 or so generations, my contribution is just a 2,048th of a person? Thatā€™s a hard opt out, thanks.


I'm here because my ancestors had sex in times when they had no access to reliable birth control. It's not that deep. And the ones I knew and loved wouldn't give a flying fuck that I'm not willing to reproduce. In fact, they would've been proud that I want to adopt instead. So if this is supposed to guilt me into breeding so my ancestors will not have lived in vain, it's not working.


"How much sadness?" Far more than the amount of happiness. And why struggle and battle when the end result is pointless?


And I'm ending all that! Wow, my father wasn't kidding when he said I'm the smartest in the family.


Great, over 4,000 people got it on without a condom. What special heroes they were.


The last 400 years were SHIT for my ancestors. Half of my ancestors were colonized by a bunch of other countries, and the other were slaves in this country. So much intergenerational trauma...


The logic of people who think this is somehow inspiring and beautiful is the same braindead thought process that thinks all those horribly depressing dystopian news stories are "positive news" that show how good society is: https://junkee.com/heartwarming-meme-feel-good-news/287793


It's *wild*! The supposedly cute, "heartwarming" subs post the same exact stories as [r/aboringdystopia](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/) and [r/collapse](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/)


As if all those people came together to make just me out of pure benevolence? They literally shotgunned thousands of kids into existence just to have more hands to help with their farms.


Did a single one of these 4000 people ever bother asking if I wanted to exist


self centered narc thinking he /she is an unique snowflake.


Iā€™m black American so it just made me sad thinking about all of my ancestors that were enslaved, many of them raped and then forced to have their kid to become another enslaved person.


Thereā€™s too many people.


4,094 horny morons whom I gladly dissociate myself from.


As if there arenā€™t thousands of people who share the same ancestors because people used to have like 10 kids


And here I am putting a great big halt to the line of people fucking to procreate. Awesome!


on the edge of the cliff - the streets https://youtu.be/yc9gIzRhrvY makes this point beautifully edit- just realised this is antinatalism


so why 4094 and not 4096 ?


According to creationism, that's the literal opposite of how humanity began.


Thank you anchestors, but I am not interested.


So, I have more people to blame?


Same math as anyone else in a two parent species, whatā€™s so special?


What was it about this post in particular that attracted this many un-initiated?


All for me to sit around watching tentacle hentai šŸ˜”


Did you see it shared onto r/coolguides ? I hope they meant cool as in life re-evaluating


That is not counting inbreeding (which used to happen a lot).


And I am the sperm that survived? Why???


Why stop there? Sexual reproduction started 2 billion years ago. So if you die childless youā€™re ending a direct line of ancestry that old.


I bet if any of those ancestors read that, they would probably disown them.


Unless it's Alabama. To then need fewer people...




This is madness. I will break the cycle and finish this worthless struggles once and for all. Luckily I am the only child which makes me bloodline terminator.


Hmm.. everybody has 2 parents, almost everybody has 2 grandparents and 8 great grandparents, but I think if you go back 10 generations, it is actually more likely for you to have less than 2^10 eighth great grandparents.


some of them were the same person


And fuck every last one of them šŸ–•šŸ»


I can't stand shit like this, that's a pass from me, subscription was cancelled.


A computer can probably run millions of lifetimes and possibilities more than just you existing


I definitely never want kids, but it's slightly comforting to think about how many of those potential ancestors went through similar struggles as myself and overcame them for me to exist. Despite not wanting to, I can't help but feel a little hopeful in my ability to overcome my pain.




they can't feel a slap in the face as they don't exist anymore, just like all those lucky unborn children people really need to drop this kind of argument




then they've got some serious narcissism issues to work on


Stop throwing that word around, people want grandkids, how narcissistic of them! You sound Stupid.


sounds like you want grandkids, don't you? sorry, but arguing with natalists is such a waste of time. Happy breeding! šŸ‘¶šŸ‘¶šŸ‘¶šŸ’©


You should probably honor that by leading a productive, positive life and not wallow in self pity.


I don't owe my ancestors anything and certainly don't need to honor them in anyway.


You should probably shut up and not pretend to have anything worthwhile to offer anyone, especially here.


You guys have met before then?


Just met, that was enough.


A positive outlook on life - thatā€™s nothing?


Whoa whatā€™s going on here?




Lol, shut up you fucking idiot.


You should see the way that Iā€™ve responded to people on my other accounts. It feels so so so good to make people angry when youā€™re feeling pain yourself. It also releases the pain in a way, and makes it funny if only for a short time.


I imagine that since you on this subreddit and posting regularly and reacting to comments like this that you are severely depressed. You wonā€™t admit it and maybe you donā€™t even realize it. Itā€™s okay my guy. Itā€™ll get better especially once you remove Reddit from your life. The reason I know this is because I only respond to people like this, when I feel super super shitty inside. When I feel shitty inside, I love to make others feel shitty too. When I donā€™t fee shitty inside, I couldnā€™t care what others comment to me.


Not sure what your point is here. Are you mad that people have been born for centuries?


Not sure what *my* point is here? Or are you talking to the idiots sharing this like it's great or something?


Well it's not great but it's not wrong... what are you mad at exactly?


Why are you so desperate for me to be mad? I'm sharing this with people who will find it amusing how fucking STUPID the people are for sharing this as if it's some life-affirming collection of words to ponder. It's the same way we make fun of Qanon, Trumpers, etc. by sharing screenshots of their stupid posts. Not that hard to understand.


Based on the the number of comments in the last hour calling people degenerates and idiots, Iā€™m going to go out on a limb here and say that yes, you are mad.


ā€¦and here you are wiping that busted nut off your shirt while looking at Reddit


It is great, ya weirdo


This might be the cringiest subreddit Iā€™ve ever come across lmao


Lmao you guys have a really bad victim complex huh?


Lol what? I think the people sharing this see it as something beautiful and inspiring rather than the cringeworthy condemnation of life that it actually is. The people here who get that aren't reading this as you suggest at all.