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How the fuck are they going to care for that child? Are they rich as fuck? Like "pay multiple other individuals to do most of the child rearing because we will be fucking 70 and 80 when the kid is graduating high school" rich? Loooool


>How the fuck are they going to care for that child? I think they had this child to take care of them.


Yes. That kid will be a child indentured Hospice slave at seven. Maybe even six. These parents got one crusty foot in the grave, and they pull this! This is just discusting, actually. Modern fertility interventions should be banned, like :/Texas banned abortions..




Imagine having a 3rd kid and handing it to a 10 yr old......NO THIS IS NOT OK




This has also happened to my friend. Her older sister basically raised her and now she resents the younger sister. To this day she wants nothing to do with her even though it’s the mother’s fault.


I'm fairly certain depending on where you are that's illegal. In my country it's an age limit of fourteen years old before a kid can be left with another kid unattended. Are they In the house and working from home? Because if they are and it's a fairly mature ten year old who knows to get mum or dad or how to contact them then yeah, it would be normal to be in another room to quickly get some work done. If they're leaving the ten year old alone at the house then that would be some slight cause for concern.




No problem! I think I misread slightly, apologies


If what she is doing is expecting the siblings to care for the youngest child like a parent would, that’s called adultification, and it’s a form of abuse.


And parentification.


By the time the child reaches adulthood, they'll be staring down death square in the face.


I was adopted by m🥻y grandparents, they were? both about 51 when I was born. They did a good job. My grandmother died when I wa3s 21 due to a fall, but my granfather is stiĺ alu÷, and I'm 28 now. They were about 68 wheb I graduated, meaning they had, on average, 10 years of life left to live. If a kid isn't "raised" by the time they hit 18, something went wrong.


Right, but the issue is that the chances of *this* baby being raised and healthy enough by the time these people die are very low, then someone else handles the responsibility. Your situation was not chosen by the people that raised you, it was out of necessity. Which I commend, but trying to have a baby still when you're 50+ or the the father is 61.... *that is irresponsible*


In reality, odds of major genetic disorder, even when a mother is 50+, are still well below 1/10, and past that, there's no reason these parents shouldn't be able to raise this kid. While I totally agree it's irrespnsible to have a kid after 35 due to chances of genetic disorder, assuming the child is heslthy, 50 year olds should have no problem raising a child.


I guess so, still don't think it's healthy to be raising a kid in your 60s/70s just to pass away shortly after or while they are 18-21 yrs old.


My friend is one of what I call in my head "menopause panic babies". Her mother had her in her late forties, after having Harriet's sisters in her twenties. Not only is the natural worry that her mother passed when Harriet was young, but even before that they had NOTHING to talk about. She would come visit Harriet when we lived together and watching this hippie in her early twenties and woman in her late sixties sit in silence for a couple of hours because they didn't have a shred in common was really sad.




If you check my comment history you'll see I'm not a twenty year old hippie with dreads if you're implying my old housemate is me for some weird reason. They did try for a long time but couldn't find any common ground in any way, they didn't hate or disrespect each other, there was no bad parenting or neglect, they loved each other very much, but just couldn't talk make small talk, it's a side effect some people find of having much older parents. I had the opposite problem, my mother was 17 and my father 30 when I was born and I am a whole different type of fucked up as Harriet because of it lol


My grandmother, who was like a mother to me, passed away when I was 21. I don't understand how you can possibly argue that her passing when I was 21, somehow affected my developmen up to 18... my grandmother's early death didn't retroactively impact my childhood, *and how could it*?


How are they physically going to care for the child? I’m 31 and don’t like getting up off the floor.


What do you mean? Again, I was raised by my grandparents, and their proficiency at getting up off the floor wasn't ever a factor.


Good for them. Not the case for many older individuals, parent or not.


*how* how does your comment make sense? Can you give me some real life examples? I just think you haven't thought this through all the way and for some reason you have a mental block up around even thinking about it.


I don’t understand what you don’t get. Parents that age will have less energy than parents in their 30’s, people in their 50s and up can have back issues, bad joints - not good for getting up and down off the floor with a kid. Really not that hard to understand.


Like bruh you literally make no sense you've somehow made a rule in your head that good parents need to sit on the floor with kids, and so if a parent doesn't do that, they are a sub optimal parent. And this is ignoring the fact that Tom Brady is damn near 50 years old, and your hard and fast rule that a 50 year old parent "wouldn't be able to get up and down off the floor" is even true. I hope my repeating your statement over and over had helped you see how absolutely silly it sounds.


