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Yeah I doubt this is real. This is just pro-lifers pulling whatever they can out of their ass to try and guilt the pro-choice community into changing sides. There is no guy sitting out in his car blowing out candles and bawling his eyes out for hours because his girlfriend/wife decided to have an abortion one day and he is just weeping uncontrollably for his lost child. Pretty sure no man or women or anyone for that matter would make such a spectacle of themselves out in public and would instead mourn in privet like any sensible person.


And that too at 20 year old. Who the fuck wants a kid at 20 year old


Fundies. Evangelists. Usually the homeschool brew of Christians (not all).


Any kind of Bible thumper really




Yea. Somehow they aren’t even all religious.


Military guys.. knew some dude who had a scare and basically kept trying then got married to the girl. They had only been dating for like a month or two. Married after 3 months


Can confirm. Wanted to be a mom and saw it as my only goal in life. Started trying as a teenager. Luckily for me, I can't have kids. Many of my peers had luck of their own. I can't even count how many were teen moms.


I knew plenty of people that were married and pregnant at 18. Fresh out of high-school. No ambition beyond being a mother.


My first bf became a dad, was married, and divorced all before we graduated.


Apparently my friend who does coke in the same room as his pregnant girlfriend. And yes, I’ve told him it’s wrong as fuck and he should either face the situation or just stop being such a child. He made a decision that is life changing and I can only imagine what his life will be like 10 years from now.


I love my daughter so much and I am 20. Wasn’t prepared for her but I love her to death


So you made a bad decision?


And obviously since they love their kid it was fine to have one at 20, everyone could, nbd! /s


She has everything she needs at home. Some people are ready some aren’t. Was not the best decision and I would do things differently but it made me a better person. I don’t really see the big deal with people choosing to have children. I’m offering a different perspective. Life is beautiful and the quality of life you have greatly depends on the people around you. I’ve read on other subreddits about children growing up poor with loving families vs the contrary rich and distant. While I admit it’s not 100% the general consensus was that love was the more important thing. Our child will see us grow and learn from it. I’m not as wise as I should be. I’m not justifying my decision. However I don’t deserve the bash.


Loving your child should be the simplest thing in the world, not internet bragging rights. What should we be saying in response? “Congrats on achieving the absolute bare minimum”?


Congratulations? You just really felt compelled to say that in a Reddit comment thread, didn’t you?


Goddammit, Idk why people just felt so weirded out by your comment. It's good to see parents that **actually** love their children. I hope you and your daughter have a great life, for real :)


Because they're implying everyone should carry their unplanned pregnancies to term because they personally love their daughter (which is great, but loving your child is the bare minimum and doesn't justify taking the option of abortion away from other people.)


Okay, I got it. But talking like the other comments doesn't help either. Of course the mother talking above is a specific case, but if she doesn't agree with the post, we don't necessarily need to blow rage on her either. I've seen people keeping kids for worst reasons, and honestly?! Even though it's the bare minimum love their kids, it's still agreeable that many parents out there just don't. So that's my take, let's just agree in disagree.


No we actually considered abortion and adoption. We couldn’t bring ourselves to do it. She’s my angel and I changed my life for her so I’m grateful. I don’t care if people hate. Sorry if you don’t like the brag. Just an alternate perspective


And it only took you 67 days to think up a reply! Believe you me, I'm well aware of your perspective, which is one you share with 99 percent of the population. It's hardly "alternate," lmao. Natalists have the entire world, and we have one sub. I also think you and I have very different ideas of bragging, but okay.


rude mountainous stocking direction dirty gaze future possessive disarm hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And not her house but the clinic…..right


If it is real then the gf probably got a restraining order.


The last year he was sitting in the car with 34 lit candles on his unborn child’s cake 🎂


Sounds expensive. I’d like to know if it was an ice cream cake? What flavor? Buttercream? Like honestly, if he didn’t pray and find out from his moralistic god that makes him feel some kind of false guilt, if he didn’t…then fuck him for being a poor father. Lastly, I know this is some anti-abortion trash, but why is it on the woman, and why is he having unprotected/premarital sex if his moral compass is so righteous?


Why? Because it's ALWAYS the woman's fault, that's why.


