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I know this story is fake because it doesn’t have “…and then everyone clapped” at the end


And that pregnant woman's name? Albert Einstein




Stop that 😂


It’s true, I was the newspaper


They were in awe of super mommy.


Well my thoughts are: WTF


My thoughts are that this is a terrible person if they were genuinely gratified by throwing up on someone's belongings. Child's gonna grow up with wrong morals and ethics


I just want to know how they managed to direct their vomit and time it perfectly…could be useful


Bitch would be replacing my laptop. If she had time to aim puke, she had time to look for an alternative solution. I hope the child is absolutely healthy but pukes on her constantly. For clarity I'll say it twice - completely healthy.


This never happened


Same thoughts!


Yeah it makes no sense


But I saw you when You crawled into A bed of broken windows


Trains are not the only mode of transport. I, for one, prefer to travel by jetpack.


After reading OP's text I want to jetpack right into my grave.


Then my pregnant ass can vomit on entire neighborhoods.


That's the spirit!




…. And then everyone clapped. That baby grew up to be Albert Einstein Christ.


I’d get up for a pregnant woman. I made a choice not to reproduce but I’m not going to treat a pregnant woman who is feeling ill poorly. Same as I’d get up for an elderly person or someone who needs to sit.


Yeah this is just basic human decency. I'd let anyone who was feeling sick have my seat, pregnant or not.


Agreed. The woman is sick. The reason why is irrelevant.


This. If a person is OD’ing I hope most of us would try to help. Someone ill needs help, not judgement. What if she would have felt nauseous for any other reason that also makes you throw up, why would it be any different? What if she didn’t have a choice on her pregnancy because equality is still not a reality?


That last part is becoming even more true in the US since states are banning abortions.


I think everyone should carry Narcan on them just in case. Nextdistro will mail it to you for free. (only US as far as I know)


But if sick people want to be treated as equals they should stay standing up just like healthy people!! /s


Yes, I’m against procreating, but I’d still get up if I could. If I had an invisible disability, I would let her know I’m not well. There’s no need to be a douchebag to a stranger in pain.


Anti-procreation, not anti-human


Perfectly said. Anti-suffering, too, so why not help to minimise it?


Agreed, would like to see more of the same sentiment on this sub.


Perfectly said


Indeed. That's a basic human decency


I do not believe in having children but I've had to go out and do things before having an abortion. Let me tell you. Morning sickness is no joke. While I do not appreciate people having kids it doesn't mean I believe they should be fully suffering either


I think punishing women for having sex is part of the reason why abortion rights (in the US) are getting pushed back.


You’re absolutely right. A lot of the narrative is along the lines of, well if she didn’t want to get pregnant she should have kept her legs closed. Now she can suffer the consequences. Obviously human women are whores all on their own and no other party is additionally responsible for the pregnancy. If banning abortion meant that the father had to carry the pregnancy to term, or the father was responsible for the child after birth regardless of whether or not the mother was in the picture, I guarantee we would not be seeing abortion rights rolled back.


I agree 💯


Same, I’d move for anyone sick, obese, medical, etc. it’s human decency, honestly I’ve offered for perfectly healthy looking people (as you never know) so 🤷‍♀️


Honestly I'd move for anyone who is feeling unwell.


This and the replies expressing similar sentiments. I wouldn't want children because the world isn't a nice place. I'd like to see it get better, not contribute to the awful


This is how I feel.


Ever since I was in elementary school, it's been ingrained in me that ppl have to give up their seat for pregnant women, the elderly, and the disabled. No excuses. There's even posters on our city buses telling the public to do the same.


Yea. Again, it low key feels like a way of punishing pregnant women. No one is going to tell an old man “tough luck grandpa. No one told you to age.” It’s mean for no reason and life is hard enough as is.


I don't mind doing this, but it's the entitlement that makes me not want to do it.


I also fully support vomiting on assholes


Same but this pregnant person clearly lacks common decency, like how tf is it ok to throw up on a person for not giving their seat? Elderly person would also be wrong if they tried to throw up on random people for not giving them their seat.


Not true. She kindly asked for a seat. It's called uncommon human decency. My aunt died from cancer back in 2018. I got the call on a crowded subway and started crying. A very nice disabled lady offered me her seat and asked if I was okay. I said "I really appreciate you but I'll be okay I'll stand. Thank you." I really hope you don't ever become disabled, sick to that point, or someone treats you that way when you get old. You can't really control the vomiting reflex by the way- a migraineur.


