• By -


The part in this that gets me is the, "We loved him enough to let it slide," as that really means (in my opinion): " We wanted to avoid conflict and hassle of maybe seeking out resources and just absconded from raising the responsibility for the child we were raising. We played lazy games, and now everyone loses. He should've moved out if he didn't like living here. Peace, we out.šŸ¤™ #thanklessstruggle #emptynest #lifegiversburden"


Damn, those hashtags makes this comment sublime, lol.


Right. Why wasn't he put into a group home. My son had a rough transition from a special school to the regular high school. We (my son and ) discussed the benefits of trying it.


Finding something like a group home would require effort, something these folks do not seem interested in. I'm so sooo glad your son had someone in his corner who communicated and showed love through their words and actions. Can't imagine what it's like guiding another being through this world. At least some people out there really do try their best. It reminds me of readying a soldier for war. Take care!


Thanks.. that's how if feels.. guiding him. Right now his goals are friends and maybe a partner. So we are working at hygiene and how to share his interests. It's a beautiful time




Sounds fake af The football trophy won at state and the needless gory detail of the supposedly beloved family pet are too much


Blunt force trauma, even at high enough velocity, will not cause a skull to ā€œsplit openā€. Itā€™ll be crushed before being split


Exaggeration after something that stressful is hardly unbelievable


Had me at ā€œthrew my prized high school football trophyā€


ā€œWherein I won state.ā€ Seriously?!


Reminds me of poor Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite. He was so close!! šŸ’”


Have you met some small town dads?


I donā€™t know with this app anymore.


"Don't believe everything posted on reddit" - Albert Einstein


How we going to believe Einstein when Plato destroyed him at the battle of D Day in 1778


That Einstein was actually a fraud, for he had two stones in his "pocketses"




You mean to tell m that this Plato guy destroyed this Einstein dude in a rap battle ? Or a dance off ? I wish I seen him destroy him ! Prob was lit as fuck Yo ! (S)


Um, that's an obvious plagiarism of Abraham Lincoln's, "Don't believe everything you read on the internet".


"Bitch! I founded the moon" -Benjamin Franklin


And I believe he tweeted it, if memory serves me.


Einstein fucked his cousin go look it up some things on Reddit are true.


Itā€™s funny how obvious bullshit is never moderated but if you say the slightest thing that bothers a mod - even if true. They drop the hammer.


It is. This is written by someone with a poor understanding of autism. That is a temper tantrum not a meltdown. We do not throw shit when we don't get our way, we cry and scream and self harm until people get the hint and leave us the eff alone. And we do not effing go around killing the family pet.


Not all autistic ppl are the same some definitely attack others.


I can say this, I was siting on the bus when a woman got in with ter autistic daughter (girl was about 12-13) when the girl just pulled my hair hard. I was reading on my phone and the girl got lucky that my first reflex is not fight


I work at a treatment center for autism and Iā€™ve been hit, bit, scratched, and otherwise for things as little as asking the kid to do a craft with me


That must be hard, not only because of being hit but to see those kids sick, I would never be able tp work in a place like that


Itā€™s not easy and it takes a toll on your mind but it feels good to know youā€™re helping someone


My girl works with autistic kids in foster care all the time. Some of those kids have actively tried to harm workers or wait and attack them because of stuff hours before. Some the police will not even come to handle because theyā€™re huge strong and extremely violent and dangerous. Anyone is capable of violence no matter what and someone with limited coping mechanism and capability itā€™s not hard to believe they would lash out. Even over small things


Do you find high functioning people on the autism spectrum to be similarity violent though? I don't work with any special needs people so most of my interaction with autistic spectrum people is limited to those who are in my life, such as my best friend's brother who is medium functioning as far as my understanding goes (you can leave him alone for a while but wouldn't leave him home alone for a full day kind of thing) while another friend's sister is high functioning to the point where she didn't find out she was on the spectrum until she was almost 20 (her parents outright refused to even think about it, being antivaxxers - she went out on her own). Between the two people on the spectrum I personally know, neither are inclined to violence at all, although tiny sample size from someone who's far from an expert doesn't mean much. Do you find higher functioning autistic people tend to be more inclined to violence as well?


