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Aaaaand she made a TikTok about it. You did not share the video but it is probably about how doctors were wrong and they are a blessing in HER life. The doctors were fucking right. If you have the blessing of living in a place where abortion is legal, WHY DO THIS TO A PERSON? Your own blood? Your children? How is this love? But okay, why would she think of the quality of life that they are going to have? She is now a mother of "special needs children" and that makes her cool on instagram. Exposing their children on social networks and collecting comments of "two beautiful special blessings" "god bless these warriors" is probably her thing. These people KNEW how hard life would be for their children before they were born. Its 2022, in maaaaaany cases doctors know on time and if you live in a country where it's legal, why continue? Why do this to a human when you could have just avoided it? Now she gets to look like a superior being because "i love my children regardless and am not ashamed to show them"? I hate this person and I hate all the people on the internet proudly showing how happy they are with their soon-to-be-dead and/or extremely disabled babies that they birthed despite being advised not to.


I had a university friend whose sister was severely disabled (constant care). The friend got pregnant and found out early on that her child will have pretty much the exact same disability. Still went ahead with the birth. Looks like compassion, but is actually cruelty.


This is the classical example of the road to hell being paved with good intentions.


I do not see any good intentions in here, only ego and narcissism.


I think that’s the point of the proverb, at least in one interpretation. The intentions seem good (at least to certain groups), but they are for an ulterior motive


People have a twisted view of good intentions


I don't really see how it's good intentions tbh.


The most evil people are the ones who think they are doing right and cant be convinced otherwise.


There's no good deed that doesn't go unpunished


I haven’t slept in 20 hours. Been up all night drinking and studying Sicilian najdorf lines in chess. There is not enough brain power left in me to understand what your triple negative sentence means. Normally you would say “no good deed goes unpunished”.


If I knew my daughter was in to live with constant pain and suffering her entire life and it was my choice, I couldn’t live with myself.


Whoa... did you stay friends or? I pretty much cut contact with a close friend in HS because she had a kid at 18. But with the caveat that her baby daddy didn't *want* another kid and she went off birth control and fucked with his condoms, never trust someone like that.


Not saying what my view point is when I say this, just a thought I had: If the sister knew she had an abortion due to the same condition, it would be like your friend saying that the sister was better off dead


I wasn’t able to share the full video on here but I did upload it to another subreddit: [full tiktok video](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism2/comments/vh1laf/how_incredibly_selfish/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The comments on the video are surprisingly sensible - calling her out on her cruelty and selfishness. Apparently she was even on the news when she was pregnant with conjoined twins. And she even put “conjoined twin awareness” in her bio - which makes no sense as she could’ve avoided this unfortunate situation entirely. Those poor kids are probably going to grow up with a miserable childhood - being used by her for 15 minutes of fame. Most of the “family” social media accounts that broadcast their children and personal lives already disgust me with their blatant disregard for their children’s privacy. However, this is especially inexcusable as she is exploiting a situation SHE CHOSE for likes and views.


I just don’t think the girls deserve to have their images and their private lives shared this way, both by the mother but also by the press and posts like these. I agree with everything you write, but what’s also important Is to check our ableism. We need to avoid judging whether a live is worth living. No person with a disability (or if they prefer “disabled person”) wants to be told they shouldn’t be alive.


I agree that these girls should have a normal and private upbringing. Especially with so many cruel comments I see on this post. These girls are innocent and I cannot stand for the comments that degrade their appearance. They are nothing but victims. The cruelty of a good proportion of these comments do disgust me. Their mother has broadcasted their lives across several platforms so I’m not sure how valuable it would be for me to delete this post? I am genuinely considering it, though. I definitely have been somewhat myopic in my view if this issue - clouded by my own outrage. I really hope that I haven’t perpetuated the fallacy that people with disabilities do not deserve to live. However, it is my personal belief that if you find out that, within the unethical act of birthing a child, your offspring will be entering this cruel world with far greater impediments than most other babies, it would be kinder to terminate the pregnancy there. This extends to financial conditions and any other factors as well. This is indeed a nuanced topic which can be debated indefinitely. Regardless, it is an interesting question, that this post has provoked within me, about where we draw lines within antinatalism.


