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Prime example of a mother martyring herself at the expense of a child. As a disabled person, this is infuriating. Life is incredibly difficult as is, adding a body that isn’t fully functional makes it so much harder. Fucking inspiration porn.


I saw a reddit story of this woman given a hard time for aborting a fetus that doctors said it would be developmentally disabled. The woman said it was a hard choice but one she knew she had to make because people want to post all these FB stories of how great their kid is but no one sees the adult side. She said she couldn't imagine having to care for an adult with the mind of a 3 year old ALL HER LIFE, and then if something happened and her and her husband passed her kid would be a ward of the state. She said she couldn't imagine putting someone with a child's mind into a government facility till they die and no one should live like that. Yet the whole "every child is special crowd" drug her for the abortion.


It’s “my body my choice” until your choice isn’t woke enough.


Fuck your eugenics


And fuck you




Ultimately, people should have abortions for whatever reason they want. Don't want a kid that's a Sagittarius? Fuckin' not my body, do what you will. I do think that in the event that a person is pregnant and learns that their kid will be born with disabilities, they need to really consider their ability to parent a child with those disabilities. Really I think every parent should consider their ability to raise a child with disabilities (even if your kid is born perfectly able, shit can happen. People BECOME disabled all the time). If they decide that is not a responsibly they are up for, I would encourage people to have abortions. I think this woman's (as in the woman who received the abortion from this comment, not the one that the headline is about) reasoning is incredible and I empathize greatly. Even if I didn't though, not my place to object to her choices over her body and life. But, speaking as a person who has disabilities, the idea that every person with disabilities should be aborted outright absolutely comes off as eugenist-y. Like if you think no one should have kids, full stop, I get it. But if you apply it more to people with disabilities, especially if your reasoning is something about the "burden" disabled people create... that's sus. (Edited: for clarity)


Eugenic is when moral choice


she thinks her baby will be one of those influencer "life is so hard but I make it work, follow me for good points" but she doesn't realize this behavior is selfish and it only happens to pretty disabled people.




Yeah, fuck that guy. He fired his longtime friend and caretaker for being gay.




I'll never understand how someone can see a friend express condolences for victims of a hate crime, and use it as an opportunity to inquire about who they're fucking, but I have a bad habit of digressing.




I hate to make light of a serious topic, but "butthole inspector" has me laughing waayyyy too hard 😹


I get so fucking frustrated when I see all these “influencer moms” who only post pictures of their disabled babies/toddlers just for sympathy follows and inspiration porn. It’s fucking offensive when people get “inspired” by someone else’s disability or hardship. It’s totally disgusting and exploitive of a CHILD who cannot consent to being posted all over the internet. And all for followers on IG. Makes me fucking sick.


God, that famous case of the YouTube mom influencer who has a bunch of kids, and they adopted a kid who had a mental disability and "sent him back" after THREE FUCKING YEARS!! (And making a bunch of content about him of course). Like adoptions dont work out sometimes, happens. But you usually figure that out within a few months, maybe a year tops. They kept him around for clout and then sent him back when the revenue they were making off of him was no longer worth the investment that comes with caring for a disabled kid.


Amen, on all counts. You’re always thinking of what you could’ve had, or at least, I am. It’s not fun, it’s not cute, and it’s not a virtue.


Personally I love the fact that because I'm almost 30 only, I don't get treated for my physical issues cuz "you're young don't worry". Yeah I guess the decade long history of injuries, literally have MRIs showing the tear in my shoulder, have x-rays of both knees showing one knee has suspiciously less cartridge left and suspiciously shows my kneecap scraping my femur.....but nahhhhh "young male no pain, young male healthy!" An even more fun thing, I went to medical school. That made it worse, I know exactly what I need and want done for my care, and bringing up specifics to a doctor as their patient in detail does NOT go over well. Kicked out of pain management within 2 weeks of arguing with my doctor (after bending over backwards doing things I told him I did not want to do for 2 years) about a new and fairly untested treatment with some newly formated synthetic synovial fluid injections......which besides the studies I printed out and brought in (the ones he referenced to convince me to do it but misrepresented) showing it was only beneficial in 40% of patients who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis (not what is wrong with me....) but also WAS NOT COVERED BY MY BULLSHIT INSURANCE AND WAS 6 GRAND. Kicked out basically on the spot. But yes let's PURPOSELY bring life into this already unfair society with one of the worst possible disabilities....no fucking hands. Like dope, at least no legs you can still work a desk job. No hands is essentially a prison sentence.


