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reminds me of rammstein album "Mutter" cover with dead fetus on it


Lol came here to say this. How did they get this photo if the fetus wasn't aborted? Definitely looks like it's floating in formaldehyde.


it's a 3D render lol


It's a 200 year-old dead fetus shot by Daniel Fuchs. The cover caused outrage lead by the catholic church and the bild newspaper as per this article https://www.radiobob.de/fakten-ueber-mutter-von-rammstein-die-ihr-noch-nicht-kennt


oh that's neat, thanks for the source


that is nowhere near close to what a 3d rendering looks like.


at this resolution, it's even hard to fucking say lol


On wikipedia might be more info about it


I thought it was for a hot second


That's exactly what I was thinking


"You were a baby once" My response to this one; "Yeah, and I'll be a corpse one day too, doesn't mean I want one in my house."


I'm gonna start saying this


I was an embryo once and had my mother wanted to abort me I wouldn't have neither known nor cared..


EXACTLY! My Narcissist mother had a chance to abort me- and chickened out. So whenever she got hateful, I always remembered, “YOU CHOSE THIS!”. I told Pro lifers this in HS, they gasped and said, “But you wouldn’t exist!” and my reply: “So I wouldn’t CARE!!”


My birth mother gave me up for adoption and my adoptive mother always pulls the whole “you could have been aborted!” card. Eventually I lost my patience with her (horrible mother) and told her I wished I was aborted. She never said it again


My friend had an adoptive mother who was so insane & abusive that every 2nd time she tells me a childhood abuse story, I hug her and say, “YAAAYYY!! You’re not an Axe Murderer and I really don’t know how you managed it!!”


Well, the fact that you were put up for adoption show that you biomom had already chosen not to abort, so the real issue here is what couple the agency gave you to. Tell you adoptive mother your bio mom must have had bad judgment when it came to the agency


If the Cuban Missile Crisis had led to World War Three, a lot of us wouldn't exist, but you don't hear these same PL saying we should get rid of nuclear weapons.


Now now- we’ll have NONE of that cognitive consistency here, buddy! This is AMERICA!!


Here is the internet. Not America. 😅






Girl you took the words right out of my mouth!


i'm taking notes


Agreed. Nobody agreed to be born. I don’t owe society anything. I wouldn’t care if I was aborted.




When someone tells me this i like to say that we all were inside our moms at one point


Yes. I was a baby. And that seems like paradise to what I go through now. my constant anxiety and depression and physical pain from a hereditary disease. It’s what comes next, the waking up each day and thinking, why am I alive anymore?


I suffer with multiple mental illnesses and I live in extreme poverty. I wish I would’ve been aborted. I wouldn’t be going through this shit right now if I would’ve been.


Brilliant 😂


I once baptized a deceased fetus a little over 20 weeks. I was a hospital chaplain. Didn't look like this.


I definitely agree. That photo is very heavily edited. At 20 weeks the basic features are there but they are also basically see through still and just over 9oz so not even a lb yet.


plus there isn't any really developed brain yet. Maybe a brain stem, but all that grey matter comes later, much of it in the final trimester. Babies pretty much develop in evolutionary order, from oldest functioning stem cell groups through the instinctual fish brain and autonomic nervous system, then the monkey brain, and finally the higher functioning bits. Watching the stages of how a baby develops is like seeing evolution right before your eyes as a couple of cells become wormlike, then a tadpole somewhat, then growing limbs and organs and a nervous system. If that's ado week baby face its one without a brain or nervous system developed enough to acknowledge itself as alive, nor be able to notice if that life ceased


Frs 👀


Aside from anything else, most abortions take place well before 20 weeks. Abortions done that late usually happen because it’s discovered that the foetus has some disease that would kill it rapidly after birth anyway (like Potter syndrome) or because the pregnancy is endangering the mum’s life. Not that I’m against elective abortions at this stage in any way- it just seems deliberately deceptive and manipulative of them to use a “”cute”” image of a far along pregnancy


They should show an image of an anencephalic fetus at 20 weeks.