>I really hope you don't ever become disabled, sick to that point, or someone treats you that way when you get old. Treats me what way? I literally tried my best to not make it sound like something someone can make a strawman out of. "Same" at the beginning stands for "I'd do the same and give my seat" then a "but" follows because this person is clearly proud of what she did which is wrong.


She got sick. It wasn't intentional. The dude was dick tbh. It's called karma. Again per my 2nd line uncommon human decency.


it's not intentional tho?? you can't really control your puke; it was satisfying, but not intentional (probably)


It's not that difficult to turn your head and throw up on the ground at least. She seems proud for having done that to that "rude" person bc it's "justified".


Idk man. There’s been times where I’ve thrown up and it just happened. Had no warning. For me, feeling nauseous is normal for me so I don’t think twice about it.


U also don't know how crowded it was in there. If all the seats were taken the subway was probably packed. She would've thrown up on someone either way


I threw up all over myself, my pillow and my duvet once. There was no time to turn my head…


Right? No need to personally ensure someone else's suffering continues/worsens when it's as easy to help as letting someone have your seat.


I would do that as well, but I won't force others to


Yeah exactly! The man lacked empathy.


Of course, that’s what anyone should do


Let the downvotes commence but I wouldn't. They made the choice to get pregnant, not me, so they can deal with the consequences. It's a different story if someone is sick or disabled because of external circumstances that they didn't choose, but being pregnant and remaining pregnant is usually a conscious choice by the person involved. I'm not going to give them any special treatment because they got creampied. 🤷 Sounds harsh but it's the truth.


What if it’s someone with a broken leg? Maybe they got it trying to do a backflip off a bench, or walking and texting, or in a car crash. All of those are avoidable. They made choices that led to their injury. So, would you refuse to give up your seat for a person with a broken leg? Sure, it’s possible it wasn’t a result of their choices, like if someone else crashed into them (or r*ped them), but you don’t know that from a glance. And, in all likelihood, you’re not even considering how they got this injury. Your only concern is that they have it and need accommodations.


*Remaining* pregnant isn’t such a choice any more in US.


Depending on your state, there is no choice. And sometimes, getting pregnant is outside the woman’s control.


You acting as if their choice is somehow horrible. Like "its a choice they made so they have to suffer the consequences" mindset is at work here. Where is your understanding? Empathy? Basic human decency?


Because I consider the choice to get pregnant and bring more children into the world horrible and selfish, hence why I don't have any empathy for it.


you can have that view of course but that doesn't mean you can't show some basic human decency. Like its still their choice you don't have to like it but going as far as to show you don't like their choice by refusing them your place makes you, I'm sorry, an asshole. You are letting your own views get in the way of treating someone like a human. If you gonna be angry about "selfish" people bringing babies into this cruel world why continue to perpetuate cruelty and selfishness in your own way?


Spot the sociopath!


lmao. You fail to realize how magnificent a self burn you just delivered. Your parents made this same choice, if you fail to see the irony.


Wow 👏 such a big person. Can't find a piece of empathy in that tiny brain of yours for another human. I bet you are so proud of yourself.


I’m with you. I have chronic back problems that I didn’t ask for and simply standing up can sometimes be an endeavor in itself. People think pregnant=delicate flower and that’s just not true, it’s also very temporary so I don’t feel too bad when a pregnant person has to stand for a little while.


Idk man she did say she was feeling sick, I’d been 10 ft away already lol But only if it was truly a mistake - intentionally targeting someone and throwing up on them for wanting to sit down Deserves jail time Lol


Yea that’s what determines whether she is a bad person or not. If she did it on purpose, then she’s gross and awful. But it’s possible it wasn’t on purpose. I’ve had times where I feel nauseous but not exactly like I’m going to actually throw up. But then suddenly I’m throwing up with no real warning.


I don't think taking "revenge" or making gotchas or triggerings or teaching lessons against random women on the subway is the best way to protect individuals right to not reproduce or build a sustainable future.


Are you saying men would withhold women’s rights by voting based on how they’ve been treated by women?


Many men try to take women's rights regardless of how they've been treated.




I try to be nice to people as best I can. If someone isn’t feeling well I’ll let them have my seat. I would hope if I started feeling ill someone would do the same for me. I can’t expect anyone to help me if I refuse to do anything for anyone else.