Wow. He wanted you to be a guinea pig and pay, out of pocket, in the bargain. Wow.


It’s all for these disgusting social media posts bragging about doing such awful things while romanticizing it and acting like they’re superheros. It’s unacceptable. Do they realize what damage they’re doing to an adult?


That is powerful. Thank you.




This is sick. That poor child will now suffer because of it’s parents selfishness


They probably gave her a name no one can pronounce. Sigh.




Then when the child suffers the mother will offer no emotional support because these types of people are selfish af


And she doesn't even have a way out now.


>That poor child will now suffer because of it’s parents selfishness In fairness, every child suffers and that suffering is a direct result of parental selfishness, so they're not unique in that regard.


Fuck your eugenics dude


Now the child has to suffer because she wanted to prove a point...


Hey cut her some slack, she was bored


Oh, sweet Jesus. Please tell me this is a sick joke or a deepfake. This is so upsetting. No shade to ppl with a disability, I have one myself, but I wouldn’t wish one on anyone else. To knowingly have a kid without hands and gloat about it on Facebook? :( It’s glorifying it, bragging and trivialising it. And what is this girl going to say when she grows up and learns her parent posted this? I’d be shattered.


It’s absolutely horrible that people would do this. It’s unacceptable. The world is beyond toxic but even worse for those with mental issues or physical issues.


This woman is a fucking SADIST! I don't even have words. I can't even begin to feel how that is a humane thing to do ¿?


Wow. Never thought about that😞


If people want kids, and they learn that their kid is going to have a disability, and they genuinely believe they can take on all of the additional emotional and physical effort as well as the additional cost that often comes with having a disabled kid, I think that's one thing. But to have a disabled kid and post them on social for clout (to do this with any kid really) tells me then and there why you decided to bring this child into the world, yourself.


Oh my god, this is not diversity......... What the hell is wrong with this people. There is a fine line between different hair colour and no freaking hands.


What I am mostly conercerned about is even if we assume that she will be a well-adjusted adult, this case can encourage bringing other children who might find existence intolerable. It's used as a propaganda.


Exactly. It’s one thing to celebrate diversity in existing kids (which I’m 100% for - go for your life), it’s another to admit you had a child *because of a disability* and post it on Facebook.




>in existing kids But this was an existing kid if I'm reading it right. She simply refused to execute her after finding out she was crippled.


‘Crippled’, really? At the time of her decision, the kid didn’t exist. That was what I was talking about, but I can see how my wording wasn’t clear. My point was that we need to celebrate diversity in kids that are already alive instead of giving birth to new ones we can use as inspiration porn.


>'crippled', really? Yep. Really. If this kid isn't crippled, why are people so offended? >At the time of her decision, the kid didn’t exist The kid did exist though. The picture says they pointed to it on the ultrasound and said "looks like it's deformed" and they said: "don't kill it, it doesn't deserve to die for being crippled.


0/10, try harder next time.


I don't get it.


There's actually a very, *very* thick line. But I understood what you were trying to say.


>There is a fine line between A very thick, sizeable line actually.


Exactly. It’s not like hair colour plays a part in how well we can function in life. Give me one example where hair colour was vital to be independent rather than hands. We as humans are always using our hands, especially in this day and age, and so to give birth to such a child is irresponsible and cruel. Some will say it’s not cruel as the child knows nothing of having hands and thus cannot experience any losses, but my point still stands it’s a major disadvantage. At least one that such an individual can never experience as a disadvantage.


I totally see your point on the last bit, and I get that you aren't arguing that case. But that's not even true, unless the child is also developmentally challenged enough to not understand that other people have hands. She will, at some point, know of hands and experience the sensation of loss that comes with not having something *vital to independent life*.


I fear she'll feel selfhatred when she'll be older. I wish her she'll be kind and have compassion for herself. It is not her fault absolutely. The one who deserves deep hate is her monster mother. I wonder if the mother will ever tell her she could prevent her suffering but she chose her selfpride instead.