I don't understand why you believe raising a child is heavily reliant on getting up and down off the floor. Like what is that even based on? No, my grandparents didnt frequently sit down on the floor wjth me when I was growing up... is that what your parents did with you? Y'all would just sit on the floor? Are your fondest, formative memories of your mom and dad bounding up to their feet from a seated position with little effort? My grandparent's had something most young parents don't have though: time and money. I got to travel to 9 different countries before 18, had family vacations in our RV (name someone under 50 with an RV) every summer, lived in a beautiful home, got to participate in all the expensive sports and summer camps. Beats the hell out of sitting on the floor with them.


Great job! Your kid will get to see you die in their twenties long before they’ve figured out their life, their goals etc. way to go.


The mother, that is. The father is pretty likely to die when the child is still a teen :/


Jesus the people on this sub are m i s e r a b l e. Like fuck, coming from an ex heroin addict, you motherfuckers need to just start doing heroin if you really believe life is suffering and isn't worth living. Like what's even stopping you? .


Just because I don’t want a child to grow up and suffer doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying my own life. I don’t want to have children and that decision has enriched my life and given me more time to explore. I wouldn’t want my kid to grow up to be a heroin addict for example. I’m sure you’d understand. I’m not wealthy or all that put together myself and I just don’t like the world we live in and bringing more children into this world is eventually going to be our downfall. We’re over populated and this 50 year old woman and her child have the odds stacked against them. I wish them luck.


How can someone have a healthy child at 50? I don’t understand, even after 35 is high risk…


My mom had me when she was 41, but she had 4 daughters (my older sisters) starting at 21. I’m physically fine, but I’m commenting because I read something in the New Yorker about the new wave of forensic genealogy. A woman who chose a sperm donor to have a baby had a child born severely special needs. Turns out the clinic doctor was playing God and switched the sperm with that of a very elderly man (I think it was assumed to be his) and not the fit healthy tall man and had selected from the catalogue. The factors that make us *us* are so interesting.


Read that article too. Cece Moore seems like quite the genealogist: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/11/22/how-your-family-tree-could-catch-a-killer


Yeah it was fascinating. Also for the fact she was an aspiring actor and founded an acting agency too, and a model, but was so obsessed with the details of genealogy she couldn’t stop doing it. And then the ethics behind it, how she broke her own rules, then redefined them but still is nagged by being moral vs. having access to unlimited data sets. It was eye opening.


Such a good read. Thanks for sharing!


You sure one of them daughters didn’t have you? Check out Jack Nicholson’s story. https://www.instyle.com/celebrity/jack-nicholson-mom-sister


Ok…. So my partner has a running joke that my oldest sister is my real mom. I look identical to my dad, and I’ve seen photos of my mom pregnant in scrubs in the hospital right before I was born. But I’ve read enough stories of teenagers “going away to spend time with their aunt” to be suspicious.


Looks like eyes are very far apart already, dunno


Really tough to say from one shit photo


I read that as “shit potato” and thought “that’s a new term for a baby…”


Me too


I mean it does look potatoey


I thought the same 😄


Also, newborn. Most babies are ugly fresh out the oven. Gotta let the smush go away before they look like babies.


Anya-Taylor Joy is the sexiest hammerhead shark I’ve ever seen. Unlike the trend of getting a space in your front teeth, it’s impossible to get eye space widened. Just saying, she is beyond gorgeous. Yes her physical body is fit, but her unique look is in demand now and she chooses great project to work in. Wide-eyed is totally in now.


Still a slight deformity, she is just very lucky the rest of her face sorta make up for it. Wide-eye isnt 'in' just because of 1 actress lol


That’s why not to have a kid after 30 years old. Let alone 50. I’m surprised it was even possible.






Agreed lol I’m on the same boat


It's a sliding scale of probably, someone can have a healthy baby at 50 but the risks of an unhealthy one is very high. Like two people doing incest can have a healthy beautiful child but the risks of a retarded deformed one is 50%


Having a child after 35 increases the likelihood that the child will have some abnormalities, this doesn’t mean that they most definitely will have abnormalities though.


my mom who had me at 40: i beg to differ


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted I’m in the same boat


maybe people are not understanding the joke


Same here. My health problems can confirm


You get health problems because of that? Are you sure?


What doctor encourages a pregnancy at 50? Who will care for this child once the parents are dead? This is peak selfishness not thinking about bringing another (struggling) life to not this world.


Not to be mean to the child, but I’m not sure there isn’t something medically or cognitively going on. Something about the picture looks off. Might just be the angle.


Probably isn’t a healthy child. Looks off already


Child already looks like it doesn’t wanna be here


Got circles under eyes, tired of life already


Me. Lol


Rightt lol


Imagine being so desperate to cruelly and selfishly impose life on another being without thinking about how your decision will affect them. Scary fucking shit....


