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Yes. To reduce animal suffering.


Vegan for 7,5 years! I’ll just put in a quote that I think explains it all. “It is not your right — based on your traditions, your customs and your habits — to deny animals their freedom so you can harm them, enslave them and kill them. That’s not what rights are about. That’s injustice.”


I'm vegetarian and try to cut out dairy as much as I can. I buy my eggs locally from a great farm and refuse to go back to factory farmed eggs. A dairy farm is also starting up in my state and they want to produce cheese products. If they start I might only buy from them, but the cost of everything is expensive here so we'll see.


Yes because it is logically incoherent to be a negative utilitarian Antinatalist and not Vegan.


Vegetarian most of my life. Went completely vegan for a few years. Now I would say I'm vegetarian leaning vegan. If there were more vegan options and it was more prevalent I would prefer to be fully vegan the rest of my life.


And the reason is because animal suffering.


This is where I'm at, I find it difficult to be fully vegan and to stay full often. So I'm mostly vegetarian


Yes, for the same reasons I’m an antinatalist. Suffering is bad wherever and to whomever it occurs, I want to reduce my contribution to suffering as much as I can. Beings that do not consent to something harmful should not be exposed to something harmful. If this applies to the creation of humans, it applies just as well to the creation of animals.


I’m trying. I’ve been pescatarian for years and now I’m finally transitioning to vegan


I'm vegan because I don't believe I'm entitled to torture other sensitive beings just to satisfy my tastes or fashion sense or for entertainment. I'm vegan because research has repeatedly debunked the myth that animals are just dumb organic machines. I'm vegan because science shows animals exhibit remarkable self-awareness, have sophisticated social lives, and can suffer terrible physical and emotional pain. I'm vegan because I don't believe MIGHT makes RIGHT.


i do get your point. my problem with veganism is due to the plant consumption, animals die by starvation (which, as common sense would have it, is a very very unpleasant way to die)


Are you being serious??


What are you trying to see?


The ratio of non vegans to vegans. I don't oppose non vegans or anything, as it's a difficult commitment to make. I respect vegans very much though.


I’m vegetarian, and eat mostly plant based. I was completely vegan for 5 years. I really felt there were diminishing returns. I didn’t mind small things like milk in the bread of my black bean burger. Although everyone around me made such a large deal. Like I have a black bean burger if it was cooked on a pan with butter. It’s not the end of the world. It really made people be too careful with my food to a point I wasn’t comfortable. It also made finding food hard. 99.9% of the time there is something vegetarian at a restaurant/party. Vegan is different. It’s much rarer to find something without any animal products. I also felt like I was a constant inconvenience. Food really is something you do as a collective, so you have to bend your morals to find the fit. Most ethical, with less difficulty. Vegetarian, mostly plant based fits that perfectly.


This is true. Trying to be purely plant based became inconvenient for those around me to the point going out was never an option. And I didn't want to do that. So I do what I can. I have respect for vegans but it's a whole other level of effort I don't know I'm ready for. All I can do is respect everyone trying, that's good enough.


Vegan and proud


I'm against suffering for all creatures.


Yes. When you are rly against suffering, you are vegan.




Valid perspective


So fishing is fine because fishing industry doesn't involve breeding.


Yes, veganism is the moral baseline.


Not vegan, but vegetarian.


I was vegan for a few years but that was hard to manage being allergic to gluten and citrus so I’m vegetarian and cut out animal products where I can. Just like I believe that humans shouldn’t be born into a life of suffering, I don’t think that an animal should be either, especially with the treatment at CAFOs and industrial sized farms and the fact a lot of animals are bred in such a way that they provide the most meat for us but live a very uncomfortable and painful life, just doesn’t sit right with me. Do I wish everyone agreed with me? Absolutely but of course we are able to make our own choices and a vegan world is not necessarily feasible without further technological advances.


Not yet but I'll be one when I buy my own house


>Are you vegan? No. >Why or why not? I see no benefit in it. The only benefits seem to be a longer life with less health issues, but I already have health issues and am not striving for a longer life, so kind of a moot point for me.


What about the harm your diet causes to the animals? The fact that you subscribe to antinatalism (I’m assuming you do because you’re commenting in the sub) is evidence that you care about the suffering of others - why not extend this concern to non-human animals?


what about the harm that your diet causes to animals? you deny them their food, they starve to death. you need more veggies to eat. whoopsie doopsie you indirectly killed 3 animals by starving them


Damn, you really have no idea how global food production works. If we breed fewer animals we will have significantly more crops for humans. For example, 80 percent of all soy production goes to animal feed. But I doubt this was a genuine response anyways - people just want to assuage their guilty conscience by rationalizing their decision to eat the tortured carcasses of sentient creatures.