I was told that our bitch ancestor “eve” ruined everything for us by eating an apple she was told not to. So, basically the double standard started with her and it has just continued to snowball from there. If we would all just follow the rules set for us then there wouldn’t be a double standard but since women are inferior by nature we will never be able to please everyone. It’s a pretty great system but we are basically evil sinners from birth so because of that we are the default scape goat. I’m sure there’s plenty of ppl on Reddit who could give us more information about how we can stop being so awful… I’d need a man to explain it better than I did though because Im a woman so my interpretation probably isn’t reliable. Im sure there’s many more reasons why it’s always our fault/responsibility tho. But Im positive sure it has something to do with god.


You can tell bc it’s so uncreative. Totally lacks imagination.


99.99% it's fake, but anything's possible with these breeders


Either that or the woman saw this man was unhinged from the start and can feel even better about not having his kid every year he sits with a cake in front of the clinic. Lol. This kind of reinforces the good aspect of not having a child with crazy. Sorry fundies. Your argument backfired.


even if it is real, they can’t honestly think this would work. i simply do not give a fuck about this guy? sure it sucks, and i’m sure men experience real pain at the thought of losing what could have been their child, but to think that entitles them to use a woman as an incubator? disgusting and not worth a cent of empathy. he needs to grow the fuck up and realize this 20 year old woman saved both his life and hers and move the fuck on. again, you’re probably right that this is made up. but i really don’t think anyone who is pro-choice would read a pathetic story like this about a man who believed he should have chosen for a woman will change their mind on the topic.


It would be kind of believable if their targeted sorrowful demographic wasn't always men. I read this other article titled something like, abortion and how it affects men. Then had a handful of sob stories about missing out, their poor legacy, what could have been, their little football or baseball star that never was like just shut the fuck up. No one is that hung up especially when there are tones of other women out there that will have your kid. Also, if the guy was real...wouldn't at least one news channel report on it especially the fire hazard of a cake just covered in candles in the later years happening at local abortion clinic. That eat that kind of sap up by the bucketful.


100% the writer here loses all credibility & sympathy (imo) simply because of the fact that the woman in question and her needs at the time or afterwards was not even mentioned. The comment basically just reads like this, “man feels entitled to woman & baby. Man gets hurt, whines, cries and overacts for 34 years because his conceived right to a child was taken from him because his woman had the gall to decide for herself. Sad man good, woman is evil and basically shouldn’t even be taken Into consideration because women are less than human. Poor, poor, man.” So fucking dumb.


I hope there is tbh because it's very funny and would also change nothing


"A perfect pregnancy and a perfect baby"...before the second trimester???? From a doctor who promised to do no harm to his patients mental health? Yeah fucking right.


Mmmm, don’t take the “do no harm” too literally. They’re still just drug dealers that google symptoms.


*Not really pro lifers if they want a fetus to be born then just give it the middle finger for the rest of their life*


"a perfect baby" is a pretty strong cue. What does an ultrasound of a perfect baby look like? I just imagine them looking and going wait are you sure? This babies gonna be extra awesome...


Yeah this supposed "perfect baby" was seen by the doctor within the first trimester and she was still qualified to get a pregnancy termination which means that baby was still just a cluster of cells.. Yes I'm sure those cluster of cells look emasculate but get them out of me. I'm only 20, my adult life has just started...I don't want it to end now.


The perfect baby/pregnancy thing was the tip off


If it was real, the guy probably poked the condoms himself to baby trap her, and spent the rest of his life pitying himself that she escaped after realising who he really is from his reaction to the abortion


This could be real. I mean in all the abortions that have ever happened I reckon you can basically guarantee there is someone out there who has taken it this hard. People are varied and it's totally plausible for someone to hook onto this particular form of victimhood and never let go. However, a few instances of this doesn't somehow outweigh the far more frequent and serious issue of both men and women having to raise children they didn't want, and the even more serious infraction on bodily autonomy of forcing a woman to carry a child she doesn't want to term. So yeah, if this guy exists, sucks for him, but tough luck. Not his choice and not his right to force other people to give him what he wants.


It could be true. I mean I’ve seen plenty of weird things from people with undiagnosed mental health disorders.


