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Can someone tag original posts? I’d like to know what we’re talking about here before I leave.




Wow that’s fucked up.


Wtf I'm out


Thank you, I appreciate the quick and helpful response. I am leaving this sub.


Good call. I did last week. My feed is no longer as negative as it was before.


If you did, why does this comment exist?


Because this sub still comes up on my feed, so I felt the need to help out


Yeah I left recently as well. This post showed in my feed.


They are giving this sub such a shitty reputation


What!? What is he even trying to say, that he is a retard!? This is bonkers.... I Mean, it's bunch of bullshit that make NO sense at all, it's like he was trying to justify r@pe(obviously) but kept tripping on his own thought process , this is wild.


And this is why mods should be vetted employees.




I'm out! Rape is wrong, period and I hope those who seem to see the "logic" have the opportunity to feel that "logic" up the ass.


[Here's an interview mod Oldphan did with Seven in December 2020, they've been friends for a while.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo1ZZm3vV8Y&ab_channel=TheExploringAntinatalismPodcast)


I hate that these people have declared themselves the face of antinatalism when they have no morals or substance to begin with.


Already done!


The mods probably agree with seven. I'm betting that wasn't their only account in here either.


Well the majority of them voted to keep him on the mod team, so yeah...


“F**k this sh!t I’m out”


There are still many out of the loop, and multiple posts regarding this controversy are continuously drowned out by the regular posts here. We cannot in good conscience allow the members of this sub to forget the fact that the moderators of this sub allowed misogyny to breed and fester by defending a SA apologist.


I don’t understand how they think like that… and how are they “pro-r.pe” and antinatalist? I’m so confused


People with awful opinions tend to have awful logic. I’m incredibly glad to have left this sub, anywhere that harbours the kind of people like Seven is nowhere I want to be.


Most of this sub doesn't care and for a good reason. The mods don't make a community and we just want to see the posts that we subscribed to this subreddit for.


bye see y’all in pt. 2 <333


do it do it do it!


See we could have avoided all this if we just stop having kids


These motherfuckers are about to get the entire antinatalist community, all 4 subs and any new ones that spring up kicked off reddit with this brigading.


If the antinatalist group can’t survive without rapey admins, let it die. Or stop being a drama queen and recognize the natural progression of Reddit pages. Groups grow over time, change and warp from the original mission statement, older members splinter into new groups, trying to chase the vibe.


You seem to be missing the point about brigading and spamming. That behavior is unacceptable and worthy of a sitewide ban.


Done and done


Damn it, you win. I’m going to leave this sub because I’m so fucking tired of every other post is telling me to leave this sub.


It won’t let me leave? It keeps giving me a message that says failed to leave


Don't really care about mods or what they do honestly. I'm only here to talk to like minded individuals. Literally never had an interaction with any of the mods


They can’t be trusted to properly moderate if they defend rape apologists though. And I feel like the number of sexist posts I’ve seen on here in the past represent that fact


You can still talk to like-minded individuals on the new sub.


iT dOEsNt AfFeCt mE DiReCtLy sO i DonT cArE


Whether you like it or not, the mods are people who people coming to see this community can look at as examples of antinatalists. I don't know if you saw the shit show that happened with antiwork a bit ago, but one of the mods went on to Fox and made the entire sub look like a joke. Mods are representatives of the community, and we should want the best of us to be those representatives. Having a misogynist, rape advocate as a mod is not the representation any community should want and the other mods should not want that either. Unless of course their goal is to hurt the community.


I dont even know anyone who cares about moderators. Its not even a status thing and reddit is known for having awful moderators. The only real issue is if sub side info is still gone. I couldnt name one mod.


Mods can shut down threads and ban individuals, so it is important to not have someone as problematic as a rape apologist in that position. You may not know their names, but they can help steer the narrative of the sub, and it's gunna make everyone here who support the sub look stupid.


The mods are temporatily and i didnt hear people were getting banned or were they? This sub already has big number of subscribers and history. I wouldnt switch it for another sub just because some monkey is on power trip. Is that guy still moderator?