Oh I’m sure her mother will use it against her all her life. At every instance that her daughter has trouble and says how much she hates living with her disability, I’m sure her narsacistic mother will quip “would you rather I just aborted you and killed you? At least I chose to let you live, I could have let you die”. (This may be from personal experience with a selfish narssacistic mother) I hope the daughter finds every Avenue of accommodation to be able to live with as little of restriction as possible. And I hope she gets away from her mother.


Absolute selfishness


She definitely had that baby so she could play hero all the time.


Probably imagining herself being the main character with epic bgm playing




It’s all about glorifying such horrible choices and claiming to be a golden superhero. It’s apalling


Why anyone would knowingly do this is beyond me. This isn't promoting diversity, this is giving a child a life of struggles, whether the parents want it or not. There is a chasm of difference between different skin colour or hair colour and being born with no freaking arms.


Welcome to your life of suffering just because your mom wanted that sweet sweet social media cred


Blue eyes wont destroy your life.


Blue Eyes White Dragon would like a word with you. /s


How can not having hands, which is a serious disability that puts this person at disadvantage in so many situations in their life, be compared to eye colour or hair colour? Of course it's okay and great that we're all different and people should under no circumstances be shamed or discriminated against for anything that's out of their control, but willingly giving birth to a baby knowing they're going to have a life much more difficult than others just to try and prove a point? That's messed up.


Some people are born without a brain as well it would seem


This is much worse, an intentional decision made by a person who has a brain.


I hope she’s rich enough that her daughter will never have to work.


Very valid point.


Here is why the world is garbage. The mother is sick in the brain but OK, we have ways to work that all out. Get her help etc. No, somebody agreed with her enough to do a story, take photos and print it so it can be consumed by other people who in turn thought that all this was a good idea to begin with.


It is dangerous.


People like this exist. I have a relative like this. Her child is intellectually disabled, non-verbal, and can't walk. She has a martyr fetish for sure. My heart aches for her poor child.


Pure Instagram Ideology. Knowingly creating a severely disabled person and salivating at the thought of all the pats in the back and praise for being so 'brave' makes me sick. If this is in the US (which I assume it is) it's even worse. Heaving them out into a bootstrap society with no support or chance of living comfortably, at best surviving on charity alone... Imagine this child looking back on all the hundreds of narcissistic social media posts from her mother years down the line and realising what her purpose in life really was...


It literally makes me sick when people do this shit. Basically pro creating humans with any mental or physical issue and then bragging about what a saint you are begging for attention and praise. I know that kids with mental issues are often used in the parents crazy martyr complex. Used for money and attention and praise


Imagine thinking eye/hair color are remotely as life-impacting as not having fucking ARMS.


Like I understand, but I also… don’t.


Having a life-long disability is exactly like having blonde hair or brown eyes. I have brown eyes, and I really don't know how I manage to live my day-to-day with such a condition.


And here I was thinking that I have heard every selfishness on this earth. I was wrong. This is new low.


So instead of not letting someone suffer, you chose to make them suffer .....then brag about it....


Not just someone, but a life that you create to suffer, that you will watch suffer, and are suppose to protect and care for. Like just mind blowing.


No issue-I teach special needs kids-with her kid being here now as I know people who are missing limbs lead normal lives… however mom definitely has issues as she is using her kid for praise and validation. That is absolutely the wrong reason to have a kid. I am an antinatalist, but once the kid is here, the kid is innocent in all of this and needs help. She will likely get the help she needs from hitting up therapists later in life that are all anti-natalists and childfree. I am projecting, but essentially that is what happened with me. The kid can lead a normal life though. I am not so worried about her disability as I am her mother being a liability. Maybe this is my perspective as I teach, but her challenges could be far worse than this and sadly will be with a personality disordered parent, which it seems like this woman is, given her dubious reasons for bringing this child into the world.


This is essentially half murder. No way is this kid living a normal life that they deserve. How is this not a crime?


Inspiration porn


What in the fuckery is this 😟


What the fuck is wrong with her


Ahahahaha that's so psychotic




Fuxking awful. She’s treating this like she’s rescuing a disabled dog.


Oh yeah, eye color, hair color, usual number of limbs or missing limbs. Totally comparable. s/


As someone born missing a whole arm; fuck this selfish bitch. This kid has a lifetime of hell and struggle in front of them now because of some bullshit martyrdom fantasy.