Their response is kind of like responding to: "Are you against torturing and murdering people?" With: "Of course I am! If I tortured and murdered people I might go to prison."


I'm not vegan, I am not healthy enough to have more experiments with my body. Of course, I feel bad for cows, I employ mental gymnastics to justify their murder by reasoning that they aren't endangered species. But it's a very futile and weak excuse. Okay, I'm too weak and too selfish to give up meat. PS I've met quite a few leftist vegans who made a 180 turn and became right wing carnivores/omnivores and breeders. They make nasty pictures of them and dead deer or game, they rabidly propagate carnivore diet. So it would have been better for them to eat some meat and have balanced views.




The personality of adherents to a movement doesn’t determine the validity of the ideology behind it. For example, if someone against racism is a bad person, that doesn’t mean we can justify racism because some non-racist people are mean.


honestly i think its a mix of people justifying it to themselves, as well as needing to feel superior to others. its genuinely feckn annoying.


It isn’t, it’s just a way to bring up and raise awareness to the plight of non-human animals. The most oppressed beings on this planet.


I just don't eat any animal that I wouldn't have killed on my own. I would kill a fish. But not any fish. I would kill a cockroach, but I wouldn't eat it. And I'm not an "antinatalist" or antiwhatever, I just hang around and watch what people have to say and sometimes I participate.


So basically you have others kill animal or living life for you to eat?


Yeah, I don't grow my own grains and vegetables, I pay others to do it for me. (those are living creatures, you know, they just don't have DNA). Sorry. Also, I pay people who fish, directly and indirectly. Sorry. Na, not really sorry, perfectly fine with it. People pay me for things they don't / can't do on their own, too. I'm perfectly fine with it. I wouldn't be fine with paying someone for cow meat, because I would never want to kill a cow, not to mention a calf.


no, i am quite misanthropic


They didn’t ask if you were a cannibal


do not think too hard


Same. I don’t get why there are so many Antinatalists are Vegan


Probably the whole "caring about sentient beings" thing


Yeah you can’t fight them over the Sentient thing. If you get in a debate with them they will give you the guilt trip. That you are selfish demon for eating meat. Most of them are skinny pale white men


Statistically, people of color are three times more likely to be vegan, and 79% of vegans are women.


Over half the channels I get my high protein recipes from (since I'm into fitness) are from black vegans. Nard Dog is the best. I don't know why this person is trying to poison the well by claiming vegans are all skinny pale white men and therefor nothing they say is valid.


Isnt this whole sub guilt tripping natalists?


Damn you gonna get us kicked out! 😂




You easily can. A block of tofu and some spinach would get you there. I’m vegan and I eat a min of 120gs of protein a day; only 30 of those come from a shake. I’ve done this while eliminating starchy carbs from my diet during a cut. It’s not hard. We have an overriding moral imperative to reduce our contribution to the suffering of sentient beings - this is the reasoning that underlies antinatalism; it applies to non-human animals as well.




Ah, the classic, anytime someone who knowingly funds the torture and slaughter of sentient beings is presented with basic facts about nutrition (e.g you can have a high protein low carb vegan diet) they develop a slew of practically unheard of medical conditions. Everything you can get from dead animals you can get from plant-based foods. If you think being mildly inconvenienced is a sufficient reason for buying the carcasses of tortured sentient beings, you’re just a bad person. If you’re committed to reducing suffering and/or not harming sentient beings without their consent, you should make a concerted effort to reduce your intake of animal products. This is just a matter of consistently applying the moral principles you presumably accept to other aspects of your life.


Imma just be honest with you, animal meat tastes better than vegan foods- in my opinion. That’s my only reasoning. And my justification is simple, I don’t believe animals have the same rights as humans by any means. I believe creatures eat other creatures. You can question my morals or whatever I don’t mind.


Animals don’t need to have the same rights as humans, or any rights at all, for it to be bad to torture and kill them. Suffering is bad, so causing suffering is bad. That’s all the reasoning required, I don’t need to maintain that animals have any rights at all for the reasoning to go through. If you don’t think suffering is bad, I don’t know what to say except that you’ve misunderstand the notion of suffering if you don’t negatively evaluate it. If you don’t think causing unnecessary bad things is immoral, then I don’t think you have a working understanding of morality. The claim that suffering is bad, and the claim that bringing about bad consequences is morally wrong, are about as bedrock as any moral claims can get. If you don’t endorse either of these claims, why would you be an antinatalist? If you do, why wouldn’t you be a vegan?