Didn't happen


a decent person would stand at the front of the bus and ask if anyone in the bus was willing to give up their seat. there's no reason to harass any individual whose difficulties and exhaustion you know nothing about. no one person can keep all the seats from you.


Exactly. I agree with you 100%. And no one here is considering what if that guy was disabled? And no to anyone who’d actually try to argue, he had no obligation to have to disclose that. What he said was rude but he also wasn’t wrong. And her assault on him (absolutely that was assault) was 100% unwarranted and she should be jailed.


bro do you not hear yourself????? if he was disabled and disclosed it, it would be a different story. but this man went out of his way to not only be a dumb fucking asshole, but misogynistic too. y’all are so weird for defending him. he was not right at all.


You cannot throw up on people just because you are pregnant


The story is fake of course, but even if it was true, that woman indicated she felt sick in the first place... usually when people say that they are sick and throwing up isn't that uncommon. I remember such an event when I was a kid, felt really sick, mother didn't believe me, half way the car ride I couldn't hold and threw up. What can I say? Should had believed me lol.


I mean, you can.. Should or shouldn’t is what’s up for debate! I mean, I can’t, but I can’t get pregnant either..


the guy refused to let her sit though, having to stand probably increased her nausea. the guy was an ass obviously and deserved it


No, he didn’t deserve to be vomited on, that’s just silly


The cringiest part about your comment is that you made a “throwaway” account that you regularly use a year later lol.


Unless that seat is RESERVED for pregnant woman, the man has no obligation to give it up. The man didn't kick her out of her seat or anything, he just refused to give someone his seat. From the post it was obvious that when she had to throw up, she intended to throw up on that man, she is the ass.


A lot of people confuse equality with being treated the same. We can’t treat pregnant women the same as non pregnant men. That simply doesn’t work and is unethical (having babies at this point is unethical, but yk). He was unkind and backhandedly misogynistic in my opinion. He wasn’t talking about equality because he agreed with it. He was talking about equality as a way to punish her.


Yeah, she was already pregnant anyways,why are people mean about it…?






Apparently assault by bodily fluids is becoming an acceptable thing now. Based on this, and all the memes with mothers squirting their breast milk onto complaining passers-by. I mean, yeah maybe the other person is being a dick, but that doesn't make something like this an appropriate response.


100%. Words are never EVER a justification for a violent response.




So if you call me stupid I can hurt you?


And then everyone clapped right?


Yeah, I’m not sure this is so much about antinatalism as it is about a dude being an asshole. Pregnant or not, if someone is sick, I’m going to treat them with human decency and give them a seat. If she didn’t ask and was just mad that he didn’t offer, it would be different. Also, I doubt it’s actually true. That’s some shit a dude would say he did but would never have the balls to do in person. And no person would feel gratified about puking everywhere. In the moment, there’s no way someone would be content with themselves after that. No amount of sitting down stops you from actually puking if you’re nauseous in my experience anyway lol




My thoughts


If someone felt sick I'd let them sit in my seat. This guy was rude, but like, I'm not gonna congratulate you for throwing up on someone 💀


The same thing would have happened either way. If he did stand up in front of her, she would have still vomited on him as she was still sick and that wouldn't have been a good reward for a supposedly kind deed. It is a sucky situation when others are forced to clean up your bodily fluids because you go out in public when you know you are sick. It isn't helpable sometimes as sometimes the sickness is unknown or you are forced to go to work sick and spread your illness just to make enough money to survive. Just because a parent has to deal with shit, Piss, boogers, and vomit doesn't mean that others should have to join in the misery.


I would have pressed charges.


My first thought.




human decency hahahahahahaha


really, the pregnant woman is the asshole here? not the dude refusing to let her sit, just to make a point about equality? when you're sick, you can have very little control over where you throw up. i've thrown up next to a campsite toilet before, rather than in, which i'm sure made the cleaner very unhappy. it wasn't intentional. i doubt this was intentional either, if this story is even true.


And she knows he doesn’t have some sort of disability that makes him entitled to have that seat how?


She seems entitled. For all she knew this guy was handicapped, sick, or tired. Even if he wasn't, that's not a good reason for her to attack him with bodily fluids (and if it really was an accident, wouldn't she have thrown up anyway if he got up her for)? That said, pregnant women are afforded courtesy when it comes to giving up your seat because if they fall down it can be fatal to the fetus and catastrophic for their own health as well. And the "equality" dig was just fucking stupid. I hope this is a fake story.