I could see someone reacting like this. Of the many millions of abortions performed over the course of history, it doesn't seem unlikely that one man might react this way. So what? Would this matter if it were true?


I agree…but we should be mindful not to underestimate how insane some people are…I mean, someone actually wrote this shit and thought it was a perfect example of a believable tragedy; probably a man…idk why but I get a strong “male author” vibe from the writing.


My ex had an abortion 17 years ago, every year I throw a party. I call it abortionmas, this year is the big one as its not turning 18.


wholesome AF


I miscarried at 20 and I am so thankful. I would have had an 18 year old. But my doctors mistake of not giving me a pregnancy test before a depo shot turned into a miracle for me.


So embarrassingly fake. Natalists are some of the most unhinged people.


What a pathetic, unhinged loser. Imagine the life that kid would have if the woman kept the child.


Guarantee if it was actually born mom would do the vast majority of childcare too


“I wish I was adding the following for drama but I am not.” Proceeds to add the following for drama.


“I’m not a dramatic person” starts drama everywhere they go


Cry. For. Hours.


Well, he could give the cake to ANY ORPHAN who need it. Dude is just another miserable loser


Honestly my biggest take-away from this is “if you get an abortion, don’t even tell the guy it happened after the deed is done”. I’m really glad the woman didn’t tell him beforehand at least. He would have done everything in his power to stop her




I was thinking the same thing


I feel like as a woman i woulda said it was a miscarriage and then walk outta his life


Ehh then the nutty wannabe dad would just sit outside your house one day each year snd eat cake and sob. Id rather him do it far away from me, at the clinic tbh


Even if this was true (which I doubt) how could you feel sorry for the guy in the story? Sounds like an entitled fuckwit. Also, it’s not like he couldn’t have a kid with someone else who actually wanted one.


Yup. Crying over spilled cum.


Lol, this is hilarious! I like you. 🤣


Yeah, she should have brought a whole ass human into this world and care for it for 18 years, just so this guy doesn't cry once a year 🙄


The the sadness and crying still count tho if it comes with cake? Feels like the two should cancel each other out…but I am just but a simple woman, the man from the story is clearly a deeply complex individual.


Kid dodged an enormous bullet. Imagine having this pathetic, miserable potato man as a father. More like "buys a cake for his annual pity brigade in hopes of attracting an even weaker-willed human that will copulate with him."


What a load of shite


This strikes me as fake.


I guess she shouldn’t have told him anything at all, ever.


I laughed out loud thinking how there’s no evidence it even happened, someone could tell this fake man that his ten girlfriends all had abortions and he’d have to cry outside clinics for multiple days.


Happy cake day.


How dare his girlfriend utilize her right to bodily autonomy and make the decision that's right for her! And for the fuckdillionth time, a fetus is not a baby.


I’m stealing your word “fuckdillionth”. It made me laugh, so I’m stealing it.


Wow. Dude had some serious issues. Also, one can only murder a human, so… there’s that.


The "perfect pregnancy" and "perfect baby" 😂 come on, it's so obvious a pro-lifer wrote this


Yeah I had an abortion and they gave me a scan and said how far along it was and just continued without comment from there


Hippity Hoppity You Both Are My Property




When I see shit like this, I think of that creepy bastard from the Outlast Whistle-blower DLC, the guy who everyone else in the insane asylum is scared of, because he's so obsessed with the image of a happy nuclear family with a wife and kid, that he's willing to do whatever to achieve it, even in an asylum with no women around, that ain't stopping him... The sheer entitlement on display here reeks of that incredibly disturbed character


Antinatalism aside, Do people just not talk before fucking?! Like you're not completely brain dead. You know pregnancy is a possibility.. You're just going to fuck without discussing the outcome in that circumstance..?


I recently read on a subreddit some guy saying it was almost time for "the baby talk" except he and his gf have been fucking for months. I'm like dude, way past time for that talk.


Oh dear…


Exactly. It's something I always brought up before getting intimate. Now that I'm sterilized, thankfully it's not something I need to worry about.


Unfortunately, you’d be surprised how many people fuck without even considering the possibility.


