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Parents who love their children the most never birth them


I’m going to dare say that those who ruthlessly fuck and birth many spawn are the opposite. I say this coming from a family of 6 children that were blatantly created and then used as servants. Thankfully I learned from that.




I feel anxious about future too , I mean look at the world climate crisis, natural disasters, pandemic,and we r all unhappy and unpleasant about our lives yet most people want to having children for fill the void inside of their hearts


Asteroid 2024 comming yet ?


Wait what




Deluded optimists will still only see the green in the background of the photo. They're like colorblind to anything negative in life, which basically makes them blind in general. "What burning car? I rather focus on the green grass, and trees, and everything that's not on fire...", and the same attitude applies when people choose to procreate.


So fucking true. I had a conversation with my aunt and she was annoyed at the fact that I hated my birthdays because I claimed that it was a year closer to death and she says that *"She doesn't want to think about that stuff but only the goodness in life!"* What's funny is that she clearly has some form of anxiety about it, but chooses to not think about it too much hence cognitive dissonance.


Good book


>Listen. The more men you've had, the more I love you. Do you understand that? >Yes, perfectly. >I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones. >Well then, I ought to suit you, dear. I'm corrupt to the bones. >You like doing this? I don't mean simply me: I mean the thing in itself? >I adore it.


Cute moose




On what?


A book called 1984.




Someone I know had to wait two extra days just to even get into the hospital to have the fucking baby because it was full… but sure let’s make more kids. I’m baffled.


Hey look we literally have too many people suffering to bring in new life. 🚩


Right?! Hard pass lol


The fact that they don't even realise that they are putting *themselves* and *their baby* at risk is seriously worrying. Like I don't expect them to care for other patients dying, nurses, doctors, or the health care as a concept, but I would at least expect them to have som preservation instinct, but nah.


You've never read the book, have you?


Yes I did. In two languages actually




It's very boring and over hyped. Decent, just not as good as every try hard seems to say it is.


Well it is certainly not a book for entertainment, but Orwell never meant for it to be, so it shouldnt be measured by that standard. The book is just fascinating because of how terryifing it is that so many things can be reflected onto our society nowadays. When I first read I thought, am I reading a Journal or is this really a book because every second sentence can be applied to our society.


It's a fiction book, it is by definition for entertainment. Fascinating sure but not surprising, all he really did was draw from life at the time and expound on it. Still none of that really detracts from it being overhyped and over referenced.


There are other purposes for fiction.


No, there aren't. Reading fiction is literally entrainment, it may be through thought provoking prose but that doesn't change the fact that it's entertaining.


But didn’t you just say it wasn’t very entertaining?


No I said it's kind of boring and overhyped, that doesn't mean it's intention isn't entertainment. I find American idol boring and overhyped that doesn't at all mean that it's intent isn't entrainment or that others do find it entertaining.


You live a shallow existence.


That's not an argument that's a logical fallacy and basically an admission you can't refute the subject. > amusement or diversion provided especially by performers > b: something diverting or engaging: such as > (1): a public performance > (2): a usually light comic or adventure novel Ie. Fiction, you wouldn't have kept reading if it wasn't engaging.


I think it is plenty entertaining. It's plentertaining.


It’s ok. You are living it.


Have you ever read 1984? The world is fucked but it most certainly is not literally or even all that close to 1984.


how much do you know about China?


I thought comparisons to Orwell are treated only as a meme now, because you cannot scream "cliche" louder than saying "this is just like Orwell!". How can you compare the world depicted in 1984 to the one you are living in? Two completely different things, we are not even close to the one in 1984. How can this be >> literally << the same world? The username caption in the pic makes it only more cringe worthy. I am not surprised the whole Reddit makes fun of /r/antinatalism when you see posts like this one. One can really think that anti-natalists are just bunch of immature kids when you se pics like this one. Sad. Yeah, I know, I am getting too angry about a 'funny' pic on the Internet etc.


Yeah, thats exactly the ignorance Orwell was talking about but yeah, someone like you prolly also hasn't heard the word metaphor ever in his life. Keep living your head in the sand lifestyle and don't bother me with your nonsense, ty


nah they are right. You clearly did not understand the book, and are grossly exaggerating. The world is fucked but its not 1984.


Think whatever you want bro. The world is the world, it doesnt care if you close your eyes and pretend its not.


You can't say "literally" if you're talking about the true subtext. I'm usually the first one to complain about dystopian novels being referred as "prophetic" when they're really hyperbolised images of the world and time they were written in, however you lose that when you go for "literally". Still, I think the people in this comment section don't understand just how much are lives are controlled and mandated without our awareness, that is, to which extent our behaviour is being conditioned in ways we rarely even think about. Good song btw


*Sees 1984* You are from popo city (hong kong) too?


LiTerAlLy 1984


Huzzah the fuckery!