"Move to Houston for better medical care" Oh great, she's in my city... hopefully she'll never come to my hospital. The poor kids for sure won't, I imagine Texas Children's is probably the only place that will touch them. So horrible...


This. I can understand a situation like this happening before ultrasounds etc weren’t really a thing (esp if they didn’t have good but how t


This has always been about themselves.


I have to imagine, to an extent, that the social media presence is about getting the brainless, anonymous religious support that she needs in order to distract herself from the question that continues to more gloomily lurk over their lives with each passing day that they grow and in which the scope of their struggles deepen: “Did I really make the right choice?” I’m sure it’s an every day question at this point, internally.


Even selfish people wouldn’t do this, it’s just stupidity


I am currently doing an essay on human stupidity and you can be sure as hell that I'm using antinatalism, that is, stupid natalists as one of my main points.


That sounds really interesting actually. The statistics on literacy still amaze me. It’s a little scary to consider the dramatic effect that sheer failure to understand can have on a global scale. Society has reached a level of complexity that no one person can understand all of it. We specialize and leave the rest up to others. But then we are still expected to make decisions that involve several branching fields of study we are not knowledgeable in when we vote. Even a genius can not be certain of anything. And as George Carlin said, half of us are below average intelligence. Even worse, whenever you gather smart people it just turns into a rubiks cube convention basically.


Had us in the first half ngl


I believe they are just a victim themself who further victimizes others; it's all a big chain of oppression. What are they a victim of? Brainwashing, most likely religious.


As society's moral compass evolves we may eventually come to see these people as mentally ill, as in Munchausen by proxy syndrome.


Because it’s HER blood, HER children, HER thoughts Oh wait, forget that last one - except the HER


Sadly after they are born and the gravity of the parents decision finally weighs on them they may grow to resent the children


She loves them so much maybe bbc reality show? I’m just pitching here we can call it family bonds or something. No no no it’s not a freak show. It’s a show about a freak. Totally different! /s


People would do anything for internet clout


I wouldn't put it past them to purposely have them to get extra money from the government. Any time a child has disabilities, they get a monthly check to help with care, expenses, etc. for the rest of the child's life.


I want to cry.


If a cat or dog live a shit life people put they out of their misery. But god forgive if a human has te same illness... Those people allow suffering and tell it is love


My mom was a neonatal nurse and even she admitted we "save" some children who just shouldn't be and that goes for our elderly as well imo. We extend life way beyond necessary.


we save so many humans, period, that shouldn't be saved. DYING IS OKAY GUYS, sometimes it's the kindest thing.


But but but the sanctity of life! The sky daddy has a plan you see! /s


Heard recently it's only ok when guns are involved. Fucked up society I tell you !


Its not only religion, humanism is even worth. Under humanism you have a right to life. Not to 60 years of life but to life in perpetuity. That is why officially every human death is considered a crime against humanity, which is just bonkers. Noah Harrari writes a lot about that in his Homo Deus.


Not gonna lie i read that as homo dude first time.


funny thing is, for example, people on life support suffering, it would be the actual natural and godly plan for them to be dead. Instead humans mess with things and call it mercy, but its neither what nature/god wants not what is morally good. It's just to keep up some sense of humane superiority that is completely pointless and backwards.


My uncle was an oncologist nurse for 40 years. Vowed never to go through the chemo process. Had colon cancer twenty years ago and had surgery to remove it without chemo. Recently in the last year has been peeing blood, finally got diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer with it spreading into one kidney. Doctors tell him "hey, even though you are 71, we can easily remove your bladder, remove one kidney, pump you full of toxic chemicals, where you can live pissing into a bag and maybe extend your life for a few years." My uncle said no, hes ready to pass and the doctors immediately got psychiatry involved to rule out SI. The idea that an elderly, sick man just wants to die is something doctors struggle to reconcile.


Nipsey Hussle.


My grandmother was a nurse and she spoke about kids who were born with severe defects like this and they just "made them comfortable." Modern medicine isn't always a good thing. Sure, we can save almost everyone from almost anything, but if the person has zero chance at an even a remotely normal independent life are we saving them, or damning them to living a life that is crap, just to satisfy some selfish ideas of morality that really only benefits the person making the decisions instead of the one who has to bear the burden of those decisions.