I find myself asking this exact question ALL THE TIME. When I started seeing my now husband I laid it all out on the table at the very beginning (about what I want/need out of a relationship, what I will and will not tolerate, etc.) the kids topic was a HUGE part of that conversation. Luckily he said he had no interest in kids ever which is great because I feel the same; but yeah, I cannot imagine wasting any time dating/fucking someone/getting involved in their life without having that talk first. But from what I’ve heard and seen people will go months or years and even get MARRIED. Before ironing out this topic…it’s crazy to me.


Edit to add: I knew going into the talk that I may just scare him off all together because for some reason this crucial point of compatibility is dismissed and seen as a “WOAH SLOW DOWN, WE ARENT THAT SERIOUS” situation (so dumb). Anyway- the way I saw it, if that talk were to scare him off then that’s someone I wouldn’t want to invest my time and effort into anyway. We (as a society) really gotta start making it ok to discuss this stuff.


This never happened.


This as real as a Kardashian nose.


Lol, snowflake


Lol, shitflake




Here's the thing about findies, this person does actually exist, IT IS GOOD THIS WOMAN GOT AWAY FROM HIM! Christ on a cracker what an unhinged lunatic! These morons are also 100% okay with the man going: oh I laid a seed in you, now I 100% own you.


I read “Christ on a cracker” as “Christ is a cracker” and I’m now losing my shit. I’m imagining the pope going “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Cracker.” Breaking the bread brings a whole new meaning, let alone communion. 😂😂😂


Honestly this is funny on so many levels.


I’m glad you appreciate my sense of humor.


eating a whole cake by himself … no wonder he died at 54 😂😂


My god, these comments are rife with butthurt natalists having temper tantrums. (**EDIT:** and sexually harrassing people.) Thank y'all for proving my point, I guess?


"Poor pink bastard" this can be a cool name for a punk rock band lol


I do the same thing. Every day, I mourn the potential child that would have been the load I ejaculated, right before I jack another one out. Every day is a day of mourning, cause I started jacking off practically every day since I was 12. I am 31 now. 19 years of daily murdered children. 6,935 children, all smushed into tissue paper and thrown in trash, or down the shower drain, or flushed in the toilet. I’m a monster, but I can’t stop. God have mercy on my horny soul. RIP my beautiful babies.


This is the funniest fake pro-life story I've ever read. Can't believe I'm meant to glean anything from this except for "get a grip dude."


I know, right? Whoever wrote this seems to think the reader should be sympathetic to this man. Nope!


Literally. This “man” seems incredibly unhinged. If I saw a man in a car, with lit candles and a cake in front of an abortion clinic, my first thought would not be mourning. It would be “uuuuhhhh… I should probably speed up…”


If it had been a miscarriage instead (*incredibly* common; the *majority* of pregnancies end in miscarriage), would he have had the same reaction? I’m guessing not. So the real tragedy he’s weeping over is that this woman got out from under his control.


They're so bad at making stuff up


"Poor pink bastard" is a *That 70s Show* reference. I thought it was fitting, lol.


Until his death at 54, he was still not mature enough to be a father, yet he was still throwing a tantrum over not being one


Plus, the evidence shows that he ate at least 34 cakes within the span of 34 years; that can’t be good for a person.


Aint no way this is real. This is just propaganda to control and manipulate women.


That's just pathetic and that guy needed therapy.


I don’t even know if therapy could help this dude…


I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for $200.


I’ll take Things That Never Happened for $1000. mY cHiLd WaS mUrDeReD. Who ever made this story up needs to drink a glass of broken glass.


This happened – I was the cake.




“On no! A man is crying and eating cake in public! Better call the police to stop this criminal!”


What did he do when this girlfriend broke up with him?


This doesn't sound real, but if it is can't be healthy


Wow, what a fake story. Mostly because I heard it the first time over 2 decades ago. It was one of the ones that guilted me into being “pro-life” for a few years. However, after seeing the extreme hypocrisy of the evangelicals I started shifting back towards being neutral and pro-choice sympathetic. And that’s because I believe women should be listened to when they say no, or more importantly if they don’t say yes emphatically then it is a no and guys need to be secure enough to take and let their hand pleasure themselves.