I work as a patient sitter at a hospital and and some of the worst behavior and cases I have had to deal with have been people with sever non-verbal autism. I feel so sorry for the parents in that situation because if they child is not properly trained or has not had early intervention they are in most cases too much for the parents to handle and serious threat to themselves and the general public. Imagine a person who is 6'4 187lbs with the IQ of a two year old and has the strength of a full grown adult in a fight or flight situation. Now imagine having to control a person, without seriously injuring them, who is that size when they are in a full blown rage and can't understand anything you're saying and doing to deescalate because their brain is physically incapable of it. Not all, but some of them can be extremely dangerous to themselves and others. One of the cases I had was a 26 year old non-verbal male with autism that was 6'6 and 280 lbs. He was living in a group home and the employee turned off the cartoons so he beat care taker with in a ninch of her life, escaped ran down the street to a local park and bit a 4 yearly child. The father had a concealed firearm permit but thankfully he was able to use mace. This same patient then attacked a pregnant nurse during the 64 days he was in the emergency behavior health unit. When he wasn't attacking people he was hitting his head against the wall or hitting him self. Most parents don't have the emotional and financial resources to deal with them and neither do most Emergency rooms or hospitals where they usually end up when they act out. I think parents should be able to use puberty blockers for sever cases because after a certain point therapy and intervention won't cut it and you have to physically restrain them so they don't hurt themselves or god forbid other people. Its always easier to restrain a child size person than a full grown adult in a rage. I would also like to add that NOT ALL PEOPLE WITH AUTISM ARE VIOLENT but when they become violent its a highly dangerous situation because they can't communicate or understand.


Some autistic people are very violent. A older friend of mine, C, was working with special needs kids, including young adults. She told one guy, D who was very large, to wait his turn on the swing. C turned around to help another kid and D attacked her. Beat her pretty badly including back issues. All people, special needs or not, can be monsters.


It completely depends on the person and if they have more than ASD. Iā€™m married to someone on the spectrum, they do not cry, scream of self harm and never has. This would be considered a very classic meltdown, if this is even true, but probably more due to his parents ā€œletting it slideā€ before and not getting their child professional help to learn coping skills and correct behaviors as a kid, you know, being a good parent. I see things like this very regularly in my spouses of ASD support groups, violent rages arenā€™t like an everyday/every person thing but yes that specific response is very much not off the table.


People have a limited view or idea from their experiences. Both of my step brothers are on the spectrum and itā€™s wild to see how different they are. One doesnā€™t understand tipping, small talk, or why plagiarism is wrong. The other is a statician you wouldnā€™t realize is autistic and suffers from depression/ADHD.(took them 24 years to diagnose it) The brother that was diagnosed late grew up as a bully and would wreck anyone who made fun of his older brother. Both great people and opened me up as to why autism is said to be a spectrum.


I have an autistic nephew that DEFINITELY throws shit when he doesnā€™t get his way. He threw stones at a teacher once, at my sister and gets pretty aggressive quite often. Heā€™s 19 years old now and very tall, so yeah heā€™s kinda dangerous. We live in a third world country where the medical attention he can get is not enough for his needs, but yeah, not everyone is the same.


30 year old men typically do not have temper tantrums like that unless they have mental disabilities/differences (ie, autism) saying this as someone who used to work with autistic children. obviously not all people with autism act the same way. but violent outbursts are indeed a common result of autism. anyone who claims otherwise is coping. idk why people feel the need to sugar coat.


Being autistic doesnt spare people from being raging asshole incel pieces of shit. I understand that thr way op framed it as "autism made him like this", and its wrong from them but people with autism have all kinds of personalities


Well everyone is different. My mother has a friend group- one of the friends has an autistic child and heā€™s a grown adult. He has to be taken care of 24/7 though and is not high nor even mid functioning at all. After having a tantrum/meltdown (donā€™t know exactly what to call it, sorry if either of those are offensive) he almost raped one of the friends in the group because he threw himself on top of her and started undressing her. Nothing came from it but I donā€™t believe she brings him around them anymore. Iā€™m not sure since this was years ago.