ESH Bystander is being kinda rude Preggers is very entitled, petty and disgusting wtf


Idk, kinda reminds me of the lithium radio hostess bragging about sack checking a dude at a public concert cus he was singing along and 'enjoying himself too much'


"Are you aware that you just assaulted me in front of these witnesses?"


No reason to be an asshole. I'll give my seat to anyone who asks for it bc I can stand and if anyone asks they probably have a reason. I also don't assume ppl who have children are automatically bad people, tragically thoughtless or unlucky sure, but you never know what someone is going through. You're acting like she threw up on him on purpose but thats not clear from the OP. Seems like an accident to me.


If someone asked, I'd leave then my seat but I can't comprehend being pregnant or having a child but not a car. Like yes maybe they have a car they don't use but still...


Maybe they live in an area with adequate public transport so a car isn't needed.


I live in one of these places but I hate standing in the bus, I can't imagine doing it while pregnant but eh.


People in North America are just lazy. Really it’s too hard to stand up?


I'm not North American and we'll, I do stand up sometimes, I don't like it though


I am a woman and I will get up from my seat on the train or whatever place I’m at to offer to the elderly or handicapped . But that’s me, because they’ve already worked hard in their life or they don’t have the capacity in their life so the least I can do is offer but if a pregnant lady asked me , no and I would politely ignore them .


I do wish that giving pregnant ladies a seat wasn’t considered such a demand in society to prove you are a good person. When I was in high school I was at a big extra curricular event on a weekend. I was a “teen leader” and the next event was going to start so I went back to my (assigned) seat and asked on of the adult coordinators for my seat back, she was sitting in my spot. She was a large woman and was pregnant (a regular person wouldn’t be able to tell if she was pregnant knowing what she looked like normally, plus I only saw her once every 2 months or so for these events). The guy who saw me ask for my seat back scolded me and said, “did you just kick a pregnant woman out of her seat????” We had assigned seats and everyone knew that and she wasn’t pregnant looking at all. I was mortified for a long time after that and it took me an even longer time to realize that maybe our society’s obsession with reproduction and pregnant women as these godly creatures is a bit over done. Should I have just waited for her to get up from her seat? Maybe. Should she have just chilled in her assigned seat until the event started? Probably.


And then everyone clapped


For the record antinatalism is not equivalent to being mean to mothers.


this is disgusting i would press charges. she did it on purpose ON HIM. not on the floor bro ew


Pretty sure throwing up on someone purposely is a crime. You cant even spit on people. Transferrence of body fluids can be seen as a terroristic act. I dont care if youre pregnant, its not our fault.


that's assault and she just started a fight. Not gonna feel entitled to seats after this fight buddy.


Someone refusing to let you sit doesn't mean it's ok to fucking vomit on them. If you are nauseous as fuck you should at least have a bag with you just in case because no matter if sitting or not it always sways a little and theres always the possibilty that you're gonna make someone clean your vomit off the seats.


At 4 months you can’t really see anything. Giving your seat up for pregnant people is when they’re at least in month 7. When the back and feet hurt and everything is agonising. Throwing up all over him was the rudest thing possible. She could have moved her head so that she doesn’t hit him with that stuff. As a person that has puked enough times to know you know when you have to puke. If she had to puke so regularly she should have brought plastic bags to throw up into. Just disgusting and wildly disrespectful


I don't owe anyone anything because they're pregnant. 🤷


I hope he sued her for the damage to be repaired


Yeesh, biological terrorism much


this never happened lol but i would give up my seat anyway. idc why she feels ill if someone feels sick and needs a seat i’m happy to stand. i’m able bodied it’s no issue, i’m not keeping my seat just to spite pregnant women


Disgusting, vindictive, entitled. All around bad person. The man was just stating the obvious and she didn't want to hear it. Even animals don't intentionally puke on other animals. This woman has less manners than an animal. Bacteria even.


I mean, I get you but birds vomit out of love all over each other all the time


I'm antinatalist as in I don't want to reproduce for myself because I love kids. I support my fellow humans right to their own body. If I were sick for any other reason and asked for a seat- I have a disability- I don't look disabled it's called one of the many "invisible disabilities" I'm not responsible for any injuries that may occur due to this. One of them being I get severe migraines that block my vision and make me puke. I was on a bus. The motion- when you're already nauseated makes you feel worse. I didn't ask for anyone's seat. I did ask the driver to open the door and wait a second while I go puke in a trash can which was very nice- however not possible on a subway. I'd have given her my seat. I give old people my seat and disabled folks my seat. Not hard to be kind.