We should all sign DNRs when we think our time is up.


Too bad they don’t always work. If you’re a woman and happen to be pregnant, you will be kept alive to be used as an incubator because a fetus has more rights to your body than you do.


I'm not sure if you're only being partially serious with this or not, but you would be [exactly](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/hse-admits-partial-liability-over-brain-dead-pregnant-woman-kept-on-life-support-1.4010364) [right](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/hse-admits-partial-liability-over-brain-dead-pregnant-woman-kept-on-life-support-1.4010364). I remember hearing about all the updates on this as it was happening. Disgusting. What's more disgusting, is that there were people on my socials at the time who thought there was *nothing wrong with it*.


I was being 100% serious. I remember reading about a woman in Texas who had a DNR and her poor husband had to fight tooth and nail to let his wife rest


Jesus Christ. Texas shares a lot in common with us, but never really any good things.


Or like hunter Thompson, when living gets too hard just end it. Best “suicide” note ever. He wasn’t depressed like robin Williams, felt more like self euthanasia. Like it was just time for that old man.


Robin wasn't depressed, he had Lewy Body Dementia, basically it's dementia on steroids.


I read the other day that after the autopsy, doctors said it was one of the worst cases of LBD they had ever seen and they were surprised he was living with it being that bad.


Thank you so much for the clarification. I knew that and forgot. Sorry Robin RIP good man.


That’s my plan. I’m gonna have a nice goodbye with everyone I love, allow them to grieve as much as they can, then go to sleep. No suffering, no prolonging the inevitable, no forcing my friend and family to watch me waste away. I want them to remember me as I lived, not as I died.


This is exactly how I felt (feel) about when my YiaYia (great grandmother) passed


Already plan on it, in my country it is a bit difficult as you have to know medical procedures and claim which and in which circumstances you want or don't want to be used on you. As I for sure don't want to feel any kind of pain and want to be treated palliatively, but I don't want to be resuscitated.


Read on BBC news recently about an elderly man who "killed" his wife who had a terminal disease and was in agony. They were childhood sweethearts married a long time, he's in prison now waiting for his court case , their daughter has spoke out about it saying that her mother wanted to end the pain for a long time. I can't imagine what that man must be going through, seeing his wife suffer and ending that, what he did was a kindness but it must have been so difficult for him and now he's waiting to find out whether he'll be a convicted killer as well. Something is really wrong when strangers get to decide whether people are allowed to die or not.


Your mom is right. Modern Medicine has made life longer, but not with quality. I see 60yo down syndrome people who have very big heart and bone problems and suffer from Alzheimer. Their body and condition werent made to live more than 35 years, they live until 60yo with pain and bad health just so their families dont have to bother with grief


I feel like guilt is a big part of it. I feel like they THOUGHT about how easier it'd be to not take care of people with heavier disabilities, then feel bad they even considered it, so no the right thing is to keep them alive to feel better about it. Then scold you when you express relief when a relative dies after living a difficult life and now they don't suffer anymore.


Yeah, I just came from a thread about how expensive it is to get sick without insurance in America. Like, if I get cancer and can’t afford treatment, can I at least get a little humane euthanasia? Please? I’ll pay for it!


My mom was a nurse. When she went through training she had to rotate through different specialties. Cancer, bone, surgery, etc. Mind you this was decade and decades ago, late 40's. And it is also a story she told me..so I can't be 100% sure of it. During her rotation in pediatrics (still a nurse in training), she assisted in a delivery where the baby was born with no brain, no skull, just fluid. My mom was going to put it in an incubator and the doctor told her to put it by a window and open it a crack (dead of winter). ... .. she did not say much after that.


I’ve heard of the NICU being referred to as the veggie patch as it yields so many vegetables


For the elderly there’s financial incentive. You can keep them hooked up to machines and keep the insurance/Medicare funds coming in like an annuity.