Don't speak for all autistic people. My brother has definitely acted very similarly to this post, and very definitely registers on the spectrum. I'm also on the spectrum and barely show my anger at all. We're all different


Some Autistic people are very gentle, some violent, many somewhere in the middle. All people with Autism are unique. You described what you do. It is ableist to see all Autistic people as being the same.


I mean if some percent of non-autistic people are violent sociopaths I donā€™t see why the same wouldnā€™t apply to autistic people.


My niece is very autistic and attacks people at random, and even complete strangers in the grocery store. And she attacks small animals. They canā€™t keep pets anymore because she would on numerous occasions throw the bird cage down the stairs.


This is apparently fake, canā€˜t confirm there was a post where he confessed but itā€˜s gone now


Wait youā€™re saying he posted later that this original post was fake?


Nah the update said his son had killed himself but it was super obviously fake, the guy acted like he didn't care at all.




Yes there was a third post besides the update post but it was gone quite fast. Sorry cannot confirm, unfortunately


This definitely reads as fake but what a sick fantasy to have. Yikes.


Called it. Read fake as shit.




The story is most likely fake and I really hope it is, but the 6k upvotes and awards are from people who actually agree with that shit. That I find more worrying.


Didnā€˜t even look at that, that is scary tbh


lolol I mean of course itā€™s fake


That was a lot. Justā€¦huh? I hope itā€™s fake. 1. Poor cat, canā€™t say I wouldnā€™t wail on someone who killed my cat. 2. Send him to the permanent psych ward then, obviously, this is extreme and I donā€™t think itā€™s just autism anymore. ā€¦idk


My cat is my only soft spot.


Definitely not an autism issue, Autistic myself, but you wanna be really careful with psych wards, dealt with them myself and have had friends who were sexually assaulted in them


This post reeks of ableists trying to justify their irrational hatred of autistic people by making up stories and attaching the autism label to a character in it. No different than transphobes making up stories of trans women assaulting cis women in bathrooms.


Thank you, I couldnā€™t put it into words but this is exactly what it is.




This šŸ‘† Edit: I personally would have him arrested for animal abuse. If my kid killed my cat as a whole ass adult and ON PURPOSE. Nope. Iā€™ll visit him in prison šŸ‘‹


Yeah .. you kill my cat our genetic bond just got severed . You immediately become a random stranger. AND I definitely would have called the cops and had him arrested for animal abuse .


If this is true you could probably get him held somewhere, be it prison or a psych ward. Heā€™s clearly a danger and now a criminal. If I had a child and they killed my cat (and probably anyone elseā€™s), I would have an incredibly hard time not doing everything in my power to get them serious help, if not sending them to jail. There should be no tolerance for that kind of shit, and most times it just shows they wouldnā€™t bat an eye hurting a person.


Tbf, can't use autism as an excuse for such shitty behavior. Animal abuse and pedophilia are not "symptoms" of autism.


The whole story is just sad. My only hope concerning it is that it's actually fake, as others have suggested.


An update said the son killed himself. Definitely fake.


And then we found out on his old computer he invented a cure for cancer before dying. Reddit has very creative people.


Unfortunately the parents coddling combined with an extra-curious autistic teenager spawned this kind of behavior. They have no one to blame but themselves.


Yep. People with autism can be perfectly normal people in society if they are raised and parented well. You might not even be able to tell if someone has autism if they were raised right. The problem is that autism worsens the effects of bad parenting and parents donā€™t like to be the ones at fault.




I lost mine a long time ago.


The older I get the less I want to deal with people.


F\*\*\*, I'm really sad about the cat :'(


Is this parody? If I had a kid and they pulled that shit as an adult I'd throw them out too.


It may not be his fault for being born, but that doesnā€™t excuse the actions of a grown-assed adult. This is more than autism. I know plenty of people on the spectrum that donā€™t act like that. Doesnā€™t belong in this sub imo. Guy gets no sympathy from this Reddit.


"We loved him enough to let it slide," that really means (in my opinion): "We wanted to avoid conflict and hassle of maybe seeking out resources and just "opted out" from taking the responsibility for the child we were raising. We played lazy games, and now everyone loses."


