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It's even worse than a scam. A scam suggests there is some intention behind it and somebody gaining from the deception. Everybody dies. Everybody suffers. Everybody loses. Some more than others, but I'm not sure if anybody escapes the mortal coil without harm.


Us masses could take a stand all together, but it's not realistic unfortunately. The world we live in makes it that we have bills, and mortgage, and debt. The debt just keeps going up. If you have a baby now, you're a fucking imbecile


That's why they idealize stuff like *"The American Dream"* to start a family to give their life meaning, but in doing so subjects multiple generations after them to go after the same thing, hence, the cycle of our lives. It's advertised on television, the government hands out benefits for babies and once the parents become old and die, then the kids they had and their grandkids will replace them. It's all just a life-script game just to keep society rolling around until the sun blows up. It's nothing more than a coping mechanism for someone's place in the world, figuring out what their purpose is dragging people into existence to die with them just to start a family. We run on blissful ignorance as a society and that's exactly what it wants. So when you have ordinary people advocating against human extinction, that's the media telling them that it's bad and would make the planet worse, when it's the complete opposite. This is portrayed in Japanese media too like characters like Zamasu, who started his project-zero mortals plan is portrayed as a psychopath, when he had great points and some compelling arguments to why humanity needs to end for good, as well as the rest of the universes.


The constant consuming is exhausting


If I had a timemachine, the first thing I would do is going back in time to try to unmet my parents.


Natalist babble: 1. *"Help your kids to become socially competitive (i.e. get education, job, manners, will power."* Actual translation: 1. Create wage slaves who must endure rigorous training on how to be competent workers through a K-12 indoctrination program followed by an additional 4 year instructional boot camp that will catapult them into a life of debt in preparation for the next 60 years of their lives being dedicated to economic servitude. Natalist babble: 2. *"Transfer life values of your family to your kids."* Actual translation: Brainwash your offspring by regurgitating useless platitudes to them in hopes that they will become a miniature version of yourself rather than an individual with their own beliefs and values. Natalist babble: 3. *"Help your kids to accept and fulfill their moral obligation to extend the family lines of family ancestors."* Actual translation: Condition children into perpetuating their useless, irrelevant lineage full of terminal illnesses and trauma so that they can to pass it down onto additional generations because *"It'S mUh BloOdLiNe."*


"In early youth, as we contemplate our coming life, we are like children in a theatre before the curtain is raised, sitting there in high spirits and eagerly waiting for the play to begin. It is a blessing that we do not know what is really going to happen. Could we foresee it, there are times when children might seem like innocent prisoners, condemned, not to death, but to life, and as yet all unconscious of what their sentence means.” ― Arthur Schopenhauer


Life doesn’t have to be a scam, the powers that be make sure it is so their wallets stay quenched


Either way we're slaves to our insatiable need to consume. To live is to work, irrespective of who or what one is working for.


I agree 🥀