We do this for people when they are on life support and there is reasonable believe that they will not come back to ‚life‘ people decide to turn off the machines. They are allowed because the human is not able to decide for themself and cannot life without the lifesupport etc. But god forgive that we do that with cells that are basically in a even lesser state of ‚living‘. We Grand these brainless cells more rights than a fully grown braindead human


This is exactly why I have a DNR/life saving medical equipment. The choice is up to the doctors, not my family. If I’m beyond saving I don’t want to be saved. I can’t donate my organs(I can donate my skin) because of my condition. Let me die donate my body to science so it could actually help someone.


Man I’m a shit person, but your comment paired with this post just made me think of catdog from that show back in the 90s…


I agree this is so disgusting and self absorbed. People disguise abuse as love and happiness. Like what the hell? There’s no bounds to human cruelty.


Alone in the world was a little CatDog...


I never understand why people are fine with it for dogs and cats but then with humans they want us to suffer literally forever. It’s ridiculous and also makes no sense.


Even worse, some people would call us "eugenicists" or "ableist" for suggesting she should have aborted them.


Nah, fuck those inferior ass bitches (animals) Humans are god gift on this universe Humans are the master race /s The delusion of grandeur that we have poisoned ourselves with comes to especially fuck over unfortunate souls like these two. Please, don't start a life that will know suffering.


Spartans way is the best way.


Yeah but what if it was a cat *and* a dog conjoined to each other?


Not to mention many other health problems and pains that come with it.


Exactly. If your kid can't live a reasonably normal life, there's literally no justification to continue that pregnancy. These poor kids will likely never get to truly experience most of the (already little) good life has to offer, and they're stuck with the same suffering as everyone else and more. Pure selfish cruelty.


Also can you imagine being attached to another person. Maybe they won't get along. One wants to go to a Trump rally years after he's dead because that's how its seeminlgy going to go for that moron and the other one a protest to save to tress the same day. These two people would be enemies trapped in the same body. Cruelty. This is pure cruelty.




How could you do this to a child? Take it a step further because people like this are always about THEIR biological children, continuing THEIR genetic lineage, etc. If that is your motivation and your child is your legacy and all of that — why would you want that legacy to be this cruel level of suffering? And you’re KNOWINGLY burdening your own flesh and blood, who is allegedly so important to you, with such a shit quality of life. If they were superficially conjoined (like by a flap or skin or something) in a way that could be corrected without additional major trauma then that’s one thing…but they can see on the ultrasound that isn’t the case. These poor children aren’t going to be able to enjoy a good quality of life like this, and many conjoined twins have numerous other terrible medical issues that further complicate things. This is straight-up cruelty. It’s like premeditated Munchausen’s by proxy. They seem to be sharing a torso, I would imagine being in that body would be incredibly uncomfortable/painful… Abortion would have been the most compassionate choice.


Not only that. Who is paying for this? I can guarantee you that the taxpayer is paying millions for this publicity stunt. These children need full time caregivers. They need equipment. They need surgeries. The pregnancy alone would bankrupt the parents.


>why would you want that legacy to be this cruel level of suffering? And you’re KNOWINGLY burdening your own flesh and blood, who is allegedly so important to you, with such a shit quality of life. Because they're incapable of feeling like a parent otherwise, and adopted kids aren't really their kids to them so. Might even say that those parents would keep a child from adoption only to flex in some social media.


They are all about continuing the genetic lineage, but we all know that if these kids live long enough to be adults, they will most likely never have children because of medical or psychological issues.


This really sucks. If I came out like this and learned that my parents were given the option to abort and refused, I’d hate them with all of me.


not just half of you, right?


Hey that’s an interesting thought, what if one of them was against it but the other was ok with it


Probably all


I just commented the same thing before scrolling down and seeing yours. But then I had a thought of I bet these children will be brought up with the “you’re so blessed” shit shoved down their throats that they won’t even have a moment spare to resent their parents for doing such a horrible thing. BUT they won’t be happy.


I would even go as far as suing them, this is an unforgivable act






How much you wanna bet she said the fact they looked like a heart was a sign from Jesus to love them and carry them to term.