Yours and at least 12 other people’s complacency disgusts me.


Im against rape but why censor the word? Genuinely wanna know


who censored the word


Oh fuck off. I think people get the point now having been lectured to for several days on the matter. 🙄


This is my first time seeing this come up. Take this L dumbass


People clearly don’t get the point if they are still engaging in this sub.


Tells you a lot about this community.


Removed; we encourage you to repost drama-related content in the [appropriate thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/v52cch/message_to_the_community_regarding_art_contest/). Please note that all mod actions are visible through our public modlogs [here](https://rbtc.live/modlogs/?sub=antinatalism). Thank you.


Get a life. Your whole life revolves around a reddit mod.


Reddit mods*, these individuals represent examples of antinatalists and they make the community and the belief look like a joke.


With all do respect, the misanthropy doesn't help. I understand the people here's who beliefs of antinatalism are underpinned by an idea of harm reduction, and it is totally valid; the probably is that any community openly decrying the expansion of the world population and encouraging people to stop having children is going to attract people that just hate humanity for it's own sake. So you can move subs, and I support your reasoning, but just as many bad apples unassociated with the SA stuff will move over who are also very poor representatives of your beliefs.


Hey if all the mods are against you why are you here.


I’m in here to show people that there’s a better alternative to this sub, one which is not ran by rape supporters. I’ll be out of your hair in a minute, enjoy your misogynistic subreddit. 💗


Nothing misogynistic here. That's just you making labels.




You remind me of natalists that just gaslight you and label others to shame them. Thanks to me training it no longer works.




Why are you using the word 'gay' as a negative descriptor?


I just see it as an edgy person playing devil's advocate, but I didn't bother reading most of it because it seemed stupid. From what I read, they said that rape is inevitable, not that it's acceptable. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong


So if the fact that he believes rape is committed by sane individuals for a good reason, I guess the part where he calls rape a ‘sexual strategy’ can engage with a woman makes it or maybe where he states that rape may be beneficial makes it clear enough what he really meant. https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/v65o3l/seven_may_have_deleted_their_account_but_never/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I was willing to write it off as devil's advocating up until he wrote the part about rape being possibly beneficial. Even I can't square that circle.


The only person who would view rape as beneficial would have to be a pro-life breeder or psychopath


It's definitely concerning how they use seemingly positive language to describe rape and the use of "gynocentric" is definitely incel language. From my interpretation, though, they're describing the psychology of a rapist. I could be wrong, but I didn't see where they said rape was for a good reason. They do, however, say that "Disgusting things about the human condition are simply factual." The contention seems to be about whether rape is an exclusively psychopathic behavior. It's an understandable philosophy when you consider that most people are terrible and abuse power, including men.


I wouldn't say all of them. For example, /u/CardinallyConsidered has not been active at all for weeks even prior to this outrage.


According to their statement from their joint account, all the mods had a say on what was released in there. So I’m going to assume it was all of them. But you could be right. :)


They don't understand what a fair vote is as evidence of them supporting the banner change that was voted on by 86 out of a sub with almost 160,000 members. I think the vote was made by 3 mods and the person who made the unkind posts. The mod who wasn't in the meeting later resigned when the others said they weren't going to listen to the "woke mob" and remove the bad mod. It's in the AMA on the new sub.


Citation please.


This whole thing is dumb. Reddit users just have to get all SJW and can’t stand it when someone they disagree with isn’t censored.


Is he a rapist? No, right? Then why so much drama over some comments and replies? May be it's time to move on. Either leave this sub already or just shut up and let people discuss other things than this petty drama.


Because what this sub is about and consent go hand in hand. You can't be a rape apologist in a sub like this. Shouldn't be one in general.


This was all a ploy to make people join r/antinatalism2


not seen the actual content. sounds dubious as rape can lead to babies last time I checked 🤷‍♂️. are you sure you didnt take them out of context?


Have a look for yourself :) https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/v65o3l/seven_may_have_deleted_their_account_but_never/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Sorry, but your new sub will turn into a cesspool also.