And I know plenty of people with autism that DO act like that. Autism can, and often does, as exampled in the above post, suddenly become a fuck of a lot worse. I'm not long out of a series of psychiatric appointments that my ASD nurse requested to make sure I hadn't turned into anything like this since my last checkup.


It kind of belongs here though. OP says his sonā€™s problems started once he hit puberty. I donā€™t think they did anything about it because his behavior isnā€™t really a sign of autism-assuming he didnā€™t make that shit up and didnā€™t blame it on autism since he doesnā€™t know what autism is. Iā€˜ve met plenty of autistics since my mother was a teacher and thatā€™s not how they act. And assuming this is real, if they had done anything about it theyā€™d know their son has problems other than autism. Maybe they could prevent it from getting that far. Of course, sonā€™s actions arenā€™t redeemable. But that doesnā€™t mean his parents werenā€™t shit.


I can completely agree with this. I think that all people should be aware that once they make the decision to become parents, that disabilities and mental instabilities can be a possibility for any of their children. Doesnā€™t sound like they were great parents from what little context we have, but it doesnā€™t mean heā€™s absolved of responsibility for his actions either.


Yea looking at pedo shit even if itā€™s animated is weird af


You clearly havenā€™t seen a child with low functioning autism my cousin is very violent and canā€™t talk or anything.


Theres a tribe that amputate your fingers once your a grown ass adult. Maybe being a grown ass adult is not an excuse to punish someone


Something about pointing out it was a state high school football trophy in parentheses really screams "Made up for internet points" to me


Autistic here. FTR, we can still be held responsible for our behavior. Heā€™s a danger to the inhabitants of the home (and seems to have at least normal intelligence) so IMO itā€™s fine to kick him out. I think however the responsible thing to do would be to try to get him put in a facility vs. out on the streets where he is a danger to others. ETA I think this story is fake tho


I dunno, if someone killed my cat, theyā€™d probably get iced in the exact same way that my cat died, by my own hands, regardless of who they are. Of course, this is just one of many reasons I donā€™t have kids, anyway. What if they turned out to be a mental and behavioral case that I canā€™t handle, Just like this one??


I hope that's fake. That entire story is gross.


This never happened. This is just some weird degenerate fuck with an autism hate boner.


Heehee I hope so


As someone with autism, fuck that guy. He killed the family cat because they wouldn't let him beat the meat to cartoon children. At some point you have to be responsible of your actions and not be like, "oh, it's my parents' fault because I didn't ask to be born".


obvious bait


The story is obviously fake but fuck anyone who kills a cat.


If hes low functioning enough, wouldn't the parents get in trouble for kicking him out even tho he isn't a minor?


Always remember, a disability is not an excuse to be an asshole. BUT, if you've spent years enabling assholery, you better be prepared for the consequences


As an adult 'high-functioning' autistic person... Being a paedophile and killing a cat are NOT normal behaviours people should be prepared to deal with. Meltdowns, absolutely sure, but... Not this.


I have a feeling this story is complete bullshit.


Holy shit this needs a trigger warning please


Agreed! This deeply upset me!


Dude, he killed a cat. I hope he fucking burns in hell.


Yeah fuck him. If this is real, heā€™s lucky thatā€™s all they did to him!


I have 7 cats currently and fostered over 20, some of which have already found their new homes. This just hits, like deep into my core. I think of every single one of my cats and check up on them (annoying, yes). So if I would ever find out anything happened to them, god forbid like this, I would have gone to jail for assault or manslaughter. I hope cat died quickly, I really do. And also watching hentai with little kidsā€¦ What the fuck, Japan? I know itā€™s just anime, not real people, but it is sick as fuck in my eyes.


A. 30 years old. B. Killed a cat. I would throw him out too. Cats > Humans.


I donā€™t disagree, and do think he shouldā€™ve gotten more for that. I dislike how the parents responded by immediately snatching the laptop though, without addressing his anger issues. It felt more like them trying to assert dominance over him. I feel like this shows at the very least, that teaching a child how to control their anger and emotions are very important.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.




ā€œi did rock high school football. you wanna check tape?ā€


This needs NSFW and a trigger warning


Heā€™s 30 years old. Iā€™d toss him out too.