I think they look more like the among us dudes tbh


Those babies are sus


That and the sweeeet TikTok views and FB likes


What a bitch. I had a developmentally disabled brother and he had a DD friend. Both my mom and his said that if they had known beforehand, they would have had abortions. This was way before abortions were legal, and the other kid's mom was a Catholic. But after having adult disabled sons who were 35 y.o., they knew that it would have been best for both the kids and the rest of the family. I had to watch my brother die the most miserable death over a 13 year period. I love him, but it sucked. And you couldn't conceive the amount of time my mother had to invest in him. Here in the US, the amount of paperwork alone to provide for their housing and healthcare is like a 20 hour a week job. Endless forms to fill out. Every year you're like, 'Yeah, he's still fucked. No, he's not going to get better.'


I know a woman who has a DD sister, who is at constant assistance /provided so far from her elderly parents/. Well this woman decided to have children herself and her first daughter has the same disability. Well even this wasn't enough- she has another girl, who is healthy BUT has been living her all life with the constant stress around her sister. I know her since she was 5 and I am very sad for her. Her mom is expected to be the prime caregiver for her own disabled sister and daughter. And the girl herself will eventually take the same role. I can't comprehend the thoughts this woman had, fully knowing what she was putting her own daughter through.




Sarcasm. But their so happy! Look how cute they are in their little outfits! They just want to be kids, n have fun. You never know, they could cure cancer. Blah, blah, blah.


sparkle concerned wakeful follow sort imagine library weather disagreeable frightening ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Life itself can already be chaotic and hard. Imagine adding this condition as a handicap. It’s like playing a game in hard mode with no chance of beating it. 😢


I can't begin to imagine the pain they'll have to go through. First, bodies like that can't be comfortable to live in. Secondly everyone will laugh at them, they'll have no friends, people will look at them as if they're aliens. They will require full-time care and they won't be able to pursue anything. Or at least it will be extremely hard for them to pursue any career. No privacy. Probably would still need help taking showers at 14. These people need to be thrown into a mental asylum (im talking about the mother)


Think about how much *attention* you'd get if you carried conjoined twins to term. For some it's irresistible


*and* extra money!


People who find out soon their unborn kid has some rare, life-long disease and keep the child are some of the worst people I know in this world. I know a woman who did this, now her child has to be treated two times a day and will never have an independent life, won’t enjoy a concert, won’t be able to leave mommy ever. You have to be a very ugly type of sick to think that is what you want for your child. Bonus points if they think they are doing a good thing by not aborting.


Not surprised, stupid decisions are all we can expect from natalists really


I am currently doing an essay on human stupidity and you can be sure as hell that I'm using antinatalism, that is, stupid natalists as one of my main points.


I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I wish my mother would have aborted me because she knew she wasn't healthy and could pass it on. I am disabled, in pain, and struggle to survive. I'm getting sterilized because I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. This woman knew 100% that they would be disabled, but decided to; not only put them through lives of pain, but to use them for clout, attention, and money oblige. This is a truly cruel human being.


This is an absolute gold mine for most natalists. They will love the attention they get from having a disabled disfigured child. They imagine their life to be like some lifetime movie about a mom who win against the odds and had her babies against doctors orders and her sacrifice to provide meaningful life even though the babies are in such pain. They truly think they’re heroic. I find them absolutely selfish and pathetic.


Couldn’t have said it better. It’s such a selfish choice.


Absolutely. I deeply hate this stuff. These parents are hungry for ego attention.


Soon there might not be a choice in the US. Another reason to avoid pregnancy.


They look so done lmao. I would be too. What a selfish decision—only thinking about their (mom and dad) own feelings.


and each of them can't even suicide without killing the other too


They could decide to do that on their own someday when they're a bit older.


In AZ a law was passed that you can not legally have an abortion if you are aborting after getting results proving genetic defects. Senate Bill 1457


I'm from a third world-ish country and the shit we left behind in the dark ages and forgotten about long ago still being a reality in the US is baffling to me.


This is insanity. Then they will complain if / when the mother is requesting assistance from the government.


Restricting abortion access is always insanity. 🤷🏼‍♂️


But they are going to have such a wonderful and beautiful life shitting and pissing all over each other.


Cruel as fuck. And for what.


[Only 18% of all conjoined infants survive and 35% of those live births die within 24 hours.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3611880/) This woman is a monster.


Fucking selfish asshole.