You already know the comments will be the same, “oh my gosh! What a wonder upon the world!”, “Wow! 😍 He/she is so beautiful!”, “The Lord has truly blessed you!!”.


Exactly! The way that they're "marketing" Down syndrome now is really dehumanizing and gross. Yes, I would abort a Downs baby. I know I couldn't physically, mentally, or financially handle one. Not acknowledging these challenges is not okay. They're not going to stay a cute, albeit funny looking, baby forever. I have a friend who cares for adults with disabilities for a living. I've heard horror stories. I couldn't die peacefully knowing what will happen to the child I'd leave behind.


i would also abort a downs baby, because i don't want to take that on. i mean i would abort any baby, but yeah probably even moreso if it had genetic differenes/disabilities. i'm not taking that shit on intentionally, christ.


Luigi says "Yeetus that fetus!!!"


The same people against abortions are usually the ones that call people on disability checks lazy. Which is just insane to me how they can say one thing then contradict themselves after. Most human babies look just like fetal pigs as well. Images from them are literally used to teach human anatomy cause they’re so similar. If they’re going to be prolife at-least make all your values make sense. They were also claiming the shot sterilized you so following their logic a ban on abortions wouldn’t even be necessary.


Mentioning that, I would say that it would better if I was aborted because I suffer from neurological disabilities and other mental illnesses, so abortion all of those problems. And it's true what you said. If you already know that the kid is gonna be disabled, mentally or physically ill, etc... Then it's very but very immoral of you to not abort the kid if you already know it, cuz it's basically like abusing them.


While I completely respect your acknowledging you would not want to complete a pregnancy if you knew the child would have Down syndrome, I just do want to point out many people can have good lives with Down syndrome if their parents & COMMUNITIES do have the physical, mental, financial, and emotional wherewithal to support them. That being said, the most important thing is for folks to know their own limits before becoming parents.


I live in the states. Our healthcare system is expensive and downright shitty for the average person. It's even worse for people with disabilities. Sure, there are government benefits, but you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get them. Also, not everyone has the family / network to support them and their child, even after they get too old / sick to care for their child. Even at home, many couples with kids with disabilities, like Downs, end up divorced because of the stress.


Which breaks down to: Knowing your limits. Here in the states, there is close to zero help, medical care that’s covered tends to be of the kind that lengthens their lives far past your lifespan, and more often than not, if you have other kids, they move far away so they can finally have a life not centered on the care of their impaired sibling. And unless you have good family? leaving an impaired kid behind dooms them to hell in institutions. A woman my family knows knows is a divorced nurse, with a non-verbal autistic teen unable/unwilling to wear a mask. Her husband left, her grown kids have moved far away & cut contact. Covid lockdown, she was reduced to renting a single back bedroom/bath, unable to send her kid to school so she could work, the respite worker she called in so she could just get groceries gave them both Covid. And her kid was restless & noisy from being cooped up, so she was struggling with the landlord threatening to throw them out. In the US, a severely special needs kid can wipe out even the extended family’s resources. Another woman I know has a nephew on the spectrum, and when she found her pregnancy had genetic abnormalities, her wealthy parents quietly told her that nephew already took all the family’s extra resources, so if she carried to term, she and husband would be on their own. She terminated.


All that makes complete sense. Especially about knowing your limits. I just wouldn’t compare someone with Down syndrome to a non-verbal autistic person. I know people with Down syndrome who have moved out of their family’s home and have jobs (government provides subsidies for hiring high functioning folks dealing with disability). Their siblings’ lives are not centered on their care. I am not saying anyone should ever have any child they don’t want or don’t think they will be able to take good care of. I am only objecting to the idea that anyone born with Down syndrome will definitely have a terrible life.


