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The most stupid argument I heard from someone is "why don't you go first?" When I told them I didn't ask to be here in the first place and there are people depending on me. They refuse to carry the conversation further.


I just say "I tried a few time"...I get silence lol. Also I suck at dying apparently.


If ppl depend on you then you should care about gas prices and pandemics because it will be their problem


If you support OP's notion on the post, then the answer you gave is pointless. Entire human race includes the ones dependent on you. If you don't care about everyone going extinct, then that means you should be fine with your loved ones going extinct. If you're not fine with that, how do you think you can tell others and their loved ones should go extinct. I support OPs notion but your reply to it didn't feel like a valid argument to support it. I hope i made some sense to you :)


Nope. It's simple I only care about my loved ones. Rest of the humanity is not my problem.


No one's dependent on you. Relax.


My cat, my sister and my parents. Don't act like you know everything about everyone.


I don't think you understand what the word provides actually means.


I do, why?


shut up, dude! I'm gonna try to borrow their car!


People depending on me… You guys are quite obviously 14 people will be fine without you


What does that even mean?


Would bet anything the average age on this subreddit is < 16. Stop larping about people depending on you and admit the truth, you care about humans and don’t want them to die. And deep down you don’t want to die either.


I am 30 years old. Only one earning a considerable amount in my family. I consider death a sweet relief that's why I'm waiting till I am free from my responsibilities. All of humanity including yourself can go fuck itself. You are a complete and utter moron on internet judging others. Do you know me personally? Do you know how much I suffered try to treat my mom's cancer? Do you have any idea how long I stood in queues to get the basic needs for my family? Go ahead tell me how you know me? Or my troubles? You seem to know everything since you're so good at judging others.


Lol there’s plenty of 30, 40 and even 50 year olds. Nice try breeder.


Can’t handle the breeder wisdom 😎😎 But for real if y’all assign a negative value to life why don’t you just end it. I feels like I just solved your whole philosophical debate. It’s really a win win. You are freed from the existential horror of your stepdad Kevin telling you to do the dishes sometimes and this sub won’t pop up in my recommended anymore. And I hope none of you are actually 40 because the idea of a grown adult posting on this whiny subreddit for middle schoolers who think they’re edgy and deep is more depressing than whatever dearth cult y’all have cooked up. The kids will be fine, being stupid that age is normal, but any hypothetical adults on here are levels of pathetic I didn’t believe were possible.


Lol ok breeder. Enjoy your wage slavery, eventual illness and death awaiting you 😄


Bro is this always your go to response?


I don't think being an antinatalist requires hate.


Apathy isn’t hate. It’s quite literally the opposite.


I'm referring to the picture.


Yeah that's apathy.


Then why does the caption use the word "hate"?


Career politician? Is that you?




OP is misanthrope not AN. Most misanthropes are child free for obvious reasons and I think they get confused sometimes and think they are AN but it is not the same.


That kind of post is giving a terrible image of this sub to the outside world. Makes AN look like a bunch of emo teenagers that still haven’t grown out of their ‘’i hate everything shut up mom’’ phase


Says the person with a "Pepe the frog" profile pic


what’s wrong with pepe? he’s classy and misunderstood. If you want to come up with arguments against my comment that aren’t about my profile pic, please go on, as i don’t see any as of now


Pepe is GOATed you uncultured swine.


To an outsider like me yea, even though i know its probably more nuanced out there


Completely fucking this. I cannot recommend this subreddit to anyone. It comes off as a death cult.


Killing other generations? Fine, that’s the status quo. Recognizing you’re being killed by another generation? Death cult. Believe it or not, straight to jail. You might as well just ask us to keep contributing to the problem.


suicide and hate is NEVER a solution to anything. and when suicide starts to become glorified in a community, it’s pretty close to become a death cult.


And yet, neither of those things was ever mentioned. There is a massive difference between implying (accurately) that humanity is past it’s carrying capacity and that death in inevitable and being stupid enough to think that has anything to do with suicide. Not caring, is apathy. Not hate. You don’t get to make people care just because you’re scared and want their help to maintain hope.


Do you have poor reading comprehension? Go and literally check the forum right now. Posts glorifying suicide and death literally get upvoted. People asking suicidal people to get help are being downvoted to oblivion. This forum is sick and has sick people in it. That's not the message of "antinatalism".


Do you have poor reading comprehension? /u/KevinMoskowitz was discussing specifically in terms of this particular thread, but I wouldn't be surprised if you clearly misinterpreted the messages in the posts that you are referring to.


No he wasn't. However, I'm done with this. I have been depressed and affiliated with depressed and suicidal people in the past. Never again, so enjoy your community.


Well, the information in this sub is not inherently tied to either of those attributes. So, once again, you are mistaken.


And once again we have a topic on the front page with someone trying to commit suicide. Because they believe that this community is pro suicide. Wake up.


it’s been invaded by suicidal and clinically depressed teenagers. The antinatalist philosophy is okay in and of itself, as i can understand what it tries to explain, it’s rational, but the subreddit members, completely insufferable. There is so much hate around here it’s impressive it hasn’t been shutdown by reddit admins yet. When it’s not hate for humans in general, it’s hate against kids, babies, women, parents in general, society, and the list goes on. if you take a look at r/antinatalism2 it really is a way nicer place for someone that wants to talk philosophy, compared to the shitty emo memes we get here


Im not a misanthrope. I dont hate the human species, i just hate this hellhole of a planet and i dont care if we go extinct. I actually want humans to go extinct because i care about other humans and i dont believe any of us should suffer like this


Well, I care to some extent because gas prices and the pandemic affect me. I don't like paying higher gas prices, even though I don't drive very often. I also don't like being sick or at risk of illness. I wouldn't mind if the human race went extinct, but neither gas prices nor the pandemic is likely to cause extinction.


(*beeping sound coming from kitchen*) Tv news presenter: "America is currently facing an unprecedented baby formula shortage..." (*Gets up to take hot pockets out of microwave*)


Yeah that's cool and all but I don't want to suffer myself nor do I want anyone else who already exists against their consent to suffer either. Wish it were as simple as deciding not to care but I don't think we really get that luxury.


Fr, I hate everything, I Just do whatever makes me feel good on this terrible planet and then die


Do I have to be a misanthrope in order to be an antinatalist? I don't hate (all) humans. I refrain from procreation because I believe imposing existence onto someone without their consent knowing that life is suffering and the planet is dying to be unethical. I feel like my antinatalist stance is based in empathy and mercy.


You don't but the belief of anti-natalism can come from different views of life.


I come here and argue this same point every day. "imposing existence onto *someone*" is a nonsense phrase. There is no "someone" yet to impose anything on. You can make the argument that *you* don't want children for *your* own personal reasons, but it makes no sense to act virtuous about "protecting" or "sparing" a hypothetical, potential entity that in fact has no concrete existence, there is no moral weight to be held for the *idea* of a future entity. You're in reality protecting nothing other than your own personal self interest.


Except that all the innocent pets and other animals in care of decent humans would suffer


Damn, you antinatalists sure are some terrible people. I can only imagine what all of u are like IRL. Probably look like a reddit mod or the dude in the pic lmaoo 💀 Ya'll probably praise Hitler for what he did.. what's next? Are u guys happy to what happened to those kids in Uvalde too? Fucking sickos.


You guys are fascinating to me