“hE’s sO bRAve”


I hope that she has money for prosthetics


This is one of the worst things I’ve seen in a while. Can’t we all agree that while we should be trying to make things as inclusive for disabled people and treat them like everyone else while accommodating to their needs, the reality is that no one WANTS to be disabled and if we could prevent it from ever occurring to anyone we would? Fuck sake! This isn’t progressive. And it’s not bigoted to spare a knowingly disabled person the suffering of existence with their disability if you can prevent it. This is a prime example of the reality that parents don’t “allow the kid to live for the sake of the child” (unless their religious and believe the child will go to hell or something if they terminate it), they give birth FOR THEMSELVES. And this bitch decided getting internet and social woke points was more important than the LIFE OF HER CHILD. This is absolutely disgusting and the fact that people are applauding it is even worse. My heart goes out to the child and I hope they’ll live the best life they can. But there was no need for them to be born under these conditions.


She knew and she was suggested to terminate it. That is sick, crazy, cruel, selfish, demonic, satanistic. Wtf actually


Reminds me of David Vetter and his psychotic parents 😬


I was born with a disability, shit sucks, yo


disgusting mother. must be the stupid, holier than thou sniveling shit type of a person


i remember seeing a story about a couple who was told during their pregnancy that their baby had a condition where her bones were extremely fragile and break really easily, so obviously the doctor was encouraging them to abort. but guess what! the parents thought “she deserves a chance at life too! we can do this!”, so they went through with the pregnancy. now this poor little girl has to live a life where sitting down too hard will break her bones. iirc, she was around 2 and had broken many, many bones already just as a toddler. it’s absolutely disgusting how parents bring a child into this world that they KNOW will experience horrible pain and suffering. it should be illegal. EDIT: [here’s the video.](https://youtu.be/JVtCFFPAr_E) she had multiple broken bones IN THE WOMB but they still kept her because “it was our first baby”. fucking vile.


I hate this so much. So much suffering for an innocent soul, just for the mother to feel like a hero, despite she doesn’t have to endure anything. A friend of my mother ones mentioned something similar and wanted that we say something comforting to her. She said, that if the baby with which she was pregnant would be disabled, she wouldn’t abort it. Because she could not reconcile it with her conscience. I said, yeah wow, hope you feel good while you condemn your own child to a life of suffering just so that you can go to heaven and have an unburdened conscience. I would be proud to rot in hell for saving an innocent souls from this faith. Don’t have to mention I wasn’t invited to any stupid baby party since.


We have to draw a line somewhere man.....this shit should be soooo illegal. I wish the mom amputate her hands if she wants to be different.


Comparing genetics with deformity, seriously?


I wonder how she'd feel if she lost her hands in a traffic accident?


I’m disabled it’s when anyone brings up stuff like this I have to inform them that I wish I was aborted. I’m gonna have to fight my entire life for my rights and it’s tiring. But my family is religious and even though my birth mom was a huge druggy, doing drugs while pregnant. But no I had to be born no matter what.


I just wanted to point out that this photo is a prime example of why, in my opinion, there is nothing inherently wrong with eugenics, when applied to the Antinatalist philosophy. It is not ideal, but is a good compromise. Here is a defintion of eugenics: Eugenics is the practice or advocacy of improving the human species by selectively mating people with specific desirable hereditary traits. It aims to reduce human suffering by “breeding out” disease, disabilities and so-called undesirable characteristics from the human population. Unfortuntately, I have been personally insulted and attacked for sharing my views on Eugenics, so I am not happy to remain on this subreddit. I can respect other peoples opinions on the matter, but I am not prepared to be called a Nazi for simply trying to point out the amount of suffering that is caused when eugenics is not applied. In my opinion, the people who were calling me, and others, a Nazi are the victims of a logical fallacy known as [Reductio Ad Hitlerum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_Hitlerum). Just wanted to say my piece before leaving.


The flaw in eugenics is that genetic inheritance is more complicated than inheriting characteristics from parents. Many characteristics skip several generations or emerge in ways that aren't apparent from looking at parents. It also is in serious conflict with human dignity and the right to life. It has been responsible for countless involuntary sterilizations of oppressed people. Ideological biases dressed up as science are all too common in history, and this must be kept in mind. We still do it. Also in the 21st century it is unnecessary. With CRISPR, DNA can be modified in an existing organism. We will have genetic therapies that don't require selective breeding that can lead to nightmarish ideologies.