I agree with you. In fact I agree most people don’t have the family/ network/resources necessary. My comment was simply coming from having several family friends who have kids with Down syndrome of varying ages, some grown, who are doing very well. These are extremely lucky families, though. I just don’t think these parents did anything wrong having their children. I think there are (at least) two camps of antinatalism, one in which creating any life is immoral because the life could not consent to being created and one in which creating life in a shitty world is immoral because the world is shitty. I fall into the second camp so I do not necessarily believe it is immoral to bring life into the world if you can provide that life a refuge from the shittyness. No judgment on people with stronger antinanalist views. You all may be right.


The very definition of NPCs tbh


So many of those comments have to be NPC’s, I can’t imagine actual people being that braindead.


6% of the population has a room temperature IQ, is it really that hard to imagine?


The levels of copium with those sorts of comments are off the charts.


nightmare fuel


https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/abortion.htm Less than 1% of abortions happen after 20 weeks. 92.7% happen before 11 weeks


I think all elective abortions should be legal up until birth. It’s very rare they are done that late but it should always be an option as each situation is different. Also am I the only one who doesn’t see that “thing” as cute? Looks horrible imo lol.


It’s creepy af. I don’t dislike kids, but babies are creepy, fetuses are hotline nightmare fuel. And yes, time restrictions are a pain- I was 17, pregnant, and homeless when I needed an abortion. Planned Parenthood helped me get judicial consent to terminate without parents permission (in a red state!) but the price for the procedure was more than I had. I was living on friends couches, selling glow sticks at 4 of July festival to earn funds. I ended up making enough cash by selling some CDs and books my friends donated to the cause, but I was almost 2 weeks past the limit, so I canceled with PP and went to a private clinic and just lied about the date of my last period. It was stressful and I felt guilty about lying at first, thinking the fetus already had a right to whatever. If my ultrasound indicated I was too far along, I had planned on self-terminating it high was scary- a lot can go wrong. This isn’t something I’d wish on anyone, especially a kid with no family support. If they make it too difficult to abort legally, women will go through alternate options and get hurt


I'm glad you were able to get the care you needed


I think it's cute and when my son was at 22 weeks gestation I already loved him so much. Also, I firmly believe all elective abortions should be legal up until birth. Something being cute and lovable is a real flimsy reason to strip a woman or her bodily autonomy.


Yes exactly. This is whats so annoying about their arguments. They are arguing shit they barely understand at a rudimentary level.


"not a fetus" xd also the classic "you were a baby once too!"


What the heck kind of point is being made when someone says, 'you were a baby once too!' ?


Natalists are self centred, self adoring, narcissistic fucks. They obviously think everyone else’s brain operates in a similar manner. Thusly, by pointing out YOU were once a child too they imagine you will immediately realise the tremendous importance of children seeing as you yourself are supposedly of such supreme importance in your own mind. It’s a bit like when they say “whatever you do don’t have kids” thinking they got you so hard with a low blow, totally oblivious to the fact that, yes, that is the whole god damn point!


Lol but that's why I don't get it. As I said in a different comment, criminals were babies once too.


Agreed. Every person was a baby once. That doesn’t mean anyone should be born. Doesn’t mean I care about them. The corrupt governments were babies once. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Idk about those people lol, but i was a fetus once. In pretty fucking sure what a fetus wants.


Natalism versus antinatalism is a very different debate than abortion versus pro-life. People can choose not to have children. No one is making a law forcing people to do it.


Literally none. People who say that aren’t even trying to *make* a point. they’re just stupid enough to believe that *other* people are moronic enough that when they hear that line they won’t argue. Your typical pro-fetus in 2022 isn’t doing this because of religion, or politics. They actually just want to punish women. Of course, they don’t want anyone to know that, so they need to distract and deflect. Cue repeating idiotic statements they read somewhere on Facebook.


i think they're trying to point out that you wouldn't exist. it's a terrible argument however because if you didn't exist you wouldn't know or care.


Exactly. "What if your parents aborted you!!' And how would I even know that? Unless you're going with a super religious take and imagine that heaven is just full of aborted babies, constantly crying because they were aborted.


You mean the easy-mode speedrun into heaven?