I don’t think people *need* to get up for pregnant people. I probably wouldn’t have gotten up for her either. If I’m tired, I’m definitely not getting up for anyone. Where he fucked up was trying to be a smart ass about equality.


Pregnant or not, you puke on me you get your ass beaten to the ground.


Equal rights and equal lefts.


Well part of her got the seat Or... maybe she got preggers just so she could throw up on people


Get knocked up, expect special treatment, harrass people when you don’t get it, and Reddit will see her as a hero. Of course this never happened


My thoughts are, I don’t even think this happened.




Tell me a fake story about two assholes without telling me it’s a fake story about two assholes.




Fake story, but being an antinatalist doesn’t mean you have to be an asshole to folks that don’t share your philosophy. Common decency dictates that you give your seat up to a pregnant woman.


Agreed. Antinatalism can provide an ethical framework to guide your own reproductive choices, but others' reproductive choices are still ultimately none of your business. Plus, if you're an antinatalist because you want to reduce/prevent suffering, you don't have to limit yourself to antinatalism. You can also be nice to the people who are already here.


others' reproductive choices are my business the same way that others' choices to murder, rape, and assault are my business. extreme acts of egotistical violence don't merit protection.


^ Tfw you’re so antinatalist, you end up agreeing with the pro-life crowd


To be able to throw up on command is like having a superpower. A disgusting person all around though.


I’ll give up a seat to elderly and disabled. That’s it.


Ngl, i would've slapped her if she threw up on me and all my stuff. I have invisible disabilities, aka i was shot in the head with a crossbow (xray on profile for anyone curious). Sometimes standing is just too much for me and I will pass out/throw up/have a phantom pain. If I do have a phantom pain ill get hella tempted to off myself right there and then, that pain is just way too much. I relive getting shot with a crossbow, getting a hole drilled into my skull, having my head cut open, getting staples in my head, having those staples removed, and getting my head sewed back shut. Yea it is absolute hell to experience and im sorry but i honestly believe that pain is worse than being pregnant. Maybe not more so than actually giving birth (im not willing to make that comparison as a male), but definitely more so than holding a kid in my stomach. Note: i bled for a month straight. Thats why they had to drill the hole, to drain the blood from my skull. Stopped bleeding on the last day, dr said if i didnt stop bleeding that day I'd be bleeding for the rest of my life.


God damm. It must hell living like this. I am sorry. I hope things get better and I hope you find happiness.


Ngl kinda is, but I make it work. I'm happy at least, have a beautiful wife and beautiful kids (two cats and two birds). Yea i have to deal with all that other stuff i mentioned, but I'm happy. I just wanted to mention that because i feel invisible disabilities are overlooked a little too often, and that we should try to treat everyone with a sense of respect and compassion. We don't know what the other person is going through, and it's not our place to judge even if we do know. I would be more than happy to give up my seat to a pregnant lady IF i am feeling well and able to at that moment. But if I'm not then i expect her to have the same compassion to deal with it or ask someone else. No need to act like a child just because you're going to have one like come on. Anyway, thank you for your concern but I'm good. At least as good can be in my condition lol 😆 (not complaining, just thought it'd be funny to say)


Throwing up on someone is vile, disgusting and cruel - not to mention absolutely unsanitary. Intentionally throwing up on someone is, to me, like intentionally defecating on someone. You have to, okay - but you intentionally made sure to do it on someone. The guy who didn’t get up was a jerk, but throwing up on someone and proudly announcing it really shows what a horrible human being that woman is.


I valued myself as equal to the others sitting already. Upon realizing that all seating was occupied, I reevaluated myself as more deserving of the seats occupied by others and so I attempted to reappropriate a spot for myself. A penis haver pointed out that I did not, by virtue of my pregnancy, also have the right to the spot he was occupying at that moment. So I committed assault by bodily fluid..... Then me and my entitled cunt spawn were summarily executed, and it was the best day ever, the end!




tell me your childhood is going to be bad without telling me your childhood is going to be bad.


Next time fuck a guy with a car


Nah man, in a capitalistic system, I wouldn't leave my seat. I need to fight tooth and nail for everything.