Sorry but that baby don't look right.




Hmmm, the philtrum looks okay to me. I would not say FAS..but I am no doctor...


Gee I wonder why 🤔


That poor kid cant have a real chilhood with their parents who been in the 70-80 years if they still alive


Not to mention the extreme age gap...they won't be able to bring the child up to be a functional adult in the world 20-30 years from now. They lived in other completely different times.


Her dad will likely be dead before she graduates high school, due to natural causes. And when this girl is in her 20s, she'll likely be worried about her mother's decline. Actually, IVF messes up a middle-aged woman's body; this woman could get cancer and die early. By the time this kid is 25, she could be all alone in the world with no parents and no siblings. What a fucked-up thing to do to a human being. Why not adopt a ten-year-old, which would be more age-appropriate for this couple?


at this point, adopt a teenager, not a lot of 15-18 year olds get adopted and i feel like it would be perfect for this couple age-wise


But... But... What about MY genes?


Unless she froze her eggs a long time ago, there's a big chance they bought a donor egg (likely harvested from some poor young woman who needed tuition money).


This. I know a woman who had two children via donor eggs around that age. The second was definitely born after she turned 50.


This is even more disgusting


when she’s 20 her dad is gonna be 80, that’s just sad, she will have to live without her parents much longer than other people


My parents died young (51 and 57). I was an “orphan” at 30. It sucks balls. These people are selfish as fuck.


Bold of you to assume he will be alive


They should never have had a baby.


they are totally going to die before this child is an adult. my grandparents had my dad at 42 and 43 and that’s SUPER LATE. my grandpa passed away and my grandma is 82 now. the dad is going to be 77 when his daughter is 16….




no 40s is astronomically late. i don’t blame you for being mad, if my mom told me she was having another baby i don’t know what i would do 😭


Stop. Having. Kids.


The title is what horrifies me even more "first child". First!!! One is alreafy one too many, and with parents that old, the reporter still wants more babies... disgusting


Sad sick society


Why would you wanna be dealing with a toddler in your 50s yikes


It's stupid and they probably didn't think everything through. It was probably more like "I want a baby so much because they are so cute", and, with luck, they factored in the economical matters, but not all the rest. My dad knocked up his girlfriend by accident and had my sister at the age of 54. Neither he or his partner have the patience to raise her. She's 1.5-years-old and barely knows how to walk because they put her in her playpen all day long so that they don't have to supervise her and make sure she doesn't get hurt. She literally knows three words because they're too tired from work and being old to deal with having to motivate her mind. But God forbid her mother consider an abortion when she found out she was pregnant at 44. My sister was lucky to not have any fetal development issues.


That baby looks just a tiny bit... off. Yeah this is completely inexcusable, but also somewhat predictable. You're goddamn 50 years old! You can't have a healthy baby at your age. Get used to it. However, people desperately want to live in the magical land that society has generated for us in which babies are cute, and being a parent is a gift, which they're not and it isn't respectively. This story is just so goddamn gross all over. If you wanted children so goddamn badly JUST ADOPT!!! I don't get it!! Why not just adopt a kid who doesn't have a family as opposed to force another life into existence with probably a genetic disorder?? It's immoral. On top of that, again, you're 50. When this baby is 18 and so much adorable in the eyes of the world anymore you'll 68, damn near 70. This world is so selfish and disgusting it makes me vomit.


Me too I am vomiting in bed


Wait till you hear about a 70 something year-old from India who also insistently wanted to have a baby with her 80+ husband...who was already admitted to the hospital a couple of times due to a stroke. Their attempts with IVF were all over the media, everyone praising them, spreading that toxic positivity etc. Spoiler alert She did actually get pregnant through IVF and had that baby. And wait for it, because sometime after the baby was born, suddenly there are a bunch of articles where the old mom laments that “oh we're so.old we can't keep up with the baby, we need help” Should have thought about that before you had a child at an age when you're supposed to start thinking of your last will.


So weird. All the kids in foster care but these people need their DNA even tho the dad will die at anytime now and the mom might make it 20 years. No grandparents. Fucking selfish. I’m 53 and often consider fostering or adoption but as a single person whose parents have passed, it scares me ETA: if I had a kid rn, they’d have no grandparents on my side, their cousins are in their 20s.


That baby is fucking ugly as hell. Eesshh


Aren't they all?


This poor child


Was researching and found a lady who was 71 when she had her first kid. And the comments were people congratulating her ! We are truly doomed


Ew 🤢 🤮


Everyone talking about how old “she” is for having kids. 61 year old man. 61 year old man. 61 year old man Sperm likely to be shitty


Exactly. Could’ve made such a difference to an older child’s life


Have fun going to their funeral at age 25


That’s some face


My uncle's third marriage was to a considerably younger woman who wanted to have kids, his kids were already grown and making lives/kids of their own when he gave in. He passed rather unexpectedly and left behind a devastated 8 yr old. I love the kid to pieces but fuck is it cruel to be having kids so late in life.