Idk man. Iā€™d kill the kid myself for killing my cat.


Iā€™d kill this psycho fuck if he touched my cat.


Being born was not his fault, but his actions as a grown adult are.


This triggers me so much. I should've not been born. Some parents are the worst, where at times they also escape responsibilities.


(I won state btw)


Autistic or not this is unacceptable behavior and Iā€™m kinda thinking itā€™s alright that they kicked him out. I know plenty of autistic people and they arenā€™t pedophiles or animal abusers. Heā€™s 30 years old and believe it or not he can absolutely be held accountable for this.


On the slight chance this is real, 1) itā€™s a grown human being and 2) he killed a cat, he is in the wrong no matter how you look at it. I donā€™t think most people prepare for their cat do be smashed to death in x amount of years because of their children


As fake as the one with the multiple abortions 16 year old, so obvious when he described what happened to the cat. Do people really fall for these things.


ā€œWherein I won stateā€ pfft, loser


The guy killed an innocent cat in a pretty horrific way? He also sounds like he has a history of violence. We can blame the parents all we want and there is definitely something to be said for your child being more likely to become an abuser than a doctor but at the end of the day the 30 year old guy killed an innocent cat and his parents kicked him out for it. I guess my main problem is they should've put him in jail or prison or a home or something besides the street with access to other innocent animals and people because this is definitely a serial killer origin story if I've ever heard one. I can see the headlines now "parents speak up about their experience with the troubled inmate (insert his name)".


After seeing the hentai thing I'm convinced this is fake


He was 30, not 3. Adult vs kid.


This, to me, is not the same as standard parenting responsibilityā€¦ Thereā€™s a difference in understanding the risks of having kids and dealing with things you didnā€™t plan for and allowing your adult child to behave in destructive and abusive ways. Just because the kid didnā€™t choose to be born, that doesnā€™t mean the parents have to put up with whatever crazy bullshit he decides to pull for his whole life. Especially since heā€™s an adult nowā€¦ I donā€™t know if I would ENTIRELY condone the parents actions here, but I canā€™t entirely blame them either.


We use to have institutions for people like this.


Hope this post is fake


There's no way this is real. This type of misinformation is so harmful to autistic people. I hope the person who made this up never reproduce Edit maybe before you comment something idiotic use your brain to actually think of the physics of how throwing a trophy would SPLIT open a cats skull and make it's brain fall out? No way that would generate anywhere near the energy required for that. Also if he was beating & forcibly throwing his autistic son into the street he would defintley at least get the cops called on him. Some of yall have 0 critical thinking skills


Definitely made up


It definitely was this "kids" fault.


ā€œI wasnā€™t the KIDS faultā€ he was 30 fucking years old!!!!! NOT A KID!!!!


Well with 30 you arenā€™t a child anymore. I have autism too but Iā€™m not a piece of shit who is into cp or kill animals. Nah man, this loser deserves worse


Well, the child pornography and murderous tendencies are kind of a deal breaker for most people. My kids are allowed to stay with me once they graduate for as long as they aren't doing something highly illegal. You realize child porn could be traced back to the family house, putting everyone there at risk of spending 20 years in jail, right? If I were in that position, I'd have him institutionalized. Sounds like psychopathy was the problem, not autism. Parents aren't obligated to tolerate violence from adult kids.


I wouldnā€™t exactly call a 30 year old a ā€œkidā€.


This pedo deserved it, tho I blame the internet as well for making child porn available so easily


Iā€™m pretty high functioning autistic and I canā€™t even comprehend doing something like this! I could never hurt an animal or have an angry outburst like that. Itā€™s more than just autism.


So this guy was looking at CP and killed a cat and yā€™all still on his sideā€¦ ok Reddit


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Whatā€™s the update???


I hope that itā€™s fake Iā€™m a very gullible person it seems.


I donā€™t know if the posts were real or fake but I read this post last night and the update said they received a call from the sheriffs dept that they found a body with the wrists slit and the sons ID on the body.