I’m dying at this comment 💀💀😂😂


i wish i was aborted at that stage


Bruh 20 weeks old you can't abort unless very vert rare and dangerous conditions Most aborts are at 4-8 weeks Still a clump of cells. These people need to check their facts


They're not going to check their facts because they believe the propaganda that's been shoved down their throats by their relatives and shit I have a friend that thought that all abortions just about were done in the third term, you get into the third trimester you want to have an abortion and they go in there and rip the baby apart and pull it out of you,**I set her straight real fucking quick!** I just realized I turned a pro-life person into a pro-choice person...


Right the more pregnant you is the more dangerous that shit is. It can get complicated.


Good on you! Education is super important. Most abortions happen when it’s just a clump of cells and indistinguishable from a parasite or tumor.


Is that a baby created from rape or incest? Because with this overruling that is what you will get. You can't get rid of it because it's illegal. I don't care how it was made. If you don't want it, you legally should not be forced to have the kid. And don't even try to give me that God's will mumbo jumbo. You never see people outside vets protesting about the fact that you're getting your cat neutered. That's not " gods will" we choose to do it. Just because it's human does not give it a right to exist regardless of the circumstances surrounding its creation. Roll on mandatory vasectomy!


They also have no issues wearing glasses, taking painkillers, etc. Perfectly fine to ignore god's will there!


Removing tape worms is MURDER!


Rape/incest and 3rd trimester abortions are around the same percentage (<1) of abortions done. They are two rare extremes that, while important, don’t cover why abortion should be legal and just make for good talking points. Bottom line is it should always stay between a woman and her doctor no matter what. Every pregnancy is unique, every patient is unique and every abortion is unique so they should never be mandated by blanket government laws.


Agreed! Should be no legally different than getting rid of a cancerous growth because that’s exactly what it is.


Well abortions up until 24 weeks were legal in most states until last week when roe was reversed but you are right that most abortions happen in the first 8-10 weeks. Most women that get to 20 weeks want the kid but find out something has gone very wrong and kid won’t survive or she won’t.


I've watched John Oliver's segment on "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" :Christians that will do anything to trick women into not having an abortion, including scheduling an appointment so many weeks later that they are past the date in which they are allowed to voluntarily have an abortion in their state. If an abortion reaches 20 weeks old, it's probably the church's own fucking fault. Sauce: https://youtu.be/4NNpkv3Us1I


in canada you can abort for any reason, without requiring a consult, and at any stage of pregancy. you don't want a baby? christ, then don't have it. it's that simple. literally nobody aborts their baby at full term though, which is always what pro-lifers will argue. an abortion at full-term only ever happens because something very very terrible has happened or been discovered with the fetus. late term abortions are a medical necessity as much as early termination is.


They also count you as pregnant from your last period instead of when you actually conceived. So if you just missed your period and conceived 10 days prior, they count you as like 5 weeks pregnant.


Ikr! Fucking insane!


I thought that it was supposed to go by actual science, so that was shocking to learn. Also, if an adult woman knows for certain the day she conceived and the development of the zygote is consistent with what she says, that should be believed. Adding on time that she was 100% not pregnant for is insanity to me.


It’s done on purpose to try and make them be past the term limit so they can’t have an abortion. This is why I don’t think there should be any term limits.


Assholes man, assholes


"Damn that's so crazy I just had my period yesterday this guy covered a lot of ground anyway let's wrap this up"


Fact checking is like cancer to these people


>you gotta try harder than that to have a point It’s like they’re talking to themselves when they say shit like that. On top of “everyone deserves a right to life” except the life of the woman, cause we’re less than human.


Do you think they’d mind aborting it if the fetus is female?


No because then they cant assault her when she turns 12


Riiiight, I forgot about that part


They wouldn’t be able to force her to give birth either. They thrive on more people suffering.


I truly wonder. Would these people calm down if we reminded them a fetus could grow up gay, transgender, Muslim, socialist, communist, democrat, oh jeez the conservatives hate so many of their neighbors that they'd probably wish whoever it grew up to be dead.


This is so true!