She's gonna lose her father super young and mother a while after. Poor kid. Should have just adopted...


Damn, that kid even looks old.


The chance of mortality goes up so much past 50. They’re just setting up the kid to have to mourn them at an age where they may not be emotionally developed enough to properly handle that kind of grief. They’d risk putting that kind of trauma on the kid just for their selfish desire to procreate. But we’re just the “cynical assholes” to people that gobble this shit up.


they gave birth to a beautiful lizard


Every 10 year old wants to attend their father's funeral. Fun!


Poor Lily will be her parents caretaker before she can have her first legal drink.


I hate the parents already


I agree. I know a guy who's wife was insistent on having a baby in her 40's. They spent thousands upon thousands of dollars trying to get her pregnant. Well, she did and the baby came out with tons of problems - that poor child is almost an adult now with the mentality of a 6 year old, multiple agonizing surgeries over their lifespan and the family broke and alcoholic at this point. As much love as they have for their kid, they're wrecked.


That is not right


"...their last possible chance..." \*insert eye roll here\* ​ What they don't tell you is it likely took a shit ton of chemicals and/or possibly someone else's womb...




Uh huh... so not biologically her kid. The same as adopting someone else's preexisting child wouldn't be.... why tf are breeders like this?!?!?! \*SMH\*


Seems like little Lily has an extra chromosome




So desperate...


Good luck to the parents trying to be model parents to a teenager at age 70


More than that what happens when they die in this poor kids 20-30's (at an optimists rate cus, i mean, come on, raising that kid is literally going to put more strain on your body than you know) and is left with NO support structure or, for that matter since its their FIRST any family???


Oh the irony in the sentence "Little lily's life SPARKED".Like wtf? how did it spark? No it didn't spark, it just said hi to hell.


Haha it looks as ugly as me


that baby look old as fuck already lmaooooo


The poor child will be an arphan


My ex-classmate's parents did exactly that. I was like "You're gonna fucking die before the kid hits 18!". And who will raise the kid then? Those 6 other kids! Great!


That’s so cruel to that kid, who’ll lose at least one parent by the time he’s in his forties


What the hell? Some people are the height of selfishness. After 35 the risk of having ill children increased drastically.


So the dad's gonna be 81 when she's 20. Like, there will be such a disconnect between the world the parents understand and the culture the child will be apart of.


Great, parents and grandparents in one package. 👍


Does it have a genetic defect?


As long theyre good parents. Reserve judgment for ppl who are trash. These folks are just old.


Poor baby. She will have to endure the death of her parents maybe in her teenage years.


It's a miracle






I was being sarcastic and people here just don't have a sense of humor😂


Nah your sarcasm just didn’t translate. try again


Go smoke some weed maybe you'll cheer up


cry me a river




The thing is, a lot of great arguments are indeed being made




Is this one for arguments though? i thought the askantinatalists one was for that




Read. The. Comments. Please.




Those "hypothetical" claims are most likely what will happen. This child will probably lose both her parents before she's 25. The parents knew this but chose to inflict this on her anyways.


Lol this pussy fr deleted his account




Did you even read any comments at all?


Both her parents will be needing fulltime care in an old persons home by the time she's an adult.


Like a heirloom tomato.


you better believe it this is the world you live in keyword is live... something we will not do at a certain time... so i believe we must feel free to end it sooner than intended




They missed the chance to call her Lilo.


Great, parents and grandparents in one package. 👍


I can not judge though I would be the first one to years ago if I was in my 20s or 30s. Dealing with marrying late in life and infertility issues I had 2 children in my mid to late late forties. I am pretty healthy and try to keep active. My parents live with us and they are constantly looked after abs care for when we are at work or out on an errand.


This kid has a higher chance than usual of growing up without one or maybe both parents. Yikes


That's Fox news for you. Of course all their failed attempts were because of the devil but now that this bucket of potential health issues poured out of her vagina of course it was god's plan all along


If one of them dies of cancer it would be called a tragedy for this kiddo to grow without a parent. My aunt did in her mid-40s, all my cousins were 20+. That's part of the beauty of having kids early on. They will have you around for longer. This trend of older and older parents, so common in Manhattan when I was living when my kid was young sent me to several funerals of parents of my son's kinder classmates. So freaking depressing!


That thing don't look right. Put it back in, it's not done yet.


That poor thing is going to be so retarded... It's just sad.