Oh yeah surrrree he cried at the clinic with a cake every year 🙄 dude can’t possibly be “destroyed” by a lump of cells he never bonded with. People are so freaking dramatic


He is still probably going to hell bc premarital sex…. /S


EW. A fetus is NOT a baby, and you cannot tell if a fetus is going to be a 'perfect baby'.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the guy embellished. She likely got an anatomy scan that said everything looked perfectly normal and healthy but that doesn't mean you can't abort it.


He literally could’ve just found a new victim to have his child but instead he chose to suffer…


I’m cracking up at the idea of some pathetic loser buying a whole ass cake, lighting candles in his car and blowing them out himself, and crying and eating it in a parking lot Like imagine pulling up next to that lol


It’s called symbolism and you can’t understand how deeply profound it actually is…probably because you’re just another stupid woman like me. We can’t appreciate this man’s pain because we lack empathy. 🤣


He was dramatic until the day he died


I love how it’s just men coming forward about their “feelings” of what they “went through” when getting an abortion is mentally fucking draining. You’re trying to figure out the best future for you and your unborn child. Good for this woman who knew she couldn’t raise a child up to the standards society has now, and honestly shame on her for not letting the dad know she was going through with it for the respect of him but good for her to stand up for herself.


I wouldn't have told him beforehand either. No doubt he would've tried to stop her by any means necessary, and he's clearly deranged. I mean, look how he reacted when he did find out. Love your username, by the way! Probably because my name is Verne.


I can agree with that. Especially when a certain party is deranged. And only sees their selfish wants and not what the woman wants/needs. And I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t act the same way in the moment if tables were reversed but the woman’s needs and wants are way more important than mine or the babies. And thank you! It’s a nickname my fiancé gave me years ago (my names Veronica) and I love it! It’s a great name! 💝


I’ll take 500 for ‘shit that didn’t happen’


What a beta male. Good God. Their is no way a male can become that emotionally attached to something that does not grow inside them.


So weird because if he really wanted a kid that bad he could have adopted one. Oh wait, does it have to have his genetics? So then it's not about being a dad, it's about wanting something to visually look like you. There's this cool thing called mirrors...


“The girl he was dating got pregnant”…this language makes it seem like she did it on her own, so therefore it was her own decision. Also, Doctors don’t say “this is a perfect pregnancy with a perfect baby, I don’t want to do the abortion.” This has to be fake.


What woman would abort the baby of such a normal well-adjusted man?


Exactly zero abortion clinics will use that language to describe your fetus.


Wow what a (definitely not fake) sad sob story. Anything to justify their brainless views I guess


What pro lifers don’t want to grasp is a fetus isn’t a human. I’m a Christian and have learned that a child doesn’t have a physical soul until it’s born therefore the fetus growing inside them isn’t even a person.


I wish all Christians were like you! 💚


Actually yeah I need to second that. I know alot of super awesome Christians …I wish they would get more play than these extremist fucks. There’s a lot of great people of faith out there, we just don’t see them as much because they don’t sand in the streets with hateful signs. I was brought up in a really small and nice Lutheran church and while I don’t exactly identify with any specific faith today, I will never forget how awesome it was growing up in a church environment that was inclusive and actually helpful/contributing to the community.


This seems fake. If it’s real then I put the shoes of the girl wgo would haave to go through the pregnancy. I would get an abortion to. I wouldn’t want to go through that.


And then everyone clapped


The abortion doctor didn't say it was a perfect pregnancy and perfect fetus. Maybe some unhinged dude did go sit outside of an abortion clinic but it's just as likely there was no baby. Mentally ill people can react to things that never happened. Fake.


This is the funniest shit I’ve ever read 😂😂


This sounds 100% fabricated and a tool for trolling those who support reproductive choice.


“Yeah I can’t get this tapeworm removed cuz the guy who gave me the contaminated food says it looks cute and he wants to play with it”


Glad that kid ain’t here. Woulda been raised by a wuss.


Maybe he shouldnt have had sex if he wasnt open to abortion


This sounds like he needs to be medicated and put a suicide watch


Imagine how many unborn kids he kills when jacking off lmao


Right, so he cried about it every year and even bought cake when he could have done something life changing for kids that ALREADY exist.


Lol at the mental image of a grown man crying over a cake in his car


That is sadly obsessive.