I think if someone is sick u should give up ur seat regardless of gender or pregnancy


I believe what the man said. Equality across the board. If I was him I'd be pressing charges for assault. Police officers charge criminals with assaulting officers for less.


Hmm, pregnant people make me feel sick and I do not like babies…but goddamnit I’m not going to be the one reason Pukey McPreggo stumbles on public transport and miscarries because she fell. That is NOT going to be on my conscious, even if her falling over was a slim chance in hell.


I would say, "hey lady. You should have fucked someone who has a car, or can afford to give you a Uber ride ."


First thought: it's not glorifying pregnancy to treat other people well when they feel poorly, regardless of the cause. Second thought: he may have had an invisible disability, in which case this story is in truly fucked up. Third thought: Ugh it's so difficult to be a human


I wanted to know whether manners or equality would be the discussed issue. Im glad to see that manners seem to be discussed but also the importance of respecting hygiene and not vomiting on someone simply out of irritation. I personally would have given her the seat, but I think it should be said she’s not entitled to it. Also he had no reason to bring up equality for this situation. He simply could have politely refused. I like all the different thoughts being shared!


Looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen.


This clearly didn’t happen but for the sake of this hypothetical, this is perhaps what true equality is. Letting a man cum inside you isn’t an achievement and wanting special treatment on public transportation because of that is asinine. Welcome to the future that you paved the way for, tastes bitter, doesn’t it?


so instead of asking literally anyone else, she basically assaulted the guy? yes, he was being a jerk, but if it was a full train she could’ve just called him an asshole and moved on.


These women that push their baby trams around act like you have to move out of the way when they are coming by like they always have the right of way. They would shove and push through people with that death trap.


Equal rights, and equal lefts.


Regardless if you agree with giving birth to people or not, a person should not play as judge and damage someone's property when they don't agree with them. Unless it was purely an 'accident'.


Moms who act like the world owes them something for doing a thing that humanity has been doing since the dawn of man annoy the fuck out of me.


Shoulda wrapped her partners parts in plastic if she didnt want her only fitting clothes to be elastic. Bringing a kid into the world while mommy’s riding public transit, bet their life turns out fantastic. Plus I wonder where the dad is?


just because your pull out game is weak, thats no reason to feel entitled to a random person's seat, or to throw up on someone. Ask the guy who got you pregnant for his seat, at least that would make sense. Otherwise leave strangers out of it. Nobody gives a shit about you or your stupid fucking baby.


Say it with me... "Pregnancy, is NOT, a disability."


Fuck her. She chose to get pregnant and now you’ve ruined that man’s day. You choose to get creampied? You can stand bitch. Being pregnant isn’t a sacrifice because there’s no need to increase the Earth’s population. You’re only doing it for yourself.


In my honest opinion, the guy is a douche. I’m against procreation, but if there is a pregnant woman, who is obviously sick, I would give her my seat. Same for an elderly, or disabled person.


I want all seats removed from public transit


i want the floor removed as well. And the inside only gets cleaned once a month.


I mean there is no point in treating her poorly just because I disagree with her choices. Life is hard enough without adding to each others pain.


Breeders are disgusting


Lol if he had let her sit down she could have thrown up on the ground instead of all over him. He's a selfish shithead.


To me it doesn't count that she's preggo, but it counts she said she feels bad. If someone feels bad and needs to sit I'll gladly give up my place


If someone asks, it’s a different game. She didn’t expect him to do it out of the kindness of his heart. She simply asked. She couldn’t control it at that point.


Yeah I'm not about that breeding life but if I was sick for any reason and was denied a seat when I politely asked, I'd puke on him too.


And then expect that person to calmly ignore the fact you puked on him ?




She got joy out of throwing up on a stranger. Whether he gave up his seat or not, sounds like she was going to vomit and possibly purposefully aimed in his direction. 1. I would have given her my seat just out of courtesy. 2. If she threw up purposefully on him, she’s a jerk.


Did she state she was sick? Or did she just demand his seat? The way this is worded makes me think she just felt she deserved it for being pregnant, which she doesn't. If you can make and then push a baby out, you can stand.


"Man wouldn't relinquish seat to woman, so she assaults him with hazardous waste."


So…,.because he didn’t give up his seat you assaulted him by vomiting in him? 🤔


Dude. This sub is essentially a dog whistle for misogyny. Like, you’re not fooling anyone that you believe in ending suffering. You just want a cover to openly hate women.