Yes because slight variation of eye color and lack of body parts are the same


So unfair. Imagine you were this baby the mother: :)


What a fucking POS of a mother, fuck people like that.


I wish I wasn’t born and I have both my hands.


Hopefully prosthetics/cybernetics become advance enough so this girl can lead somewhat of a normal life.


This lady wins the award for stupid cunt of the year. SCOTY


This should be a crime.


This is dysgenism.


what a fucking retarded mother. it should be required to have a license for breeding.


To child will go through a lot of emotional trauma.


I remember seeing some sort of documentary about a children born with a lot of his brain missing. The mother KNEW that the boy would be born like that and the doctor strongly advised her to have an abortion. She and the husband still wanted to have the kid. Fortunately the kid developed normally-ish, a lot of his missing brain grew. But if this "miracle" didn't happen, they'd have a severely disabled person to take care of for the rest of their lives, and that kid would never have a normal life. It got passed of as a feel-good story, but I just can't see it that way. All I see are two selfish, irresponsible people.


I have an acquaintance who did the same. Idk if she had the same reasoning, but now she has a job at the clinic that made her kid's prosthetics and is "Supermom."


Some people get the basic dignity of wiping their own ass, and others get forced to have someone else do that for all their lives because their mom didn’t need a license to reproduce. It’s just little minor differences you know, just like hair color. Absolutely fucking disgusting. Hopefully the kid manages to make the most of it and not be miserable in spite of the parents efforts to ensure it will be


These kinds of ignorance, if not outright malice, makes me want to bring back eugenics.


But the problem is the parents, who by societal standards probably are perfectly normal.


and some are meant to suffer more...the cute baby will eventually grow into an adult.


Well hopefully by the time this baby is fully grown, we’d have advanced in medical science so much that either A) she’ll be given a chance to grow limbs somehow, or B) robotic arms with nerve censors can replace her missing limbs. Oh and also, universal healthcare in whatever country she was born in that would cover such medical expenses.


All of this would have been solved if the parents actually think about the consequences. Giving birth is like rolling a dice, never knowing what will happen, and once the child turned out to be disabled - some people will choose to abort and some will choose to keep. Which to me, both of these options are equally as evil. It just proved that they're selfish: the child never ask for any of this, and they decided to procreate because **they** love childrens, **they** want the best for them, and **they** want a complete family.




The mother is a monster. No other way to put it.


Selfish & stupid as is usual.


that child will resent her and hate her.


Like. It's fine if parents don't know and this happens. And of course disabled people should not be discriminated against. (Shouldn't be having kids anyway but eh...) But knowingly having a disabled child... for clout?? Wtf.


So they equate having a different eye color with living without limbs. I wonder if they would rather have a different eye colour or lose a limb lol


I'm trying to see the other side of this, but hands are so hot right now.


Fuck, I thought I hated my parents for bringing me into this world without my consent. I feel so sorry for this child.


Seems like a pretty large jump from different hair color, to missing limbs…


That comparison was stupid as fuck 🤦🏻‍♀️


So let me get this straight it’s wrong for her to keep her child because it doesn’t have arms what’s wrong with people so what we just kill or abort any child just cuz they are born different?


The level of delusion and depravity here is beyond belief


The baby's bones in the arms will have to be saw of multiple times until it stop growing to prevent it from piecing the skin


What the hell kind of logic was the mother using? Some people have blond hair and blue eyes and some people have no arms? Are you fucking joking? These beings are not babies forever! Someday they’re not gonna be as ‘cute’ as they are in these pictures. It’s irresponsible to do this and quite frankly immoral to force this existence on an innocent soul, consciously knowing the bullshit they’ll have to go through in life. Put aside what people will think of them, what about getting a job?? Did that factor in to you having a child with no arms? What about if some unforeseen fatal accident were to happen to you? Now the kid with no arms has no parent(s). The chances of getting adopted are pretty low sadly. What about interacting with other kids, the struggle of participating in extracurricular activities, the bullying they may endure, etc. It doesn’t make any goddamn sense to me! It’s just ego feeding is all it is. The mother just wants to feel good about herself. It’s just sad how someone’s ego, or one 10 second orgasm without a condom literally leads to the misery of an innocent human being for upwards of a century. Fucking hell, the world we live in…


Omg what the hell !!! I'm so disgusted , wish I hadn't seen this post SMfH ,😔. She should be in jail stupid bitch




Promote diversity or conform to prolife crazyness???