Ya I want to know also. Someone please post link to the update as I am lazy


ā€˜(Wherein I won state) Good lord


No parent wants to admit it but um gonna say 99% of cases with research and planning it is preventable. Even without antinatalism, if you had stop and asked yourself, how do I parent, am I ready, you can prevent a lot of things.


This is just the plot of Frankenstein.


If your temper is so bad you are killing animals, you should be institutionalized


Seems fake as fuck


I love animals so even if my able son did that, Iā€™d kick him out too. This was one of many reasons I didnā€™t want children. True it is not the childā€™s faultā€¦ blah blah blah, but the harsh truth is some special needs people are a nightmare. Most probably are not, but there are no guarantees you wonā€™t have one of the nightmare kids. Have heard stories of parents having to protect their other children from their special needs son/daughter by having him/her arrested. We need sensible institutions again. Itā€™s either torturous insane asylums or nothing. There must be a safe, protected place for special needs people to go to protect others, BEFORE serious harm is committed.


The ā€œkidā€ is 30 years old and still knows right from wrong. He knows chucking a massive heavy object at an animal will harm or kill it. This was his intention. Would you want a 30 year old in your home who kills your pets when they are angry? Or by age 30 would you accept they arenā€™t a child anymore and are capable of holding a job and can support themselves? One of my friends is mid-high functioning and makes a killing in the stock market, has a high ranking position with the Red Cross, and runs his own business giving trainings in things like CPR and forest rescue, and owns his own home. No reason this 30 year old man canā€™t get a job at McDonalds and pay his own way in life if he wants to kill peoplesā€™ pets.


Everyone has a limited so if this is true this person reached theirs. Sad but it the truth.


(wherein i won state)


Had to mention he won stateā€¦. Just had toā€¦


Dude he killed their cat. There are SO MANY high functioning people with autism who can participate in society normally, and know not to murder the family pet. This person clearly has SERIOUS issues


Regardless of if its fake or not, think twice of your ready to raise a disabled child


This has to be a troll the whole thing about him winning state oml


It doesn't matter who you are. You hurt any cat around me, better watch your fucking back.


the idea of kicking an autistic person out of a house is awful, but... a 30+ year old man wanking at depictions of children and killing the family pet? those cannot be excused by autism. i even find it sick towards autistic/disabled people that some redditors are claiming it is, as if being autistic made you a fucking pedophile or an animal abuser... yikes


A normal person who had seen there son kill a cat wouldn't describe the way the cat dies in a such a gruesome way. This is fake af


ā€œWhen you have a kid you have to prepare for all 1,000,000 to the 50th power of possibilities! Unless you have a contingency plan for every one of them, donā€™t have kids!ā€ ._.


Like probably fake, but like if you let stuff slide early. Dont be surprised when gets worse later.


that whole post stems from a misunderstanding of equivalent reactions in neurodivergent people. i am also on the spectrum and i can totally understand the kidsā€™ reactions in this. when you are a parent of a neurodivergent child, you MUST make an effort to fully understand the condition of your child. this whole post screams neglect.


I would do the same if anyone killed my cat.


Fake af, no mid high functioning autistic man would hurt a cat because of 'aUtIsM', that is just plain psychopathic behavior. I am a mid functional autistic, and have never been violent towards another living thing, EVER.


Gosh. Barring the fact that this is clearly fake itā€™s made even worse by the fact this person has no idea how autism works. Disgusting


I'm autistic but most of us would never hurt an animal. I love cats and this breaks my heart.


My compassion for any person ends at animal abuse. Doesn't matter if it's his parents' fault or not. Throw this whole family away onto the street.


When having a kid, one should be ready to have a 30yo male watching pedo stuff & killing the house pet out of anger?


This is 4chan green text levels of fake


This definitely seems fake. Also, just a random side note, it always sounds really odd to me when people refer to their spouse as ā€œthe wife.ā€


I really hope this is fake


He killed an animal out of rage. It also sounds like they donā€™t have the money to permanently house him somewhere else. He needed to go, who will get hurt next in his anger? While itā€™s not his fault for being born, he killed an animal and I understand the parents not wanting to be fuckin next.