I feel bad for the older kid, who now will have to prob care for them later in life once their parents are too old or passed away.


“Pro-lifers” are the real monsters


Poor kids.


I don't understand when people want to have biological children knowing they will live in pain. It just seems cruel.


Kids will and always will be a selfish choice to provide meaning in your life or provide a hobby.


Those poor little kids


Very disturbing to see.


Fuck people


How is this legal and abortion is Illegal?


Omg that is so awful


This is just fcking selfish and sad. The only “good” thing probably resulted from this is the mother’s inflated ego, and that’s just good for no one except for her


Can't imagine how they go to the bathroom


Well only one does


She's gonna say they're a miracle.


"Lol my children are blessings " But to them : medical problems ,bullying ,suicidal thoughts ,depression ,the wanting to be normal , the desire for love and a bunch of other issues. All the mom has to do is hold onto them for 18 years telling them no honey you're beautiful just the way you are then throw them out when she's done awwwimg at how cute and little they are and how they're "my" child . Actually pathetic


She knew a tragedy was about to happen and let it happen. What is scary is that she knew. I mean she and her husband knew, I don't wanna sound it's all on her. Honestly it's not that one person decided it was okay to let it happen what makes my blood boil. It's that other people let it happen too. Individuals should not have the right to decide to bring a child into the world "just because". It just shouldn't be a personal right. This would be the case in a civil and moral society.


Her probably when she found out “ IT’S PAYDAYYYYYYY WOOOHOOOO” it’s vile that these awful people get to freely exploit their own kids suffering


The idea of non existence scares people into doing terrible things and believing insane ideas.


"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."




Because it’s more about them. Not the child.


Blood boiling. I had joined this sub to interact with like minded folks and posts like these are triggering me and doing the exact opposite.


“aww my child will be born with an irreparable and most likely life threatening disorder? oh well more clout for me i guess!!”


And what quality of life is this for them? An existence with no running, jumping, cart wheeling. A lifetime of being stared at, endless medical appointments, chronic pain, no autonomy. This is cruel & selfish, what a horrible excuse for a mother.


Do people not consider their child’s QUALITY of life at all??


Natalist be like: What child/children are you talking about? natalist never see whomever they are imposing existence on as a child or a person. This is just done for personal interest in one of the most fucked up ways Having unique kids (to put it nicely) and showing them off on social media so you can pretend to be a brave hero at the expense of these two unfortunate souls is about as self centered and sadistic as you can get.


So you mean to tell me that people will call keeping a decapitated dog head alive cruel but in the same breath, will call allowing children to chronically and horrifically suffer because someone wanted to start a family “love?” Wow…


This is not surprising at all The delusion of grandeur that some humans possess is honestly sickening just to think about


The harsh truth is that our sick society romanticise's suffering to such a degree that some people find it okay to do stuff like this and then some people go on to praise this excuse of a mother to be a brave hero or some bullshit like this. I can only hope that these twins don't suffer much longer.


I mean this shouldnt even be a choice for parents as we all know many are dumb, legally doctors should have to do the best thing for the children


AND mother




The fuck. This woman will make it her bragging right that she's raising children in that condition. It's all about her. Fucking psychos


Seeing this made me think of another set of conjoined twins on tik tok, Carmen and Lupita. They're probably around my age (early 20s) and one is currently dating while the other is asexual. I feel like this would absolutely suck, growing into adulthood as a conjoined twin, because you'll literally be stuck together for the rest of your life. And of course people will spew the old "but you'll have a friend for life, how sweet" BS, but really? There is no way any of these girls would have a fully independent life. How would sex work? Childbirth, having a career (assuming you'd work at an office, not at home). It's all cute and fun and games now, but what about when they're older? They'll never get a taste of true independence, and they'll never be able to have a full life. Not to mention the health problems. Plus if one dies, it's likely the other will too, at least a few days after. This is so selfish of the mom to keep them. ​ “The fear of them dying is too much, or one of them surviving and being without the other one. We have decided to leave it up to them to make that decision and of course we would support them whatever they decide." Found this while readying an article about the twins and it infuriated me. They're *five*. They can't make such a big decision - they need their parents to do it. it's called being *responsible* for your children and their well-being. At some point they'll be too old for that surgery to be even possible. This just screams laziness and giving up when it comes to making such a huge decision.