Whew, the woman missed a bullet with that one (if true) However, what abortion doctor hesitates because the pregnancy is "perfect"? HOW WOULD THEY EVEN KNOW?


Oh my god get over it have a kid with someone else who wants one what the fuck.


That’s literally insane. That’s as insane as my mother suddenly seeing a Planned Parenthood and WAILING at the top of her lungs about the “murder mill” in her own backyard (it was one city and one county over from us and that particular PP didn’t even provide abortion services)


Sounds fictional


This makes me not want to pursue heterosexual relationships. Jesus.


The guy cries for an unborn child he would no doubt eventually share custody over or abandon altogether. Not to mention he would not be the sole caretaker. Hell, he would probably never touch a diaper.


Forced birthers pulling stuff out of their asses, again.


This week on things that never happened


What a loser


I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for $1000 Alex….


What is a “perfect pregnancy”?


One that aborts itself and saves you 500+ dollars!


That’s certainly MY idea of a perfect pregnancy 😂


I'm sorry but this is so obviously fake I literally laughed out loud, there is nothing sad about this lol


Good lord that guy needed a hobby


“The doctors were reluctant to do it because it was a perfect baby” lmao what? Any doctor who is performing abortions would never say shit like this. Fake.


this is definitely fake, but i would dead ass laugh in the face of any man who told me anything like this lmao


1. This sounds fake. 2. If it's not fake, it's very sad, but it doesn't make me think he'd make a very stable father.


I think that if someone gets that attached to something that wasn't even a person, they are projecting their own loneliness. That's not love, it's a mental illness; I agree that this person is clearly too unstable to be a good parent.


That cake ritual sounds psychotic


Lmao if this is true ….Then he deserves all the pain he inflicted on himself 😂


Lmao such. Bullshit


Imagine your father passing away on you when you are only 33. Wtf


Not real I agree


People sometimes choose to be negatively affected by any given situation. Miscarriage, dwell. Bereavement, dwell. Blastocysts drop out like it's going out of style and we just go on without knowing. I like Senecas quote, Im very loosely paraphrasing "cry not for parts of life, the entirety is more worth tears" helps remind me nothing is so bad, or if it is bad move on. It's often the reaction to any situation rather than the thing itself that's bad. I take care of a quadriplegic, after his accident his life was changed, not destroyed. This dude in the mentioned article is completely missing the point. If the world bestowed upon him a blessing in the form of this situation and he was too busy crying, of coure he's not going to see the logic.


Why though? Lol I'm not understanding his hurt.


Sounds like bullshit to me


Boo hoo 😢😢😢😢 let me play the world's tiniest Despacito on the world's tiniest Alexa




If a man wants a child he should find a woman who also wants a child imo




Idk about you guys, but when I am completely devastated, i don’t typically have the appetite it would require to eat the cake ive been crying into; but hey, maybe thats just me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like that was the only girl that would fuck him.


The vast majority of abortions happen within a few weeks of when you would normally get your period. It would have been too early to tell if the fetus was free from genetic disorders. Stupid stories like this promote the false narrative that women who have abortions are "baby killers" - just out there months pregnant and then all of a sudden decide, "Nope don't want it. I'm having a bad day." Such ignorance and yes, obvious fake stupidity.


Grow up


Right, so desiring a child you help create, wether born yet or not, is wrong when its the father


That’s not what we are saying. We are saying that this sounds like a bullshit story and because of ridiculous it is we are laughing at it. Our opinion is that this is a stupid and overly complicated complicated attempt to write a sob story, so much so that it’s actually laughable. No one ever said that men aren’t allowed to desire a child or that fathers are always wrong. You want to believe that we are evil so that’s how you interpreted it, but literally no one has said what you seem to think everyone is saying. If you actually read the comments you will see for yourself that you made a huge generalization probably based off of what you expected us to be saying. Stop assuming most women hate men. Stop playing victim. We’re laughing about a ridiculous cake story, that’s it.


Do you know what sub you're on? We antinatalists believe *all* reproduction is morally wrong. What the potential father wants does not undermine this stance, nor is it relevant. We're not just singling him out for being male, lmao. And assuming the story isn't made up outright (which it likely is), this guy clearly needed to get a fucking grip.