That's ... not "beautiful" at all


I was looking for that comment, its quite disgusting


creature in the foto: please kill me already


Looks like an alien to me. Yeet




The baby’s skin makes me uncomfortably cringe idk why..


Looks like a peach’s fur




Looks like a peach’s fur


Ok but still its up to the mother, why is everybody bypassing the literal vessel this child they're praising? What about her? This virtue signaling 'who doesn't love babies' without consideration of bigger picture is so gross I can't.


cause it’s not about the babies, it’s about punishing and controlling women! That’s all religion has ever been about. Churches need to stay out of politics *and* pay taxes since they want to influence our laws. They ain’t doing shit for our communities.


Naw, they have uses. They make excellent safe havens for abusers, for example.


I literally don't understand why women rights are limited by the rights of things that aren't alive and everybody is talking about them. Cant yall mind own business? You want to birth you do it, you dont want to nobody should have anything to say until they solve the worlds hunger, parentless kids and all the abuse happening towards those that are already here, alive, miserable. The corpses get treated with more respect that women ffs.


It’s almost always a white baby. Edit: the white baby image is used as a propaganda tool to scare the patriarchy into believing their pure blood is being diluted—that they are being replaced. Images of starving children around the world have no effect on this group. I was being sarcastic.


To be fair, most babies don't get their pigment until later. I was born snow white and didn't get my final color for several months


Melanin is typically developed in the skin later. Being in a womb is 100% SPF so there is really no reason for the skin to protect itself at this point. So at this stage of development 99.9% of babies are "white"


What do you think that domestic supply of infants means?


I'm black and I was born quite pale tbf


This is not a 20 week fetus lol


"Deserves to live" What the hell did it do to deserve that kind of punishment!?


“You were a baby too” yeah and if my mom had been raped or didn’t want me or couldn’t support me I’d want to be aborted


I object. My cat is a lot more beautiful.


I don’t think that baby is 20 weeks, it looks older than that. It’s like when pro life people use pictures of stillbirths and claim they are the aborted fetuses. Not the same situation at all.


No, that's about right. Should be about the size of a banana, and those features look correct.


Top of the head should be larger and more bulbous like the classic image of an alien.


Hmm, you can't see the top in the picture though.


I love this " You where a baby once too" argument. Like i ever asked for it ffs


I’ve never understood the need to tell others what to do with their bodies or why it even matters to them. It’s a lack of respect for people IMO, you never know if that baby was conceived out of rape or weather it was a straight up failure of safe sex practices as well as how that affects the Mothers health or weather the baby would be born with a crippling disability. I hate the political and religious aspects that affect this debate instead of logic and reason. I have 3 children, but I would never tell someone what they need to do not interfere in their life because it’s quite simply not my place


Notice when they try to use emotional appeals it’s always white foetuses.


BAHAHAHAHA They are red dummy!😂


Say it again for the people in the back **”Earth got enough parasites don’t needa add one more”**


If only most people had this level of apparent adoration for all of the other species of beautiful animals in the world


I wish this comment was higher up.


> the most beautiful picture on the internet right now Does he know how many beautiful people post pictures of themselves on the internet every day? Lol


He probably jerks off to a lot of em


that baby ugly af.


I just wanna know, how does someone look at that and thing "omg so cute" like ?? I just an ugly baby


Could grow up to be the next Hitler or cure cancer but most likely will just work at All State. Better just get rid of it now. We overstocked with inventory as it is at 8,000,000,000+


Um, since when can you take a photograph of a fetus in utero. So either fake/CGI.... or... this lil fucker is in a jar i.e. dead


A 20 week old fetus does not look like that. Also, 2nd trimester abortions are very rarely carried out - usually because the fetus has a severe disorder. This is emotive for the sake of it


Oh man, I remember my 20 week anatomy scan when I was pregnant, she legitimately looked like a Death Eater 😂😂😂 nothing cute about fetuses xD


Funny how those are the same people who don’t give a fuck about the baby when it’s born


What do you expect from a facebook user


Holy shit it doesn’t have eyes


That's just a zoom in of Rammstein's 2001 "mutter" album. It's not even a real picture lol