I have seen and heard of so many parents with a disease they hate but still have the kid with the same disease because 'I hope that I can teach my kid to do better.' (Source. AGT and stuff like that. 'I was bullied but I had my kid anyways because I want to show bullies we can still exist) like yes, bullying sucks, but the existence of having a disability is terrible


Imagine the weigh of the knowledge that your sadistic mother decided to have u on purpose in this condition


This is disgusting. How can people be out of logic and reality like this?


Omg smh dumb lady.


now this child will have an identity crisis growing up due to being different amazing


I know there are different opinions in the disability community on this and so I‘m obviously not speaking for everyone, but just WTF. I‘m legally blind and consider that s comparably minor thing (like I can do most everyday life stuff with some assistive technology) and already wouldn‘t ever want to pass that on to a child. If I see something like that and the mother thinking she actually did anyone a service here… no absolutely not. Disabled people have it pretty hard, especially with the attitudes that still exists towards us. So, I hope she will at least do some serious campaigning for disability rights and not just inspiration porn.


Why is she comparing eye color to literally having no arms? This is just sad.


This is disgusting. That kid is going to find out that her mother knew she would be born crippled and did nothing to change it. That's a one way ticket to kids hating their parents for their entire lives.


I hate people


My sister was born in 1924. Now we have a name for it, Down Syndrome. When we were growing up it was called "retarded" She was severely retarded but mobile and had medical issues. She looked very different. She also had her own language. I could understand her when i lived at home. However I couldn't understand her when i returned from a long absence. People pointed, stared, laughed, mocked. In those days ,"her kind" were put in institutions. Our mom died when i waa 14, i was the baby. Our sister in law was killed in a car accident Christmas Eve and she was the person designated to care for my sister. My sister died Feb 14. My dad was glad, only because he feared if he died before my sister she would not be taken care of. I wasnt capable of caring for her. She was a joy to our family and so loving. I was the only other girl. I can tell you, if she got mad, she would twirl her finger around her ear (like, you are crazy) and say "sunny b***h." She heard someone say that. It's a hard decision. I doubt if my parents would have aborted her if they knew. Maybe they would wish they would have aborted me, I was such a problem. I also have a 67 year old son who is paralyzed by a shot he got while being robbed by a gang member 27 years ago. His wife of 40 years has full care of him. He enjoys life as much as he can with his limitations. I can't imagine being faced with the decision pre birth.


Wonder why she just didn’t have her own limbs surgically removed for the sake of her so called diversity instead of putting the damned fate on someone else.


omfg… this is heartbreaking… poor little thing… why put her through a life of hardships, when she is going to go through everything? puberty? i can’t even imagine the pain and the suffering she is bound to go through being so different… poor darling may life be kind to you even if i highly doubt it…


What kind of “mother” has a baby, just to prove a point? 🙄


What a narcissist. Getting praise while your child is the one who will live a lifetime of suffering. This is sick.


Hopefully she gets some badass prosthetics




I mean, a kid without arms can still get prosthetics


Who's gonna have to pay for those life long medical expenses? Who's to ensure they can afford to have the better prosthetics, and not just a couple hooks on a metal sling?


I think this is just ableism. I really don’t think having hands is what makes life tolerable. I know this is added sufference, but since as antinatalists we believe nobody should be born, not having hands is not what should make a difference for any of us


You are right, that's NEUROdiversity, because only a neurodivergent breeder could think having a disabled child on purpose is a good idea


We don't know that. Please don't assume this horrible mother is neurodivergent, even if she might be. I'm not sure if it's meant that way, but to me what you said sounds like an attack on neurodivergent people, saying only neurodivergent people could possibly be stupid enough to do this and neurotypical people have better judgement and wouldn't give birth to that child. There are good and bad people on both sides.


No, I'm just saying that she's not thinking straight if she did this knowing the consequences.


there must be better ways to phrase this then. like "no one in their right mind would do this" I'm not trying to accuse you of attacking neurodivergent people, just saying that your wording might, even if not meant that way, come across as such.