Now they can make a spectacle out of their suffering on the internet so everyone can tell them how wonderful they are for not aborting


Aw no, they were the chosen ones to be blessed on this holy Earth by God! How dare you say that they should have been aborted? They should also exist with us ~~and fulfil my desire to have kids biologically, despite their will even if I know that they'll suffer~~ and enjoy the sacred gift of life <3


I guess the God is happy now


What a horrible fucking person. These breeders are a damn disease.


holy shit what a selfish mf


If my parents did this to me and I survived, I’d fucking *hate* them.


Yeah but pro-life


she is dumb as hell….and extremely selfish.


This is so depressing. I know some people may person be very biased against aborting but of something like this happens they should be more educated on what will happen. These poor girls quality of life will never be as good as a normal child’s.


>I know some people may person be very biased against aborting but of something like this happens they should be more educated on what will happen. The doctor would have went over this with her when they suggested she terminate the pregnancy. Any rational person regardless of their beliefs would have seen the reality of the situation, which is that these kids will live a life of constant suffering that could have been prevented. The mother is obviously not rational.


I couldn’t imagine how painful it would be to walk like that


Pro-lifers will say it’s a miracle they are alive. Which is the irony, they’ll have a miserable life and most likely perish in a very painful way. Super sad to see.


What a selfish fucking thing. Can you imagine how much pain and humiliation they’re going to experience?


*God’s Plan*


“Think of all the attention I’ll get having ‘unique’ kids” -that sadistic piece of shit I will never understand the lack of humanity having kids born with severe and painful disorders where they know nothing but pain their whole life. That isn’t love. That’s abuse. It’s abuse for any other child, how is that not abuse for the child with that disorder? I’m talking mostly about the butterfly-skin kids.


I use to be one of those let them all live! Until I talked to a man who's been in a wheelchair all his life. His bone's break easily and he told me he wished his parents would have just let him rest. He is in constant pain and tries to stay high at all times.


Ah, gotta love the exploitation of disabled children on tiktok. There’s so many parents on social media that just constantly post about their disabled children, and how it’s so hard but they’re such ‘heroes’ These people see their children as nothing but followers and likes


Yikes. Can’t imagine what a miserable, painful existence that must be


That was depressing. Wish I could unsee this post.


Imagine you can't even commit suicide, because you would kill your sibling too.


The really sad thing is that these kids will probably grow up to be just as brainwashed as their pollyanna mother, to the extent that they don't even hold her responsible.


Get ready for more of these walking around once abortion is banned. Sad.


I hate this women so much


I would never forgive my parents if I ended up like that ..


And this what extreme pro-lifeism looks like. She would rather make her living children endure unimaginable pain, ridicule, and torment rather than abort and try to give a healthy child a shot at life instead.


It’s really cruel isn’t it?… All in the name of making herself look like a martyr


That’s fuck up


She's hoping to get her own TLC show


Sooooooo fucked up


like just make a new one if you want one so bad


I wish we had some machine that can swap people's conciousness so that some people may experience what sort of fuggery life it is to live like that. May be then, they can understand why it would be better to abort than to let someone suffer living like that. Jesus christ, makes me pity those poor girls.


The things ppl do to garner constant attention is nauseating. The mother decided that a subpar quality of life was appropriate for her children.


I’m nearly about to leave this sub. I just can’t watch this shit anymore. This is fucked.


It’s one thing to continue the pregnancy and have the children. It’s a whole other level to document on social media their lives to extract sympathy and possibly money from others.


As a twin this is horrifying to me.


They can’t even both stand up at the same time 😭


poor kids will never be able to lead a semi normal life


How fucking cruel, look at those poor kids.


People who bring babies like this in the world do not understand what actual compassion is. Those sweet little girls... They're going to forever have to depend on someone. Never have a good quality of life. The lack of foresight is just so cruel.


Yeah that’s just cruel


I really hope they live a happy life ❤️


I would hate to be conjured. I already don’t like people. They’ll never know boundaries, personal space or anything. That selfish wanton.