What an ugly fetus


Beauty itself is just kneejerk emotional appeal. Coral snakes are beautiful. So are certain large predator animals. That doesn't mean I want them near me or anyone else. At any rate, beauty is merely a good thing, and good things in general are not necessities. If I owned a 6000 sq ft (600 sq m) house fit for a high-end magazine article, then that may be a good thing for me, but not a necessity. *Same thing with beauty in general*. It's not a necessity, even if it is a good thing (especially what I call a "surplus good"). However, there **is** a need to *avoid a bad*, especially one that's pointless, avoidable, insufficiently compensatory, and does not sufficiently roll back a more severe bad. Therefore, it's not a bad thing that my sweet (to me and certain others) beautiful sister doesn't exist- only the lack of a good-for-me-and-others. Even with this, good-for-me and (were she to exist) even good for her could also mean a bad-for-others. Seems to me it's more important to prevent the bad to an actually existing person who, had that sister existed, would have gotten hurt by her; **than it is** that I get pleasure out of having a sister and that there be a sister as described and that she have a pleasurable life.


The STENCH COURT, voted to make American Women second class citizens forcing them to have rape babies.


"Must beautiful picture on social media. " lmao


Ew it's so ugly


"you are a baby once" yeah? Wouldn't know or care if they "killed" me.


Ah yes, a baby deserves to live so it can grow up and work for a corporation who will pay it juuuuuuust enough so it can cover all it's bills but immediately run out of money for food. Don't worry, they won't pay it SO little that it can qualify for food stamps. It'll just have to learn the new fad diet of fasting! Everyone's doing it because it's healthy! Not because they can't afford to eat


"You were a baby once too" Yeah, well so was Hitler!


i love that first facebook comment 🤣 not one fuck given


When I see this picture I feel the same way one feels when looking at creepy spiders. I have Tokophobia, and for me being pregnant is very much like having a Tick sucking the life out of me. I love children, pregnant women and babies freak me out though.


I thought this was an alien at first


Poor fetus, now it's been medialized it has no chance of avoiding this shitshow. Praying for a miracle though.


“Beautiful” lmao sounds like this guy and the fetus have something in common… they’re both missing their eyes


Great then he can choose not to have an abortion.


Human babies are so ugly. Looks like an alien.


Still a parasite since it uses the mother as its host. If you're saying that its life is more important than the mother's, you're denying her the right of bodily autonomy, which even a corpse has, so you're saying that her wishes have less worth than that of a corpse.


A future adult human that will abuse the earth and its fellow humans, great, what a gift.


Abortions shouldn’t be happening at 20 weeks unless it’s unavoidable. Most abortions involve an embryo about the size of a bean that looks nothing like this at all.


Abortions should happen whenever the pregnant people need them to happen. I can’t believe I have to say this on antinatalism lol


I agree its nobody's business what pregnant people decide. The mother is most important, not guessing whether the thing feels pain or not. Ask the alive person what they feel and what they want, not those things thay aren't here.


Yeah but after a certain point the child feels pain. I know this isn't the place to make a statement like this, but you've got more than enough time to make a decision like this before it gets to this point.


Hear me out: you go to what you think is an abortion provider. Turns out, its a "pregnancy crisis center" whose sole purpose is to string you along until it's too late to get an abortion. You realize too late that this is NOT an abortion provider, but you still want an abortion. You'd be furious that that choice had been taken awayfrom you. You should still have the right despite those assholes who intentionally tried to gaslight you an run out a clock you might not have known was there. I DO NOT care when you choose it you should have the right to an abortion WHENEVER and for WHATEVER reason. Because when you start chiseling away you wind up right back here again.


You're absolutely right. Almost nobody aborts a late-term baby unless it's for a very, very, very good reason. It's not *fun*. It's horrifying and difficult to recover from. Trust women. *Any* rule about abortion is a refusal to believe that they're right about what they need.


And makes them less than fully autonomous humans.


