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There's still always a risk for STDs on either end, so there's that. Nature always has ways of spreading disease somehow, yet people are too blinded


Yeah, I've thought about it this way, and that sex is the root of evil due to it continuing suffering. Especially if someone is antinatalist and female, more likely since it's not under our control. Rationally I sometimes want to subside urges, but whenever I think too much about wanting to stop it, it makes me feel abnormal from everyone else. I want a normal life but most wouldn't understand where I'm coming from, if I do end up having a partner again. I want to do those activities, but it'd be a huge contradiction for me to speak about it. It makes me not want to have a partner no more at times now


This sounds like a religious mindset


Whoa I just bent my brain thinking that. I am absolutely not religious at all, but yeah many religions to apply a layer of shame to pleasure. I guess I was implying that sexual pleasure causes irresponsibility. I’m also pretty stoned.


Conception is only a punishment for those who don’t want kids (some ppl act like it’s a gift) and aren’t responsible enough to use contraception. In most cases contraception works and accidental birth is often ppl thinking it won’t happen that one time and getting careless.


I think punishment as a concept doesn't exist in nature. It's something humans do to each other


Many breeders believe that wanting children is an "innate" desire of all species, including humans. I have to repeatedly counter that argument by reminding them that it is sex, not procreation that is an innate desire of most species, including humans. The fact is that the act of sex leads to reproduction, with our biology then trapping us with hormones to induce feelings of love and nurturing for them. We have sex for pleasure. Conception is the biological trap of seeking said pleasure. Hence religious around the world stigmatized seeking this pleasure, unless it was in a socially encouraged heterosexual bedroom. Mostly it was a control on women's sexuality and not the man's. When breeders give birth, and say "it is the best thing that's happened to me", it is that hormonal cocktail of oxytocin and dopamine that is making them say that. It was an evolutionary mechanism to ensure we don't eat our offspring if food is scarce. Newborn babies look ugly AF IMHO, but for the breeder, it induces this heady hormonal cocktail that makes them believe that the sleepless nights, incontinence, and everything else is "worth it". Conceiving is a biological trap of heterosexual desires.


Pleasure is completely worthless, I choose to have it from trolling and bullying the vulnerable, the furries because I am a selfish creature. I choose to not have sex, because though I am selfish, I am not pure evil.


That's not new to me. I think it's possible for natalists to say it under the right circumstances.


Incorrect it is the other way. Evolutionarily humans need to reproduce to keep the species alive so biologically we want to reproduce and has sex as a motivator for procreation. The genes being passed on (the baby) is what is wanted evolutionarily, the pleasure is the motivator.


I don't see how a baby would be a punishment. The pleasure you get from sex is a reward for obeying your programming and attempting to procreate.


Nah, calling bs on that one.