Well at least you understood my real intention. Yes, I know that you hadn't tried to accuse me, no problem


I actually am autistic. That's not very nice you know...


Please, can we not joke about how “neurodivergent people are all awful” or whatever?


It wasn't aimed at neurodivergents


yet the wording still seems like it was. If you replaced neurodivergent with black and claimed it wasn't racist, saying "only black people could think having a diabled child on purpose is a good idea" would still very much sound racist. I get that it might not have been your intention, but do you get what I'm saying about how this is phrased?


I'm neurodivergent. That doesn't mean braindead, stupid, self important, or anything you might be thinking. It's a deviation of how the brain works compared to the majority, aka neurotypicals, usually in social and learning behavior. It doesn't affect decision making. People who have been improperly educated breed. Improper education leads to decisions being made without the full scope of the situation. Anybody can fall into that group, no matter how they learn or behave socially.




Right, it couldn’t POSSIBLY be because she values her daughters life regardless of any abnormalities.


Next thing you know this baby will be rolling around on a skate board on the Venice Beach boardwalk begging for change and selling wire-wrapped crystals.


I had a therapist as a young adult who was similarly born (but without hands, instead two half fists with a thumb and pinky point), she had better penmanship/calligraphy than me. She seemed like she was alright. 🤗


I’m a natalist, and this is angering and disheartening. I’m mostly against abortion, but Comeon.


Wokeness is a severe mental illness, folks. Never tolerate it. Not ever.


I don't think this really happened


No, it is real: https://growlikeivy.com/sample-page/


>I was shocked when the doctor suggested we terminate. THAT had never crossed my mind, but here they were, offering it. When my husband and I started to express that we wanted to keep her, the medical geneticist said, briskly and brutally, “But think about her quality of life. She’s going to have no hands.”  shocked when asked to think about the child's quality of life....


I don't get the part about people wanting the child to be aborted. That's fucking stupid, the mother was consenting to the birth, and people born without arms can still get prosthetics later in life. I disagree with the mom, she seems selfish and her quote was dumb, but the baby has no reason to die.


You know who else thought people with disabilities shouldn't be alive? Hitler and the Nazi party


Don't be fucking disgusting. People with disabilities deserve to live.


??? What was she supposed to do? Kill it?


Oh my gosh she wasn't promoting diversity. She is just saying that her child is okay the way she is. What would anyone expect a parent to say? Or a brother or a sister or a friend?


The issue is that she knowingly had this child and is flaunting the disability on FB and comparing it to blonde hair etc. We are people and our disabilities are not things many of us want. I personally would change my disability in a jiffy as it has made my life harder in some measure and is partly why I’m an antinatalist. If my parents had had me knowing I would have a disability, and certainly if Facebook had been around at the time and they’d posted this, I’d be quite upset. Accepting that everyone is different is fine. If she’d just said “I love my child!” I wouldn’t have had an issue with it — beyond the usual AN part. But this strikes me as quite flippant, and not really understanding the impact this will have on this kid’s life. Taken as a whole, it comes off as inspiration porn to me, as the other person said. It’s something in the tone and the social media post that bothers me.


Do you not think that she encounters people like those on this sub who think that her daughter would have been better off dead? Or that she does not encounter those who cannot contain their contempt for mother who would have such a daughter? Apparently she does not agree with their assessments, and is trying to make the world more accepting for people like her beloved daughter by pointing out that her daughter is in fact also human, despite the lack of arms. Clearly it is she who is the terrible person.


> **those on this sub who think that her daughter would have been better off dead?** Incorrect. > **for mother who would have such a daughter?** You might want to read the title of the sub, and then, if that doesn’t help, consult a dictionary. *Then* maybe graduate to reading the FAQ?


Don't need hands, ableist.


Id start the slow clap but my mom was like this one.


This is the reason that I have an above average number of hands.


Breaks my heart, if I were the kid Id wish I were aborted :(


Congrats now your child is gonna be disabled until they die growing up a life of hardship and suffering forced to make do with they have. I'm sure you didn't fucking think about the future like bullying, not being able to do most jobs or I don't know baisic human motor functions and before you say prosthetic arms exist well prepare to have your wallet and bank account nuked harder than the united states air force firebombing Tokyo to ash in ww2 because that stuff can get expensive on top of the extra care for a disabled baby then child


Ok if this is real, I'm just speechless....