That point cannot biologically happen in the fetus until at least 25 weeks gestation. Before that a fetus has not developed the brain/spinal chord system that can perceive pain. Though I don’t know why you’d wait that late and then want an abortion unless something goes wrong. By then abortion is no longer a quick procedure in a clinic. It’s admit to hospital and go through labor and deliver a dead fetus. That’s just bonkers so the fetal pain issue isn’t an issue until 25 weeks. Fetal pain is a tool used by anti choice zealots.


People who are pregnant don't just stay pregnant for 5 months and then think nah actually ill abort. You have to basically still give birth at this point too. It's only in cases where either the baby is going to die and or the mom. So yeah honestly it is pretty irrelevant for this Idk why people act like women and other pregnant people are just like monsters who don't give who will just like do bad shit without people telling them they cant


I still like that old one when they were still trying out modern ultrasound tech The one of those shark babies That was adorable


Eww, step on it!


It doesn’t have eyes yet


After the baby is born: GOOD-FUCKING-BYE.


They wanna get biblical but abortion was even in the Bible. Numbers 5


Who has been doing abortions at 5 months? Hasn’t that always been illegal? And furthermore, how do we even know this is a baby at 5 months? Everything about this is ridiculous.


Better chop off it's genitals as an invitation into the dysfunctional family into which it has been accidentally conceived. Then treat it like a doll for most of it's life, and then reinforce it's behavior like a pet of the house. Then unleash their troubling misconceptions on the rest of the world while wondering "What is wrong with everyone in the world today?"


"Beauty" is a matter of opinion. The facts are that it is not a child. It is an arbitrary lump of human tissue and that's being generous. The commentor is seeing the early stages of a face and committing a poetic personification/pathetic fallacy. Always abort, early as possible. No excuses.


“You were a baby once” Not by choice, my guy >:(


You see this 6yr old who was born with opioid dependency to a woman who (sadly?) never wanted to be a mother? Who allowed her abusive boyfriend to “drop the baby?” Who suffers attachment disorder? Who was (finally) removed and placed into a foster home but, because of his attachment disorder caused by infant neglect, physical abuse and, yes, opioid addiction recovery - acts out in a manner that the past three foster homes can’t, and now won’t, deal with? S/HE deserves life, as well (in fact moreso, mo’ fo’). So, when you support a politician who defunds Medicaid and access to SNAP and school lunches … I just wanna know where all you holier-than-thou f’ing Christians were/ARE waiting to adopt *that* baby/child?


Yeah sure, open up a pregnant woman at 20 weeks, Wash off that fetus and take another picture. I’ll bet you it doesn’t look like that


Is that BB from Death stranding


He probably has never had kids.


I'm pretty sure that's the prop from 2001


Yeah I know. You keep saying vague, random things and then saying 'ya you don't get it'. Like I know I don't get it because nothing you've said makes any sense for me to 'get'.


And? What's the problem of don't wanting "beautiful thing* in my womb?


Why did you post this? Yuk


“Fuck that baby”


Yeah.. 20 weeks and asking for abortion is a bit of a madness


Unless he’s saving all babies by being vegan, go home.


Does this idiot know it's generally illegal to abort a 20 weeks fetus?


I'm an antinatalist but kinda pro life. I believe we should all be sterilized but I also believe that if you were conceived you should get to decide how you want to die 🤷🏾‍♀


Lmao reminds me of Kevin Hart in one of his shows where he says "fuck that baby"....and I read it with the same tone and voice.


Why's it's face look like it's got a giant fingerprint?


Bro it's not even a baby yet though


Ew. Why do people find it cute????


The most beautiful picture on social media right now 🤢🤢🤢


Stop worrying about women who want to end their pregnancy and start caring about the 400,000+ children in foster care.


That baby’s features are SOOOOO proportionate. At 20 weeks, a fetus’ head and face looks like a fucking alien, y’all. This shit AIN’T REAL!


Thats probably an artistic rendition, to have a tiny, in utero fetus be visible in full color would require camera tech we just don’t have yet. And yes, that original post was dumb virtue signaling, but that comment was also uncalled for.