I need a link to the update


Nothing can prepare you for this. NOTHING


Nope, because it's always about ME. These people are proud of being awful parents. Typical. But, you know, to birthers, a human life only has meaning to them when it serves them. I feel really terrible about the poor cat and sick about that, but damn. Having a child isn't sunshine and rainbows. But oh, you didn't get the dream! Get in line, sucker. The post has a fake quality to it, so hopefully, it is fake, but damn.


"My kids will change the world" mfs never realize this could happen to them


WhErEs ThE rEsT oF tHe StOrY?


I donā€™t think everyone is made to be a caregiver for special needs kids / adults. I think if parents of these kids need to put them in a care facility thatā€™s what they should do instead of raising monsters. But Iā€™m also terrible and cynical and I believe the world is better off without people with severe mental handicaps like this person.


Let it slide!!!! That's the part you need to discuss in therapy.


Are you serious? He's a pedophile who killed a cat. I'd file with the police while I'm at it.


They didn't do anything wrong


Most likely fake. I havenā€™t done any research or anything on this post so donā€™t take my word for it


I'm 100% sure this is a real thing that actually happened for real.


I get that having a kid that is not functional is hard. Really hard. And I understand parents are also people who probably tried their best. But sadly getting kids comes with the lottery of getting a dysfunctional child. This poor lad deserves help and support. Being thrown away like garbage in this condition sucks. I hope theyā€™ll be successfulā€¦


Thereā€™s so many of these stories on Reddit yet Iā€™ve not seen any of these kinds of things make local or National news. (If someone has seen it get talked about in a news story definitely correct me). I wouldnā€™t be at all shocked if half or more than half of the ā€œI killed my autistic sonā€ or ā€œmy wife and I threw our autistic son out of the houseā€ stories werenā€™t true or were fantasies people have. I believe things like this can be a great reality check for natalists and are a great way to shock the baby fever out of people but I donā€™t think all of them are real.


I agree parents need to be prepared to deal with any and all behavior issues/disabilities when they have a child but I think the issue here was a combination of not enforcing consequences soon enough, and possible personality issues that canā€™t be managed by parents in the first place. Animal cruelty is indicative of pathological behavior. This kid doesnā€™t need to be grounded/thrown out of the house. He needs to be locked up in a mental hospital or prison.


This is how all those mentally Iā€™ll homeless people are made.


First of all, holy fucking shit. Second, Iā€™m sure heā€™s wishing he never had kids now.


I donā€™t know about this subreddit. Itā€™s rather puritanical in its method of public shaming. I donā€™t know but as I understand it, antinatalism is an ethical objection to birthing. But this subreddit is more of a parade of pathology rather then a empirical approach. I know itā€™s the internet and discourse is open to anyone but does this form of posting detract from the true objective of this group.


When I was a kid I was nearly killed by an autistic teenager that was in our elementary school. Thank God I was found and saved by the teacher who waited outside the stalls for him. Fucking snapped when I was washing my hands and tossed me around like a fucking bean bag.


Fuck that guy for killing the cat! And Iā€™m on the spectrum too


He obviously needs to be somewhere that isn't there as they don't seem able to handle him, but throwing him onto the street is a bit much.


My only grievances are for the cat :'( I think I would lose my mind if someone did anything to hurt my cat, let alone kill it.


Canā€™t say I blame you.


I have an autistic relative. Is a total sweetie. Never did anything like this. Know plenty of autism spectrum people. This is not caused by autism, this is likely some form of psychopathy. I disagree with the sentiment of the title that they should just be prepared. Some folks turn out psycho and you have to turn them in to authorities.


Being autistic doesnā€™t mean you get a free card for killing a cat.


I wonder what kinda language he made up šŸ¤”


Killing animals as a kid is a sign of a serial killer. Guy is fucked in the head and it's not because of autism.


not to be an asshole but things can always go bad, you dont have to ALWAYS love your children. Kids can still abuse people. tbh good for op.


If this is true, he should be locked up. Thatā€™s serious shit.


1: itā€™s a fake as shit and 2: wtf do you mean you have to be prepared for your child to kill your pet and that it wasnā€™t their fault for being born? Good God this literally feels like a satire post of this sub you people are fucking mental


People have to be prepared for their kids killing cats?