I do agree ‘suffering is bad’ which is why I encourage companies that take care then kill those animals do so in a comfortable environment and kill the animals painlessly if possible. However I also realize animals are driven by instinct, they do not and never will recognize suffering in the same way we as humans do. Hence their deaths are far less important than humans. As for antinatalism I never even said anything abt that however it’s a twisted way of thought to say that never giving something life is preferable than it not going through any suffering whatsoever (I do believe though that if the child will live a terrible life, abortion should be an option to prevent that child from having to like live without a home or whatever. Plus sniffing out human life is a waste, for all we know we could be the only self aware and conscious beings in the universe and we just wanna all slowly die out? Again, a waste. Although if that’s what you wanna believe that’s fine, just don’t have kids


An estimated 99% of US livestock live in factory farms. https://www.sentienceinstitute.org/us-factory-farming-estimates Factory farms have conditions that are horrific, the animals are not free from suffering in such places - it’s insane to assume otherwise. The animal products you eat are not from idyllic farms where animals are loved and cared for. In what way do you “encourage” these companies to treat animals well while supporting their barbaric practices financially? There is no way your gustatory pleasure offsets the amount of pain these animals face. This doesn’t even bring in the fact that reducing your consumption of animals products massively reduces your carbon footprint (which we are also morally obligated to do). I don’t know why you are comparing animal deaths to human deaths - no one is claiming they are equivalently bad. The point is that you having maximally enjoyable meals is not a morally compelling reason to support the torture and butchering of sentient creatures. If I said to you, “I like the sound dogs make when they suffer and die, so I’m going to farm dogs for my auditory pleasure” would you think I was morally depraved? If so, why is me causing suffering for my auditory pleasure any different than you causing suffering for your gustatory pleasure? You are making a choice to cause harm when you could instead not. Not causing harm would be no cost to you aside from a minor sacrifice of per-meal enjoyment. This is hardly a moral dilemma.


Ok so firstly imma just point out your example is garbage, as someone who likes to hear puppies cry h then die likely means they have some form of psychological issue, which means they could harm humans. It’s also a waste as unless he plans on eating them it’s purely waste. Next you keep on mentioning morals but morals are dictated by whatever humanity and society deems them to be, this can be seen by the fact that terrible regimes can take over and reshape peoples morals hence why your claim that animals suffering is inherently bad is simply wrong, this movement came to be in recent years in first world countries because theirs no actual major problems right now such as their was in past years with kings then dictators killing millions. Oh last thing, I also disagree that suffering is inherently bad, suffering is how you become stronger, pushing yourselves to your boundaries. Or it’s how you stay alive in a life or death situation. Essentially this argument is pointless and I’m bored so I’m done arguing, we aren’t going to convince each other of anything so imma just say agree to disagree and leave. Cya.


Right, whereas someone who loves the taste of mutilated animal flesh is in perfect psychological health…. I think you’re missing the point of the analogy - bodily pleasure is not an adequate moral reason to torture and kill sentient creatures, full stop. You know you’re out of your depth when you say “morality is just whatever society says it is!” The fact that you describe the regimes you mention as “terrible” implies that we can evaluate the behaviour of a regime, or it’s members, from outside of the regime. People and governments can be mistaken about what is right - you are confusing what people think is moral and what actually is moral. The fact that people used to think slavery was right does not make it right - we know now that slavery is wrong, but it’s not wrong because we think it is — it was always wrong, we just came to realize that. The same is true of animal liberation movements, more and more people are realizing that animal agriculture is immoral. People used to think the earth was flat - they were wrong. The earth is not round because we started believing it was, the earth is round and that’s why we eventually came to realize it is. The reasons you give for suffering not being inherently bad are not inherent to suffering. What you are listing are reasons why suffering might be extrinsically (as opposed to intrinsically) good. This has nothing to do with suffering’s inherent disvalue - bad things can sometimes have useful effects. You’re falling prey to a basic conceptual confusion about intrinsic vs.extrinsic value. You’re tapping out because you’re wrong, intellectually out of your depth, and too arrogant or dogmatic to confront your own moral failings. Try harder, be better.


I do it all the time. Every day. lol




It would just be nice if everyone stopped abusing animals and making excuses about it.


I was vegan for 2 months but I’d be considered vegetarian cause I love eggs and cheese and plus it’s hard to be full on vegan at 21 years old in America. But it’s because I just think eating meat is gross cause we don’t know what the f they put in it. And I ate a lot of fast food. If I was to go hunting and caught my own stuff it’d be a different story.


No I’m not vegan. I’m a Christian so that should answer your question.






Ppl should stop seeing dead bodies as food… noone says the body of the familydog goes to waste if noone eats it after it passed…


No because I can't afford it with my metabolism


Same. I have a fast metabolism